Search found 31 matches

by dchistoryman
Fri Dec 10, 2010 12:48 am
Forum: Current Events
Topic: Riots in London.
Replies: 19
Views: 1968

Riots in London.

<r>Yes the students have a right to protest but "rent a mob" doesnt. The usual supects turn up and try to engage the police in violence. As far as being screwed by the "man" (banks, government etc) it was ever thus. I would hope that peaceful protest will go on and have some success. I have always h...
by dchistoryman
Fri Dec 03, 2010 8:39 am
Forum: International Politics
Topic: wikileaks
Replies: 133
Views: 16004


GMC "F--k off you patronising bastard who do you think you are talking to. "

Nothing like reasonable debate eh
by dchistoryman
Fri Dec 03, 2010 2:24 am
Forum: International Politics
Topic: wikileaks
Replies: 133
Views: 16004


<t>GMC as you obviouly are I am fully aware of the Queens' regulations and I think you sre being a bit naughty here, of course committing atrocities etc is not what I am talking about. I am talking about a sqaud suddenly deciding to have a political debate whilst on a mission.<br/> <br/> Con't remem...
by dchistoryman
Thu Dec 02, 2010 2:51 am
Forum: International Politics
Topic: wikileaks
Replies: 133
Views: 16004


<t>I am not American I am British although I do have dual nationality.<br/> <br/> No i don't want to know everything they do, yes we and the USA trained the Taliban and we did it becuase it suited us at the time as they were the Mujahaddin then and they were fighting the Russians whose expansionist ...
by dchistoryman
Thu Dec 02, 2010 1:12 am
Forum: International Politics
Topic: wikileaks
Replies: 133
Views: 16004


<t>Spot.. The point is that a large amount of the so called leaks are personal opinions of the people who wrote them. e.g. Yes I think Russia is in the grip of the mafia and Putin maybe involved that's all there is... prove it then it has more credence. I would ask another question, do you really wi...
by dchistoryman
Thu Dec 02, 2010 12:45 am
Forum: Current Events
Topic: How did I miss this?
Replies: 5
Views: 463

How did I miss this?

Rearrange the following letters DOMASS, I'll help a bit, M*ss*d
by dchistoryman
Thu Dec 02, 2010 12:40 am
Forum: International Politics
Topic: wikileaks
Replies: 133
Views: 16004


<t>I had posted a thread "wikileaks yawn" but I will respond on here. Did no one already know or suspect any of this anyway! For God's sake it's always gone on. Just read a newspaper or listen to the news, ok you may have to read in between the lines a little but it's not that difficult. There is al...
by dchistoryman
Wed Dec 01, 2010 1:43 am
Forum: General Chit Chat
Topic: UK government and alcohol
Replies: 2
Views: 680

UK government and alcohol

<t>I thought that since we got rid of Brown and Blair and their associated nannies (harman, smithy et al) we would see the last of the nanny state. Oh no here we go, the latest wheeze is to stop us all drinking too much. Their plan .... raise the tax on stronger drinks, that'll work. I heard a spoke...
by dchistoryman
Wed Dec 01, 2010 1:36 am
Forum: General Chit Chat
Topic: Wikileaks...yawn
Replies: 0
Views: 506


<t>So Wikileaks reminds me of the ehadline "small earthquake no one injured" Is any of this a suprise to anyone who has the ability to read a newspaper of watch the news and read between the lines. So saudi want Iran bombed, Prince Andrew is an a******e, Cameron is a lightweight blah blah blah.<br/>...
by dchistoryman
Tue Nov 30, 2010 2:03 am
Forum: Conspiracy Theories
Topic: Evidence that 911 is an inside job
Replies: 25
Views: 6739

Evidence that 911 is an inside job

<t>Oh No lets all get our tinfoil hats on again!!!!!!<br/> <br/> OK before you worry about all the supposed evidence for a conspiracy think on this. As we speak somone is being paid loads of cash to leak documents to wikileak, these are really pretty low grade and nothing anyone who actually read th...
by dchistoryman
Sat Nov 27, 2010 2:22 am
Forum: General Chit Chat
Topic: Watch Out for Red Monday
Replies: 4
Views: 319

Watch Out for Red Monday

<t>I remember speding a Thanksgiving on Long Island and was amazed when one couple who were guests left at 8.30pm to get to the mall to queue!! Worse still they had no plan what they were going to buy but were prepared to spend plenty if they saw any "Bargains". BTW being a Brit Thanksgiving was the...
by dchistoryman
Thu Nov 25, 2010 12:46 am
Forum: The Library
Topic: Nixon
Replies: 3
Views: 1080


Just finished the new Nixon/Kissinger book by Robert Dallek. It was great, what a pair these two were. I know hindsight is always 20/20 but how did they ever survive so long?
by dchistoryman
Wed Nov 24, 2010 1:08 am
Forum: Current Events
Topic: N Korea S Korea exchange artillery fire.
Replies: 31
Views: 2798

N Korea S Korea exchange artillery fire.

<t>First off I suspect that the West has both encouraged and funded the installation of the equipment.<br/> <br/> Not sure where the idea comes from that the UN would support China more than the USA.<br/> <br/> This is all about internal power, the chief lunatic wants to hand over to the third son l...
by dchistoryman
Thu Nov 18, 2010 1:24 am
Forum: Societal Issues News
Topic: Christopher Hitchens facing death
Replies: 6
Views: 1101

Christopher Hitchens facing death

<t>Shame about that I have always had a soft spot for Hitchens. Yes he has got worse lately but I think he assumes that getting all shouty is the way that US audiences like it. On that note I am sure if I was faced with O'Reilly, Hannity et al I would become a bit shouty.<br/> <br/> I think that if ...
by dchistoryman
Thu Nov 18, 2010 1:17 am
Forum: Societal Issues News
Topic: Overweight Passengers
Replies: 4
Views: 974

Overweight Passengers

<t>Whilst inputting to the TSA thread I was struck by this. How come if I go a couple of pounds over my baggage allowance I have paid up to $150 for the privelige someone weighing 250lbs plus pays nothing. I am not skinny (5' 10" and 170lbs) but twice recently I have had to ask flight attendants to ...
by dchistoryman
Thu Nov 18, 2010 1:07 am
Forum: Conspiracy Theories
Topic: Airport Security is not about Security At All
Replies: 44
Views: 15426

Airport Security is not about Security At All

<t>I beleive it is necessary for the powers that be to take any measure possible that helps us stay safe. I really don't think that any of the agencies involved would do it just for fun of another hidden agenda. Why would they considering the cost involved. Like lots of people on here I fly a lot an...
by dchistoryman
Wed Nov 17, 2010 4:30 am
Forum: Conspiracy Theories
Topic: Airport Security is not about Security At All
Replies: 44
Views: 15426

Airport Security is not about Security At All

Torturing suspects....not sure if this is the same thing but I am not sure that despite the protestations of our respective governments torture produces questionable information.
by dchistoryman
Wed Nov 17, 2010 2:24 am
Forum: General Chit Chat
Topic: William and Kate
Replies: 2
Views: 3170

William and Kate

<t>Oh no it starts again. The main ITV news broadcast was a 40 minute special last night and 30 minutes of it was William and Kate. They even managed to squeeze in a substantial Saint Diana section. Save me please, I am very happy for them but in the great scheme of things it doesn't matter a hoot.<...
by dchistoryman
Wed Nov 17, 2010 2:17 am
Forum: Conspiracy Theories
Topic: Airport Security is not about Security At All
Replies: 44
Views: 15426

Airport Security is not about Security At All

<t>Flopstock.. Good luck if you are flying into Dulles!!! Actually coming in is ok but going out is a nightmare and I have to say the TSA officials at Dulles are the worst of any of the numerous airports I have experienced in the USA.<br/> <br/> I have always been amazed at bothe the lack of securit...
by dchistoryman
Mon Nov 15, 2010 7:38 am
Forum: General Chit Chat
Topic: Religious wars or terrain wars?
Replies: 22
Views: 994

Religious wars or terrain wars?

<t>"Personally I would prefer a war" who said that? So we now have preferences for wars!!!!!!!<br/> <br/> Having been in one and a couple of other "conflicts" I cannot possibly comment without getting banned, except to say that regardless of whether the war is territorial or religious a territorial ...
by dchistoryman
Mon Nov 15, 2010 2:11 am
Forum: Current Political Events
Topic: President Gerry Adams' Speech to the 2010 Sinn Féin Conference
Replies: 4
Views: 1942

President Gerry Adams' Speech to the 2010 Sinn Féin Conference

<t>I have to declare an interest here, in another life I served in NI at the height of the troubles so that certainly does colour my view and will also colour the view of some who read this but it is what it is.<br/> <br/> How will he be remembered? As someone with blood on his hands that's how. To ...
by dchistoryman
Tue Nov 09, 2010 1:24 am
Forum: General Religious Discussions
Topic: Anglicans Defecting
Replies: 20
Views: 1586

Anglicans Defecting

<t>Transubstantiation and that's it. basically they differ between how they interperet the presence of the body of Christ in the host, all mumbo jumbo.<br/> <br/> My personal answer is that I don't care at all except on the level that there is a huge institution in the world that still treats women ...
by dchistoryman
Mon Nov 08, 2010 10:25 am
Forum: General Religious Discussions
Topic: Anglicans Defecting
Replies: 20
Views: 1586

Anglicans Defecting

5 More Anglican Bishops left the church today and have joined the Catholic faith...

Do we care?
by dchistoryman
Mon Nov 08, 2010 1:42 am
Forum: General Chit Chat
Topic: Halloween
Replies: 0
Views: 342


<t>When did we start doing this in the UK?<br/> <br/> My Nieces and Nephews were far more excited about it than Guy Fawkes night. OK I understand the sweets are a big draw but I don't remember it being such a big thing say even 15 years ago.<br/> <br/> I have to say I have had some memorable hallowe...
by dchistoryman
Mon Nov 08, 2010 1:32 am
Forum: Films Cinema Forum
Topic: Carry On Films
Replies: 16
Views: 2304

Carry On Films

<t>Barbara Windsor is still going strong, bless her.<br/> <br/> Yes the infamy line was wonderful but I also love :<br/> <br/> Q "Hampton Court"<br/> <br/> A "No it's these trousers"<br/> <br/> From Carry on Don't Lose Your Head I think.<br/> <br/> If you get a chance read Kenneth Williams Diaries, ...
by dchistoryman
Fri Nov 05, 2010 1:29 am
Forum: International Politics
Topic: USA support for Israel
Replies: 16
Views: 1733

USA support for Israel

<t>GMC- What I mean't by the man/wpman in the street was that I have generally observed in discussions in the countries I mentioned that there was a desire to find a solution and they realised that really a "two State" solution" was required. OK they would rather not have it but they could see it wa...
by dchistoryman
Thu Nov 04, 2010 1:43 am
Forum: International Politics
Topic: USA support for Israel
Replies: 16
Views: 1733

USA support for Israel

<t>Illustrated above are exactly the problems we have when working in the region. Anyone can interpret history how they like especially when using sources such as the bible. I would be very careful of using such sources as historically accurate.<br/> <br/> Yes there are evil people in the area but h...
by dchistoryman
Wed Nov 03, 2010 2:09 am
Forum: Presidential Elections Campaigns
Topic: Republican victories
Replies: 107
Views: 21865

Republican victories

<r>So the GOP has Congress and came close to the Senate. I don't think this is as bad as it could have been. The reason; The GOP who during the campaign managed to avoid mentioning actual measures they would use to inprove tyhe lot of the USA now have to put up or shut up. If they start using their ...
by dchistoryman
Wed Nov 03, 2010 2:03 am
Forum: International Politics
Topic: USA support for Israel
Replies: 16
Views: 1733

USA support for Israel

Damn! I was going to tell them it was because of the Jewish media lobby!
by dchistoryman
Wed Nov 03, 2010 1:38 am
Forum: International Politics
Topic: USA support for Israel
Replies: 16
Views: 1733

USA support for Israel

<r>Not sure this is the correct forum but I will post anyway. Without boring anyone I do have to give some background. I spend some time working for NGO,s in the Middle East. I have in the been involved in research to provide Western Governments with position papers on the various conflicts in the a...
by dchistoryman
Fri Oct 22, 2010 12:55 am
Forum: The Library
Topic: Doris Kearns Goodwin
Replies: 1
Views: 1016

Doris Kearns Goodwin

<t>This book may already have been posted but I am new on here and there is such a lomg history I will fall asleep before I go back over it.<br/> <br/> Just read "A Team of Rivals" by the above author... wow the best political book I have ever read bar none. Lincoln must be hands down the best Presi...

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