Reduced trans fat.

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Bill Sikes
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Reduced trans fat.

Post by Bill Sikes »

"Over the next two years [a] fast-food chain will phase in a new blend of cooking

oil at 6,300 of its restaurants across Europe. [...] The new blend of cooking oil will have a maximum trans fat content of two per cent"

Cripes! Two per cent. is IMO still quite a lot! A marketing opportunity lost...
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Reduced trans fat.

Post by guppy »

trans fat is the latest health craze in the states bill. it is listed on about everything.

mcdonald's frenchfries suck since they got so healthy.eeeeeewwwwwwwwww.
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Bill Sikes
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Reduced trans fat.

Post by Bill Sikes »

guppy;453407 wrote: trans fat is the latest health craze in the states bill. it is listed on about everything.

Not 'ere, it ain't, unfortunately. Only some manufacturers/retailers indicate

trans fat content. I was surprised at the 2%, which still, IMO, is a lot!

guppy;453407 wrote: mcdonald's frenchfries suck since they got so healthy.eeeeeewwwwwwwwww.

Well they shouldn't fry them in *oil*, then. Chips should be cooked in beef

dripping, everyone knows that!
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Reduced trans fat.

Post by guppy »

Bill Sikes;453417 wrote: Not 'ere, it ain't, unfortunately. Only some manufacturers/retailers indicate

trans fat content. I was surprised at the 2%, which still, IMO, is a lot!

Well they shouldn't fry them in *oil*, then. Chips should be cooked in beef

dripping, everyone knows that!

in BEEF DRIPPINGS!!!!!!:yh_sick i'd eat em raw first!!
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Bill Sikes
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Reduced trans fat.

Post by Bill Sikes »

guppy;453423 wrote: in BEEF DRIPPINGS!!!!!!yh_sick i'd eat em raw first!!

Why? Have you never tasted chips done in dripping? Haven't you ever

had "bread 'n' scrape"?
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Reduced trans fat.

Post by guppy »

Bill Sikes;453435 wrote: Why? Have you never tasted chips done in dripping? Haven't you ever

had "bread 'n' scrape"?

i am not going here again. i am almost a vegi fish thanks too all this stuff on here. eeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.:p
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Reduced trans fat.

Post by RedGlitter »

I don't know how I feel about this. I recently saw something about it on tv but why force the food joints to change their ways? Why transfat? What about monosodium glutamate which is used by many food companies to increase one's appetite so they will supposedly eat more of said food and thereby profits will go up. To me, that sounds sneakier and more dangerous than this transfat stuff. I think it sounds like too much Big Brother. Nobody's forcing us to eat that chicken or those yummy fries. :)
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Bill Sikes
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Reduced trans fat.

Post by Bill Sikes »

RedGlitter;453439 wrote: I think it sounds like too much Big Brother. Nobody's forcing us to eat that chicken or those yummy fries. :)

True - but if you do not know what's in the product, then you can't avoid

whatever it is that you want to avoid, can you? I might want to avoid

trans fats, excess salt, MSG, and soya, for instance. If the labelling isn't

there, I can't know what's in the food!
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Reduced trans fat.

Post by Bill Sikes »

guppy;453438 wrote: i am not going here again. i am almost a vegi fish thanks too all this stuff on here. eeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.:p

I'm not sure that you know what "dripping" is. What do you think it is? I'm

not a great meat eater myself, but there aren't too many things that make

me say "eeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" (and dripping

isn't one of 'em!).
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Reduced trans fat.

Post by tedhutchinson »

tfX: have the research detailing why Trans fat is so much worse than ordinary saturated fat.

Briefly is doubles the capacity to make you fat over ordinary saturated fats.

It is more likely to trigger breast cancer.

It is more likely to start diabetes.

It clogs your arteries.

It usurps the space in your brain that would otherwise be occupied by Omega 3 essential fatty acid dha . As DHA is a long chain molecule it enables brain cells to commincate over a greater distance. Trans fats are as much use to your brain as a dead pixel is to your monitor.

There is NO SAFE LIMIT to trans fats, the more you eat the more likely it is you will get Altzheimers sooner rather than later.

Ban Trans Fat

Although McD's have claimed to have started reducing trans fat I'm not sure they have done so except in Denmark and Canada. In the UK it's still at the promises promises stage and no doubt if they can get away with simply making promises and not fulfulling them I'm sure they will. If it's cheaper and easier to use crap ingredients then who gives a toss how many people die.

People who eat fast food are generally morons we can well do without so who cares if they die sooner?
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Reduced trans fat.

Post by RedGlitter »


I eat fast food. I am no moron. I must wonder what makes you draw such a mindless conclusion.
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Reduced trans fat.

Post by guppy »

i am a fast food junkie too. but i always want it my way........;)
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Reduced trans fat.

Post by nvalleyvee »

For heart attacks...........less trans and sat fat.......more mono any poly fat.
The growth of knowledge depends entirely on disagreement..........Karl R. Popper
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Bill Sikes
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Reduced trans fat.

Post by Bill Sikes »

RedGlitter;453669 wrote: Ted,

I eat fast food.

Wouldn't you like to know what's in your food, before you eat it?
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Reduced trans fat.

Post by RedGlitter »

Beyond a certain point, not necessarily. If I'm going to eat something fried in oil of any kind then I realize that's not the healthiest way to go. My choice, my fault. Nobody ever said McD's french fries or chix nuggets or Kentucky Fried Chicken was ever good for a person. I am no expert on "trans fats" or other kinds of fats but unless we're talking something like olive oil, it is my understanding that fats in general are not good. Animal fats in particular are very unhealthy for humans. Most of this stuff doesn't take a lot of research to know.

My objection is based on yet more legislation. If someone is worried about the fat on their fries, they could always choose salad or a potato or something else. I don't see why Legislation must get involved here. It just seems everywhere I look there is more Big Brother involved.

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Bill Sikes
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Reduced trans fat.

Post by Bill Sikes »

RedGlitter;453895 wrote: My objection is based on yet more legislation. If someone is worried about the fat on their fries, they could always choose salad or a potato or something else. I don't see why Legislation must get involved here. It just seems everywhere I look there is more Big Brother involved.


I nearly bought some pâté a little while ago - but I read the label. It contained

40% pork fat. To look at the product, that wasn't apparent. I had eaten some

before, and would not have known. I didn't buy the stuff - if I want to eat lard,

I can buy a big block of it very cheaply. I am all for proper food labelling - without

that, it's impossible to know what's in food, and make a decision on whether or

not to have it. Regarding "fat on fries" - if it's got 2% trans fat, or even 20%,

yes, I would buy something else were I aware - but if I don't know, I'll end up

eating stuff I don't want to eat - why the hell should I have to do that?
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Reduced trans fat.

Post by tedhutchinson »

RedGlitter;453669 wrote: Ted,

I eat fast food. I am no moron. I must wonder what makes you draw such a mindless conclusion.Anyone who eats processed food is asking for trouble because food manufacturors are seeking increased profit year on year. The only way they can do this is by using the cheapest ingredients and the cheapest labour they can find. Unless there is legislation prohibiting the use of ingredients that are known to be harmful then companies that put profit before the health of their consumers such the fast food giants will exploit the naive moronic customers who are too lazy to prepare their own food or to check on the dangers inherent in the food they are supplied with.

I do care that simpleminded people are being fed with ingredients which have no place in the human diet. It wouldn't be so bad you eating youself to obesity, diabetes and heart attack if that didn't impact on the health services you will need to care for you when you unable to care for yourself. It doesn't bother me that you personally are inviting Altzheimers into your brain but it does bother me that taxpayers are probably ultimately going to have to pick up the tab to keep care for you when you are past caring for yourself.

I know everyone knows that staturated fats are bad but Hydrogenated Saturated fats are TWICE AS BAD. Unless the food is labelled with it's TRANS FAT content how is anyone to know if the Dunkin Donuts, Krispi Kremes KFC or McD's loaded with dangerously high levels of trans fat.

There are laws which prevent me physically assaulting you so that you are permanently brain damaged. There should be laws preventing me putting cheapo ingredients in food which I know, and you should also know, are going to permanently damage your health.

I think it is perfectly reasonable to deduce that people who regularly knowingly eat brain damaging foods are by definition morons, ie adults acting like children who don't know any better.
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Reduced trans fat.

Post by RedGlitter »

Ted, we're going to disagree so let's leave it at that.

I think your remark is unwarranted and overblown, not to mention foolish and rude.

Do you smoke? Do you drink alcohol? Do you drive a car? Do you use bleach? Do you eat any kind of animal flesh? If you do any of these things, you are helping to mess up our environment which we all have to pay for with our money and health, and you are eating food laced with hormones and antibiotics, not to mention if you eat beef, lamb, poultry or pork, you are eating what they were fed which included rendered dead and often diseased livestock. You will screw up your own health and someone else will have to pay for it with their money. So...if I were you, I would consider my own actions before I started mass labeling people as simple minded and moronic. :thinking:
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Reduced trans fat.

Post by tedhutchinson »

RedGlitter;453950 wrote: Ted, we're going to disagree so let's leave it at that.:I accept that it is impossible to prevent some people from the consequences of their own lack of reason.

RedGlitter;453950 wrote: I think your remark is unwarranted and overblown, not to mention foolish and rude. :I'm sorry I've offended you. It was simply meant as a means of ensuring that everyone reading it knew exactly where I stood. If your claim that my remark is unwarranted perhaps you can produce some recent evidence to support your views. Each of the remarks I make can be substantiated by links to recent research. Until you can produce some hard evidence to support your point of view my opinion of your mental capacity remains.

RedGlitter;453950 wrote: Do you smoke?: No anyone who knowingly damages their health by smoking comes into the same category as those who knowingly eat hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated foods.

RedGlitter;453950 wrote: Do you drink alcohol? ?: I don't know why you ask this. There are health benefits arising from modest regular alcohol consumption.

RedGlitter;453950 wrote: Do you drive a car? ?:Again this is not a fair comparison. Limited Car driving is more or less a necessary evil. McD's can sell their fries in Denmark and Canada without Trans fat for the same price and quality as before. It simply isn't NECESSARY for them to poison the brains of their customers in the UK or USA. I've never eaten at McD's or KFC and I don't think it is NECESSARY to do so. If you choose to do so knowing the consequences then more fool you.

RedGlitter;453950 wrote: Do you use bleach??: again an irrelevant comparison.

RedGlitter;453950 wrote: Do you eat any kind of animal flesh?This again isn't relevant. Grass fed, non intensively produced meat can be done in a sustainable way. It is the fast food/processed food agenda that requires large amounts of cheap intensively reared feedlot fed cattle. If we ate a sensible amount (once a week, official RDA portions rather than the amounts generally offered by chef's) then the adverse consequences to the environment would be limited

If you do any of these things, you are helping to mess up our environment which we all have to pay for with our money and health, and you are eating food laced with hormones and antibiotics, not to mention if you eat beef, lamb, poultry or pork, you are eating what they were fed which included rendered dead and often diseased livestock. You will screw up your own health and someone else will have to pay for it with their money.I am lucky I can get my beef/lamb directly from the farmer who uses my field to graze them on. So I know what they've been fed and how well they've been cared for.

So...if I were you, I would consider my own actions before I started mass labeling people as simple minded and moronic. :thinking:I do very carefully consider the consequences of my action on my own health.

Eating Green Calculator

How changes in your diet will improve nutrition and protect the environment.

Score Your Diet

A quick check-list to show how your diet scores on nutrition, the environment, and animal welfare.

Will enable other readers to find out how their diet and way of living can be improved.

The consequences to the personal health which are the proven consequences of trans fat consumption are listed here

that predispose to cancer, multiple sclerosis, diverticulosis and obesity,

lead to diabetes,

reduce the birth weight of newborn babies,

reduce the amount of EFA's in breast milk,

weaken the structure and protective function of cell membranes by levels as high 20 percent,

weaken the immune system,

increase susceptibility to infections,

inhibit the action of enzymes that destroy toxic and carcinogenic chemicals,

block the beneficial action of the essential Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids,

reduce the elasticity of blood vessels,

promote the onset of Alzheimer's disease and accelerate mental decline among elderly people,

increase allergic reactions and yeast infections

I don't know what your opinion is of someone who knowingly chooses to eat food with these proven consequences to health. I stick my mine until you can prove that your choices are reasonable and justified.
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Reduced trans fat.

Post by RedGlitter »

Sorry Ted, I don't suffer fools. You can keep your opinion of course but you've pretty much insulted most everyone in here who eats fast food by labeling people who do so as simple minded and morons. Perhaps you are unable to see how this is. Or maybe you don't care. Either way, you've shown me what I had figured by brushing things off as irrelevant and then expecting *me* to prove myself to *you.* I see the simpleton here and there's no sense arguing with one not open to reason or basic facts except as they appeal to him. Carry on. :thinking:
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Reduced trans fat.

Post by tedhutchinson »

RedGlitter;454014 wrote: Sorry Ted, I don't suffer fools. You can keep your opinion of course but you've pretty much insulted most everyone in here who eats fast food by labeling people who do so as simple minded and morons. Perhaps you are unable to see how this is. Or maybe you don't care. Either way, you've shown me what I had figured by brushing things off as irrelevant and then expecting *me* to prove myself to *you.* I see the simpleton here and there's no sense arguing with one not open to reason or basic facts except as they appeal to him. Carry on. :thinking:Last night a drunken idiot was playing chicken by laying in the road and running away at the last moment before the cars hit him.

He was too drunk, too slow, was hit and died.

Do you agree that recklessly dicing with death is moronic?

So if you agree that playing with immediate death is moronic, is taking the slow option and endangering your health by regularly eating hydrogenated/partially hydrogenated fast food any less moronic when all the health consequences and shortening of life are considered?

There isn't a SAFE amount of Trans fat.

Some trans fat is unavoidable but it is as reckless and idiotic to needlessly add it to food as it is to knowingly, recklessly and idiotically consume it.
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Reduced trans fat.

Post by Katy1 »

I ALWAYS check for trans fats in mine and my kids foods. I wouldn't feed it to them in the same way I wouldn't let then drink alcohol and play with matches. In fact, I think it's negligent to feed your kids crap like this.

It's just a cheap additive to food that would otherwise be even shittier than they already are, and it is undeniable that it tends to be the poorer and less well educated that eat fast 'foods'.

Personally I do think that people that eat fast food on a regular basis (and especially people who feed their kids it) are pretty stupid, sorry anyone who is offended by that.
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Reduced trans fat.

Post by RedGlitter »

I'm not offended, i just think it's stereotypical and rather ignorant of a thing to say. Kind of like me saying all meat eaters are cruel to animals.
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Reduced trans fat.

Post by Katy1 »

Sometimes stereotypes are rooted in the truth. It's not ignorant, it happens the same in this country. I think it's entirely fair to say that the further down the social classes you go, the poorer diets get, whether it's financial restraints or lack of proper nutritional information.
Richard Bell
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Reduced trans fat.

Post by Richard Bell »

RedGlitter;453439 wrote: I don't know how I feel about this. I recently saw something about it on tv but why force the food joints to change their ways? Why transfat?

From article, "New York City Begins Hearings On Trans Fat Ban " :

The average American eats 4.7 pounds of trans fatty acids a year, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. New York City health officials say these trans fats are so unhealthy they belong in the same category as food spoiled by rodent droppings...Researchers at Harvard's School of Public Health estimated that trans fats contribute to 30,000 U.S. deaths a year.

Read the entire article here : ... nsfat.html

Trans fat is a killer.
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Reduced trans fat.

Post by Deep_Respect »

The attack on trans fat (hydrogenated vegetable oils) may seem like the latest health craze but actually I was told of its dangers by one of my college professors more than 15 years ago. He mentioned that it causes dry mouth, a scratchy throat and will exacerbate the symptoms of hay fever.

Being a hay fever sufferer I decided to avoid trans fat to see what effect it would have. The symptoms were greatly diminished, especailly the sinus problems and for the first time ever I was able to sleep peacefully during a hay fever season. I have a problem finding foods that don't contain it so I would welcome any legislation that reduces its use or requires it to be properly labeled. I have found some brand labels stating "no Trans fat" only to see hydrogenated oils listed among the ingredients.

I think the one thing that people who are against the regulation of trans fat don't understand is that it isn't a food. Trans fat is an unnecessary ingredient and foods that are prepared without it actually taste better - junk food included. If you don't believe me try a taste comparison for yourself.

Smuckers peanut butter, "Dirty Chips" brand potato chips and Smart Balance margarine are among the few products that didn't contain trans fat before it was a fad.
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Reduced trans fat.

Post by Deep_Respect »

NYC has just approved a ban on transfat in restaurants. ... 3?GT1=8816
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Reduced trans fat.

Post by tedhutchinson »

Dietary fatty acid intakes and the risk of ovulatory infertility.CONCLUSION: trans Unsaturated fats may increase the risk of ovulatory infertility when consumed instead of carbohydrates or unsaturated fats commonly found in nonhydrogenated vegetable oils.

Richard Bell
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Reduced trans fat.

Post by Richard Bell »

Here’s some useful information I gleaned from another forum.

The following is the amount of transfat contained in the “kids’ meal” at four popular fast food restaurants. The meals consisted of chicken “nuggets’ and French fries.

Restaurant**** Total Grams Of Transfat *****Transfat in Fries (grams)

KFC............................. 18.6........................................................ 5-9

Burger King................ 13.0.........................................................5-8

Wendy’s...................... 5.0.........................................................not stated

McDonald’s ................. 1.8.........................................................0.8

The World Health Organisation has calculated that eating 18.6 g of trans every day will increase your risk of a heart attack by 100%. Eating 5.0 g per day increases the risk by about 25%.

KFC recently announced that they will soon stop using hydrogenated cooking oil in their US and Canadian restaurants. Hydrogenated oil is a major source of transfat.
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Reduced trans fat.

Post by tedhutchinson »

UK readers should be aware the McDonalds have not as yet reduced the level of trans fat in their UK franchises. The last research I have seen shows Scottish Mcd'S were especially high in Trans.

It would be helpful if as many UK residents as possible signed the petition here to

place an upper limit on trans fats both in food and in oils and fats used in the preparation of food.
Richard Bell
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Reduced trans fat.

Post by Richard Bell »

tedhutchinson;518430 wrote: UK readers should be aware the McDonalds have not as yet reduced the level of trans fat in their UK franchises. The last research I have seen shows Scottish Mcd'S were especially high in Trans.

It would be helpful if as many UK residents as possible signed the petition here to

place an upper limit on trans fats both in food and in oils and fats used in the preparation of food.

Good point, Ted.

The source I quoted was based on US research, so the figures would be for American franchises.

I know McDonald's Canada switched to canola oil for their fries (chips) some time ago, even before the US operation. (Not sure what oil is used in the USA. I read that KFC is going to use canola in Canada and maybe soy(?) in the USA. Anyway, it won't be hydrogenated in either nation.)
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Bill Sikes
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Reduced trans fat.

Post by Bill Sikes »

Well, this is somewhat encouraging: ... food01.xml

"Harmful fats removed from supermarket food


Artery clogging trans-fats will have been phased out of almost all supermarket own-brand food within weeks, Britain's major retailers said yesterday.

The British Retail Consortium, which represents most of the leading supermarkets, claimed that the voluntary move would cut the rates of heart disease and obesity.

Marks & Spencer, Waitrose, Sainsbury's and Tesco say they have already removed the potentially harmful fats from own-brand lines, while Asda says it is "very nearly there". Boots, Morrisons, Iceland and Somerfield also confirmed that they were phasing trans-fats out of processed food within months."
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Reduced trans fat.

Post by weeder »

When the comment is made that morons eat fast food, it brings this thought to my mind. That that percentage of our population ( to me this means those that are underprivledged and or uneducated) are people considered to be disposable. Our society makes available to them... unhealthy food, poor quality clothing, and inferior goods of all kinds. Marketing professionals prey on people who are so stressed out just from trying to survive, that awareness regarding food and health are not even topics they are aware of.

It is a good thing that responsible professionals with concience continue to fight to have these fats removed from food. In a way its like forced protection for those who are unable or unwilling to avoid poisons themselves.
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