Need to loose weight

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Need to loose weight

Post by Jimmeh »

for homecoming, dread those stupid dances.

it is oct. 14

but I am getting fat. Almost 6'2 and hitting 260 lbs.

according to some bmi site, I am obese at a bmi of 34.0

so yeah, I'd at least to be over weight sheesh.

I am 15, so yeah, take that in consideration + I work at mcdonalds.

I am doing well, for all those who know me. :-6

sorry I haven't been on for so long, school and work pretty much take up all the time.
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Need to loose weight

Post by Jimmeh »

thanks love <33 and the walking thing is a great idea.

I really need a diet plan, know of any?

and burgers without buns? yay for that.

I usually eat the chicken though, as an insider, I suggest it.
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Need to loose weight

Post by nvalleyvee »

Jimmeh wrote: for homecoming, dread those stupid dances.

it is oct. 14

but I am getting fat. Almost 6'2 and hitting 260 lbs.

according to some bmi site, I am obese at a bmi of 34.0

so yeah, I'd at least to be over weight sheesh.

I am 15, so yeah, take that in consideration + I work at mcdonalds.

I am doing well, for all those who know me. :-6

sorry I haven't been on for so long, school and work pretty much take up all the time.

I have to give you my standard weight loss 5 - 7 meals a day. Each meal cannot be over 400-500 calories. Make sure you eat breakfast within an hour after waking up and make sure you it is real food (not donuts). Your body will slow its metabolism because you feed it all day long. Your body probably thinks it is starving to death if you eat like every teen I've known. Good luck. You might lose 10 pounds in a healthy way in a month.
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Need to loose weight

Post by Jimmeh »

thanks. I'll actually try to eat in the mornings.
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Need to loose weight

Post by nvalleyvee »

Jimmeh wrote: thanks. I'll actually try to eat in the mornings.

I lost 49 pounds over 8 months by eating breakfast and much smaller meals through the day. I've kept it off for 6 years by doing the same thing. Ask my husband..........I eat every 4-5 hours..........not big meals but just enough to fill my crying stomach.............. Yes I go out and stuff myself into a stupor of sleep every few months...........BWWWAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA

When you eat in the morning your body does not think it is starving anymore and it kick starts your metabolism.
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Need to loose weight

Post by chonsigirl »

You can loose weight, just cut back on the amount of food you eat, get some exercise, and don't eat anything after about 6 pm or so. You are young, it is easier to loose weight then when you are older. Good luck!
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Need to loose weight

Post by Sheryl »

No sodas or sugary drinks. Drop those out of your diet and the weight will also drop. And portions on your plate should be no larger than your fist.
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Need to loose weight

Post by G-man »

Well... according to that and Fidel Castro... I'm overweight... and I've got hardly any bodyfat. :wah: My advice... stay away from whatever is in that McDonalds stuff... and no I don't wanna' know what's in it! :eek: :wah: ...and get plenty of exercise after running it by a physician. What do you want to lose about 30 pounds or so? I believe a safe amount is 10 pounds a week or so if I'm not mistaken... don't just do it for some event, though... do it for yourself. :)

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Need to loose weight

Post by G-man »

Oops! Is that what it is?! :o Is it so obvious that I'm not trying to lose weight? :wah:

Maybe I was thinking of gaining 10 pounds a week, rather?

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Need to loose weight

Post by Rapunzel »

As everyone says, just watch what you eat. If you eat at work go for the chicken salad with little or no dressing.

I'd also say, go to a men's wedding shop and get yourself fitted out for a suit for the prom. You can hire them for quite a reasonable price. I have a large friend who did that. They rented him the jacket, shirt, tie, trousers, waistcoat, cummerbund, shoes and even cufflinks for a very reasonble price. And because the whole outfit was tailored and it all matched, he looked absolutely STUNNING! And EVERYONE commented on how great he looked! And it was much cheaper than buying a new shirt and tie and trousers.

The kids at school know what you look like anyway, so stun them with a great outfit! You'll look gorgeous in the pics and it'll give you a huge boost and so enjoy your evening much more! Good Luck and have fun! :-6
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Need to loose weight

Post by RedGlitter »

Hi Jim! Good to see you again! :)

Some good advice coming at you from everyone. I would like to suggest Weight Watchers. You eat regular food, can even eat fast food and you go on a points system. You don't starve.

For what it's worth, I'd like to suggest not taking that BMI chart too much to heart. That thing and insurance weight charts are not known for their realism.

Though I think we all commend you on your goal, there are those of us women who like our men a little on the teddy bear side. ;) Good for snuggling and we feel protected. :-6

I agree with Rapunzel too! Those tux shops know how to alter a suit or tux to make it appear it was made just for you! That's what I'm having done to my bridesmaid gown and it went from an ill-fitting dress to a fab dress that made me look much better! (I'm a big woman so I know what I'm saying here.) ;)
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Need to loose weight

Post by Patsy Warnick »

10 pounds a month.

I don't eat fast foods - but if your working there you'll eat there.

Have some fries - but not every day - and no KETCHUP, it's all sugar, and pretty soon you won't the fries.

Have chicken or hamburger patty with no bun - and no POP.

So, your eating a breakfast - a patty no bun no fries no pop. And you will loose weight. Increase your exercise - walk, like park further away from entrance to building.

So, now your walking - eating better your energy will increase - your walking more and loosing more. You have do simple things that you can live with and incorporate into your life style. You'll look great in that TUX.

Good luck

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Need to loose weight

Post by cherandbuster »

Jimmeh wrote: I am doing well, for all those who know me. :-6


It's so nice to see you again :)

I'm so pleased that you are doing well.

And if I was at that homecoming, I'd go right up and ask you to dance with me :-6
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Need to loose weight

Post by cherandbuster »

flopstock wrote: 'Cardio' without the annoyance of having to look at a bunch of fat old ladies like me on the machines in front of you..:wah:


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