Non Traditional Wedding Reception Speech

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Non Traditional Wedding Reception Speech

Post by minks »

Well the time is ticking down, a month from now my youngest daughter will be getting married.

This is so very exciting.

She is having a very non traditional kind of wedding, it is what we historically call, a small town country wedding, held out in the country at a small town hall. Very casual, with a wee hint of tradition.

She and her beau are very easy going and laid back. My daughter is the exact opposite of a bridezilla :)

My daughter has asked that myself and my husband give the introduction speech. They are planning an open mic style for anyone who may wish to speak. (sometimes this is a little risky and nerve wracking because the silence can be a bit of a challenge as can some long winded guests be).

I am not much of a public speaker, but feel confident that we can pull off a meaningful, and touching speech. Neither of us are long winded, but we both are rather sentimental.

We do have to do the standard introductions of the wedding party, a welcome message to the guests and we do have to acknowledge our out of towner's, and a couple very special guests, (grandparents and the youngest niece/nephew)

Can anyone offer up any unique suggestions to help us make our speech memorable?
�You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.�

― Mae West
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