Terrorist attacks predicted beforehand

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Terrorist attacks predicted beforehand

Post by Clint »

Sadly, terrorist attacks such as those in London were predicted beforehand. Chen Keinan, who lost her daughter and mother in a May, 2002 Arab terror attack in Petach Tikva, described the last gruesome sight she had of her baby daughter. In an interview with CNN, she then addressed the European audience warning of the unfortunate possibility of such a tragedy.

Hear excerpts from her dramatic interview.

"We [Israel] are the canary in the coal mine. We are dying now. We are slaughtered on a daily basis. But you're next buddies, because I understand that you have a lot of Muslim minorities and that's OK. Everybody should live wherever he wants. But, you are appeasing terrorism! And you hope that if you tolerate it, and try to understand its motives, and you give it reasons, whatever they are… Do not tolerate murder…, not for oil, and not because you are scared. Because, the more fear you show, the faster it's going to be on your doorstep - and then, G-d help you, because you gave it legitimacy."

We must stop showing fear. We must do what has to be done.
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Terrorist attacks predicted beforehand

Post by turbonium »

Clint wrote: Sadly, terrorist attacks such as those in London were predicted beforehand. Chen Keinan, who lost her daughter and mother in a May, 2002 Arab terror attack in Petach Tikva, described the last gruesome sight she had of her baby daughter. In an interview with CNN, she then addressed the European audience warning of the unfortunate possibility of such a tragedy.

Hear excerpts from her dramatic interview.

"We [Israel] are the canary in the coal mine. We are dying now. We are slaughtered on a daily basis. But you're next buddies, because I understand that you have a lot of Muslim minorities and that's OK. Everybody should live wherever he wants. But, you are appeasing terrorism! And you hope that if you tolerate it, and try to understand its motives, and you give it reasons, whatever they are… Do not tolerate murder…, not for oil, and not because you are scared. Because, the more fear you show, the faster it's going to be on your doorstep - and then, G-d help you, because you gave it legitimacy."

We must stop showing fear. We must do what has to be done.
Sorry Clint, don't take offense, but seeing how everyone and their dog has predicted bombings to hit Europe at least sometime in the future, I don't follow this coming off as some sort of incredible prediction come true.....

It actually comes off sounding oddly schizoid... From Evil Personality #1: "You're next buddies" (it sounds like a threat, not a warning) "because I understand you have a lot of Muslim minorities", over to Friendly Personality #2: "and that's OK. Everybody should live wherever he wants." Now back to Evil Personality #2: "But, you're appeasing terrorism".

It sounds like two people arguing their opposing viewpoints!!

I don't know, I just woke up and need by OJ and bran muffin!! No disrespect intended, Clint.... ;)
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Terrorist attacks predicted beforehand

Post by Clint »

turbonium wrote: Sorry Clint, don't take offense, but seeing how everyone and their dog has predicted bombings to hit Europe at least sometime in the future, I don't follow this coming off as some sort of incredible prediction come true.....

It actually comes off sounding oddly schizoid... From Evil Personality #1: "You're next buddies" (it sounds like a threat, not a warning) "because I understand you have a lot of Muslim minorities", over to Friendly Personality #2: "and that's OK. Everybody should live wherever he wants." Now back to Evil Personality #2: "But, you're appeasing terrorism".

It sounds like two people arguing their opposing viewpoints!!

I don't know, I just woke up and need by OJ and bran muffin!! No disrespect intended, Clint.... ;)
No offense taken.

I think you see this different than I do. I don’t see this as some crystal ball prediction. I see it as a distraught and grieving mother, looking at what just happened to her and saying the rest of the world had better pay attention, because if the ones that did this to her baby aren’t stopped, the rest of the world will be experiencing the same thing. She said what many have thought but wouldn't say. She spoke in greif and anger without pulling any punches.
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Terrorist attacks predicted beforehand

Post by turbonium »

OK - sorry, Clint, I wasn't aware that's how you meant the post. In that context, yes, it does make sense. It just came out sounding as if you should be careful not to have Muslims in your neighborhood or something, because you are appeasing terrorism by doing that, which is just silly. Nobody wants to go through what this woman did, no doubt...
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Terrorist attacks predicted beforehand

Post by TMC »

Here's somebody else who predicted it:

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Terrorist attacks predicted beforehand

Post by gmc »

posted by far rider

This line is very interesting to me and I have had this thought several times and we do give it legitimacy by trying to understand it... I too in my own personal thoughts have given time to the idea that maybe we deserve some of whats happening, now when I think it through I dissmiss it when I see the methods they use.

To do anything else than kill everyone of them, hunt them down and destroy even their houses and all that they possess is the only way to stop the fanatical terrorist, any thing short of that does lend legitimacy to their cause.

To try and understand your enemy and the way they think has been the key to military success for a long time, Patton studied Rommel just as Rommel studied Montgomery.

No one deserves a terrorist attack but if you can undetstand what drives someone to such an act maybe you can stop it happening in the future. To dismiss them as evil, nutters, depraved is also to dismiss the all too human nature of them as well. People do things for a reason the trick is not to become like your enemy and hate blindly.
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Terrorist attacks predicted beforehand

Post by Clint »

There are hundreds of thousands of Islamic extremists in the world that are committed to seeing us dead. They want us dead because of our way of life for sure but more than that, they want us dead because we are not their brand of Muslim (Atheists, Pantheists and Agnostics included). If they succeed and murder all of us, they will then turn on their own who don't share their extreme views. Not all Muslims want to kill off all other beliefs or non beliefs. There are just so many of them in the world that do, that they can no longer be ignored.

The extremists interpret Mohammad’s teachings to be that we are their greatest enemy but that they must deal with the nearest enemy first. In Iraq we are their nearest enemy and their greatest enemy. By following their theology they will be more likely to fight us in Iraq than here.

Those who want to murder us don’t care if we are kind to them or not. They don’t care if we give them gifts, feed their children or pave their streets. They simply want us dead or converted to their brand of Islam.
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Terrorist attacks predicted beforehand

Post by Clint »

Scrat wrote: It's a little late for that Clint. We should have went into Iraq with at least 500,000 men and turned that country into the worlds biggest concentration camp. Because the Bush administration feared public backlash about casualties/cost ect, this has turned into the biggest tarbaby since the Nam. We also should have went after the Saudis with another half mil and did a little regime change there.

If you were to throw in the sheer idiocy of the people running this clusterfook "war on terror" it would boggle your mind.

Idiocy is akin to ignorance and the right hand of fear.

If your going to shoot, shoot. Don't talk. There is no such thing as PC warfare.

It is partially true that we are holding down a small number of Al Qaida there, when we leave (which we will) some of them will carry the war to other places. They will take advantage of the lax immigration laws and border controls in the west and establish themselves to carry their cause forwards.

We need our troops home protecting us because it is just a matter of time before another 9/11 happens here due to our misplaced priorities.

We also have to get off the oil tit. It's what got us here to begin with.
I agree. I would have liked to see us drop a bigger hammer on them than we did. That is my opinion without the advantage of having my own CIA and my own staff of military planners. I don’t know how close we are to having to go at it with N. Korea or if some of the things you say we should do, would have further destabilized the global situation. I don’t know if the military planners decided we didn’t have the logistic support for 500,000 troops. I just don’t have enough of the picture. It is necessary that neither of us have access to that kind of information.

Having troops here at home won’t accomplish much unless we have them busy rounding up potential terrorists. We had plenty of them here on 9/11 and it didn’t change anything before or after.

Just like you, I would like to see a lot more done. I just don’t know if it’s possible, so I’m not going to undermine the effort at hand to drum up support for some pie in the sky idea I have. I’m not going to criticize something unless I have the information, resources and the expertise to come up with a better plan.

I couldn’t agree more regarding oil. We have to wean ourselves. We need to develop new sources. We have to develop alternative fuels. And we have to learn the difference between “need” and “want”.
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