Armchair Critics

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Armchair Critics

Post by koan »

It's easier to see other people's lives more clearly than your own.

I think sometimes it is tempting to focus on other people's problems to avoid dealing with one's own but then I think we need each other to do this for the precise reason that it is damned difficult to see our own situations clearly.

I need my friends to tell me what they see, even if it sounds obvious or hypercritical sometimes, I'd rather hear it than have no one looking out for me. Whether or not I agree with them is secondary... but I do give weight to the fact that they are more impartial.
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Armchair Critics

Post by ChristinaAguilera_FANatic »

koan;565016 wrote: It's easier to see other people's lives more clearly than your own.

I think sometimes it is tempting to focus on other people's problems to avoid dealing with one's own but then I think we need each other to do this for the precise reason that it is damned difficult to see our own situations clearly.

I need my friends to tell me what they see, even if it sounds obvious or hypercritical sometimes, I'd rather hear it than have no one looking out for me. Whether or not I agree with them is secondary... but I do give weight to the fact that they are more impartial.

yah i agree, i am quite a helpful person when it comes to my friends or family or people i dnt is odd buut when i have a problem people expect me to be like the way i am with them, but with youself it is a different story.

I like hearing what other people make of my situations then i can learn from what thy say and build on it...if tht makes sense :)
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Armchair Critics

Post by Mystery »

koan;565016 wrote: It's easier to see other people's lives more clearly than your own.

I think sometimes it is tempting to focus on other people's problems to avoid dealing with one's own but then I think we need each other to do this for the precise reason that it is damned difficult to see our own situations clearly.

I need my friends to tell me what they see, even if it sounds obvious or hypercritical sometimes, I'd rather hear it than have no one looking out for me. Whether or not I agree with them is secondary... but I do give weight to the fact that they are more impartial.

I've always been of the mind that true friends will tell ya when you're being an idiot :) Same goes for sticky situations. Sometimes, self can't see self, and others can see what seems obvious. A true friend will point those things out without malicious intent, and stand beside you while you make your own decision.
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Armchair Critics

Post by Carl44 »

i'd just like to say there is nothing wrong with my armchair ,thanks though koanie for asking :-6
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