Well I'm off to the 'never never' to work

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Well I'm off to the 'never never' to work

Post by fuzzywuzzy »

Early next year i'll be off to Argyle diamond mine to drive trucks. Holy mother of god !!!! I just looked up where i'll be going. But I will take plenty of pictures to show you the real Australian outback. and yes the dump trucks in the pics is what I'll be driving . And when i'm there I'll begin studying for my safety ticket so I can get a cushy job indoors.

Argyle Diamond Mine - Photo library
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Well I'm off to the 'never never' to work

Post by LarsMac »

That looks like fun.

From the looks of those trucks, driving one IS an indoor job.
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Well I'm off to the 'never never' to work

Post by fuzzywuzzy »

Rather large aren't they ....would hate to be the mechanic. They'll get a bit of getting used to . I don't think I'll be on them straight away though. (well I hope not anyway, but I've heard stories of girls getting their license one day and then put into one of those the very next day the deep end i believe they call it) but the money is worth it ...some very very serious money. :)
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Well I'm off to the 'never never' to work

Post by Lon »

Good luck on the new job. You do have some remote and desolate parts of Oz. I rented a car in 2003 and drove from Darwin down south of Kakadu Park and some of that country reminded me of the U.S. southwest.
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Well I'm off to the 'never never' to work

Post by Snooz »

Will you have to have cavity searches every day to make sure you're not smuggling out diamonds?
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Well I'm off to the 'never never' to work

Post by WonderWendy3 »

SO Very cool!! How exciting! :)
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Well I'm off to the 'never never' to work

Post by fuzzywuzzy »

SnoozeAgain;1375976 wrote: Will you have to have cavity searches every day to make sure you're not smuggling out diamonds?

ummm no ..dah.........but if they'd like to ? I choose the big bronzed muscular hunk in the corner please.
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Well I'm off to the 'never never' to work

Post by fuzzywuzzy »

HHHmmm I checked ...yep the trucks in the pics is exactly what we drive .....just imagine someone in your office saying ...so where do you wanna go today guys and moving the whole office to another location. OKAY NOW I"M SCARED!!!
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Well I'm off to the 'never never' to work

Post by gmc »

I'm jealous that looks like fun. . It's getting like the thatcher years round here again, I feel like just saying ---- it and taking off round the world.
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Well I'm off to the 'never never' to work

Post by fuzzywuzzy »

So do it.....just do it :)
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Well I'm off to the 'never never' to work

Post by gmc »

fuzzywuzzy;1375994 wrote: So do it.....just do it :)

I would but my wife wants to come with me.:-5 Oh for the days when you could just emigrate or run away to sea.
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Well I'm off to the 'never never' to work

Post by fuzzywuzzy »

I got my medium rigid truck license today. anything with two axles up to 15 tonnes. .................I know it sounds conceited but I'm very proud of myself today . Basically city buses, dump trucks, trays etc etc .

tel more about it later but right now I'm having a celebratory drink or two . :)
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Well I'm off to the 'never never' to work

Post by fuzzywuzzy »

gmc;1376017 wrote: I would but my wife wants to come with me.:-5 Oh for the days when you could just emigrate or run away to sea.

well see the problem with running away to sea is ...after you find out you can't run on it you sink after awhile. I know it's upsetting but it's just the way it is .
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Well I'm off to the 'never never' to work

Post by Bryn Mawr »

fuzzywuzzy;1375940 wrote: Early next year i'll be off to Argyle diamond mine to drive trucks. Holy mother of god !!!! I just looked up where i'll be going. But I will take plenty of pictures to show you the real Australian outback. and yes the dump trucks in the pics is what I'll be driving . And when i'm there I'll begin studying for my safety ticket so I can get a cushy job indoors.

Argyle Diamond Mine - Photo library

Isn't that the place RTZ want to close down? Or is it picking up again after the downturn?

Whichever, that's one helluva job to land, congratulations :-6
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Well I'm off to the 'never never' to work

Post by fuzzywuzzy »

Ummm this one will be open for a long time to come 2020 ..it's a Rio Tinto mine. They're stopping the open cut and they are down below now .

47 degrees with a humidity level of 90 is not a good place to work but it's a foot in the door and good pay. Mate I'll be getting a **** kickers job.

turndown? RTZ?
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Well I'm off to the 'never never' to work

Post by Bryn Mawr »

fuzzywuzzy;1376646 wrote: Ummm this one will be open for a long time to come 2020 ..it's a Rio Tinto mine. They're stopping the open cut and they are down below now .

47 degrees with a humidity level of 90 is not a good place to work but it's a foot in the door and good pay. Mate I'll be getting a **** kickers job.

turndown? RTZ?

You'll be kicking tyres? :-)

the Downturn - the Credit Crunch, the recession

RTZ - Rio Tinto Zinc

As far as I understand it, shortly after the start of the downturn RTZ laid off several hundred workers, mostly from the Argyle whilst they debated its future but they must have sorted all that out and come up with the investment.

I hold my hands up - as a softie whinging Pom I'd be dead in a week under those conditions - more power to you for taking it on and I hope it goes well for you.
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Well I'm off to the 'never never' to work

Post by fuzzywuzzy »

Well that's a turn up for the books .....now i'm going to Mount Isa in Queensland. Welcome to the mining industry lol lol lol lol

Oh well, at least it's on my side of the country and closer to home lol lol

Mount Isa Lead, Zinc and Silver Mine - Mining Technology
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Well I'm off to the 'never never' to work

Post by Bryn Mawr »

fuzzywuzzy;1377097 wrote: Well that's a turn up for the books .....now i'm going to Mount Isa in Queensland. Welcome to the mining industry lol lol lol lol

Oh well, at least it's on my side of the country and closer to home lol lol

Mount Isa Lead, Zinc and Silver Mine - Mining Technology

but still hot and wet - with bloody gert toads the size of dinnerplates. (or is that just another stereotype as true as bowler hats and brollies)?
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Well I'm off to the 'never never' to work

Post by fuzzywuzzy »

No ..they have the toads ...and crocs and stuff, it's a **** of a place. and yes it's hot and wet .."which is okay if you're with a woman but not to good if you're in the jungle" lol lol

I'm sure I'll be able to correct this info once there.

http://www.queenslandholidays.com.au/de ... /index.cfm
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Well I'm off to the 'never never' to work

Post by Bryn Mawr »

fuzzywuzzy;1377101 wrote: No ..they have the toads ...and crocs and stuff, it's a **** of a place. and yes it's hot and wet .."which is okay if you're with a woman but not to good if you're in the jungle" lol lol

OK, I admit it - I had to read that twice to be sure you'd written what I thought I'd read :yh_ooooo
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Well I'm off to the 'never never' to work

Post by fuzzywuzzy »

It's a line from Good morning Vietnam. lol lol
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Well I'm off to the 'never never' to work

Post by fuzzywuzzy »

Well that's my fantacy of getting a tan down the tube . 19 levels underground driving a truck for 12 hour shifts.... Oh joy .... Meh I'll handle it .
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Well I'm off to the 'never never' to work

Post by fuzzywuzzy »

well I'm off tomoz ..booked flights and motels etc. Oh god I'm terrified especially after hearing a female masculan voice on the phone (my welcoming party ) You guys reckon the outback is foreign to you ?...OH dear god I'll be living and breathing there . ... well I'm sure this little Victorian will cope ....climatise to the weather etc ...they have proper rodeos up there !!!!!!! I'm shitting myself . there are palm trees outside the motel in Brisbane .....what happened to gum trees???? and there won't be any tree I recognise in Isa . Dear lord give me a gum that i recognise ......Okay yes i'm panicking . I'm taking my cam and pastels and paints ..not that I'll be in any state to paint but anyway you never know ..and i've been warned "do not speak to the aboes" ....god damn this is going against my grain here . But this is Australia and I have to learn . You know there's a certain arrogance about going over seas ....you think yeah okay 'I"ll go home to the good country' . Now I'm about to get an ED - U - CATION (those who've seen 'Red Dog ' would know what I'm talking about . wish me luck guys cause they are not paying me because I'm pretty ..it's dangerous work ....92 dead in the early nineties......oh god ...meh I got burnt during the fires what do I care ? .................okay banging head against keyboard ...... why am I doing this ??????

okay that just about does my fear factor ........on with the show I guess .
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Well I'm off to the 'never never' to work

Post by Lon »

You will have a great time at the "Lake Moondarra Resort" what with the water skiing, cocktails and canapés on the terrace and the sounds of soft music played by the Goolagong Quartet.
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Well I'm off to the 'never never' to work

Post by fuzzywuzzy »

Home for six weeks ..ruptured my bowel . That was quick eh? I have a nice zipper line right down my torso.
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Well I'm off to the 'never never' to work

Post by Snooz »

Oh my god, that's horrible. How did it happen?
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Well I'm off to the 'never never' to work

Post by Bryn Mawr »

fuzzywuzzy;1383248 wrote: Home for six weeks ..ruptured my bowel . That was quick eh? I have a nice zipper line right down my torso.

Owww - you said it was a tough environment but not that tough.
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Well I'm off to the 'never never' to work

Post by Lady J »


sorry to hear this as your trip sounded quite interesting!
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Well I'm off to the 'never never' to work

Post by fuzzywuzzy »

No idea how it happened. had a stomach ache for a couple of days then it got bad on friday morning and went to the local hospital friday evening next thing I know I wake up in a ward saturday morning about 4am with a bloody great railway track down my stomach. Apparently I nearly died or so they reckon. Who the heck equates a stomach ache with bloody dying for gods sakes? bizzarre!!! Anyway I'm back home for a few weeks and then back to the grind again. I had a couple of Pics of the outback for ya's but it will have to wait. I keep telling you all my life is never dull. lol lol

Oh and BTW I'm getting married in December.
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Well I'm off to the 'never never' to work

Post by Bruv »

fuzzywuzzy;1384060 wrote:

oh and btw i'm getting married in december.

what ??????
I thought I knew more than this until I opened my mouth
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Well I'm off to the 'never never' to work

Post by fuzzywuzzy »

1st of December at this stage. Why you gotta problem with that? lol

Remember that worst marriage proposals thread I put up awhile ago??? Well he got a rocket up his arse and asked properly.
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Well I'm off to the 'never never' to work

Post by Bruv »

fuzzywuzzy;1384109 wrote: 1st of December at this stage. Why you gotta problem with that? lol

Remember that worst marriage proposals thread I put up awhile ago??? Well he got a rocket up his arse and asked properly.

Well that's the thing, I thought that was it, all over.

Anyway congratulations
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Well I'm off to the 'never never' to work

Post by LarsMac »

fuzzywuzzy;1384109 wrote: 1st of December at this stage. Why you gotta problem with that? lol

Remember that worst marriage proposals thread I put up awhile ago??? Well he got a rocket up his arse and asked properly.

Well gratz on the marriage.

Sorry about the belly zipper.
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Well I'm off to the 'never never' to work

Post by Bryn Mawr »

fuzzywuzzy;1384060 wrote: No idea how it happened. had a stomach ache for a couple of days then it got bad on friday morning and went to the local hospital friday evening next thing I know I wake up in a ward saturday morning about 4am with a bloody great railway track down my stomach. Apparently I nearly died or so they reckon. Who the heck equates a stomach ache with bloody dying for gods sakes? bizzarre!!! Anyway I'm back home for a few weeks and then back to the grind again. I had a couple of Pics of the outback for ya's but it will have to wait. I keep telling you all my life is never dull. lol lol

Oh and BTW I'm getting married in December.

Congratulations - about bloody time :p
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Well I'm off to the 'never never' to work

Post by fuzzywuzzy »

I'm not exactly a spinster . Oh but get this . It was decided that each of us told our own children then we'd come together so they could meet my eldest boy etc etc etc . I sitting there making slight jokes about the wedding getting dumb looks and then I ask "is there something wrong ?" .....turns out he hadn't quite told his children. What followed was one of those reality tv show moments that where even the directors and producers don't know what to do with. My own children are loving the awkward moment entertainment and laughing their heads off . Meanwhile his daughter is asking all these questions of him like he's never been married before and at one point my reproductive choices were being discussed right in front of me like I wasn't even present. (apparently she couldn't 'handle' a baby in our relationship) and after all this they had to leave very quickly.............So in all it went down like a bucket of ****. Seems I'm okay if I'm just his ****, but marriage? well it seems that's entirely different. Family gatherings from now on are going to be delightful.

Oh and I almost forgot at one point his son brought up a split between us over that first proposal thing and december is way too soon after this split to be thinking of marriage.WTF?...It was directed at me . I don't believe his son has been told the whole truth about what went on .....in fact i don't believe he's been told any truths

So that was my Saturday afternoon. .
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Well I'm off to the 'never never' to work

Post by Bryn Mawr »

fuzzywuzzy;1384416 wrote: I'm not exactly a spinster . Oh but get this . It was decided that each of us told our own children then we'd come together so they could meet my eldest boy etc etc etc . I sitting there making slight jokes about the wedding getting dumb looks and then I ask "is there something wrong ?" .....turns out he hadn't quite told his children. What followed was one of those reality tv show moments that where even the directors and producers don't know what to do with. My own children are loving the awkward moment entertainment and laughing their heads off . Meanwhile his daughter is asking all these questions of him like he's never been married before and at one point my reproductive choices were being discussed right in front of me like I wasn't even present. (apparently she couldn't 'handle' a baby in our relationship) and after all this they had to leave very quickly.............So in all it went down like a bucket of ****. Seems I'm okay if I'm just his ****, but marriage? well it seems that's entirely different. Family gatherings from now on are going to be delightful.

Oh and I almost forgot at one point his son brought up a split between us over that first proposal thing and december is way too soon after this split to be thinking of marriage.WTF?...It was directed at me . I don't believe his son has been told the whole truth about what went on .....in fact i don't believe he's been told any truths

So that was my Saturday afternoon. .


Life is never easy but that takes the biscuit.
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Well I'm off to the 'never never' to work

Post by LarsMac »

fuzzywuzzy;1384416 wrote: I'm not exactly a spinster . Oh but get this . It was decided that each of us told our own children then we'd come together so they could meet my eldest boy etc etc etc . I sitting there making slight jokes about the wedding getting dumb looks and then I ask "is there something wrong ?" .....turns out he hadn't quite told his children. What followed was one of those reality tv show moments that where even the directors and producers don't know what to do with. My own children are loving the awkward moment entertainment and laughing their heads off . Meanwhile his daughter is asking all these questions of him like he's never been married before and at one point my reproductive choices were being discussed right in front of me like I wasn't even present. (apparently she couldn't 'handle' a baby in our relationship) and after all this they had to leave very quickly.............So in all it went down like a bucket of ****. Seems I'm okay if I'm just his ****, but marriage? well it seems that's entirely different. Family gatherings from now on are going to be delightful.

Oh and I almost forgot at one point his son brought up a split between us over that first proposal thing and december is way too soon after this split to be thinking of marriage.WTF?...It was directed at me . I don't believe his son has been told the whole truth about what went on .....in fact i don't believe he's been told any truths

So that was my Saturday afternoon. .

Sounds like a fun time was had by all.

You should get along with his kids famously, ... well, as long as they keep their distance.
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Well I'm off to the 'never never' to work

Post by Bruv »

fuzzywuzzy;1384416 wrote:

So that was my Saturday afternoon. .
I can't wait for the next instalment...........................
I thought I knew more than this until I opened my mouth
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Well I'm off to the 'never never' to work

Post by fuzzywuzzy »

I can
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Well I'm off to the 'never never' to work

Post by magentaflame »

Why isn't any of this exciting stuff happening to me anymore?
The 'radical' left just wants everyone to have food, shelter, healthcare, education and a living wage. Man that's radical!....ooooohhhh Scary!
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Well I'm off to the 'never never' to work

Post by LarsMac »

magentaflame;1510798 wrote: Why isn't any of this exciting stuff happening to me anymore?

Trust me. At some point in life, excitement proves to be over-rated.
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Well I'm off to the 'never never' to work

Post by magentaflame »

Nah, I really need to get back on the bandwagon again. I'm looking old and bored and .......I don't know.... depleted?
The 'radical' left just wants everyone to have food, shelter, healthcare, education and a living wage. Man that's radical!....ooooohhhh Scary!
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Well I'm off to the 'never never' to work

Post by minks »

maybe this is just a phase, while you sort out what you really want to be doing ;)
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Well I'm off to the 'never never' to work

Post by Saint_ »

:wah:magentaflame;1510800 wrote: Nah, I really need to get back on the bandwagon again. I'm looking old and bored and .......I don't know.... depleted?

Yeah, every time I thought that....I started a new career (usually without expecting to!)
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Well I'm off to the 'never never' to work

Post by magentaflame »

Yeah, in the process of beginning a new career. Just waiting for clearance.

But illness and a bit of poverty and domestic family issues have taken a toll.

Ill get there probably in a bit of a slump.

It was just good to read back on things to pick me up a bit i suppose.

I may just head off again when ive fixed my financial situation which willbe done shortly.
The 'radical' left just wants everyone to have food, shelter, healthcare, education and a living wage. Man that's radical!....ooooohhhh Scary!
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Well I'm off to the 'never never' to work

Post by Clodhopper »

Chuckle. Well, good luck. I've just been having LOTS of excitement getting dumped. Not fun. But at lest the 6 months that preceded the dumping were fanbloodytastic and despite character predispositions to the contrary I can't really blame myself - if we hadn't broken up then it was just a matter of time because I'm not a god. (except sometimes ;))

And heck at 52 I've just had a really fun relationship. Didn't expect it, and the end hasn't hurt so much that I'm going hermit (after a short period investigating navel fluff in situ). Might actually have a look around and see if anyone else is interested...
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Well I'm off to the 'never never' to work

Post by magentaflame »

Good luck mate...... to early at fifty two, to lay down tools just yet.
The 'radical' left just wants everyone to have food, shelter, healthcare, education and a living wage. Man that's radical!....ooooohhhh Scary!
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