Irish Peace Process Doomed....

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Irish Peace Process Doomed....

Post by capt_buzzard »

Gerry Adams of Sinn Fein long used to the red carpet treatment of Southern Irish government buildings as ambassadorial swan of the Northern Ireland Peace Process, found himself branded yesterday as the ugly duckling of the republican paramilitarism and crime.

After a bruising stand off with the Taoiseach - The Irish Prime Minister, Bertie Ahern, a tetch Adams claimed that Bertie Ahern could not stand up his accusation that he knew of last month's IRA plan to rob the Northern Bank in Belfast NI before the colapse of power sharing negotiations between Sinn Fein and the Rev. Ian Paisley Democratic Unionist Party.

But there was no disguising the reality that Sinn Fein leaders were in a state of deep disbelief that their hymn sheet of martyred innocence was not even entertained by an unmoveable Irish Prime Minister, who cited Irish Police intelligence for his unequivocal charge about the 38 million euro bank heist.
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