Stephen Hawking reveals a solution to a problem with his black hole theory

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Stephen Hawking reveals a solution to a problem with his black hole theory

Post by illuminati »

I find it fascinating that there are two entirely distinct and different theories. Basically, if all else is equal, each one predicts different outcomes.

General relativity and Quantum mechanics.

I took upper division courses at my university in physics, astronomy, and mathematics. Of course, I find this whole topic matter fascinating.

As I've gotten older and have had more time to reflect on my past studies and all of the current work that keeps pouring out of our research labs and universities, I've become dismayed at this whole mess.

Show me a unifying theory.

I'm a believer that our universe, its creation, and our reality is far beyond mankind's ability to comprehend.

To that end, I am in awe of whatever created everything we perceive.
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