Ghost Rider….what a pile of crap

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Ghost Rider….what a pile of crap

Post by Twilight »

Okay so watched this the other night, thankfully I didn’t go pay to see this and didn’t have to go through the ordeal of going to the cinema and sitting down with a hundred so other people whilst maneuvering around people with way to much food on their lap and even more on the floor.

But before I go on and rant about that where do I begin with this film? Firstly I got to say that I love the comic book films, The Spiderman’s, Superman’s, Batman’s (some), the X-Men……but this, what a pile of poo.

Nicolas Cage is a good actor, he isn’t bad in this film, I mean I prefer him in films which show more of his crazy flare such as Face Off but still he did a good job on the acting front. But the dialog he had, Jesus Mary it was bad….he actually said this line I kid you not “fighting fire with fire”…I mean come on!? It reminded me of the TV presenter on that channel 5 show, the American guy with white hair who follows the cops around, its full of clips of criminals being stupid…well it’s the sort of thing he would say.

Now that’s the script looked at, now the actual story…it was bull, there wasn’t even a story really.

What else, affects? Yeah they were good but that’s easy these days so no real wow factor there.

And that’s it, the only good thing I can say about this film is that Nicolas Cage was in it, and I know he is a comic book fan so he really wanted the part…I feel terribly sorry for him though that he settled for this. And I can’t believe there might be a sequel to this nor can I believe so many people have bought into it.

So anyone seen this?
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Ghost Rider….what a pile of crap

Post by crazygal »

No, I haven't seen it, not my sort of film. As you said, at least you didn't waste your money as you didn't think much of it.
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Ghost Rider….what a pile of crap

Post by Rosette »

I beg to differ....

I love super hero films and this was most enjoyable.....

I really liked the fact that it didn't run with the 'typical' hero formula...y'know coming of age..dealing with new identity..... keeping the new one secret...

this was very different..... it didn't take itself seriously.... it kinda took the p*ss out of its self.

I mean these kinda films have to keep the comic book cheesieness and ghost rider does it in quite a funny way...... I was laughing quite a few must laugh with this film not at it....its that kinda film!!!

Come on...... devil's runner turned good...skull burning.....biker!! it was cool admit it!!!
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