What, How Why - Weight Loss Assistance

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Ken Dockins
Posts: 25
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What, How Why - Weight Loss Assistance

Post by Ken Dockins »

Dear ForumGarden Friends:

Recently, I've heard from many of you who face being overweight. Some are

struggling with it. Some have given up hope completely. Others are about to

just throw in the towel and simply "let it be."

I'm thoroughly familiar with the scenario. Being overweight causes leg,

ankle, and back pain plus other physical complications to breathing,

respiration, and energy levels. These, in turn, make it even harder to

incorporate helfpul exercise.

Plus, many of you have a similar job situation... stressful careers with

hectic hours or long schedules, wherein healthy food choices are not readily

available or conveniently found within your current environment.

All of the above weight related-issues are important ones to tackle. Yet,

these next two issues top off that list in order of priority:

1. Over-eating...

2. The actual CAUSES of over-eating.

First, let me offer you congratulations and support for doing what you have

done thus far. In addition, you do have one good thing in your favor - YOU


This may seem ironic, but you lose more weight by EATING than by NOT eating

because of foods’ thermal effects.

I have one helpful suggestion. This is based on the fact that eating in

itself is not harmful. Your body needs nutrition. The solution, however, lies

in 1) attempting to know what TYPES of food stimulate the fat burning

process, and 2) choosing to make them available.

Eating is pure and simple scientific fact, a physical one that will probably

never change. Yet, begin to recognize that your weight management task

emanates from a very NON physical perspective - social, environmental, or

emotional conditioning and stimulus.

As a Certified Lifestyle Weight Management Consultant, and as a Certified

Personal Trainer, I'll admit to you right now that my legal expertise ends

where eating disorder begins.

Please utilize my suggestions above and below. They are approved, ethical,

endorsed, professional, and reliable. Yet, if and when you recognize that the

CAUSES of your overeating lie in emotional, social, and/or other seemingly

uncontrollable areas, it may be time to step upward and speak with your


If you wish, I can help you research the most appropriate or helpful sources.

Before you do that, however, I have one more recommendation. The most recent

e-book I've written may give you some surprisingly enlightening fat-burning

tips and clues.

As we speak, I'm preparing a free e-book excerpt for online distribution and

publication throughout the world. You can have a free copy of that excerpt.

And, let me know how it helps you. The title is, "Six Meals A Day Diet."

Here are the basic contents:

Why Eat Six Times Per Day

What To Eat

Who Benefits

When Should I Eat

Where To Find Help

How To Approach Weight Loss In General

Here is what you are likely to get from it:

- Secrets about weight loss endurance

- How to create calorie deficit

- Which foods to eat to lose body fat

- How to balance energy-in with energy-out

- How to lose the acceptable and appropriate amount of pounds per week

- 10 tips for losing body fat, NOT vital, lean body tissue.

Honestly, I'm certainly not here to sell you anything. Appropriately, from

the stories you are describing to me, this is a way I can assist you, in a

very helpful way that is both professional and free.

Please let me know your progress and thoughts.


K e n
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What, How Why - Weight Loss Assistance

Post by alobar51 »

Diet plans like this come and go. They're based on some very general ideas that will provide modest success about a third of the time. This is actually a great business model for selling books and creating a consulting business, but does little to deepen understanding of the underlying flaws in the modern diet that create the problem.

There is no one size fits all, diet. What foods burn fat and are energizing to one, will put weight on and rob energy in another. Understanding which ones do which to you is the challenge each of us faces. There are metabolic anomolies that can easily be uncovered by asking the right questions.

As long as people buy into this cottage industry, the only thing being lightened will be their wallets.
Ken Dockins
Posts: 25
Joined: Wed Apr 26, 2006 12:59 am

What, How Why - Weight Loss Assistance

Post by Ken Dockins »

Yes, it is indeed true that GENERAL ideas about weight loss diet normally

accomplish very little to address causes or sources of eating anomolies.

No, a one-size-fits-all approach is not a good way to approach losing body

fat dependably. Further, no ethical, certified, professional, weight

management consultant dare says differently.

Of course, the best way to face individual weight loss challenges is via the

attainment of sound, ethical, accredited information. And, EDUCATION is key

to acquiring such knowledge or understanding about metabolism, energy

balance, and proper food choices.

In seeking to help those who constantly face body fat challenges, especially

those who experience less than satisfactory success, one must be extra

careful to avoid GENERALIZATION about body fat, dieting, weight loss and its

management. Here is where self-education helps you differentiate.

To repeat the main point here, SELF-EDUCATION is key to conquering or

mastering virtually any weight loss scenario one may encounter. Yet, your own

"trick" here is to assure that your sources are accredited ones, not based on

gut feelings. Losing body fat is a proven science that requires knowledge,

study, and controlled repetition.

Yes, several APPROACHES exist. That is why one should expect failure when he

or she chooses a one-size-fits-all weight loss methodology.

Yet, scientifically and professionally speaking, there are main, fundamental

weight loss concepts that almost ALWAYS apply. These approaches are sound,

proven, lasting, and self-empowering. One such example is "Negative Energy

Balance." Calories-in minus calories-out equals your current body weight.

The INVIDUALIZED challenge lies in LEARNING and mastering such principles,

with authority and conviction... PLUS applying them on a consistent and

regular basis.

If and when you find solid, accredited information - whether it be an e-book,

or otherwise, get it, and use it to your advantage. The weight loss world is

difficult enough without adding confusion and doubt.

Our jobs as ethical, reliable, and certified professionals are to help make

weight loss easier, longer-lasting, and safer.

You can find free, helpful information at:

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What, How Why - Weight Loss Assistance

Post by Marie5656 »

Suddenly have to hijack this thread long enough to ask :Where is the Tater???
Posts: 413
Joined: Tue Jan 04, 2005 1:00 pm

What, How Why - Weight Loss Assistance

Post by Erinna1112 »

Looks like someone might do well to read the rules...especially #2....
Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.

I swear by my life - and my love of it - that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine. ~Ayn Rand

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