2nd gay bishop for Episcopal Church, Anglicans

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2nd gay bishop for Episcopal Church, Anglicans

Post by Jazzy »

LOS ANGELES -The Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles has elected a lesbian as assistant bishop, the second openly gay bishop in the global Anglican fellowship, which is already deeply fractured over the first.

Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams, spiritual leader of the world's 77 million Anglicans, said Sunday that the choice raised "very serious questions" for the divided church and urged restraint.

The Rev. Mary Glasspool of Baltimore needs approval from a majority of dioceses across the church before she can be consecrated as assistant bishop in the Los Angeles diocese.

Still, her victory Saturday underscored a continued Episcopal commitment to accepting same-sex relationships despite enormous pressure from other Anglicans to change their stand.

"Any group of people who have been oppressed because of any one, isolated aspect of their persons yearns for justice and equal rights," Glasspool said in a statement, thanking the diocese for choosing her.

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2nd gay bishop for Episcopal Church, Anglicans

Post by Ted »

I can add a big AMEN to the election. It is time to quite judging a person by their sexuality. What goes on in the bedrooms of the nation provided it is between to consenting adults is no ones business except for those two.

I would encourage other dioceses to do the same.


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2nd gay bishop for Episcopal Church, Anglicans

Post by AussiePam »

Ted;1270480 wrote: I can add a big AMEN to the election. It is time to quite judging a person by their sexuality. What goes on in the bedrooms of the nation provided it is between to consenting adults is no ones business except for those two.

I would encourage other dioceses to do the same.



The real question to me seems to be: Is it acceptable to rewrite the rules of a golf club ... just for argument sake ... to include the use upon occasion of a cricket bat or snooker cue... and still remain a golf club, playing comps with other golf clubs who have the original rules??? I don't know the answer. Maybe golf clubs are past their use by date anyway, and the fairways would be better handed over to the homeless etc..

"Life is too short to ski with ugly men"

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2nd gay bishop for Episcopal Church, Anglicans

Post by gmc »

AussiePam;1270487 wrote: The real question to me seems to be: Is it acceptable to rewrite the rules of a golf club ... just for argument sake ... to include the use upon occasion of a cricket bat or snooker cue... and still remain a golf club, playing comps with other golf clubs who have the original rules??? I don't know the answer. Maybe golf clubs are past their use by date anyway, and the fairways would be better handed over to the homeless etc..


Better analogy might be should an all male golf club should be allowed to remain so and a few should be able to prevent other clubs from amending their rules to allow women or alternatively leave and join a league that still bars women. If it was about allowing black members what then?
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2nd gay bishop for Episcopal Church, Anglicans

Post by Ted »

Now if we were playing golf I would agree that both are valid questions. However, we are dealing with human beings and human lives. Justice must prevail. Just because it did not in the past does not mean that the enlightened shouldn't move towards a change. With time and knowledge comes better understanding. Now we know that epilepsy is not caused by demon possession but a malfunctioning in the brain. Now we use meds and physical surgery to correct the problem and not exorcism.


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