How Long Will England Remain English?

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How Long Will England Remain English?

Post by jones jones »

Read an article recently in which it was predicted that by 2066 English people will be in the minority in their own country where they will make up less than half the population. Also that the UK will have more Muslims than Kuwait by 2030.

This begs the following questions:

Is this the result of 40 years of EU membership and an “open door” immigration policy or other reasons?

Did the Labour politicians underestimate the tidal wave of immigrants who would arrive in the UK from Eastern Europe?

Has membership of the EU dramatically changed the lives of the English for the better?

You can call me a racist and a white supremacist (I’ve been called worse names than those right here on FG in the past) or perhaps I still believe in the “old fashioned England” of my ancestors, but the England, indeed the Britain of today seemed a far far better place when these quotes were penned:

sir winston churchill (1874-1965)

"We are with Europe, but not of it. We are linked, but not combined. We are interested and associated, but not absorbed. And Should European statesman address us in the words which were used of old – “Shall I speak for thee to the King or the Lord of the Host?” – we should reply with the words of the Shunamite woman: “Nay sir, for we dwell among our own people.”


bernard cornwell - 'the last kingdom'

"Our ancestors took this land. They took it and made it and held it. We do not give up what our ancestors gave us. They came across the sea and they fought here, and they built here and they're buried here. This is our land, mixed with our blood, strengthened with our bone. Ours!"

alice duer miller

"...I am American bred. I have seen much to hate here, much to forgive. But in a world where England is finished and dead, I do not wish to live."

The White Cliffs (1940)

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How Long Will England Remain English?

Post by gmc »

bernard cornwell - 'the last kingdom'

"Our ancestors took this land. They took it and made it and held it. We do not give up what our ancestors gave us. They came across the sea and they fought here, and they built here and they're buried here. This is our land, mixed with our blood, strengthened with our bone. Ours!"

That's right the english were invaders just like the romans before them and the normans after that.

The biggest problems are with immigrants from parts of the former british empire. Without immigrants from europe the industrial. Will england survive without the scots? Great britain would not be so great without those who live on these islands but are not actually English. Stop feeling sorry for yourselves.
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How Long Will England Remain English?

Post by jones jones »

"Stop feeling sorry for yourselves."

Not me ... My family left England way back in the 1800's.
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How Long Will England Remain English?

Post by gmc »

jones jones;1420216 wrote: "Stop feeling sorry for yourselves."

Not me ... My family left England way back in the 1800's.

I lived there for three years, in London, terrible place full of foreigners
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How Long Will England Remain English?

Post by Oscar Namechange »

This video was shot In 2009 by the BNP.... Yes, you could call It racist but watch the vid JJ and then make your own mind up.

The True Face Of Immigration - YouTube

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How Long Will England Remain English?

Post by jones jones »

oscar;1420221 wrote: This video was shot In 2009 by the BNP.... Yes, you could call It racist but watch the vid JJ and then make your own mind up.

The True Face Of Immigration - YouTube

Pakistani Muslim Gangs attacking White British kids. - YouTube

I watched Oscar.

Of course nowadays it is very politically incorrect to object to having your country overrun by immgrants.
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How Long Will England Remain English?

Post by gmc »

jones jones;1420233 wrote: I watched Oscar.

Of course nowadays it is very politically incorrect to object to having your country overrun by immgrants.

Not me ... My family left England way back in the 1800's.

You're an immigrant yourself. I look forward to the day you hand america back to the original inhabitants.
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How Long Will England Remain English?

Post by jones jones »

gmc;1420241 wrote: You're an immigrant yourself. I look forward to the day you hand america back to the original inhabitants.

Sigh .................
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How Long Will England Remain English?

Post by gmc »

oscar;1420221 wrote: This video was shot In 2009 by the BNP.... Yes, you could call It racist but watch the vid JJ and then make your own mind up.

The True Face Of Immigration - YouTube

Pakistani Muslim Gangs attacking White British kids. - YouTube

Bit ironic "welsh" is actually the anglo saxon word for stranger. It is actually racist we've had an influx of s=catholic immigrants that too is likely to change English culture

posted bt jones jones

Sigh .................

In america you and you fellow immigrants have done exactly what the english did to the inhabitants of Britain, Conquered and completely overwhelmed the original inhabitants. What's the matter does the truth bother you?
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Bryn Mawr
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How Long Will England Remain English?

Post by Bryn Mawr »

jones jones;1420209 wrote: Read an article recently in which it was predicted that by 2066 English people will be in the minority in their own country where they will make up less than half the population. Also that the UK will have more Muslims than Kuwait by 2030.

This begs the following questions:

Is this the result of 40 years of EU membership and an �open door� immigration policy or other reasons?

Did the Labour politicians underestimate the tidal wave of immigrants who would arrive in the UK from Eastern Europe?

Has membership of the EU dramatically changed the lives of the English for the better?

You can call me a racist and a white supremacist (I�ve been called worse names than those right here on FG in the past) or perhaps I still believe in the �old fashioned England� of my ancestors, but the England, indeed the Britain of today seemed a far far better place when these quotes were penned:

sir winston churchill (1874-1965)

"We are with Europe, but not of it. We are linked, but not combined. We are interested and associated, but not absorbed. And Should European statesman address us in the words which were used of old � �Shall I speak for thee to the King or the Lord of the Host?� � we should reply with the words of the Shunamite woman: �Nay sir, for we dwell among our own people.�


bernard cornwell - 'the last kingdom'

"Our ancestors took this land. They took it and made it and held it. We do not give up what our ancestors gave us. They came across the sea and they fought here, and they built here and they're buried here. This is our land, mixed with our blood, strengthened with our bone. Ours!"

alice duer miller

"...I am American bred. I have seen much to hate here, much to forgive. But in a world where England is finished and dead, I do not wish to live."

The White Cliffs (1940)


It would be interesting to see the article because the figures just don't stack up that way.
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How Long Will England Remain English?

Post by jones jones »

On the other hand it might have been a documentary I watched on Russia Today! Or was it Al Jazeera? No .. I seem to recall it was something written by a well respected British academic whose names escapes me for the moment.

Well Bryn I guess it depends on which political party you support and maybe which newspapers & magazines you read.

So Gaffer as you have in debating parlance decided to refute my post, the onus is therefor on you to state why you have done so and to quote your source/s which show that the "figures" don't stack up in that way.

Over to you.
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How Long Will England Remain English?

Post by Wandrin »

So, by "English", do you mean the Celts, the Anglo-Saxons who invaded, or the Vikings? Or were you talking about the Neolithic migrations?
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How Long Will England Remain English?

Post by jones jones »

Wandrin;1420251 wrote: So, by "English", do you mean the Celts, the Anglo-Saxons who invaded, or the Vikings? Or were you talking about the Neolithic migrations?

By English I mean the citizens of England who were born and bred there & who speak English as their mother tongue.
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How Long Will England Remain English?

Post by Bruv »

jones jones;1420252 wrote: By English I mean the citizens of England who were born and bred there & who speak English as their mother tongue.

We have a rainbow of skin tones, religions, cultural roots, drawn from most every nation on earth........who meet that criteria.

By the same token do you regard yourself as African ?

And better still do the original African population regard you as African ?

Your honest answer might go some way to answering your own opening post.
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How Long Will England Remain English?

Post by Bryn Mawr »

jones jones;1420250 wrote: On the other hand it might have been a documentary I watched on Russia Today! Or was it Al Jazeera? No .. I seem to recall it was something written by a well respected British academic whose names escapes me for the moment.

Well Bryn I guess it depends on which political party you support and maybe which newspapers & magazines you read.

So Gaffer as you have in debating parlance decided to refute my post, the onus is therefor on you to state why you have done so and to quote your source/s which show that the "figures" don't stack up in that way.

Over to you.

Not your post but the article you're referencing which is why I was interested in seeing it.

It is not a matter of which political party you support or which newspapers and magazines you read, it is a straight mathematical claim which is subject to analysis. In order to show that their figures don't stack up it helps to know what figures they've used - is it a case of inaccurate starting populations, unrealistic growth rates within those populations (whether organic growth or due to influx) or pure failure to do the maths correctly. Given the figures, that's easy to do - having to derive my own set of figures from root sources will take a lot more time and an awful lot more typing amounting to an academic paper in itself to show that the parameters used are in accordance with real life.
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How Long Will England Remain English?

Post by jones jones »

Bruv;1420255 wrote: We have a rainbow of skin tones, religions, cultural roots, drawn from most every nation on earth........who meet that criteria.

By the same token do you regard yourself as African ?

And better still do the original African population regard you as African ?

Your honest answer might go some way to answering your own opening post.

Ah ... the dulcid tones of citizen Bruv!

I have missed you ... (just kidding I didn't.) But anyway, how are you dear?

I was asked in another post whom I considered to be English and I replied.

"We have a rainbow of skin tones, religions, cultural roots, drawn from most every nation on earth........who meet that criteria."

Surely then every earthling on the planet meets that criteria?

However I digress.

My honest answer? Every answer I make is honest dear.

Every earthling born in Africa is surely an African ... Alas I cannot answer for the original African population, but if I was to hazard a guess ... my answer would be no.

Now, a question for you and an "honest answer" would be appreciated.

"And better still do the original British population regard Poles, Armenians, Croats, Turks, Pakistanis, Indians, Chinese & a gazillian other immigrants to Britain as British?"

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How Long Will England Remain English?

Post by Snowfire »

Wandrin;1420251 wrote: So, by "English", do you mean the Celts, the Anglo-Saxons who invaded, or the Vikings? Or were you talking about the Neolithic migrations?

Those with a political agenda always refer us/themselves as Anglo Saxon but honestly, unless you can trace your lineage back far enough, none of us really know. I was born and bred in the county of Kent so I may be of Danish descent after the Jutes colonised this area.

We're mongrels the lot of us. Anglo Saxon, Jute, Norman, Roman, Viking et al. Britain was culturally Celtic before the majority of invasions and they were mainly pushed toward Scotland, Wales and Cornwall.

These lands and its people have always changed and always will
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How Long Will England Remain English?

Post by jones jones »

Bryn Mawr;1420256 wrote: Not your post but the article you're referencing which is why I was interested in seeing it.

It is not a matter of which political party you support or which newspapers and magazines you read, it is a straight mathematical claim which is subject to analysis. In order to show that their figures don't stack up it helps to know what figures they've used - is it a case of inaccurate starting populations, unrealistic growth rates within those populations (whether organic growth or due to influx) or pure failure to do the maths correctly. Given the figures, that's easy to do - having to derive my own set of figures from root sources will take a lot more time and an awful lot more typing amounting to an academic paper in itself to show that the parameters used are in accordance with real life.

Fair enough. You are an honest man whom I respect.

I shall therefore do my damnest to "rewind the tape" and quote you facts, figures and sources.

Maybe not by close of play tonight, but asap. Okay?
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How Long Will England Remain English?

Post by Saint_ »

gmc;1420241 wrote: You're an immigrant yourself. I look forward to the day you hand america back to the original inhabitants.

lol. Actually, that was last the Hispanics anyway. They got their land back just by walking over here. Native Americans are smarter, I think. They are using the casinos on the reservations to get everyone else to give them the money to buy their land back. :D
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How Long Will England Remain English?

Post by Bruv »

jones jones;1420257 wrote: Ah ... the dulcid tones of citizen Bruv!

I have missed you ... (just kidding I didn't.) But anyway, how are you dear?

I was asked in another post whom I considered to be English and I replied.

"We have a rainbow of skin tones, religions, cultural roots, drawn from most every nation on earth........who meet that criteria."

Surely then every earthling on the planet meets that criteria?

However I digress.

My honest answer? Every answer I make is honest dear.

Every earthling born in Africa is surely an African ... Alas I cannot answer for the original African population, but if I was to hazard a guess ... my answer would be no.

Now, a question for you and an "honest answer" would be appreciated.

"And better still do the original British population regard Poles, Armenians, Croats, Turks, Pakistanis, Indians, Chinese & a gazillian other immigrants to Britain as British?"

The word is "Dulcet" as far as the dictionaries are concerned "Dulcid" doesn't exist.

I thought this was a serious thread, that is why I responded, how do you manage to be so obnoxious, with the affectations of 'earthlings' and 'dear' and totally ignoring your own criteria.....................just to 'score points'?

I shall remind you.......By English I mean the citizens of England who were born and bred there & who speak English as their mother tongue.
So no, "Surely then every earthling on the planet meets that criteria?......remembering the 'Mother tongue' part ?

As to the 'serious' question you ask, a serious answer.

There is a difference between British and English.

You opening post concerned England remaining English, the majority of our immigrant population can apply for and become British after a relatively short period of residency, they will never be English. To enlarge on your question, European immigrant's children will be accepted as English after picking up an English accent, whether they are in fact English or not. Sadly many people of darker skin tones despite being 2nd 3rd or 4th generation English are not accepted as easily, or indeed feel they are English.

Very much like your reply concerning your African status, but thats people for you, and their foibles.
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How Long Will England Remain English?

Post by Bruv »

gmc;1420241 wrote: You're an immigrant yourself. I look forward to the day you hand america back to the original inhabitants.

He is South African.
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How Long Will England Remain English?

Post by Oscar Namechange »

Some people really do underestimate my Gullibility factor.
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How Long Will England Remain English?

Post by tude dog »

gmc;1420243 wrote: In america you and you fellow immigrants have done exactly what the english did to the inhabitants of Britain, Conquered and completely overwhelmed the original inhabitants. What's the matter does the truth bother you?

Born and raised here, no more an immigrant than the Siberian redskins.
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How Long Will England Remain English?

Post by jones jones »

Bruv;1420283 wrote: He is South African.

Braaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! Gong that man out!

He resides in South Africa.
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How Long Will England Remain English?

Post by jones jones »

Bruv;1420282 wrote: The word is "Dulcet" as far as the dictionaries are concerned "Dulcid" doesn't exist.

I thought this was a serious thread, that is why I responded, how do you manage to be so obnoxious, with the affectations of 'earthlings' and 'dear' and totally ignoring your own criteria.....................just to 'score points'?

I shall remind you.......

So no, "Surely then every earthling on the planet meets that criteria?......remembering the 'Mother tongue' part ?

As to the 'serious' question you ask, a serious answer.

There is a difference between British and English.

You opening post concerned England remaining English, the majority of our immigrant population can apply for and become British after a relatively short period of residency, they will never be English. To enlarge on your question, European immigrant's children will be accepted as English after picking up an English accent, whether they are in fact English or not. Sadly many people of darker skin tones despite being 2nd 3rd or 4th generation English are not accepted as easily, or indeed feel they are English.

Very much like your reply concerning your African status, but thats people for you, and their foibles.

Dulcid ... dulcet - tomato ... tomayto. Pfffffffffffft!

Citizen Bruv, of course this is a serious thread, well it was until you ... until you like responded! :yh_rotfl:yh_rotfl

How do I manage to be so obnoxious, you ask? Its gift dear ... sort of similar to being able to dislocate your shoulder at will, only far less painful!

By “affectation/s” I believe you mean something like … “artificial and designed to impress?” Now really, I am certain you know the Chosen One much better than that. Surely by now you are aware of just how impressive I am?

As for artificial, I do believe I have already made it clear that I do not regard every person on earth as a “human.” It is for that very reason I refer to the inhabitants of this planet as “earthlings.”

Scoring points … really not my scene at all. Anyway last time I looked I was leading you by 18,678 points to 14,364!

When are you going to find out that I am continually playing a silly game with you … I like winding you up and having a bit of fun so stop taking everything I say to heart.

Why don’t you get in touch with your feminine side like me? Of course if my calling you “dear” upsets or really, really irritates you, please let me know ………………….. so that I can keep doing it! :yh_rotfl
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How Long Will England Remain English?

Post by Bruv »

No worries my effete fulla shite friend.

Best we return to abusing each other as a 'normal' discussion is obviously beyond you.

If irritating me is your goal in life then good for you.

Keep up the good work
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How Long Will England Remain English?

Post by Bryn Mawr »

jones jones;1420259 wrote: Fair enough. You are an honest man whom I respect.

I shall therefore do my damnest to "rewind the tape" and quote you facts, figures and sources.

Maybe not by close of play tonight, but asap. Okay?

That would be grand - I'm truly interested to see how anyone can arrive at that result.
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How Long Will England Remain English?

Post by Bryn Mawr »

tude dog;1420302 wrote: Born and raised here, no more an immigrant than the Siberian redskins.

Many of those counted as immigrants in this country are into their third generation here - to me they are British but to many they are still Asian.

That's one of the problems with racism, it sees what it wants to see and disregards the rest.
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How Long Will England Remain English?

Post by Saint_ »

tude dog;1420302 wrote: Born and raised here, no more an immigrant than the Siberian redskins.

Possibly, but you know that your recent ancestors were immigrants. I'm proud of that, aren't you? I am Norwegian-American, and that implies culture, music, and tradition that complements my American heritage. You act as though you deny your heritage. I wonder how your great grandfather and mother would feel about your denial of their culture?I was taught to respect the cultures of everyone. That's why I refer to people as "African-American" and "Native American." Emphasis on the American, we must remember we are all a part of a common country, but with respect to their culture.

Oh, and "Redskins?" In case you hadn't heard, that term is considered racist these days. As someone whose best friend since high school is Navajo, and who works daily with many Native American students, I find your language offensive and abhorrent.

And no, I'm not proud of the way the Native Americans were treated, although we have come far along the path to treating them better these days. Sadly, and historically, that's the way that technologically inferior civilizations are treated when they meet technologically superior ones.

I suggest reading Diamond's "Guns, Germs, and Steel" to better understand that phenomenon.
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How Long Will England Remain English?

Post by jones jones »

Bruv;1420309 wrote: No worries my effete fulla shite friend.

Best we return to abusing each other as a 'normal' discussion is obviously beyond you.

If irritating me is your goal in life then good for you.

Keep up the good work

Dr. Bruv M.H.L.M;

I still sense that you harbor some hostility towards the Chosen One. Phrases such as "my effete fulla shite friend" cannot and will not contribute towards a truce between us becoming a reality, however much you desire it.

Abusing each other? Surely not Colonel as this sort of behaviour is frowned upon by the Gaffer and could well result in an infraction of sorts. In any event, I am not a priest.

Define normal, I beg you sir as I can assure you that nothing is beyond the Chosen One.

Irritating you is NOT a goal I aspire to in this or any life yet to come.

Attempting to get you to laugh at yourself and at life in general is more like it!
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How Long Will England Remain English?

Post by Oscar Namechange »

Bruv;1420309 wrote: No worries my effete fulla shite friend.

Best we return to abusing each other as a 'normal' discussion is obviously beyond you.

If irritating me is your goal in life then good for you.

Keep up the good work Why do you bother? This Is pathetic.
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How Long Will England Remain English?

Post by jones jones »

oscar;1420324 wrote: Why do you bother? This Is pathetic.

Em ... Excuse me Oscar. Kindly keep this thread on topic. Pathetic is NOT a word we use when replying to posts about how long England will remain English! :yh_rotfl
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How Long Will England Remain English?

Post by Bruv »

oscar;1420324 wrote: Why do you bother? This Is pathetic.

I agree, should you ever catch me rising to the bait again................. shoot me.
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How Long Will England Remain English?

Post by gmc »

jones jones;1420306 wrote: Braaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! Gong that man out!

He resides in South Africa.

Ah so he is an immigrant. No doubt you will return Englande and then bleat h=about how it is not so good for the whites as south africa. Watch yourself the zulus have machine guns as well nowadays.
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How Long Will England Remain English?

Post by Oscar Namechange »

Bruv;1420332 wrote: I agree, should you ever catch me rising to the bait again................. shoot me. I will
At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them. R.L. Binyon
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How Long Will England Remain English?

Post by jones jones »

Bryn Mawr;1420314 wrote: That would be grand - I'm truly interested to see how anyone can arrive at that result.

Hi Bryn; I promised to get back to you on my source and I was all prepared to put up links and such like. However because this thread has been taken so far off topic, I have become bored with it.

Instead I have decided to simply give you the name of the academic whose figures I quoted. He is David Coleman, professor of demography at Oxford University.

Personally I have no idea as to his credibility or otherwise but feel free to make whatever points you wish and I will reply to them ... hopefully without any sideshows.
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How Long Will England Remain English?

Post by Bryn Mawr »

The reference has not, so far, been sufficient to throw up the paper in question but it did find this link :-

Watching David Coleman | Comment is free |

Coleman is co-founder of the anti-immigration pressure group Migration Watch, and a long-term member and sometime office-holder in the Eugenics Society and its successor the Galton Institute (thus renamed because the word eugenics, unsurprisingly, shocks).

Coleman's figures on the many millions of immigrants who might come to Britain are catchy, clever PR stuff.

This is why I need to see the original article - if, as suggested here, his prediction is based on high levels of possible future immigration then it does fall into the realms of political pointscoring rather than real world modelling.

I'll continue to look.
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How Long Will England Remain English?

Post by jones jones »

Bryn Mawr;1420340 wrote: The reference has not, so far, been sufficient to throw up the paper in question but it did find this link :-

Watching David Coleman | Comment is free |

This is why I need to see the original article - if, as suggested here, his prediction is based on high levels of possible future immigration then it does fall into the realms of political pointscoring rather than real world modelling.

I'll continue to look.

I have an idea that the original article may have been in The Sun newspaper.
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How Long Will England Remain English?

Post by Snowfire »

jones jones;1420341 wrote: I have an idea that the original article may have been in The Sun newspaper.

That, I'm afraid speaks volumes
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How Long Will England Remain English?

Post by Bryn Mawr »

jones jones;1420341 wrote: I have an idea that the original article may have been in The Sun newspaper.

Then the prediction is purely based on the assumption that the UK population, which has increased by 20% over the last fifty years during the periods of mass immigration, will increase by 40% over the next seventy years and that all of the influx would be non-white :-

Oxford professor issues shock population warning for Great Britain by 2066 | The Sun |News

Writing in Prospect magazine, Prof Coleman warned the huge numbers of foreigners landing on our shores will “transform” the UK.

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How Long Will England Remain English?

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Bruv;1420332 wrote: I agree, should you ever catch me rising to the bait again................. shoot me.

Bang! Bang! I shot ya down!
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How Long Will England Remain English?

Post by gmc »

If we vote for independence and as members of the EU does this mean we will have to allow all these english economic migrants fleeing from a tory run england? The muslim bit isn't quite so worrying you find muslim schoolkids being asked - and I kid you not - if they are protestant or catholic muslims.
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How Long Will England Remain English?

Post by Snowfire »

gmc;1420411 wrote: If we vote for independence and as members of the EU does this mean we will have to allow all these english economic migrants fleeing from a tory run england? The muslim bit isn't quite so worrying you find muslim schoolkids being asked - and I kid you not - if they are protestant or catholic muslims.

A lot of assumptions. You're not over the line yet and membership of the EU seems unlikely if you do get independance. Being asked whether or not you are Catholic or Protestant seems to be a Scottish pastime rather than English
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How Long Will England Remain English?

Post by gmc »

Snowfire;1420416 wrote: A lot of assumptions. You're not over the line yet and membership of the EU seems unlikely if you do get independance. Being asked whether or not you are Catholic or Protestant seems to be a Scottish pastime rather than English

Sectarianism is a wonderful thing. The EU membership is an interesting thing. The constituent parts of Hungary were allowed to join separately as were latvia and slovakia so why not us? The current Spanish eu presidemnts comments have more to do with t-his worry about catalan seceding from spain than anything else.

Apart from oil if we are not members of the EU the scottish fisheries will be closed to eu boats. Let's see a small nation with large oil reserves and valuable offshore fisheries and a reputation of being an industrial powerhouse wants to join the EU what do you think would be the answer? In asny case since david cameron seems determined to take the UK out of europe one ofn the main arguments against independence just got thrown out the window.
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How Long Will England Remain English?

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Saint_;1420322 wrote: Possibly, but you know that your recent ancestors were immigrants. I'm proud of that, aren't you? I am Norwegian-American, and that implies culture, music, and tradition that complements my American heritage. You act as though you deny your heritage. I wonder how your great grandfather and mother would feel about your denial of their culture?I was taught to respect the cultures of everyone. That's why I refer to people as "African-American" and "Native American." Emphasis on the American, we must remember we are all a part of a common country, but with respect to their culture.

Oh, and "Redskins?" In case you hadn't heard, that term is considered racist these days. As someone whose best friend since high school is Navajo, and who works daily with many Native American students, I find your language offensive and abhorrent.

And no, I'm not proud of the way the Native Americans were treated, although we have come far along the path to treating them better these days. Sadly, and historically, that's the way that technologically inferior civilizations are treated when they meet technologically superior ones.

I suggest reading Diamond's "Guns, Germs, and Steel" to better understand that phenomenon.

Each of my four grandparents, if anybody bothered to check would represent four different European nations. Without getting in to the whys, but for all practical purposes my parents never identified with any, if not actually avoiding the subject.

I enjoy when invited to celebrations of different ethnic traditions. I just don't have any to share, except maybe Southern Fried Chicken, BBQ'd steak, an afternoon at the shootn range (just had to sneak that in).

As far as the "redskin", yea I knew when I wrote it some may find it objectionable, and really should not have used it. Could have been a better why to point out that Native Americans also came from somewhere else.

I'll certainly check out the book, and if I read it I'll do a book review. If I don't read it (which means I didn't buy it), I'll tell you why.
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How Long Will England Remain English?

Post by Bryn Mawr »

tude dog;1420584 wrote: Each of my four grandparents, if anybody bothered to check would represent four different European nations. Without getting in to the whys, but for all practical purposes my parents never identified with any, if not actually avoiding the subject.

I enjoy when invited to celebrations of different ethnic traditions. I just don't have any to share, except maybe Southern Fried Chicken, BBQ'd steak, an afternoon at the shootn range(just had to sneak that in).

As far as the "redskin", yea I knew when I wrote it some may find it objectionable, and really should not have used it. Could have been a better why to point out that Native Americans also came from somewhere else.

I'll certainly check out the book, and if I read it I'll do a book review. If I don't read it (which means I didn't buy it), I'll tell you why.

I can very strongly recommend it. Accountable pointed it out to me during one of our discussions and it pulled a lot of threads together for me.
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How Long Will England Remain English?

Post by tude dog »

Bryn Mawr;1420585 wrote: I can very strongly recommend it. Accountable pointed it out to me during one of our discussions and it pulled a lot of threads together for me.

Googled it, got the basic concept, which I understand and have no problem with.

Wikipedia presented I could learn?

Oh well, I stuck my foot in it as I know full well a 480 page book should have a to say which isn't contained in a summary.
What happened to Kamala Harris' campaign?
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How Long Will England Remain English?

Post by Bryn Mawr »

Bryn Mawr;1420344 wrote: Then the prediction is purely based on the assumption that the UK population, which has increased by 20% over the last fifty years during the periods of mass immigration, will increase by 40% over the next seventy years and that all of the influx would be non-white :-

Oxford professor issues shock population warning for Great Britain by 2066 | The Sun |News

As a follow up to this article, and accepting that one year does not make a long term trend, you might be interested to see this report from the BBC website today :-

BBC News - UK net migration falls by a third
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How Long Will England Remain English?

Post by Oscar Namechange »

Bryn Mawr;1421769 wrote: As a follow up to this article, and accepting that one year does not make a long term trend, you might be interested to see this report from the BBC website today :-

BBC News - UK net migration falls by a third That will very quickly change.

Britain powerless to stop tens of thousands of Bulgarians and Romanians moving to UK next year, Theresa May admits - Telegraph
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How Long Will England Remain English?

Post by Bryn Mawr »

oscar;1421770 wrote: That will very quickly change.

Britain powerless to stop tens of thousands of Bulgarians and Romanians moving to UK next year, Theresa May admits - Telegraph

In order for it to "very quickly change" requires the Bulgarians and Romanians not just to have the right to come but they must also chose to exercise that right.

We might not have the legal power to stop them but will they want to come? They say not.
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