Backseat Drivers

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Backseat Drivers

Post by Fibonacci »

Do you know one?

I happen to know three.

I call them Mom, Dad and Brother.

It's Fiesta time here in San Antonio. That means downtown road closures and traffic from hell.

I was dropping my brother off at NIOSA and the whole time My mom and bro were "suggesting" which lane to be in and my dad was stomping on an imaginary brake pedal.

:-5 :-5 :-5 :-5
The poolhall's a great equalizer. In the poolhall, nobody cares how old you are, how young you are, what color your skin is or how much money you've got in your pocket... It's about how you move. I remember this kid once who could move around a pool table like nobody had ever seen. Hour after hour, rack after rack, his shots just went in. The cue was part of his arm and the balls had eyes. And the thing that made him so good was... He thought he could never miss. I know, 'cause that kid was me.
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Backseat Drivers

Post by Peg »

I drive the hubby nuts hitting the door. I think it's my imaginary brake.
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Backseat Drivers

Post by RedGlitter »

and my dad was stomping on an imaginary brake pedal.


I don't do that. I do tense up and rake my fingernails over the door panel/smack the window/suck in my breath/grab the armrest if somebody gets stupid. But I never say a thing. Imaginary brake pedal. That's pretty funny Fib.
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Backseat Drivers

Post by Imladris »

I brake for hubby with my imaginary brake pedal when I think he's left it late to brake. I used to warn him of things (only occasionally) but he didn't take kindly to it, though he moans now if I don't - can't win.

Most of the time though I refuse to drive him anywhere - he is a horrible passenger. He has even got me to the point where I pulled the car over, got my handbag and walked away from the car, three kids in the back cringing. We were in Australia at the time and I knew where the town centre was so I planned to walk back there and get a taxi back to where we were staying. Eventually he got in the driver's seat and picked me up but no way was I driving him anywhere that day!
Originally Posted by spot

She is one fit bitch innit, that Immy

Don't worry; it only seems kinky the first time
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Backseat Drivers

Post by sunny104 »

my 3 year old yells at cars in front of us if he thinks they should be moving :D

"go stupid car!" :wah:

and he didn't get that from me.....
Indian Princess
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Backseat Drivers

Post by Indian Princess »

:wah: My reply, hey, you didnt offer to drive. Suck it up and move on
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Backseat Drivers

Post by Indian Princess »

I have one word for back seat drivers (OUT!):wah:
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Backseat Drivers

Post by chonsigirl »

My husband tries to give me advice when in the car, but since he can't drive anymore, it's his only fun thing to do. I just pretend I can't hear him..............:wah:
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Backseat Drivers

Post by xalisonx »

I dont like it when im driving, and i come up to a junction, my boyfriend leans forward so i cant look to see if anythings coming, and goes "your ok to go" thats all very fine and well but id like to see for myself!

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Backseat Drivers

Post by WonderWendy3 »

xalisonx;619334 wrote: I dont like it when im driving, and i come up to a junction, my boyfriend leans forward so i cant look to see if anythings coming, and goes "your ok to go" thats all very fine and well but id like to see for myself!


My middle son does that!! Tells me to go...he is 12 years OLD!! It is a bad habbit for him.

My oldest son just got his license a year ago...and I'm so thankful that I don't ever HAVE to get in the car with him again...I know that sounds horrible, but OMG...I wore a whole in the passenger side floor board....He would laugh it off and say.... "ummm, Mom your brake pedal is broken"....:-5 :-5 The other one is when we would be getting onto or off the interstate on TWO instead of FOUR wheels...I had to inform him that ummm, I like to ride on all four at the same time....all the TIME!!

I have some fun comic strips that my mom gave me during the time my son was learning to drive....need to post them for ya'll!!:)
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