Kerry says Bush is blocking drug imports from Canada

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Kerry says Bush is blocking drug imports from Canada

Post by CVX »

HENDERSON, Nev. (AP) -- Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry said President Bush is standing in the way of lower drug prices for cash-strapped seniors by refusing to allow prescription imports from Canada.

Kerry launched a new push for support from senior citizens by trying to persuade them that Bush will hurt their bottom line with his prescription drug policies and efforts to privatize Social Security.

Kerry said Bush is standing in the way of bipartisan efforts in Congress to allow drug imports from Canada. He compared the prices of popular drugs in the United States and Canada, noting they were close to more than twice as expensive stateside.

"George Bush stood right there and said, 'Nope, we're not going to help people to have lower cost drugs in America, we're going to help the big drug companies get a great big windfall," Kerry said.

"It's a monopoly and it's been put in place by George Bush and his friends and it's costing you a whole bunch of extra money and it's wrong," he added.

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Kerry says Bush is blocking drug imports from Canada

Post by anastrophe »

same here. all he ever does is say how bad bush is. rather than how good he will be. give me a break. 'bush is evil' gets pretty boring after the fifth iteration - WHAT HAVE YOU DONE FOR ME LATELY, JOHN KERRY?
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Kerry says Bush is blocking drug imports from Canada

Post by Serenity »

In a round about way, believe it or not, i think Bush might be doing the right thing for the economy.

If you americans are to purchase your meds here in canada and let your money out of your loop, then that will just mean less to go around inside the US.

Then you'll really feel an impact in the economy , for meds are a major money hustler . in a country full of baby boomers with any type of illness you please, that's big business.

Don't get me wrong. I'd like to see our economy in canada go up, but first things first.

Can't you guys persuade bush to ease up on the border patrol , so we can smuggle our BC bud in with a little more ease. Prices here have gone to ****...and when people can't sell pot in canada, the whole damned country feels it. :wah:
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Kerry says Bush is blocking drug imports from Canada

Post by Paula »

you cannot believe everything you hear or read, Kerry should be running for THE NAACP, he won't make it to office, i really don't like the guy, to knock another to gain points, thats not my idea of a public figure. wrong!!!!
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