Marion Jones Released From Jail

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Marion Jones Released From Jail

Post by Nomad »

SAN ANTONIO (AP) -- Disgraced sprinter Marion Jones was released Friday from federal prison after completing most of her six-month sentence for lying about her steroid use.

Jones left a halfway house in San Antonio around 8 a.m., said LaTanya Robinson, a community corrections manager for the federal Bureau of Prisons. Jones, who has a house in Austin, will remain on probation.

Jones' attorney did not immediately respond to a call or e-mail from The Associated Press requesting comment.

The sprinter admitted last October that she used a design Area Laboratory Co-Operative, the lab that became the center of a steroids scandal that touched numerous professional athletes, including baseball star Barry Bonds.

Her admission of drug use in 2007 came after years of denials.

In 2004, she sued the founder of BALCO for defamation after he said she used steroids. The lawsuit was settled the following year, long before she told the truth in a federal courtroom.

Jones gave back the three gold medals and two bronze medals she won at the 2000 Olympics in Sydney before the International Olympic Committee officially wiped her name from the record books in December.
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Marion Jones Released From Jail

Post by spot »

They're an unforgiving bunch, law enforcement. The only people to benefit from that bit of persecution were the lawyers. Two thirds of all the world's lawyers practice in the USA and I doubt whether many of them migrated there to do it.
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Marion Jones Released From Jail

Post by Chezzie »

jimbo;974752 wrote: so what ,sprinters are spozed to do a good stretch before a run :):)

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Marion Jones Released From Jail

Post by qsducks »

JAB;974936 wrote: Just like with Clinton - she didn't get convicted for her actual 'crime'; she went because she lied under oath about it. Kinda makes you wonder, why not just tell the truth? :thinking:

Ah, my hubby always say's the the truth will set you free. Now if they can only make that woman down in Florida who has been released from jail twice now to tell where her daughter Caylee is.
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Marion Jones Released From Jail

Post by qsducks »

Feel free to vent Jab. She is nuts.
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