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Moving Mandalas Geometric Animations from Light Weaver

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2013 3:45 am
by tabby
For anyone with a few moments to spare and the desire to relax and release your mind from stresses of the day, this site will provide you with the opportunity to create and manipulate some beautiful mandalas. Play with the keys, mouse & your imagination and enjoy!

Moving Mandalas and Geometric Animations from Light Weaver

For those not familiar with mandalas, they're every where around us in nature as well as in artistic designs from cultures throughout history and worldwide. This site will tell you more ~~~~~> Untitled Document

A few years ago, I was given the gift of a box of about 80 mandala designs and 20 color pencils. It was very relaxing to sit quietly and "color" them in as I wished. I hadn't "colored" since I was in elementary school but I loved it! The designs were all mandalas in nature, things we see every day but stop observing at some point. A great reminder to pay attention!

Moving Mandalas Geometric Animations from Light Weaver

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2013 10:52 am
by AnneBoleyn
More fun than a kaleidoscope! (Can't believe I spelled that right!) I love to color, Tabs. Love all kid things.

Moving Mandalas Geometric Animations from Light Weaver

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2013 2:52 pm
by tabby
Anne, it's fun, isn't it! I was much less inclined this go round to use traditional coloring for objects. One of the mandala designs was the circular coil of a rattlesnake about to strike. Trust me ... he's much less intimidating when his body has been colored dark and light blue with a shaded pink and lavender head! :sneaky: