Do you believe?

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Do you believe?

Post by vampress.rozz »

Hi having been to Dover Castle I thought I'd tell you all about it. Then I stopped and thought it may be a great opportunity for a little experiment. Unfortunately while I was there I saw no ghosts. I had a few strange things happen though which I'll tell you about in a minute. First the experiment... the guide told us of the main ghost sightings. I have attatched some photos, what I would like is for those of you that believe you can sense spirits to take a look and give a description of anything you are picking up. Then in about a week Ill let you in on the main ghost stories associated with this castle. Please no cheating by researching it as it will ruin it for everyone Thanks.

When I was at the castle with 2 of my friends I took my sons digital dictaphone with new batteries in. It took about 4 attempts to get it to work even though it worked perfectly first time at home.

While we were in the keep my digital camera decided it needed me to reset the date and time for no apparant reason.

We heard a few strange sound mostly due to the flags flapping on top of the castle I think.

I took a divination crystal with me and held it as still as I could in several locations. Usaually it spins one way or the other . In several places around the tunnels of the castle it started spinning one way and then changed to spin the other. Then in one place it simply went left to right in a perfectly straight line.

The weirdest experience I had there was while in the keep itself. I was in the process of taking photos when 2 of my fingers went icy cold and completely numb. The other fingers on my hand felt boiling hot but the icy fingers were so numb it felt like they werent there, like they had been cut off or something.

Anyway thats it for now
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Do you believe?

Post by koan »

Sounds like fun. I've always wanted to do this kind of experiment. I'm warming up. Apparently the Captain is "invisible" yet I can see him. Good sign. Maybe I'll do well.
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Do you believe?

Post by vampress.rozz »

It appears there is a gremlin in the works I cant seem to add attachments sorry folks
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Do you believe?

Post by Paula »

Yes, i do believe Julia Child was a lesbian. :mad:
Everyone has these on their face? TULIPS.
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Do you believe?

Post by vampress.rozz »

Thats funny when I lose something its nearly always behind the fridge

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Do you believe?

Post by vampress.rozz »

Hi I managed to download the photos of Dover onto the gallery. Please take a look and as I said before anyone that feels they can sense anything supernatural within them let me know. Next Saturday Ill let you know the main ghost stories linked with the castle. It will be interesting to see if anyone gets close. And remember...dont cheat! Thanks Rozz Im off to bed now here in England its 12:57 am and Im yawn....yawn....nuff said.
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Do you believe?

Post by vampress.rozz »

Photos now attatched Yippee. Take a look and remember no cheating Thanks Rozz

P.s the blokes in the photo were just other people on the tour I didnt know them but thought a photo of a photographer may produce something interesting

Attached files
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Do you believe?

Post by koan »

I got a few images and "thoughts" but I got a weird kind of headache. I'll have to look again later.

There was a woman in the second photo. I keep thinking she has a pilgrimish kind of bonnet on. Don't know what time period that would be or if it makes sense to the location. There are also two young men in the same photo. They are consulting with her about something, maybe the servants?. Not really anything menacing about it.

I also think there was monk or more than one. There is a feeling of seriousness about them...I would think that monks are serious people lol

It seems like there a large number of overlapping spirits, different generations, there hence the headache feeling.

Also. There are more ancient spirits there, like an undertone. They have a deeper vibration than the others. No visuals for it I just sense them. I might get more later.

Don't know what type of info you are looking for, but if I try to get something specifically I don't trust the accuracy at all. Unfortunately, if someone already knows something the info that comes through tends to be stuff that they don't already know but I'm hoping that I can get at least one thing that you can correspond to. :o
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Do you believe?

Post by Paula »

vampress.rozz wrote: Thats funny when I lose something its nearly always behind the fridge


A dead mouse or a roach, OH MY GOD!
Everyone has these on their face? TULIPS.
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Do you believe?

Post by vampress.rozz »

Good work Koan ill explain more on Sunday. Thanks Rozz
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Do you believe?

Post by vampress.rozz »

o.k here are the main ghost stories from Dover Castle:

The Drummer Boy

It is said that the drummer boy looked after the wages of the soldiers. In the night he was killed and the money was stollen. He marches the battlements and his drums can be heard. (incidently while I was there I heard a rythmic beating but attributed this to the sound of the flags hitting the flagpole)

The Lady in Grey

This is the wife of a general that threw himself at a door to close it when he noticed the gunpowder inside had caught light. He died instantly but saved all of his men. His wife tried in vain to get his story heard (the army werent happy about the original blunder being public knowledge) She wanted him honoured for bravery. Thats why she still comes back today especially at big events.

The lady in red.

She is often seen at the upstairs windows of the keep.

Medieval Tunnels

There has been reports of someone in a pikemans uniform. The sounds of doors shutting can be heard even though the doors are no longer there. It has also been reported that there are sounds of moaning and screaming.

Basement of the keep

Someone in purple has been seen there only to vanish seconds later. As the colour was for gentry onllu many people speculate that it may have been the king himself.

The War time tunnels

Footsteps are often heard in the corridors. In one room a soldier comes up to you and asks to see your papers. When you dont have them he tells you in no uncertain terms to get out and that you shouldnt be in there. It has also been reported that people get the feeling of being pushed to one side in the medical section.

Generally though the site is on high ground on the coastline. It was definitely used during world war II and the medieval times but it is believed that because of its location it was used as a deffensive site predating the constructions presently visible. It has been reported by psychic visitors that they sense spirits from many different ages. (well done Koan) and therefor can be quite overwhelming when they visit.
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Do you believe?

Post by capt_buzzard »

vampress.rozz wrote: o.k here are the main ghost stories from Dover Castle:

The Drummer Boy

It is said that the drummer boy looked after the wages of the soldiers. In the night he was killed and the money was stollen. He marches the battlements and his drums can be heard. (incidently while I was there I heard a rythmic beating but attributed this to the sound of the flags hitting the flagpole)

The Lady in Grey

This is the wife of a general that threw himself at a door to close it when he noticed the gunpowder inside had caught light. He died instantly but saved all of his men. His wife tried in vain to get his story heard (the army werent happy about the original blunder being public knowledge) She wanted him honoured for bravery. Thats why she still comes back today especially at big events.

The lady in red.

She is often seen at the upstairs windows of the keep.

Medieval Tunnels

There has been reports of someone in a pikemans uniform. The sounds of doors shutting can be heard even though the doors are no longer there. It has also been reported that there are sounds of moaning and screaming.

Basement of the keep

Someone in purple has been seen there only to vanish seconds later. As the colour was for gentry onllu many people speculate that it may have been the king himself.

The War time tunnels

Footsteps are often heard in the corridors. In one room a soldier comes up to you and asks to see your papers. When you dont have them he tells you in no uncertain terms to get out and that you shouldnt be in there. It has also been reported that people get the feeling of being pushed to one side in the medical section.

Generally though the site is on high ground on the coastline. It was definitely used during world war II and the medieval times but it is believed that because of its location it was used as a deffensive site predating the constructions presently visible. It has been reported by psychic visitors that they sense spirits from many different ages. (well done Koan) and therefor can be quite overwhelming when they visit.Old nick up to his tricks again:D
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Do you believe?

Post by Bill Sikes »

vampress.rozz wrote: o.k here are the main ghost stories from Dover Castle:

Medieval Tunnels

There has been reports of someone in a pikemans uniform. The sounds of doors shutting can be heard even though the doors are no longer there. It has also been reported that there are sounds of moaning and screaming.

Erm, the sounds are of hapless tourists having the entry fee extracted from them by English Heritage.
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Do you believe?

Post by vampress.rozz »

Bill Sikes wrote: Erm, the sounds are of hapless tourists having the entry fee extracted from them by English Heritage.
Thats well funny bill. Actually I love old castles in their own right so dont mind paying to see them. On a personal note could you tell me if you are a sceptic and whether you have seriously looked at the idea of ghosts i.e read books or watched tv shows about them or ye gods paid to do an investigation or speak with a medium. Any imput would be hugely appreciated as I find the converse between sceptic and believer an interesting mix. Im also wondering whether certain personalites are naturally drawn to one side of this particular fence.
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Do you believe?

Post by vampress.rozz »

I just thought I'd share a couple of ghost cams with you all ... /main.html
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Do you believe?

Post by kensloft »

Yep. Believe in ghosts. Seen 'em. Interacted with them and don't talk about them because I'm tired of talking to boneheads that don't belive.
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Do you believe?

Post by capt_buzzard »

3kidzforme wrote: I do believe in ghosts/spiritual presences.

When I was a preteen, I had a grandpa die that I wasn't that close to. I felt something in my room at night watching me ~ I felt this from age 10 - 17. At that point, I moved to another town (where my mom had moved a few months prior) and I never felt it again. The only thing I can say with that is it was with me during the time my mom went through divorce #2. She had moved to the other town w/ her boyfriend (who has now been my stepdad for 11 yrs) and things were looking up.

The other person that I have felt very strongly was my great granny. She died May 19, 1999 ~ I was 5 months preggo w/ my 2nd child and my daughter was 15 months. Rebecca & I were on our way to see her to tell her goodbye (she had a stroke on Sunday, 16th and went into a coma). They were going to remove her ventilator when my grandma got there. Granny died 20 mins before I got there ~ it was an hours drive so I was in route. When we got there, grandma told me that granny was gone and I handed Rebecca off to my grandpa and went in to talk to granny. She was the first dead person I have kissed. From then on, I felt granny so strong that I wouldn't sleep w/o covers on; much less have sex w/ my husband (now ex) w/o covers on. I didn't want her watching me do that. When Rebecca was 2 1/2, her & I had just went to bed and she says, "No, Granny, you have to sleep in your own bed. I'm sleeping in mommy & daddy's bed." I asked who she was talking to and she told me granny and I asked her where granny was and she pointed up. Shortly after that, I stopped feeling Granny. But at the same time, it was soon thereafter that I told my husband I wanted a divorce. It's like Granny was there to "protect" me and when she knew I was leaving him, she was gone. I haven't felt her since summer 2000 ~ at all. However it became the joke between my grandparents & I that when something freaky happens, "Granny's coming to get you."

My grandpa (whom I mentioned above that I handed my daughter to when Granny died) died Oct 30 last year. I haven't felt his presence and I can't figure out why. The only thing I can think of is that we had our goodbye talk in Sept when he was still able to talk coherently and also that I am in a good relationship and grandpa approves. I have a small urn w/ some of his ashes in it ~ he's sitting in my china hutch on top of his mom's fine china (lol). He was my world and if I could chose ONE person to talk to it would be him. I have talked to the room when I am thinking about him and tell him I miss him, love him & hope he's proud of my accomplishments (I went back to college a year ago and made the Deans List the term that he died ~ I was gone from classes for 10 days, came back and had a speech due the next day (Thurs) and 2 tests on Monday. That was the end of term and I pulled off a 3.67 GPA.

I like watching Sylvia Browne & John Edwards. I've read many books on the ghost/spiritual paranormal and I often wonder about reincarnation (it's actually a pretty interesting process). I find myself reading lots of ghost stories online, used to visit a lot ~ have even tried taking random pics looking for orbs lol

I've enjoyed reading some of your posts ~ however, I'm skeptical about the ghost w/ the bladder problem lolinteresting enough Mary
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Do you believe?

Post by vampress.rozz »

Hi folks heres a quickie. just a link to the most haunted website.Tonight and tomorrow from 9pm british time you can check out their live webcams while they do an investigation
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Do you believe?

Post by lime-sterman »

I worked at a cinema in grimsby in England last year, i was in the projectionist's booth when a ceramic plate jumped off the wall higher than it was originally elevated at, it bounced off a table and smashed on the floor! if it had just dropped off the wall i would have thought no more of it, but it left the wall at an angle higher than it was set at! i checked the parts for any kind of mechanical device because i thought the guys who worked there were winding me up but i found none, one of the ladies who worked there said it was haunted!

Another place was the David Loyyd centre in Wales, i stayed in there hotel for 2 nights, the first night i woke up with a silhouette of a large man near the door who then walked over to the corner of the bed and then around it! he then stood there and looked at me! obviously made me nervous but somehow instinctively i new this was not a normal phenomena! the sensory communication i got from this guy was what are you doing in my room! and then he vanished! if he would of said who's been sleeping in my bed! that would of broke the ice a bit! but the fool went and spoiled it and got all serious on me l :wah: !............the exact same scenario happened the next night as well, this situation has never happened to me before, it kind of tweaked my reality strings a little!............i do know they have conducted tests on subjects using strong magnetic fields, and during these tests they definately felt ''presence's'' in the there near vicinity! but i do not recall the subjects under test ever seeing physical forms, they only sensed presence's, i still think their is a rational explanation for these phenomena.
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Do you believe?

Post by vampress.rozz »

Have you any theories about rational explanations even after the things you have witnessed?
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Do you believe?

Post by vampress.rozz »

Hi folks I would like to digress in this thread just a little. Many believe in spirits and many do not. I was wondering what peoples opinions are on the methods of contacting them. Mediums and ouijaboards for example. We have all heard of them are they real or fake?

A few weeks ago Derek Acorah was on Talksport Radio

I emailed a question asking whether he had met any other famous mediums that he thought was fake and if he would reveal them. He claimed that every one that he had met was genuine. Is that likely?

The show that was on Talksport is "The unexplained with howard hughes" you can listen to it on Saturdays between 8pm and 11pm British time. It is available to listen to on the net via the website link above.

The fear of using ouijaboards and tarot cards is extreme for many people. I have never had the opportunity to use a ouijaboard. What do you think? are these evil or just a useful tool to contact loved ones?. Has anyone had any experiences of mediums or ouijaboards etc that they would like to share.

I have been to see one medium for a personal reading. I tried very hard to not give things away. There were a few things she managed to get right and a couple of things that I wasnt so sure about. If anyone believes they have these sort of powers and would like to give me a reading over the net as demonstration feel free.
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Do you believe?

Post by vampress.rozz »

Hi TW2005 thanks for your contribution. Actually Im finding that less people think of such experiences as crazy, with so many paranormal experiences worldwide. Do you think there is a reason that you could hear these voices so clearly when others could not?
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Do you believe?

Post by lime-sterman »

vampress.rozz wrote: Have you any theories about rational explanations even after the things you have witnessed?

I can not understand the figure appearing in my room on two successive night's!

I got a good look at the guy as well, he was in his late thirty's brown curly hair, he had on a dirty yellow t-shirt and dirty jean's, he looked like he was a builder or one of these guy's who maintain the roads and motorway's,..........I thought it might have been the food I had that night but to see the same guy the next night and doing the same routine sort of kicked that theory into touch! I can't see me having the same experience again the next night, but there again who know's? was the presence in the room that woke me up! I experienced that first and sat up,.......and there he was! something stimulated my brain that night, and I think it was some sort of strong magnetic field that did it!........those experiments I saw were done by Dr Susan Blackmore, she actually took part in those experiment's as well!..........if I was to speculate! I would say it was some sort of recorded experience or memory which is imprinted in that field, now wether that experience was mine the apparition's or someone else who died there I don't know? one thing's for sure if it was my experience I don't recognize him!
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Do you believe?

Post by vampress.rozz »

I went to a Psychic fair a couple of weeks ago and the psychic that gave me a reading said I will see a full materialisation of a spirit family member. Ill let you know if it ever happens. Im very interested if there is anyone that feels the spirit they have seen appeared to have a purpose or message for them.
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Do you believe?

Post by john8pies »

Well, the absolute, honest truth is `We Don`t Know!` "There are more things in my philosophy than are dreamed of in heaven and earth!!!" (to misquote Shakespeare). however once I did awake to see a ghastly apparition of a see-through man dressed in white, with his face contorted, standing at the end of my bed, and reaching over....and pulling my leg...just like I`m pulling yours now!!!!!
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Do you believe?

Post by vampress.rozz »

john8pies wrote: once I did awake to see a ghastly apparition of a see-through man dressed in white, with his face contorted, standing at the end of my bed, and reaching over....and pulling my leg...just like I`m pulling yours now!!!!!

Ive always enjoyed a good bit of fiction and stories round the

Im presumbing from this you dont believe then? What would it take to change your opinions on it. Seeing a ghost yourself? Seeing things float through the air?
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Do you believe?

Post by vampress.rozz »

Tonight tomorrow night and sunday night (british time) Most haunted are doing a live investigation. You can view the webcams , experiments etc with this link Most Haunted live
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Do you believe?

Post by vampress.rozz »

Hi all. Vampress is now resurrected ....I haven't posted in a life time, so to speak. Ive done a lot of soul searching (excuse the pun) while I've been away.

Thought I'd drop in to share this link with you all

It contains a list of manifestations around England. So if you're going to an area you can just click on it and see where to visit while you're catch you later
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Do you believe?

Post by vampress.rozz »

Found another interesting website

Lots of mp3 paranormal talks to download
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Do you believe?

Post by vampress.rozz »

Hi Paranormal people I went in search of some ghostly pics and thought I'd share with you this interesting site I found. Photos and the stories behind them. :) :-6

http:// ... 01402a.htm
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