Have You Ever Had To Face True Evil?

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Oscar Namechange
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Have You Ever Had To Face True Evil?

Post by Oscar Namechange »

Clodhopper;1245309 wrote: I think very few if any are born that way, though I could be wrong, but I do think people can corrupt themselves and others and so become evil. That's what happened to Hitler, for example. By the end there are reports from people who were with him saying that when you looked into his eyes you could see his soul had died. Whatever that means.

Macbeth is still the greatest ever exploration of the process that I know of. No-one can truely say that some-one is born evil. As in the case of Hitler, it is what was indoctrinated and to him, his beliefs were the right thing. That's delusion not evil although his later acts were. Again, It's Ignorance that makes most carry out 'evil' acts.
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Have You Ever Had To Face True Evil?

Post by Clodhopper »

Well, I'd say it was a delusion that WAS evil.

Anyway, off out now for Thai food and Beeeeeeeer!:)
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Have You Ever Had To Face True Evil?

Post by Oscar Namechange »

Clodhopper;1245326 wrote: Well, I'd say it was a delusion that WAS evil.

Anyway, off out now for Thai food and Beeeeeeeer!:) Don't forget to give Prayers to Cable.
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Have You Ever Had To Face True Evil?

Post by TruthBringer »

oscar;1245300 wrote: I have never believed anyone is truely evil. People do what they do through society, the way they were raised, lack of knowledge and down right stupidity or arrogance. They eventually see the error of their ways and have regrets. The path is forgiveness not persecution.

Then you are living in a dream my friend.

Ever heard of the Ice Man?

Let me give you a brief overview of this man's favorite activities.

He used to set up a camera in a cave, and he would then attack some random person on the street or wherever and then he would knock them out or somehow sedate them and when they would wake up, they would be chained in the cave that he set the camera up in, and he would record their bodies slowly being eaten bit by bit by the bloodthirsty rats that lived in the cave. No joke. I saw the HBO special on this guy, and I saw some footage of the videos. He would sit there and watch the tapes afterwards as the people screamed in agony as the rats would tear pieces of their flesh off and as they would literally eat their vitcums to death. The people would either die of starvation or they would die just from blood loss, etc.

This man was asked if he had any regrets about what he did. He said the only regret that he had was that he "had to kill his best friend" because he started getting on his nerves one night and he wouldn't let it go so he had to kill him for it.

Now thats what I call true Evil. There are far worse cases than this guy, but keep in mind his victums ranged from women to men. There was no discrimination.

Now, had you run into this guy, and gotten on his bad side, you would not have been able to love your way out of the situation, let me just put it that way. And he looked for reasons to get a person on his bad side, sometimes making them up in his own mind if you ask me. He was also a hired hitman as well, and said he loved his work.

Richard Kuklinski - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Have You Ever Had To Face True Evil?

Post by lou lou belle »

I agree with you truthbringer, as I mentioned at the start of this thread, i have had the misfortune of meeting people that I would definately class as evil.

Anyone who wants to injure or kill another person/animal and show no remorse in my book is evil.

We cannot blame their social or educated background. There are many people in this world that come from horrendous backgrounds but they dont want to go out and kill! I believe that some people are just plain evil.
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Have You Ever Had To Face True Evil?

Post by Oscar Namechange »

TruthBringer;1245566 wrote: Then you are living in a dream my friend.

Ever heard of the Ice Man?

Let me give you a brief overview of this man's favorite activities.

He used to set up a camera in a cave, and he would then attack some random person on the street or wherever and then he would knock them out or somehow sedate them and when they would wake up, they would be chained in the cave that he set the camera up in, and he would record their bodies slowly being eaten bit by bit by the bloodthirsty rats that lived in the cave. No joke. I saw the HBO special on this guy, and I saw some footage of the videos. He would sit there and watch the tapes afterwards as the people screamed in agony as the rats would tear pieces of their flesh off and as they would literally eat their vitcums to death. The people would either die of starvation or they would die just from blood loss, etc.

This man was asked if he had any regrets about what he did. He said the only regret that he had was that he "had to kill his best friend" because he started getting on his nerves one night and he wouldn't let it go so he had to kill him for it.

Now thats what I call true Evil. There are far worse cases than this guy, but keep in mind his victums ranged from women to men. There was no discrimination.

Now, had you run into this guy, and gotten on his bad side, you would not have been able to love your way out of the situation, let me just put it that way. And he looked for reasons to get a person on his bad side, sometimes making them up in his own mind if you ask me. He was also a hired hitman as well, and said he loved his work.

Richard Kuklinski - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Thanks for the post TB... very Intersting... however in this case, I would put the guy down as mentally Ill... a different ball game all together.

How do you define evil TB? Do you see evil as the opposite of good? Evil is a word we all bandy around far too much these days. Do you think that If there is a God there has to be Lucifer at work? Do you really believe that as a baby leaves the womb on birth, he is born with such evil?
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Have You Ever Had To Face True Evil?

Post by TruthBringer »

oscar;1245616 wrote: Thanks for the post TB... very Intersting... however in this case, I would put the guy down as mentally Ill... a different ball game all together.

How do you define evil TB? Do you see evil as the opposite of good? Evil is a word we all bandy around far too much these days. Do you think that If there is a God there has to be Lucifer at work? Do you really believe that as a baby leaves the womb on birth, he is born with such evil?

I would say that people become Evil through their actions, and that when they reach a certain point, there is no turning back.

I do not believe that a Human Soul is created Evil from the start, I believe that the Human Soul is entirely unique in the sense that a person has the choice to become Good Or Evil through their actions (of which there is no turning back either after a certain point). For example - most (and I would say all) people will tell you that they could never go back to being Godless and Selfish after finding a Loving and Nuturing Energy/God and surrendering their Soul to It - that it just would literally be impossible to ever do such a thing. Keep in mind that I am talking about the ones who truly surrender themselves to the higher power in the name of Love (not those who claim that they have but who really haven't and who know that they really haven't but continue to do Evil through their actions even while at the same time as promoting themselves as "saved" or "enlightened" etc.). Likewise I believe that after a certain amount of Evil deeds, that there is no turning back from them either, and that a person defines themselves through their actions - and becomes a certain way from the choices they have made in Life.

I don't buy anyone who is still in jail claiming that they have been saved by God and that they won't do any harm any more if they could just be released onto the street. None of that matters to me while they are still in jail. It's what they do after they have been released from jail that matters to me, not what they say while they are still in it. Anyone can say anything while being imprisoned, and the true test comes when they have regained their freedom to excercise their free wills on an much broader scale.

I don't believe it is a single act though that defines a person as being Evil. I believe it is much much more than that. It is the repeated act of doing Evil deeds that makes a person genuinely Evil in my opinion. It is the act of knowing the difference between doing good things and bad things and choosing to do bad things over and over and over again just for the sake of doing them. After a certain point, you become what you do. If you fill your life with Evil and Negative choices, then you become Evil and Negative in return. The difference between me and some people who believe in never ending second chances to turn ones life around is that I truly believe in what I would call a point of no return, or a point where one becomes so selfish, so deluted in their thought process, so arrogant and so ignorant, that there is no turning back from that state of reality, no matter what the outside influence in life. Once a person truly chooses the Darkside and embraces it forever in their hearts and Souls, then they can never go back from that decision. I do believe this. And likewise like I said before, once a person has truly given their body, mind, and Soul to a loving higher energy, and become one with that energy, then there is no way of turning back. The key is though, is that you truly have to GIVE yourself to it, and let it become one with you, and once you become two, you're mind, body, and heart will not allow you to become separate again.

Never in history has someone been so loving, so caring, so nurturing, for such a long time during their life, and then one day wakes up and decides to be the complete opposite, and to commit mass murder, mass deception, and massive negative consequences for themselves and those around them. It's never happened. It's never been recorded to have happened, and it never will happen. This is because I do believe that like I said before, after certain choices are made in ones life to devote themselves entirely and whole heartedly to one of the two main forces of the Universe (Positivity or Negativity) that it sticks with you for the rest of your Life, and it envelopes your every being.

Now, there are good people who make bad choices, and when they do they feel guilty for it (this is a given, and it is 100% always the case if you have truly given yourself to a higher energy of Light and Love), and there are evil people who make good choices (always for the benefit of themselves and NEVER for the benefit of those around them), and so sometimes there appears to be a grey area to the equation, even though there is not. The only grey area to the equation of good and evil comes when you have someone who is sitting on the fence, and has not decided which force to devote themselves to entirely. Someone who sees benefits in doing both good and evil deeds, and who chooses to do both on a regular basis. However, eventually, time will decide for these types of people, and they will be forced to choose one way or the other. They cannot go on forever being in the middle of the spectrum, one day, their actions will deliver them their consequences (as do all actions, because we all get what we put out) and the severity of those consequences will depend entirely on how much negativity or how much positivity they exerted with their influence of free will. And then, when that day comes, they will be forced to become one with their all of their actions, and the paths that they have chosen, as inevitably you cannot separate yourself from your actions, because the Universe does not opperate in such a way.

On a more spiritual note, I do believe that there are energies and forces out there that were created Evil, and that have always been Evil, and that are not not inhabiting a Human form (because the Soul that inhabits a Human body was given the choice from the very beginning as to how it would apply it's free will), and that there are horrendous, malicious, corrupt energies and forces that exist not within the consciousness of Human beings, and not in the natural reality of Human beings, but instead that exist in dimensions that we currently cannot comprehend at the moment, but that can be communicated with and called upon through different types of actions such as channeling and black magic. In these cases, these forms of true Evil will be that way until the energy that created them deems otherwise, and this has also been proven true throughout history, if you believe in such things, and you believe the stories of such things (as I do), and if you study the history of such things. Also, never before in history has it ever been the case that someone who knew of a demon, or an Evil Spirit, or a "fallen Angel" or any such entity/life-force, found out later that the entity/spirit/life-force has ever changed it way of being within that person's/group of person's lifetimes. Or within the liftetimes of all who knew of such a force. On the contrary, these types of Evil that have been written about and recorded throughout history have ALWAYS, without the shadow of a doubt, remained in that same state of being and in these cases have remained that way throughout all of recorded Human History. And it has never been claimed otherwise, and you will find this to hold True. The Spirit World does not seem to allow for true Evil to become good, or for True good to become Evil, just as it does not seem to be the case here on Earth. So perhaps the same laws that apply here also apply there in that case.

I look at it like this:

Truly Good people (Those who have given their life to a higher purpose of good, love, and understanding) know Evil when they see it, and they try their best to stay away from such forces at all costs, because they feel it in their bodies when they get around those kind of people, and they don't feel the need to explain it to anyone because it's just something they know.

People who are Truly sitting on the fence (those who like to play with both sides of the equation, and who truly haven't given themselves to either force - be it positive or negative) yet, and who like to go through life not committing themselves to a single way of living, seem to always have trouble understanding if there even IS a Good or Evil force in the Universe (perhaps because they too have already become one with their actions, and therefore are living in a constant though temporary wishy washy state of being). These types of people usually have trouble making decisions period, and especially when it comes to comitting themselves to their actions (even though the Universe does it for them regardless of whether they like the idea of it or not).

Truly Evil People (people like the ones I described in the beginning of this thread) know True Good when they see it, and they hate it, and it makes them sick, and they like to try and distort it at whatever chance they get, and in many cases they fear it, because they know that their very existence depends on the fact that not too many people become that way, and so they spend their whole lives trying to keep the scales tipped in their favor. Fear is a major part of a Truly Evil person's life, because Fear is one of the main tools that is used both against them (to keep them in stat constant state of Being) and by them - to inject it into others for the purpose of domination and control.

This is how I see Good and Evil. This is how I understand it without even having to put it into these words. But words are not always the right venue for determining Good or Evil, in fact, there is much more efficient way of understanding it, and it is through your emotions, and how you feel about what you do, and what others do. Your feelings will tell you what is Good and what is Evil every time. Words cannot give you the same effect, so it is almost being in a lower dimensional reality by relying on someone elses explanation to determine what is Good and what is Evil for you when you could be experiencing a higher dimensional reality, simply by letting your intuition/emotions determine what is Good and What is Evil instead. That, at least in my opinion, would be the most optimal way to do it.
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Have You Ever Had To Face True Evil?

Post by TruthBringer »

I can't wait until there is a machine that is invented that can measure Good and Evil in their natural purest forms in real time as actions are being performed. In other words, when someone is doing something really loving - Giving someone something to help benefit that person - saving a person from danger - etc, and the opposite - killing something, putting a person in a dangerous situation through an action - that all of those things can be measured in terms of the type of energy output they create - in terms of positive and negative charges as the science World would term it. I don't know of a machine that can currently do this, but if there is one, then it should have already put the good vs bad arguement to rest, and it should already have proven that both energies exist.
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Have You Ever Had To Face True Evil?

Post by Oscar Namechange »

TruthBringer;1245905 wrote: I can't wait until there is a machine that is invented that can measure Good and Evil in their natural purest forms in real time as actions are being performed. In other words, when someone is doing something really loving - Giving someone something to help benefit that person - saving a person from danger - etc, and the opposite - killing something, putting a person in a dangerous situation through an action - that all of those things can be measured in terms of the type of energy output they create - in terms of positive and negative charges as the science World would term it. I don't know of a machine that can currently do this, but if there is one, then it should have already put the good vs bad arguement to rest, and it should already have proven that both energies exist.

I have read your posts with interest TB but can not agree. I know some-one very close to me who is charged with a hienous crime that some would say is an act of pure evil yet this is some-one who helped elderly neighbours, worked voluntary for an animal shelter, was good to his parents etc etc. Yes, there were signs leading up to this act but also acts of great kindness and respect from him. I think in today's present day some just go into over-load with the pressures of society. There is nothing to say that this person will continue his life carrying out acts of evil, only time will tell us that.
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Have You Ever Had To Face True Evil?

Post by Clodhopper »

I believe that redemption is possible until a certain point - monsters such as Kuklinski are too far gone, imo.
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Have You Ever Had To Face True Evil?

Post by librtyhead »

Crap.....My banana phone is ringing again!
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Have You Ever Had To Face True Evil?

Post by Patsy Warnick »


I so agree with you - and know evil people exist.

That is not the same as pressures in society making one snap.

What TB has faced and what I have faced was a evil soul and will remain a

evil soul until death.

Evil hides behind masks through out their life.

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Have You Ever Had To Face True Evil?

Post by TruthBringer »

oscar;1245982 wrote: I have read your posts with interest TB but can not agree. I know some-one very close to me who is charged with a hienous crime that some would say is an act of pure evil yet this is some-one who helped elderly neighbours, worked voluntary for an animal shelter, was good to his parents etc etc. Yes, there were signs leading up to this act but also acts of great kindness and respect from him. I think in today's present day some just go into over-load with the pressures of society. There is nothing to say that this person will continue his life carrying out acts of evil, only time will tell us that.

I don't know enough about this man you speak of for me to give an honest opinion on him. You say you know him better than I but you left the details of his crime out anyways, and the details are important.

I do know that Evil can mask itself very well just as Patsy said, so if this man is truly Evil, I wouldn't put it past him to be also be very clever at deceiving people.

If he is someone who decided to one day up and murder someone out of thin air, then he never was good, even if he was claiming to be, because someone who has truly given themselves to the Light and Love above all things would never have committed such an act. Not out of thin air anyways.
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Have You Ever Had To Face True Evil?

Post by TruthBringer »

Clodhopper;1246031 wrote: I believe that redemption is possible until a certain point - monsters such as Kuklinski are too far gone, imo.

In one interview, Kuklinski confessed that he regretted one murder, which he deemed particularly cruel. As he was about to kill a man, the man began praying to God for his life. Kuklinski told him that he would give God 30 minutes to save him, but once the time was up, he would be killed. Forcing the man to wait 30 minutes for his demise struck Kuklinski as his most sadistic murder of all.
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Have You Ever Had To Face True Evil?

Post by Oscar Namechange »

TruthBringer;1246158 wrote: I don't know enough about this man you speak of for me to give an honest opinion on him. You say you know him better than I but you left the details of his crime out anyways, and the details are important.

I do know that Evil can mask itself very well just as Patsy said, so if this man is truly Evil, I wouldn't put it past him to be also be very clever at deceiving people.

If he is someone who decided to one day up and murder someone out of thin air, then he never was good, even if he was claiming to be, because someone who has truly given themselves to the Light and Love above all things would never have committed such an act. Not out of thin air anyways.
Sorry TB... I can't say any more other than it was a murder. He is awaiting trial in April. I do know the details but I am subject to Sub Judice law. He is also very young... too young to decieve people in the good that he has done.
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Have You Ever Had To Face True Evil?

Post by OpenMind »

The second evil I encountered when I was 35. I’d befriended a guy I’d been introduced to by an old friend. He was a financial advisor who worked in London. It turned out we lived in the same town and we arranged to meet for a beer. He appeared to be a genuine person and offered to help me out of a situation as a favour. He wanted nothing in return. Maybe I could do him a favour one day. But it turned out that he worked the favour system. Neither was he impartial to telling lies. I tried to catch him out on one set of lies he told me but luck was on his side on that occasion.

Slowly, he would take control of your life and being a financial advisor, he was very subtle and knew exactly what to say. To refuse his proposals classed you as an idiot. It was impossible to argue with him as he always had an appropriate answer.

Eventually, I was forced to leave many friends behind to get away from him. He could have tracked me through most of them. Perhaps he thinks that my disappearing act was evil. I believe he genuinely thought he was truly helping people. I recall him once telling me, not long after we’d met, how people told him they were his friends but were always letting him down.

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Have You Ever Had To Face True Evil?

Post by OpenMind »

The third evil was very subtle. Initially, I believed that I was the evil perpetrator and it wasn’t until a few months later that I became aware that I had been manipulated in a very clever way.

The perpetrator of this evil had the added ability of being able to capture people in their thrall. I was so captured for a while but escaped because I am introspective.

As I described in my earlier post on this thread, I had a tendency to lock down my feelings which, if intense, would materialise as an eruption of anger. This was my evil act on this occasion. Anger. Accusations. For some time after this, I hung my head in shame and felt my punishment to be just even when people around me were telling me that something was not right, not natural.

It wasn’t until a few months later that I identified 18 separate coincidental events that were designed to alienate me. My evil act simply provided the grounds for the realisation of this alienation. My suspicions were aroused because the reasons I was given were feeble. A later public announcement simply provided the motive for the evil.

What I had to endure as my punishment may well have had a permanent effect on my constitution. For instance, when I eat, I no longer feel the same sense of satisfaction as though the nourishment is not being received.

On the other hand, considering my heart condition, I am surprised that I am still alive. I suffered a mytocardial infarction a couple of years before meeting this person which left my heart without a working left ventricle. According to one medically knowledgeable person on this forum, this means that my heart can only suck in and no longer pumps out. Notwithstanding, this fact was known by this person who has also exposed other inconsistencies and hypocrisies in their philosophy.

This last event did give me cause to consider what evil really meant and what constitutes an evil person. As much as a part of me finds it hard to believe that the perpetrator of the last evil did not know what they were doing, the other half comes up with reasons why they did. My next post will explore the concept of evil.
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