How Come More People Aren't Pissed?

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How Come More People Aren't Pissed?

Post by Lon »

As every American watches what ever assets they have shrink away day by day and come to the realization that the value of those assets isn't going to come back quickly, if ever, I don't understand their complacency. So who should we take our wrath out on? POLITICIANS THAT'S WHO. All of them, both parties. Every damn one of them was asleep at the switch. Forget about getting mad at the overpaid CEO's. They did what they did because the politicians enabled them. Given our right to bear arms we could have a revolution but against whom, what and where? I honestly think that it does not matter who the next president is, in so far as curing our economic ills.

What if there was a massive email and letter campaign to our respective representatives, expressing our displeasure with their performance and telling them that we planned not to vote at all in the forth coming elections. How about that? What if there were no more than a few million votes total, the lowest vote count in history, would that not send a strong message? I have sent off 12 letters today and will be tearing up my absentee ballots.
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How Come More People Aren't Pissed?

Post by chonsigirl »

Well, I will mail in my husband's absentee ballot tomorrow. I never invested in the stock market, but I know many who do.

I do not think not voting will help a thing, you must make your opinion heard in who you vote for. But I would write to the cadidates, and tell them what I expect from them.
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How Come More People Aren't Pissed?

Post by Lon »

chonsigirl;1014465 wrote: Well, I will mail in my husband's absentee ballot tomorrow. I never invested in the stock market, but I know many who do.

I do not think not voting will help a thing, you must make your opinion heard in who you vote for. But I would write to the cadidates, and tell them what I expect from them.

It's not just the stock market chonsigirl, it's pensions, IRA's, 401K's, home values, future of your Social Security, taxes etc. etc.
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How Come More People Aren't Pissed?

Post by YZGI »

Lon;1014467 wrote: It's not just the stock market chonsigirl, it's pensions, IRA's, 401K's, home values, future of your Social Security, taxes etc. etc.
I don't see the help in not voting. They don't care whether we vote or not. One will still win. I think the better way to do it is to not vote for one single incumbent.
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How Come More People Aren't Pissed?

Post by Omni_Skittles »

I'm young... I'm freaked out... not pissed... freaked out... like i still don't understand fully how this will affect me...
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How Come More People Aren't Pissed?

Post by Lon »

Omni_Skittles;1014470 wrote: I'm young... I'm freaked out... not pissed... freaked out... like i still don't understand fully how this will affect me...

Well Omni--------with all due respect, they need to add some Econ or Finance courses to your curriculum at that Christian College you are attending.
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How Come More People Aren't Pissed?

Post by chonsigirl »

Lon;1014467 wrote: It's not just the stock market chonsigirl, it's pensions, IRA's, 401K's, home values, future of your Social Security, taxes etc. etc.

I always thought things would not be the same when I reach retirement, and would always have to work a part time job for a decade or two more. House in LA will be paid off before retirement, house here within 5 years. So I am not in bad shape, but probably will never truly get to retire like your generation, Lon. I have always thought that way, and sadly, it looks like it will continue to be a bleak future for most of us.
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How Come More People Aren't Pissed?

Post by Carolly »

Had to tell you.....I came on here to check it out because I thought you was asking why more people aren't drunk and I was going to post .... as in England the way the title reads that what it would mean......what a wally I am:-5.....better go....sorry carry on:D;):driving:
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How Come More People Aren't Pissed?

Post by flopstock »

We simply do not matter Lon. Unless and until politicians are not allowed to accept contributions in any shape or form, we are screwed buddy. Because they simply dance with the folks that bought them..:thinking:
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How Come More People Aren't Pissed?

Post by along-for-the-ride »

I believe our politicians already know that we Americans are "pissed".

Now, we need to insure that this financial situation doesn't happen again. We need those politicians to hear us, be overwhelmed by us.........the American people. Not voting is not the answer. We will get a new President regardless. Letters of descent are good. Many, many letters of descent are much better. We do need to speak out and make them hear us.

They are supposed to represent us, aren't they?
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How Come More People Aren't Pissed?

Post by Galbally »

Lon, you live in a Republic in which the people are soveriegn, I suggest that its one of the times when its important to inform the people who claim to govern in your name of that fact. It would also be pertinent for the general citizenry to not fall into apathy and despair, or in actual fact awake from apathy and despair. There is an election in November, use your vote wisely.
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How Come More People Aren't Pissed?

Post by Galbally »

Scrat;1014775 wrote: You have to be joking.

King County Metro PD in Wash State has the firepower of a light infantry battalion.

Nobody (and I mean NOBODY) is going to change the status quo around here.

Are you suggesting that Martial law is going to be declared in the United States? I would say such an event is unlikely. What I am saying is that you actually live in a Republic and a system with plenty of mechanisms for allowing serious political changes to take place should people demand them. Unfortunately you also have very powerful vested interests over there that have almost got complete control of the agenda and the media, they depend upon citizen ignorance, greed, and apathy to maintain their self-serving agenda.

But in times of great change like this, there are opportunities to shake up the status quo very rapidly, never doubt that. Power is a funny thing, it can seem like the most solid thing in the world, and then it can disappear overnight, history teaches us that. I would think that its important not to lose perspective here.

The actual basis of the American Republic is a very good one, unfortunately politics has been debased over there by the seduction of the money supplied by big business, (as I have mentioned before), thats the cancer at the heart of American political life, and it needs to change in my opinion, or you will remain a country run in the interests of a financial oligarchy.

By the way, the same applies to us over here as well and we have an equal set of problems, its just the scale of the influence of big business over in the states is so huge and pernicious, and the culture so business oriented, that I don't think many people realize how pervasive it is.
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How Come More People Aren't Pissed?

Post by spot »

I venture to suggest that the four students killed on the campus of Kent State University did more to change the direction of their country than anyone at the time. If the National Guard comes out people should queue in line for the honour of being shot by them. Of course you need a popular uprising, Scrat. Nothing else will change the way your country's governed. In the meantime writing in a valid protest vote is the next best available step.
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How Come More People Aren't Pissed?

Post by gmc »

Lon;1014463 wrote: As every American watches what ever assets they have shrink away day by day and come to the realization that the value of those assets isn't going to come back quickly, if ever, I don't understand their complacency. So who should we take our wrath out on? POLITICIANS THAT'S WHO. All of them, both parties. Every damn one of them was asleep at the switch. Forget about getting mad at the overpaid CEO's. They did what they did because the politicians enabled them. Given our right to bear arms we could have a revolution but against whom, what and where? I honestly think that it does not matter who the next president is, in so far as curing our economic ills.

What if there was a massive email and letter campaign to our respective representatives, expressing our displeasure with their performance and telling them that we planned not to vote at all in the forth coming elections. How about that? What if there were no more than a few million votes total, the lowest vote count in history, would that not send a strong message? I have sent off 12 letters today and will be tearing up my absentee ballots.

Hardly a constructive approach. As Galbally says you live in a nation where the people are sovereign-you've just forgotten and been brainwashed to think you have no right to tell government what to do. You don't need a revolution to give power to the people you already have it.
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How Come More People Aren't Pissed?

Post by southern yankee »

I think it is not the point of being pissed. It is way past that. It is shock, turning to panic. most of us were born years after the depression. We are like deers blinded by headlights. Shocked and bewildered. Not really knowing what to do. do we fear flight? or stay and fight?? I don't know if your average Joe has any clue what to do. I feel like my government has raped me and left me for dead.:(:mad::-5:confused:
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How Come More People Aren't Pissed?

Post by mikeinie »

Omni_Skittles;1014470 wrote: I'm young... I'm freaked out... not pissed... freaked out... like i still don't understand fully how this will affect me...

It is like this:

The poor will stay poor and the rich will get poorer.

And if you are in the middle, you will pay for it all.
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How Come More People Aren't Pissed?

Post by southern yankee »

mikeinie;1015107 wrote: It is like this:

The poor will stay poor and the rich will get poorer.

And if you are in the middle, you will pay for it all. i think you hit the financial nail on right on the head.:(
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How Come More People Aren't Pissed?

Post by Oscar Namechange »

Carolly;1014523 wrote: Had to tell you.....I came on here to check it out because I thought you was asking why more people aren't drunk and I was going to post .... as in England the way the title reads that what it would mean......what a wally I am:-5.....better go....sorry carry on:D;):driving:

Don't worry Carolly, I did exactly the same. :wah::wah:
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How Come More People Aren't Pissed?

Post by Oscar Namechange »

mikeinie;1015107 wrote: It is like this:

The poor will stay poor and the rich will get poorer.

And if you are in the middle, you will pay for it all.

I have said this before on another thread but this is a great time for people to start up their own business's and stuff the money men and politicians.

Some of the greedy people will find the situation means they are better off on benifits. This will exasperate an already overstretched system and make things worse. I fear for the genuine people that need benifit as i can see cutbacks being announced. As usual, it will be pensioners etc that suffer and not for example the greedy cow in the Mail yesterday who is having a private let house paid for by the benifit system,

The loan companie's will be hammmering home new consolidation packages giving people false money. They will then grab more plastic to continue to live the lifestyle they are used to. It's a vicious circle that will just eventually create the whole same mess that the money men got us into in the first place.

It's time to become a little enterprising -- see what skills you have and use them to your advantage. I do pet sitting on the side and often have to turn down new clients because i don't have the time, but in an emergency, this is something that would help.
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How Come More People Aren't Pissed?

Post by Carolly »

oscar;1015125 wrote: Don't worry Carolly, I did exactly the same. :wah::wah:Only an Englih person would realise how funny it looked:wah::wah:;)
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How Come More People Aren't Pissed?

Post by sunny104 »

I'm moving to Mexico! :D
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How Come More People Aren't Pissed?

Post by southern yankee »

sunny104;1015149 wrote: I'm moving to Mexico! :D maybe not so funny. I have a friend who is ready to retire. When he does. He plans on moving there. Much cheaper to live. Also when my x mother in-law retired she moved there too. Pretty sad you have to leave your own country to live comfortable in your later years:(
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How Come More People Aren't Pissed?

Post by sunny104 »

southern yankee;1015167 wrote: maybe not so funny. I have a friend who is ready to retire. When he does. He plans on moving there. Much cheaper to live. Also when my x mother in-law retired she moved there too. Pretty sad you have to leave your own country to live comfortable in your later years:(

I love Mexico! :-6
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How Come More People Aren't Pissed?

Post by CARLA »

I'll get there before you as the border is 20 minutes from my house. Beautiful homes on the beach for next to nothing. Of course you will never own the land not allowed by the government. But that's OK we have sold our entire country to other people, now we can't own the land here either. :-5:-5 I'm cashing(whats left) out on my 401K(not really) and heading for the border. See you there Sunny104 I will have a cold Cerveza waiting for you. :-6

[QUOTE]I'm moving to Mexico! [/QUOTE]


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How Come More People Aren't Pissed?

Post by sunny104 »

CARLA;1015196 wrote: I'll get there before you as the border is 20 minutes from my house. Beautiful homes on the beach for next to nothing. Of course you will never own the land not allowed by the government. But that's OK we have sold our entire country to other people, now we can't own the land here either. :-5:-5 I'm cashing(whats left) out on my 401K(not really) and heading for the border. See you there Sunny104 I will have a cold Cerveza waiting for you. :-6

sounds good! I'm only a few hours from the border. :D :-6
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How Come More People Aren't Pissed?

Post by Lon »

Ian;1015352 wrote: If I lived in America I would leave for a short while, the choice would be before the election..

Spend Xmas in Mexico :-6

I'll be doing just that. Wife and I leave on the 3rd of November for New Zealand and will return to California on the 5th of March
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How Come More People Aren't Pissed?

Post by Omni_Skittles »

Lon;1014489 wrote: Well Omni--------with all due respect, they need to add some Econ or Finance courses to your curriculum at that Christian College you are attending.we have a lot of those classes offered... but i'm not required to take it... and honestly... not waisting my money to pay for it. I'm sorry, but I'm not the only one.
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How Come More People Aren't Pissed?

Post by Omni_Skittles »

mikeinie;1015107 wrote: It is like this:

The poor will stay poor and the rich will get poorer.

And if you are in the middle, you will pay for it all.oh... well, thanks haha see now i understand it more!
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How Come More People Aren't Pissed?

Post by Lon »

Omni_Skittles;1015493 wrote: we have a lot of those classes offered... but i'm not required to take it... and honestly... not waisting my money to pay for it. I'm sorry, but I'm not the only one.

I am sorry you feel that it's a waste of money to take classes that will teach you how money, credit, loans & investing work. Some day you will have a job I suspect, and be married, and have children. Either you or your spouse will handle family finances (perhaps both of you). If you happen to marry someone as uninterested in how money works it could be the blind leading the blind and you set yourself up as a victim. Faith in god will not teach you the ins and outs of credit card usage, nor how to get the best mortgage on a home.
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How Come More People Aren't Pissed?

Post by Omni_Skittles »

Lon;1015520 wrote: I am sorry you feel that it's a waste of money to take classes that will teach you how money, credit, loans & investing work. Some day you will have a job I suspect, and be married, and have children. Either you or your spouse will handle family finances (perhaps both of you). If you happen to marry someone as uninterested in how money works it could be the blind leading the blind and you set yourself up as a victim. Faith in god will not teach you the ins and outs of credit card usage, nor how to get the best mortgage on a home.actually... lol the bible does teach us about finances... but this isn't a biblical argument. Although i think that was a cheap shot of your bitterness toward Christianity.
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How Come More People Aren't Pissed?

Post by Lon »

Omni_Skittles;1015632 wrote: actually... lol the bible does teach us about finances... but this isn't a biblical argument. Although i think that was a cheap shot of your bitterness toward Christianity.

I hold no bitterness towards Christians or Christianity. How in the world can you possibly get that out of my post. God will not teach you how to read your bank statement and reconcile your checkbook, or many other useful day to day financial transactions.
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How Come More People Aren't Pissed?

Post by Omni_Skittles »

Lon;1015691 wrote: I hold no bitterness towards Christians or Christianity. How in the world can you possibly get that out of my post. God will not teach you how to read your bank statement and reconcile your checkbook, or many other useful day to day financial transactions.The fact that you brought up a religious topic in what seemed like a non religious discussion... no where did i say my faith will help me through these times or understand... although i think it will...
Smoke signals ftw!
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How Come More People Aren't Pissed?

Post by southern yankee »

this is such a mess!! I feel like Chicken little. But the sky is REALLY FALLING!!:(
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How Come More People Aren't Pissed?

Post by Lon »

Omni_Skittles;1015705 wrote: The fact that you brought up a religious topic in what seemed like a non religious discussion... no where did i say my faith will help me through these times or understand... although i think it will...

No--I did not bring up a religious topic. You have said in prior posts that you are attending Southwestern Assemblies of God University. I merely suggested that it would be nice if finance and econ were a part of your curricula and you said it would be wasting money. We're talking education here, not religion. I would never have even mentioned God or faith if you were a student at University of Texas.
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How Come More People Aren't Pissed?

Post by Nomad »

Ian;1015907 wrote: How wonderful :-6 I'm sure you're looking forward to it?

have a great time Lon;)

Hes involved in some type of voodoo culture down there Ian. Hes already admitted he sticks pins in FG member dolls.

Dont encourage him.
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How Come More People Aren't Pissed?

Post by Oscar Namechange »

Ian;1015982 wrote: :wah: Whats wrong with knitting nowadays:-3 they could make jumpers for thier dolls:-2 used to be such a good pass time.. how times change :thinking:

If Obama gets in, we will all be knitting to keep warm.
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How Come More People Aren't Pissed?

Post by qsducks »

oscar;1016140 wrote: If Obama gets in, we will all be knitting to keep warm.

I guess I will have to take up a new pasttime.
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How Come More People Aren't Pissed?

Post by Omni_Skittles »

Lon;1015822 wrote: No--I did not bring up a religious topic. You have said in prior posts that you are attending Southwestern Assemblies of God University. I merely suggested that it would be nice if finance and econ were a part of your curricula and you said it would be wasting money. We're talking education here, not religion. I would never have even mentioned God or faith if you were a student at University of Texas.okay but in later sentences you said, "your faith in god".... Honestly... lol this seems pointless to argue/discuss/get into... whatever you want to call it.
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How Come More People Aren't Pissed?

Post by Oscar Namechange »

Omni_Skittles;1016362 wrote: okay but in later sentences you said, "your faith in god".... Honestly... lol this seems pointless to argue/discuss/get into... whatever you want to call it.

I just don't think any god envisaged a world where man can cause so much destruction, greed and self power.

It's out of the hands of any god now.
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How Come More People Aren't Pissed?

Post by Omni_Skittles »

oscar;1016367 wrote: I just don't think any god envisaged a world where man can cause so much destruction, greed and self power.

It's out of the hands of any god now.Well, lol I don't want this to become a religious discussion... but i honestly don't think anything is out of God's control... well the God i serve anyway isn't just any God... but that's my thoughts and i know pretty much anyone is willing to call me a heretic, moron... ignorant... idealist... idk... but that's what i truly believe.
Smoke signals ftw!
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