The UFO Phenomenon -- Seeing Is Believing

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The UFO Phenomenon -- Seeing Is Believing

Post by illuminati »

Two-Hour Primetime Special Airs Thursday, Feb. 24 at 8 p.m.

Almost 50 percent of Americans, according to recent polls, and millions of people elsewhere in the world believe that UFOs are real. For many it is a deeply held belief.

For decades there have been sightings of UFOs by millions and millions of people. It is a mystery that only science can solve, and yet the phenomenon remains largely unexamined. Most of the reporting on this subject by the mainstream media holds those who claim to have seen UFOs up to ridicule.

On Feb. 24, "Peter Jennings Reporting: UFOs — Seeing Is Believing" takes a fresh look at the UFO phenomenon. "As a journalist," says Jennings, "I began this project with a healthy dose of skepticism and as open a mind as possible. After almost 150 interviews with scientists, investigators and with many of those who claim to have witnessed unidentified flying objects, there are important questions that have not been completely answered — and a great deal not fully explained."

"Peter Jennings Reporting: UFOs — Seeing Is Believing" airs Thursday, Feb. 24 from 8-10 p.m. ET on ABC. The program will be broadcast in High Definition.

This two-hour primetime special reports on the entire scope of the UFO experience — from the first famous sighting by Kenneth Arnold in 1947 to the present day. The program draws on interviews with police officers, pilots, military personnel, scientists and ordinary citizens who give extraordinary accounts of encounters with the unexplained. Also included are the voices of professional skeptics about UFOs, including scientists who are leading the search for life forms beyond Earth elsewhere in the universe.

The program explores the facts behind the enduring mystery of the incident at Roswell, N.M., and looks into the strange stories of alien abductions. Among the UFO cases presented:

Minot Air Force Base, N.D., October 1968 — Sixteen airmen on the ground and the crew of an airborne B-52 witness a massive unidentified object hovering near the base.

Phoenix, March 1997 — Hundreds witness a huge triangular craft moving slowly over the city.

St. Clair County, Ill., January 2000 — Police officers in five adjoining towns all independently report witnessing a giant craft with multiple bright lights moving silently across the sky at a very low altitude.

Today if you report a UFO to the U.S. government you will be informed that the Air Force conducted a 22-year investigation that ended in 1969 and concluded that UFOs are not a threat to national security and are of no scientific interest. But as one of the world's leading theoretical physicists says in the program, "You simply cannot dismiss the possibility that some of these UFO sightings are actually sightings from some object created by … a civilization perhaps millions of years ahead of us in technology."
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The UFO Phenomenon -- Seeing Is Believing

Post by capt_buzzard »

UFOs sighted over Iran turned out to be American Spy aircraft according to Teheran News Agency.:D
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The UFO Phenomenon -- Seeing Is Believing

Post by capt_buzzard »

Next it will be visions at Fatima revisited. But will they lock away the visionaries into enclosed convents next time?
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The UFO Phenomenon -- Seeing Is Believing

Post by illuminati »

Those sightings were made by hysterical peasants and none too smart laborers.

When was the last time you saw a working class Iranian with glasses? Everything in the sky is a ufo.
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The UFO Phenomenon -- Seeing Is Believing

Post by capt_buzzard »

:D hehe

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The UFO Phenomenon -- Seeing Is Believing

Post by kensloft »

Remember looking up at the sky one night and saw a something circumnavigating a star?
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The UFO Phenomenon -- Seeing Is Believing

Post by Enigma »

I believe that there could be alien life. IMO the possiblity that aliens exists is more likely than the possibility that we alone exist in this vast universe. Of course I also believe in the likelihood of ghosts, spirits, demons, angels, ESP, intuition, psychics, visions, the virgin birth, telekinesis, etc. I am very open-minded and take the stance that unless it can be disproved, there is always the possibility. Too many things in life are unexplainable by normal conventions. Besides, just because I've never seen a platypus with my own eyes doesn't mean they don't exist. :D
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The UFO Phenomenon -- Seeing Is Believing

Post by chicagolosina »

Last summer I had a BBQ with friends and neighbours. About 11pm, we all saw (we were all sober by the way) two twirling lights in the sky going around and around each other, too fast to be planes, too close together to be helicopters..and then they just shot up and were gone. There were there a good five minutes, don't know what they were so I guess they can be classified as UFO's to me and my guests anyway.
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The UFO Phenomenon -- Seeing Is Believing

Post by kensloft »

chicagolosina wrote: Last summer I had a BBQ with friends and neighbours. About 11pm, we all saw (we were all sober by the way) two twirling lights in the sky going around and around each other, too fast to be planes, too close together to be helicopters..and then they just shot up and were gone. There were there a good five minutes, don't know what they were so I guess they can be classified as UFO's to me and my guests anyway.
Seen lots of stuff similar. Don't even want to talk about it most of the time because you can't talk to people that haven't seen it 'cause theyare too busy being stupid. Only one's in the universe? Gimme a break.
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The UFO Phenomenon -- Seeing Is Believing

Post by capt_buzzard »

Literally thousands of UFOs have been seen around the world since 1947, when Kenneth Arnold's sighting report made newspaper headlines. Although it may seem as if UFOs suddenly came into existence at that time, this was not the case, for subsequently researchers have unearthed many pre-1947 reports. And what clouds were seen by the writers of the Holy Books? What cloud took Jesus Christ to heaven?
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The UFO Phenomenon -- Seeing Is Believing

Post by kensloft »

Doctor Who wrote: :driving: Yes indeed. All of these things are true. I wonder however, why U.F.O's are always referred to as flying saucers. I have a perfectly adequate old police box that does much the same thing.
Welcome to the garden doctor who. As you can see there is plenty to think about and do. Have fun posting.
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The UFO Phenomenon -- Seeing Is Believing

Post by beldoc »

On 18th October 1998 at 12:30am I, and my very sceptical scientist son-in-law witnessed a UFO fly over my garden, the form was triangular with dull red discs equally spaced on the underside it moved slowly and silently extremely high in the sky (it seemed to be among the stars), seconds later we turned to our left and again saw the UFO but much lower in the sky and very large. We searched the local newspapers over the next week or so, but no one else appeared to have noticed it. My son-in-law was extremely shaken by this event and spent a considerable time trying to find another explanation for what we both saw (he has never been able to).

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The UFO Phenomenon -- Seeing Is Believing

Post by chonsigirl »

Interesting stats on UFO sightings, can't say how reliable.

Do visit the page on North Ameria, where the majority of sighting occur. Interesting phenomena, why are more seen there then elsewhere?

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The UFO Phenomenon -- Seeing Is Believing

Post by Jives »

During my active service as an Air Force fighter Pilot Instructor, I often had to pull alert duty. Many times I have scrambled and chased after UFOs. I've seen lots of them.

I even saw the one in Phoenix when I was living there.
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The UFO Phenomenon -- Seeing Is Believing

Post by Jives »

Here's my previous story:

Not that time, no, but plenty of other times.....

In the Air Force, one of the duties required of all pilots is to spend a week (on a rotating basis) doing what is called "alert duty". During that time, you are required to be in your flightsuit and be prepared to fly at a moment's notice. You can travel around the base, but most of us chose to stay at the "alert shack" which was a small building at the end of the runway.

It was quite comfortable, outfitted with a foosball table, a couple of pool tables, a big screen TV, and tables for cards, etc. The other room held bunks and toilet facilities. it was generally a boring duty. But twice a week, we would run a "scramble" alert.

All the pilots would rush out of the building to the planes that were parked just outside. The aircrews would already have the planes started by then, and you would just jump into the cockpit and takeoff nose-to-tail, seeing how fast you could get off the ground.

Usually, 99% of the time, you would just fly afterburners-on to a given coordinate, then be told it was an exercise and to fly back home. We usually liked that because in the absence of a given mission, we could have practice dogfights on the way home or engage in other non-permitted behavior such as flying low to the ground with transponders turned off.

Occasionally, you'd have to identify an unidentified aircraft which usually turned out to be a stupid smuggler or an off-course civilian. They were always more than happy to comply with instructions when surrounded by fighter aircraft. (We intentionally flew VERY close to them to make them even more nervous.)

Then there were the other times.....

I've come screaming up on many "UFO's" at closure speeds of up to 880 kias before. I seen them all, silver ones, bright lights that hang in the air, spinning cylinders with lots of details and no kind of flight surfaces at all. Most of them fell into the 'Mexican Air Force" category. A spinning silver plate, just like the one that flew through the Mexican Air Force's flight show a couple of years ago.

But the most impressive, by far, was the HUGE black frisbee that hovered over the mountains off the War Highway near El Paso Texas. I was flying as Baron 07 and my wing commander was Whiskey 19.

It was just about dusk, but there was still plenty of light. It was hovering about 2000 ft. above ground level. As we came up on it, I could see that it was jet black all over it's top and featureless. It was the size of a small city. What really got my attention, though, was the underbelly which was very visable from our position at a slightly lower altitude.

The entire bottom of the object was open, a bright red light was suffusing from it. As I watched, other smaller red lights detached themselves from the object and traveled slowly to the ground. There, they joined many other small red lights moving around on ground level.

We closed at over the speed of sound, chattering to each other over the mics.

"Whiskey 19, I have a bogey in sight, and what a bogey it is too! Do you confirm? Over."

"Uh, yeah, Baron 07, I'm seein' it, but I'm not believin' it. Request instructions from RAPCON, Continue...ummm....closing with bogey"

"Roger, Whiskey 19, I'm closin', but I'm not lovin' it. SierraHotel.... that thing is HUGE!"

As our DME (Distance Measured Equivalent) closed to 10 miles, suddenly all the red lights on the ground lifted off and streaked to the underside of the Gigantic Black Frisbee. It just four seconds, the Black Frisbee took off straight up at what had to be a 100G climb rate. (far beyond human endurance or the abilites of any known aircraft) The bogey shot off so fast we could hear the booming - thunder sound of air falling into the vacuum it made plowing through the atmosphere. In seconds it was gone.

"DAMN! Whiskey 19, did you see that? Where did it go?"

"Affirmative, Baron 07, the bogey took off like the space shuttle, I have no joy, can you see it?"

'Negative Whiskey 19, it's in the Twlight Zone!"

"Roger that, Baron 07, RTB (Return To Base) and chalk up another UFO with negative contact."

I never forgot that vision. I can see it today, as clear as I saw it than and I still get a little adreneline rush from the memory. I guess UFO.s ike ghosts, are just one of those things that has to be seen to be believed.

I was a skeptic, now I'm a believer.

I used to ask my mother, "Why don't they just come down and talk to us?"

She, wise as ever, replied, "When was the last time you went outside and talked to an anthill?":cool:
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The UFO Phenomenon -- Seeing Is Believing

Post by Uncle Kram »

If that's true, and I have no reason to doubt you, it's really fascinating. I've read some extremely interesting stuff on the subject. When I've flown (as a passenger) through areas renowned for sightings, I've almost willed one to appear but been disappointed.

I have, since then, seen one from my own bedroom window. I just felt calm about it and didn't even bother to report it, although it did get a mention in the local paper.

From what I've read, it seems that the general opinion is that information is suppressed in the interests of maintaining all faiths, which generally hold civilisation together.

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The UFO Phenomenon -- Seeing Is Believing

Post by jennyswan »

I have a friend 'Christian' from Germany. He is living in Chicago at the moment and I admire him very much. He is really bright. He is a physicist and what I really like about him is that he can explain things in a real easy way.

Anyway to cut a long story short we were discussing the 'Probability of Aliens'and he said that he would find it very narrow minded to think that we are the only intelligent 'beings' in the universe but that going by out earthly standards it would be highly unlikely that we would make contact with aliens.

It would take them 1000 years travelling faster then light to reach us from the nearest planet.

I found this information very interesting.

So if people have seen UFO's (and I have no reason to doubt anyones story) imagine how far advanced they must be to travel here.

Kinda scarey huh?

What do you make of the Pyramids in Egypt?
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The UFO Phenomenon -- Seeing Is Believing

Post by Katy1 »

I've seen things in the sky a few times. I have no doubt that there are things in our skies which we cannot explain.

First one was when I was about 9 and we had a house that was a the top of a hill and could see all over Bristol where i live. We even got a glimpse of the northern lights once. But this night I was with my friend and we just watched these cigar shaped objects move across the sky, the same colour as the sun was reflecting as it they were metallic. We watched them move slowly and then move on their end so that they were vertical and then they both faded from view, it was amazing.

The second time was when I used to holiday in Wales. It was quite an unpopulated area so all of the starts and satellites were bright in the sky with no interference from street lighting. I saw an object that kept getting smaller and then bigger shining much brighter than a star until it reached the horizon and eventually disappeared out of view.

I have seen satellites, and this wasn't one!

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