Old Fashioned Remedies

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Old Fashioned Remedies

Post by kazalala »

What a good idea for a thread joan!!!!:D

My dad used to take Bycarbonate soda all the time,, is that the same as baking soda??

Also i swear by Honey for a bad chest or throat,, i usually just have 2 or 3 good tespoons in a cup of hot water,, its really soothing. :)


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Old Fashioned Remedies

Post by spot »

To remove a wart.

For this treatment you need access to a pet dog for whom you do not care overmuch (next door's dog is a good idea), a field and a takeaway curry.

Set aside a teaspoonful of the curry.

Brush the pet dog and gather hair until you have a small matted ball which flattens to about an inch across.

Go to a field half an hour before sunrise, and as the sky lightens in the East watch for reflections from new spiderwebs. Gather just a couple, without taking the spiders or any entrapped insect.

Wet the spiderwebs with a generous dab of curry and apply the mixture to the wart using the pad of dog hair and gentle pressure, rubbing in small circles. The mixture needs to be left there for around twelve hours. It needn't be thickly applied. It helps to see what you're doing if you use a Tikka Massala rather than a standard curry but that's not part of the cure. Retain the pad of dog hair.

After twelve hours, wash the affected area with the dog hair pad and plain water. The wart will have entirely gone by this point, any remaining mark will fade in a couple of days as the skin recovers.

Destroy the doghair pad with flame. Outdoors is preferable because it makes a bit of a stink. The field may or may not acquire several times as many spiders over the coming months, the dog may or may not notice that it now has a wart, you may notice the dog has a bout of diarrhoea for a day or two - that's why you chose the neighbour's dog in the first place.

If anyone tries this infallible remedy they ought to post a testimonial thank-you in the thread.
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Old Fashioned Remedies

Post by kazalala »

spot;607566 wrote: To remove a wart.

For this treatment you need access to a pet dog for whom you do not care overmuch (next door's dog is a good idea), a field and a takeaway curry.

Set aside a teaspoonful of the curry.

Brush the pet dog and gather hair until you have a small matted ball which flattens to about an inch across.

Go to a field half an hour before sunrise, and as the sky lightens in the East watch for reflections from new spiderwebs. Gather just a couple, without taking the spiders or any entrapped insect.

Wet the spiderwebs with a generous dab of curry and apply the mixture to the wart using the pad of dog hair and gentle pressure, rubbing in small circles. The mixture needs to be left there for around twelve hours. It needn't be thickly applied. It helps to see what you're doing if you use a Tikka Massala rather than a standard curry but that's not part of the cure. Retain the pad of dog hair.

After twelve hours, wash the affected area with the dog hair pad and plain water. The wart will have entirely gone by this point, any remaining mark will fade in a couple of days as the skin recovers.

Destroy the doghair pad with flame. Outdoors is preferable because it makes a bit of a stink. The field may or may not acquire several times as many spiders over the coming months, the dog may or may not notice that it now has a wart, you may notice the dog has a bout of diarrhoea for a day or two - that's why you chose the neighbour's dog in the first place.

If anyone tries this infallible remedy they ought to post a testimonial thank-you in the thread.

:yh_rotfl :yh_rotfl :yh_youkid :yh_giggle


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Old Fashioned Remedies

Post by Marie5656 »

kazalala;607563 wrote: My dad used to take Bycarbonate soda all the time,, is that the same as baking soda??

. :)

Yes it is.

Great thread. I use the lemon and honey all the time for a cough.
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Old Fashioned Remedies

Post by G#Gill »

Joannee;607553 wrote: Indigestion Reliever

In case of indigestion, prepare a mixture of one teaspoon of baking soda to a glass of water and drink for immediate relief. It is normal for this to cause a burping or a belching reaction as the relief takes place. This is also recommended for heartburn. You can use this remedy a couple of times a day if necessary for temporary relief. If the problem persists, of if there are any other symptoms, be sure to consult your doctor.

Old-Fashioned Cough Remedy

You can make a simple cough remedy by boiling one lemon slowly for approximately 10 minutes. This will soften the lemon so that it will be juicier, and it will also soften the rind. Cut the lemon in two parts and extract the juice with a lemon squeezer. Put the juice into an ordinary drinking glass. Add two tablespoonfuls of glycerine. Stir the glycerine and lemon juice mixture well, then fill the drinking glass with honey. (Glycerine can be purchased from your local druggist or pharmacy.)

Hi Joan ! With reference to your old-fashioned cough remedy -

My dad, being a pharmacist, had a wonderful cough rememdy :-

A poor chap came into my father's chemist shop one day, and he had a dreadful cough. In between bouts of coughing he explained to my father his problem, and asked if my father could give him anything to help him, as he'd tried all sorts of so-called cough mixtures to no avail. My father pointed to the chair in the shop and said he would be back in a minute. The man sat down and my father disappeared into the dispensary. He reappeared a couple of minutes later armed with a bottle of liquid and a 5 ml measure. He measured out the liquid and gave it to the man, who drank it with great anticipation. Then the man asked my father what it was, as it had a rather strange taste - not like the usual cough mixtures that he had taken. " Oh," said my father " it's a mixture I recommend for constipation - now dare cough !"

This apocryphal story was told to me by my father when I was about 13 and I have never forgotten it !

Actually my dear dad was so respected for his knowledge, care and wit that when he died, although he no longer lived in the market town where he had had his shop, his funeral service was held at the church in that market town. The church was full, there were literally hundreds of people outside unable to get in, and many were in tears.

They say that if you can leave this mortal coil a better place for having your presence there, then you have done your job well. My dad certainly did that.:-6
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