Gaza sealed, evac officially begins

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Gaza sealed, evac officially begins

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Jewish Gaza sealed, evac officially begins

Residents block army vehicles, Hamas attacks

Posted: August 14, 2005

9:52 p.m. Eastern

By Aaron Klein

© 2005

GUSH KATIF BLOCK, Gaza – Israel's evacuation of Jewish communities from Gaza and parts of Samaria officially began tonight with the complete closing of the Gaza Strip just a few moments ago, while residents here blocked army vehicles headed toward their communities, and Hamas fired mortars and shot at soldiers.

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Gaza sealed, evac officially begins

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Jewish settlers remaining in Gaza rioted as the Israeli military began pulling out of the territory, while other residents came under fire from Palestinian militants, Israeli police said. There were no immediate reports of injuries from any of those incidents, which took place just hours after Israel closed the Kissufim border crossing that settlers used to enter Gaza. Israeli troops and Palestinian police had been coordinating efforts to crack down on any possible violence.

FULL STORY............ ..
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Gaza sealed, evac officially begins

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Photo Essay: Tears and Wailing in Gush Katif´s Cemetery

The residents of Gush Katif gathered together in the region's cemetery on the fast of Tisha B'Av to request that their beloved relatives buried there cry out to G-d on their behalf.


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Gaza sealed, evac officially begins

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Wave of Disengagement Refusals Swelling Within IDF

00:33 Aug 16, '05 / 11 Av 5765

By Ezra HaLevi

The wave of "Last Minute Refusals" is growing by the hour, with soldiers throughout the IDF stating they will not obey orders relating to the forced expulsion of Jews from Gaza and northern Samaria.

According to, five IDF battalion commanders have warned of mass refusal by soldiers in a document written to Defense Minister Sha'ul Mofaz and Chief of Staff Dan Halutz last week. The letter reportedly reveals a phenomenon called "last minute refusal." The five lieutenant colonels wrote that there is a possibly that up to half of all soldiers, including officers, assigned to Disengagement duties intend to disclose their objection to the expulsion of Jews from Gaza and Samaria on the day they are ordered to carry out the mission.

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Gaza sealed, evac officially begins

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(D)isengagement Day Has Arrived – Expulsion Begins

00:10 Aug 17, '05 / 12 Av 5765

( In accordance to the prime minister’s Gaza/Samaria Disengagement Plan, residents remaining in the communities slated for dismantling may now be removed forcibly, dragged out against their will and taken out of the area.

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Gaza sealed, evac officially begins

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Nightline did a story on this last night. It must've been one of their better ones, because I actually remember the subject, but I still fell asleep. anybody see it?
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Gaza sealed, evac officially begins

Post by Clint »

This is an issue I think we should be watching closely. I heard it said that Israel is like the canary in the coal mine for the West.

I don’t know if Sharon is being crazy like a fox or just plain crazy at this point. I can see how he may be showing the world that no matter how much he gives the Palestinians, they won’t be satisfied until they have it all.

I see the mainstream press is saying that an Israeli Soldier killed three Palestinians last night. The Israeli news is saying it was a civilian who was transporting them in his own vehicle then just up and shot them. It is hard to know what is really going on.
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Gaza sealed, evac officially begins

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Jubilant Terrorist Groups Celebrate Israeli Retreat

19:53 Aug 17, '05 / 12 Av 5765

By Ezra HaLevi

Terrorist groups are all celebrating the implementation of the Disengagement Plan, insisting that their terror attacks brought about the Israeli retreat and will bring about additional pullbacks.

According to the Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center

at the Center for Special Studies (C.S.S) many celebrations of Israeli retreat are being organized by the Palestinian Authority, but numerous terror organizations are holding their own, separate celebrations.

According to the report, the terror groups are awarding themselves and their terrorist activities the prize for having brought about the evacuation of the Israeli settlements.


Does terrorism work????
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Gaza sealed, evac officially begins

Post by MicahLorain »

The settler movement views the Israeli military as an enemy. Some settlers oppose Israel as a state! All the while depending on them to protect their illegal communities from native Palestinians, forced to cram into poverty stricken and filthy Gaza as they've been forced out of other areas. If not for the IDF the settlers would be history. The Gaza pullout is not a victory for anyone. It will be a big refugee camp monitored and sealed by the zionists. Expect orthodoxers to use terrorism against the only country on Earth that would protect them. Israel.
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Gaza sealed, evac officially begins

Post by Clint »

Scrat wrote: Here you go Clint.

Really, what fine people we are dealing with, the nutcase settlers are terrorists.

The Jewish terrorists are getting what they deserve. The Gaza strip was occupied in the 1967 war, it was never meant to be colonized by Jews. This is the price the people there pay for treating their fellow humans like dogs.

Don't worry though, Israel has the means to keep the Palastinians in poverty and in the dirt. Be glad, you're paying for it. Not all is lost.
How can you equate a Jewish settler who loses his cool and kills three people to Hamas who has killed thousands of men women and children with carefully planned homicide bombings? They are no where near the same.

BTW, when have the Palastinians ever attempted to elevate themselves above there present condition? They have a history of keeping themselves in poverty with or without the Jews. It is the way they seem to want it to be. It doesn't make them bad people. It just means there ways are the ways of people who constantly suffer.
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Gaza sealed, evac officially begins

Post by Clint »

Scrat wrote: Here's something you mentioned Clint. Goodnight.

Jewish terrorist kills three Palestinians in Shilo

17 Aug 05

"The killer, a driver, snatched a security guard's weapon, and opened fire on Palestinian workers in his vehicle.

This afternoon, a Jewish terrorist, Asher Weisgan of the settlement of Shvut Rahel in the West Bank, killed three Palestinians and critically wounded two others in the nearby settlement of Shilo, Ynet reports. The wounded Palestinians have been taken to Hadassa Ein Kerem hospital.

Weisgan, a bus driver, picked up two Palestinians in the Shilo industrial zone. He then approached the security under the pretext of needing a glass of water. He threatened the guard with a knife and snatched his weapon.

At about 17:00, Weisgan opened fire on the Palestinians in his vehicle and killed them. He continued into the industrial zone, and again opened fire, killing another Palestinian and wounding two more. The settlement's security officer captured Weisgan and handed him over to the police and army. Ambulances then arrived on the scene to evacuate the wounded to hospital.

Today's attack follows the incident at Shfaram two weeks ago in which a Jewish terrorist killed three Arab Israelis on a bus. He himself was then killed by the mob that gathered round the bus."
It happened. It was wrong. It is in no way equatable to the planned attacks by Hamas on innocent men, women and children, repeated over and over until more than a thousand are dead and who knows how many have been injuired.
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Gaza sealed, evac officially begins

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Hamas Proclaims Victory, Promises to Destroy Israel

20:51 Aug 21, '05 / 16 Av 5765

The Hamas terror organization is claiming victory over Israel's withdrawal. The group promises to terrorize Haifa and Tel Aviv until Israel is defeated and Palestine restored to the Arabs.

The terror group has launched a public relations campaign in the Palestinian Authority, taking credit for the withdrawal from the Gaza Strip and vowing to bring terror to “Haifa and Tel Aviv” until Israel is defeated and all of Palestine is returned to the Arabs.

Excerpts from the Hamas victory campaign, which appear below, were translated by the Intelligence and Information Center at the Center for Special Studies (C.S.S.)

•Mahmoud al-Zahar, a senior Hamas official in the Gaza Strip, in an interview broadcast by Al-Arabiyya TV on August 17, again stated that Israel withdrew from the Gaza Strip defeated by the “resistance,” not as the result of “useless negotiations.” He said that if sea, land and air sovereignty were not handed over to the Palestinians, “the resistance” would continue [in the Strip as well].

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Gaza sealed, evac officially begins

Post by CARLA »

I never thought I would see this in my life time.. I just don't know how you ever secure peace in that area.

They have only known a life of anger, fighting, death.. fear.. How do the children ever trust, learn compasion for their fellow man. I just wonder in my heart about it all. Of course I know that Israel isn't all fighting there are many beautiful spot that are out of the lime light..

May this somehow work out for both sides.. :-1


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Gaza sealed, evac officially begins

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Its a Shame
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Gaza sealed, evac officially begins

Post by Clint »

Islamic Jihad says all Palestinians united

Leader says total annihilation of Israel joint strategy

Posted: August 23, 2005

1:00 a.m. Eastern

© 2005

In a news conference in Damascus, the leader of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad today boasted all Palestinian groups remain united in the goal of annihilating the Jewish state of Israel.

With Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Ahmed Qureia looking on, Ramazan Abdullah, secretary general of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, said the Palestinian Authority and all Palestinian movements have reached agreement on a joint strategy after Israel's evacuation of the Gaza Strip.

Abdullah made clear there will be no relaxing of hostilities with Israel as a result of the pullback from Gaza.

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Gaza sealed, evac officially begins

Post by Clint »

Scrat wrote: So far so good Clint. There was some Palestinian people tipped off the Israelis that some gunman were getting ready to pull something off and they went after them.

The Israeli army knocked off 5 nutcases. The nutcase headbangers are getting the message too. People there want to live in peace (most of them) and this is a big step. Let's hope.
I’ve been very encouraged and relieved by what I’ve seen. It speaks very well of the people involved, that they would accept being removed from their homes without violence. They seem to have a vision for peace.
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Gaza sealed, evac officially begins

Post by Clint »

Scrat wrote: Yes most of them did leave peacefully. I think that it is a small price to pay for the possibility that their children or grandchildren may someday be able to move back there and not live behind a wall.
I hope It happens soon. I would love to see it.
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Gaza sealed, evac officially begins

Post by Clint »

It used to be that Arafat would condemn the bombings in English then praise he martyrs in Arabic. I understand that Abbas is now doing the same thing. I hope what I'm reading is wrong.
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