Do you believe?

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Do you believe?

Post by vampress.rozz »

Hi I would like to know if you believe in ghosts. Here in england we have a very popular show called Most Haunted. A crew armed with psychic go to known haunted locations and spend the night to keep an eye out for paranormal activity.Find out more at

Do you have any tv shows like this? (I would appreciate any links :) )

Do you believe in ghosts and have you had any paranormal experiences? or as my dad puts it, is it "all a load of mumbo jumbo"?
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Do you believe?

Post by Peg »

vampress.rozz wrote: Hi I would like to know if you believe in ghosts. Here in england we have a very popular show called Most Haunted. A crew armed with psychic go to known haunted locations and spend the night to keep an eye out for paranormal activity.Find out more at

Do you have any tv shows like this? (I would appreciate any links :) )

Do you believe in ghosts and have you had any paranormal experiences? or as my dad puts it, is it "all a load of mumbo jumbo"?

I used to feel it was "all a load of mumbo jumbo" until I moved into a certain apartment. It was owned at one time by the head of the mafia. Although he had his own brother shot because he owed him money, he actually had a heart of gold when it came to the less fortunate. Needy families always got suprise baskets full of food to prepare a whole holiday meal. Anyways, doors would open and slam shut, fuses would become unscrewed, you'd feel puffs of air in your face, etc. I believe he found it funny that he scared me so much. I stayed there a month and moved. Until then, I had never believed in ghosts.

There used to be a tv show on here similar to the one you mentioned, but I can't remember what it was called. No way would I ever go on a show like that.
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Do you believe?

Post by vampress.rozz »

I`ve had several odd experiences myself. I personally would like to go round a place with a psychic, Ive always felt the urge to find out more about the natural forces in the world...Good vs evil, ghosts and telepathic abilities. Everyone has their own beliefs about these things and I think it says a lot about a person when they are willing to change their minds about something like this when evidence presents itself. I suppose I would say im open minded and willing to learn.
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Do you believe?

Post by Bill Sikes »

vampress.rozz wrote: Here in england we have a very popular show called Most Haunted.

Eh? I've never heard of it.
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Do you believe?

Post by vampress.rozz »

hey bill check it out uk living 9 oclock Tuesdays and occasionally they do a most haunted live. Basically all live footage. This saturday there is famous and frightened also uk living 9 oclock its not as good but quite fun for a giggle if you fancy staying up late.
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Do you believe?

Post by Bill Sikes »

vampress.rozz wrote: hey bill check it out uk living 9 oclock Tuesdays and occasionally they do a most haunted live. Basically all live footage. This saturday there is famous and frightened also uk living 9 oclock its not as good but quite fun for a giggle if you fancy staying up late.

I have asked a colleague what this means - he says "uk living" is a "channel TV"

thing - possibly satellite - I haven't access to anything like that.
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Do you believe?

Post by koan »

Not only do I believe in ghosts, I have communicated with a number of them. They are everywhere. The more intense the reason for their being stuck in a certain place, the more intense their presence can be felt. I also friends with a number of psychics who have had some pretty wild encounters.

Some phenomenon is more of a psychic imprint than an actual ghost, such as the sound of a battle that can still be heard on the ground where it took place. Everyone has something happen that they can't explain. A good American show to watch is Crossing Over with John Edwards. If afterlife can be proven, he's the one to do it. Also, he isn't flowery or overdramatic the way a lot of other psychics can be.
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Do you believe?

Post by vampress.rozz »

[QUOTE=koan]Not only do I believe in ghosts, I have communicated with a number of them. They are everywhere. The more intense the reason for their being stuck in a certain place, the more intense their presence can be felt. I also friends with a number of psychics who have had some pretty wild encounters.


do you see ghosts almost as if they were flesh and blood or is it different? I have watched John Edwards and enjoyed the show greatly. We have a show with another psychic here called the sixth sense with Colin Fry. I went to see him when he visited our town last year and although he never conversed with any spirits related to me after the show he was looking at peoples auras. When he looked at mine he said i dont think youre pregnant or that youre going to be but all i can see is young children i dont understand. I had spent the whole day doing my regular volunteering with a bunch of cubs.

I would love to here about some of the "wild encounters " that your psychic friends have had.
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Do you believe?

Post by koan »


do you see ghosts almost as if they were flesh and blood or is it different? I have watched John Edwards and enjoyed the show greatly. ... I would love to here about some of the "wild encounters " that your psychic friends have had.

I see ghosts much the way John Edwards describes psychic vision, if you are lying in bed and suddenly wonder if you turned the stove off, you will picture it in your head and it visualize your memory. You can still see other things but the picture is suddenly dominant and you can focus on it. I have heard their voices as I hear anyone elses (clairaudience) but it is very distracting. I have had some embarrassing situations where I answere someone who 'isn't there' and have earned the nickname 'That crazy psychic' among some friends. They also like to do things like YELL 'she's lying! she's lying!' over and over while someone is talking/lying to me. She can be switched with 'he'. This is usually unhelpful since I can't interrupt or reply to the person by saying 'Apparently you are lying to me.' Well, I could but I might lose my job.

One friend who did see ghosts as real as humans had a breakdown in a mall once. She told her buddy that she had to leave because the mall was too crowded. Her friend looked at her and stated that the mall was practically empty. My friend looked again and realized they were all ghosts. She sat down on a bench because she had been taken off guard. When one, young spirit realized my friend was looking at her, she ran over and started yelling "What's going on? Nobody is talking to me. Nobody can see me. Where am I?" At which point my friend lost her cool and yelled back "YOURE DEAD OK?!!!!". The girl started sobbing and eventually an elderly ghost came over to comfort her and my friend left, appalled with herself. For this reason, if psychic ability becomes developed it needs to be contained with protective measures and the learned ability to tune things out when necessary. Otherwise it is like being assaulted 24/7 as soon as spirits find out you can see them, hear them or sense them at all. Also, a lot of spirits like to mess with people, mostly because they are lonely.

More later.

I am glad to have the chance to talk to you. I have read some of your posts and like your open minded views.

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Do you believe?

Post by vampress.rozz »

Thank you koan your post was very much appreciated
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Do you believe?

Post by koan »

Fascination with ghosts and psychic phenomenon can lead people to a lot of studies, yoga, spiritualism etc. in search of answers. We get this idea that if we could communicate with spirits that we will gain wisdom and enlightenment. Also it wouldn't be bad if they could prevent suffering through foresight.

I was psychic for years before I knew I was psychic. I would heal people or suddenly spout off a reading then walk quickly away and shrug it off as being silly. When I finally met someone who recognized me as a psychic and explained what was happening I was so elated! Finally, someone who didn't think I was crazy!!! Then I went crazy.

I dove into all things psychic and indulged my spiritual self until I actually couldn't sleep for about eight days straight. I wasn't even tired...but I knew I had to stop. I've been under psychic attack, I've had my daughter taken over by spirits trying to talk to me when I wouldn't respond (She suddenly stiffened then did automatic writing signing it as the spirit of whom she had no knowledge, at the age of 6!) and generally had a horrible time until I learned to set ground rules and gained some control over myself.

To tell you the truth, I haven't got any great knowledge via my guides and ESPECIALLY via ghosts but they are really quite funny. My guide has a great sense of humour anyway. But it does help to not feel so alone in the world. I have to be careful not to talk to them out loud when people are around...but I do get caught on occasion. Guides will not always tell you what you think you should know in order not to interfere and ghosts will tell you anything that will keep you talking to them, in general, fun at parties.

But it doesn't get you many dates! :wah:
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Do you believe?

Post by vampress.rozz »

I guess this year Im starting those studies of which you speak. Im not sure why really, I guess im just being pulled in that direction. Thats one of the reasons I started this thread. The first one I felt like making.

I was thinking about the problems of psychics appearing to talk to themselves in public (and please dont think im taking the mickey because im really not) i came up with the idea that if they carried around a mobile phone earpiece they could appear as if they were talking on the phone when a spirit was simply impossible to ignore. I suppose the other thing is if you are psychic you are psychic other people should not stop you being who you are.
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Do you believe?

Post by koan »

vampress.rozz wrote: I guess this year Im starting those studies of which you speak. Im not sure why really, I guess im just being pulled in that direction. Thats one of the reasons I started this thread. The first one I felt like making.

I was thinking about the problems of psychics appearing to talk to themselves in public (and please dont think im taking the mickey because im really not) i came up with the idea that if they carried around a mobile phone earpiece they could appear as if they were talking on the phone when a spirit was simply impossible to ignore. I suppose the other thing is if you are psychic you are psychic other people should not stop you being who you are.

Please tell me what "taking a mickey" sounds delightful! :wah:

Unfortunately, the earpiece thing wouldn't work. I was actually talking to another human on a cell phone earpiece and everybody thought I was crazy...I had to actually pull the phone out of my pocket and point at it dramatically.

I was in Saskatoon at the time...need I say more?

Check out the new religious forums!!!! Lots of room for psychic study talk

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Do you believe?

Post by vampress.rozz »

" taking the mickey" its an english phrase i guess. The only way I can think of to describe it is, a friendly kind of mocking of someone. It took me ages to think up that description as its a phrase ive always used and never really thought much about :wah: koan wrote: I was in Saskatoon at the time...need I say more?

Check out the new religious forums!!!! Lots of room for psychic study talk

I'll check out those forums later today thanks. As for saskatoon, ive never heard of it :wah:
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Do you believe?

Post by greydeadhead »

do I believe.. hell yes. Seen too. I really think that anyone that doesn't believe is in denial.
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Do you believe?

Post by vampress.rozz »

greydeadhead wrote: Seen too.
Hi greydeadhead if you dont mind sharing could you tell me a little more about the ghosts you have seen. Im interested to know whether each person sees them in the same way, and any beliefs about why we see them and any experiences with the paranormal generally thanks.
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Do you believe?

Post by vampress.rozz »

Most Haunted Live At Halloween haunted webcams

The Most Haunted Live link above is to a report on the last Most Haunted Live television show. This particular story was live for 3 nights running around Halloween. It was aired between 9pm and midnight.
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Do you believe?

Post by persephone »

I'm quite happy now, been talking to myself for years, never actually talked to anyone else who can describe the same thing though :-6

Been woken up in the middle of the night by hearing my name called, wouldn't mind but it's never from a distance. Also been paralysed a few times now, whilst feeling a presence in the room, this scares me, because it feels wrong.

I've also seen my grandad waiting at a bus stop near where he used to live, I never knew they used to live in this area until I told mum.

Since getting older it happens less, although I have a tendency to wake myself up in fits of laughter and have been told before I start laughing I'm have full conversations.

Also know when mum is talking about me and call her whilst she is in mid-conversation and ask her who she's talking to about me, only do that though to freak her out :wah:

I believe in ghosts.
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Do you believe?

Post by vampress.rozz »

For those of you that have seen ghosts you believe they were there for a purpose or just a replay of the past? Did this experience effect your life in any way ? Thanks for your info Rozz
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Do you believe?

Post by vampress.rozz »

I guess so Jack. Im interested in all aspects of the world so it may be interesting to note whether people that experience ghosts have a similar reaction to those with lucid dreams. There is a thread here about "whats your weirdest dream" so keep an eye out , thanks Rozz
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Do you believe?

Post by koan »

One interesting thing about ghosts is that they usually still perceive the environment the way is was when they died. There is a ghost of a young boy named "Jack" in my house. He thought my daughter's bunkbed was a treehouse. When he died, the land was a big field behind his farmhouse.

There is a relatively famous ghost in a Toy'R'Us that Sylvia Browne has talked to. He still thinks that he is next to a stream running through a field. Don't really know how it works since he knocks down toys from the shelves. If he sees a stream and field, what does he think the toys and shelves are? Doesn't really make sense but ghosts are stubborn and people generally see what they want to see, I suppose. Come to think of it, it's quite amazing what people will believe in order to "rationalize".
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Do you believe?

Post by rachelg »

I believe in ghosts because I saw one when I was 15, about 30 years ago. We had moved from Delaware to an old farmhouse in Virginia. We had heard it was haunted by a former owner, but we lived there for two years without seeing anything unusual and I had forgotten about him. One night, I looked up the stairwell and I could see someone from the waist down (that was all you could see from downstairs) that was near my saddle sitting on the railing. I thought it was my sister and being the selfish sort, told her to get away from my saddle. They stood there so I ran up the stairs to get her. No one was there. I went downstairs and my sister was asleep in her bed. The ghost had looked like flesh and blood, no transparency and nothing unusual except, he wasn't there when I got to the top of the steps. He was wearing stripped pants like the railroad men wear, I can still see it as plain as day. :confused:
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Do you believe?

Post by Peg »

I would love to come back as a ghost when I die. I would mess with people all the time. I always threaten people with when I die, I'll come back and haunt you. :D
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Do you believe?

Post by weeder »

Ive seen them. However I prefer to call them spirits. Lost my first love when I was 16.... which led me to invetigate the paranormal for years. Eventually closed those doors to my mind, BECAUSE... if you invite them... they will come.

I dont know if many people realize that there was a message in that Horrendous

movie The Excorcist many years ago. They stressed the fact that the mother and daughter didnt have any particular religious affiliation. ( Thus no protection... in the religious way of thinking.) So the young girl was a target for or a vehicle for the devil. Bad spirits maraude themselves as good spirits, how do you discern?
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Do you believe?

Post by koan »

It is true that if you are looking for ghosts/spirits you are more likely to draw the mischeivious ones. But, it is also like getting attacked by sharks in sharkless water if you give them too much power over you.

The Exorcist was just a horror movie. One of the best, but just a movie.
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Do you believe?

Post by weeder »

Its interesting that you mention sharkless waters... Ive always been deathly afraid of the water. Not the bath tub mind you, the ocean. And afraid of sharks in particular. Saw a documentary on television a few months ago. The expert said..

If you venture into a space that you do not belong in.( There is no guarantee

what will be in there.) AH HA!!!! Just what Ive been thinking all these years.

I do understand your message though. Thanks for replying. Happy Sunday
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Do you believe?

Post by vampress.rozz »

Recently I went on a visit to our local church with a group I volunteer for. This photo was taken with my digital camera.I'm not sure if ive attatched it right but if you can view it you will see the graveyard and a number of pale blue circles that were not visible to the naked eye at the time.

Attached files
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Do you believe?

Post by koan »

I don't know...kinda looks like a damaged photo. Very cool though.

I do "sense" someone standing behind the tombstone on the furthest right. Woman in about late 40s early 50s, dark hair manish face dark grey clothes (can't tell if it is dress or not as she is standing behind stone). Also "sense" someone barely visible behind tombstone at corner of church but couldn't make them out very well. Think he/she was hiding. Maybe one of the ghosts was blowing bubbles?

Just food for thought.
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Do you believe?

Post by vampress.rozz »

Ive taken lots of photos since and nothing wrong with the camera. My dad is pretty much an expert on photography as well as being a non believer in spirits and it left him stumped. Its not a damaged photo as it was taken directly off a digital camera. The other photos I took that night had one or two of these circles in each of them but I decided not to post any of the others as they were for our cub troop and I wouldnt feel right putting other peoples children as well as my own on the internet. Thanks for the info though I shall look a bit closer at the others to see if i can see any of the people that you sense thanks
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Do you believe?

Post by koan »

I've seen other photos with this phenomenon and believe it is spiritually related. Unfortunately, because of the symmetry of the circles and likeness to watermarks or reflections, most nonbelievers won't be convinced by it. You are very lucky to have the photo though. Sorry to have come across as flippant.
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Do you believe?

Post by vampress.rozz »

I didnt take it as flippant. I am grateful for you imput thanks.
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Do you believe?

Post by vampress.rozz »

Hi tmbsgrl I was wondering whether you gained the usual side effects from passively smoking pot during these times and whether you experienced the same thing in your other flats. Having read your story it made me laugh because my nan referred to what she believed was a spirit in our old house as "Fred" It got me thinking is this an internationally known nick-name for spirits we dont know the identification of.
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Do you believe?

Post by vampress.rozz »

I dont think youre crazy at all I love that movie even now lol
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Do you believe?

Post by vampress.rozz »

I have experienced several strange happenings in my life. I can honestly say though I`ve never met anyone that I think is completely stupid or crazy. I like to think there is the potential for everyone to have something special about them if you look hard enough even the bad ones. As for ghosts I think if you feel something you shouldnt dismiss it as your mind playing tricks. Although i'm no psychic and I dont claim to converse with any ghosts I do believe we can sense more things than most of us are aware.
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Do you believe?

Post by vampress.rozz »

I`m going to Dover Castle on Friday for a ghost tour with a psychic. I`ll let you all know what happens
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Do you believe?

Post by vampress.rozz »

Hi having been to Dover Castle I thought I'd tell you all about it. Then I stopped and thought it may be a great opportunity for a little experiment. Unfortunately while I was there I saw no ghosts. I had a few strange things happen though which I'll tell you about in a minute. First the experiment... the guide told us of the main ghost sightings. I have attatched some photos, what I would like is for those of you that believe you can sense spirits to take a look and give a description of anything you are picking up. Then in about a week Ill let you in on the main ghost stories associated with this castle. Please no cheating by researching it as it will ruin it for everyone Thanks.
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Do you believe?

Post by capt_buzzard »

Ghosts! NO.
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