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Texas Thunder
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Reaching out for new friends and support

Post by Texas Thunder »

I am new here. I live in Grand Prairie Texas

I am going through a really hard time and I am not sure what to do but I need a friend or two I feel Isolated like there is no one that will listen.

I am going through a custody battle:-1

The only thing is I was never married to the guy. I am having no luck getting anywhere. I live in Texas and it seems that the Guy almost has to kill me or my son for someone to help us. He is very Rich and never does anything that could get him caught he waits till we are alone and then Threatens to kill me. He forced me sign paperwork giving him Primary. Now he wont even let me see my son. He is under federal investigation for crimes that he has committed and it seems that I have to just wait till they take him down but My son is in Danger and I am scared I will loose my son. The guy is not even the Biological father, My sons father died when he was two... I guess he thinks if he keeps the rope around my neck that I will not testify against him.. It is getting harder everyday to even get out of bed. I want my son home with me where he belongs. I miss him... I am sorry for venting. I just really could use some Girlsfriends to help support me and I could be a good Friend to you.

Thank you

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Reaching out for new friends and support

Post by Sheryl »

Hey Texas. Wow sorry to hear bout your problems. Have you gone to the police for a restraining order? Also do you have a lawyer? I really don't have the knowledge to give you any good advice. I can only say document everything. All the threats ect..

But here's few :yh_hugs :yh_hugs
"Girls are crazy! I'm not ever getting married, I can make my own sandwiches!"

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Reaching out for new friends and support

Post by cherandbuster »

TSquared --

We're always here to lend a hand or a shoulder to cry on.

We care :-6
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Reaching out for new friends and support

Post by minks »

I agree I think you need to contact the police time and time again, get his **** onto record immediately.
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Reaching out for new friends and support

Post by DesignerGal »

I cant believe he has custody and he is being investigated. Do you have a criminal past? Any charges? Anything that would disable the authorities from giving you custody?

Texas Thunder
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Reaching out for new friends and support

Post by Texas Thunder »

Thanks everyone. Here is the Problem... I have a standard Possesion order whitch means I get my child everyother weekend. The police will not let me get a restraining order because they say it is a civil Matter.. Everyone knows. The Police, The Sheriffs departments, The FBI, The US Marshalls office.. You name and all they tell me is that it willl take time. I did have a Lawyer but I can not afford to pay her $2,500 dollars a month. I tried calling a million lawyers and they all say the same thing that this is too big.. Well great but in the mean time I have to wake up at night thinking I am going to be murdered in my sleep. I have moved twice because my apartment was broken into and nothing was taken and they had no eveidence that he was the one that did it.. I will get through it but I am losing my mind.

Texas Thunder
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Post by Texas Thunder »

I have never even had a speeding ticket... I don't do anything... I work..

DesignerGal wrote: I cant believe he has custody and he is being investigated. Do you have a criminal past? Any charges? Anything that would disable the authorities from giving you custody?
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Post by DesignerGal »

Is DFACS involved? Usually they will go forth with virtually no evidence, just a concern.

DFACS= Dept of Fam and CHildren Services?

Texas Thunder
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Reaching out for new friends and support

Post by Texas Thunder »

DesignerGal wrote: Is DFACS involved? Usually they will go forth with virtually no evidence, just a concern.

DFACS= Dept of Fam and CHildren Services?
They will not get involved because of Court...

We are in middle of doing a social study.. He is telling them that I left my son there and walked away.. How dumb is that since when I was forced to leave his home and told I could not take my son I have had a two bedroom apartment so my son could have his own room.
Texas Thunder
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Reaching out for new friends and support

Post by Texas Thunder »

I know I am just hurting so bad.. I can't even look at pictures... How could I have gotten involved with Someone that manipulated me to this Point... I cry all the time.. When he is here I tell him how much I love him and Miss him and that everything will be okay. He does everything to turn that little boy against me. I do not bash him.. When this all over I will sit him down and tell him the truth. I am just in a deep depression.. I can't even function correctly. All I want to do is sleep..

Hamster wrote: You must stay strong...Your child is going to need you and thats why you have to keep it together...

Sounds like you would be handing him it all on a plate if you fell apart..Is that what he is counting on?
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Reaching out for new friends and support

Post by Texas Thunder »

I do not know any Local Support groups at all in the area. I could just use some good friends that will be supportive...

Thank you so much for your kindness it is much appreciated... Any Advice or ideas would help me so much...
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Bill Sikes
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Reaching out for new friends and support

Post by Bill Sikes »

Texas Thunder wrote: The only thing is I was never married to the guy. I am having no luck getting anywhere. I live in Texas and it seems that the Guy almost has to kill me or my son for someone to help us. He is very Rich and never does anything that could get him caught he waits till we are alone and then Threatens to kill me. He forced me sign paperwork giving him Primary.

If that means what I think it does (I'm not from the 'States) then I'm surprised

that it's enforceable. Have you looked into it?

Texas Thunder wrote: Now he wont even let me see my son. He is under federal investigation for crimes that he has committed and it seems that I have to just wait till they take him down but My son is in Danger and I am scared I will loose my son. The guy is not even the Biological father, My sons father died when he was two... I guess he thinks if he keeps the rope around my neck that I will not testify against him.. It is getting harder everyday to even get out of bed. I want my son home with me where he belongs. I miss him... I am sorry for venting. I just really could use some Girlsfriends (snip)

Hem hem.

How old's your boy?

Record your telephone messages. Record conversations, too, if you can do so

without provocation. You can buy items to do this. Google "surveillance recording"

or similar. Write "contemporaneous" notes.

Don't panic. Just keep at it.
Texas Thunder
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Reaching out for new friends and support

Post by Texas Thunder »

I dont think there is anything more I can do Legally... I can't afford to hire an Attorney so I have to just be a bird on a wire until he throws me into court for Bull S**t. I could just use a friend... I am a good person... I have given my life to help others that needed it.. I just wish that this nightmare could be over... Things were always bad with him. He was very controlling over my Son and I ... I do not know why He wants a child that does not even belong to him. Why won't he leave me alone?? Okay I am probably slurring I am tears again...

Hamster wrote: You'll find plenty of friends here TT... Its one of those places!!

What particular area were you looking for advice on? Legal or otherwise?
Texas Thunder
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Reaching out for new friends and support

Post by Texas Thunder »

He is way too smart for that... He stole his own brothers Identity.. He will not say anything unless we are face to face....I have tried everything... It is enforceble when you can not prove that he forced me sign the paperwork by Gun Point.. he told me if I hired an attorney that he would kill me or take my son out of the country. He is a nut job but a very smart and manipulative nut Job.

Bill Sikes wrote: If that means what I think it does (I'm not from the 'States) then I'm surprised

that it's enforceable. Have you looked into it?

Hem hem.

How old's your boy?

Record your telephone messages. Record conversations, too, if you can do so

without provocation. You can buy items to do this. Google "surveillance recording"

or similar. Write "contemporaneous" notes.

Don't panic. Just keep at it.
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Reaching out for new friends and support

Post by cherandbuster »

TSquared -- :)

If you're looking for friendship, moral support and kind words -- then please stay in the Garden!

We will try to help you along :-6
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Texas Thunder
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Reaching out for new friends and support

Post by Texas Thunder »

Thank you :-5 :confused:
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Reaching out for new friends and support

Post by cherandbuster »

Texas Thunder wrote: Thank you :-5 :confused:

You are truly welcome.

Tell us -- what are your interests? And what is your job? We have so many different areas here in the Garden that we can keep your mind and your heart engaged indefinitely! :-6
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Texas Thunder
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Reaching out for new friends and support

Post by Texas Thunder »

I am a Photographer. I just started a new company in January with my Boyfriend Called Texas Thunder Promotions.. I do Event Photography and Promotional Items...

I love to read and write. I love to sing..

I have garden in the back yard and that has been alittle Therapy...

I do not have any friends in the area at all. My best frend got married last year and does not stay in touch.. Other then that D is my best friend... He has been supportive but like I said he a man...
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Reaching out for new friends and support

Post by MzTulip »

Hi Texas Thunder. I'm new here too and I have found it to be a very warm and welcomeing community. I hope you enjoy it too.
Texas Thunder
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Reaching out for new friends and support

Post by Texas Thunder »

Anything by Ann rice... Mystical Stories...

Love stories
Texas Thunder
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Reaching out for new friends and support

Post by Texas Thunder »

In January it will be two years and I am loosing all Hope... I have done everything everyone has asked me to do... I did not contact the law until August of last year because I was scared... I just feel as though my child will be so screwed up that I will never be able to get him back to that beautiful child with a smile and Personality that would make any one cry.. He is very controlling with son... Make's go and go everyday even on weekends and When he gets to my house he just wants to lay around and watch movies and Veg... His step Dad puts him in the middle all the time to make it seem like I am the bad guy... I wish they would just do something... I feel like I have no rights as a mom...
Texas Thunder
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Reaching out for new friends and support

Post by Texas Thunder »

You are best!!!

Thank you for the Profile Comment...It is nice to know there are still old souls out there... ;)

Hamster wrote: Your son will recover from this, as will you, I promise you. I know you probably dont believe that right now but it is true... :-4 :-4
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Bill Sikes
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Reaching out for new friends and support

Post by Bill Sikes »

Texas Thunder wrote: In January it will be two years and I am loosing all Hope... I have done everything everyone has asked me to do... I did not contact the law until August of last year because I was scared... I just feel as though my child will be so screwed up that I will never be able to get him back to that beautiful child with a smile and Personality that would make any one cry.. He is very controlling with son... Make's go and go everyday even on weekends and When he gets to my house he just wants to lay around and watch movies and Veg....

You don't have to do *special* things to be special to your son. You don't need

to run down the opposition, spend lots of money on events, or . Be

a bulwark. Be there. From what I can work out, your boy is four or five years old.

There ought to be something more than "movies" and being a "Veg", however,

if this is what's done now, just try to improve things (to your mind, and for him)

as you can. Children have sharp, inquisitive, and easily influenced minds. Your

"action in inaction" is likely to be telling. Just be there, and be subtle! Perhaps

you will say how old this boy is.
Texas Thunder
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Reaching out for new friends and support

Post by Texas Thunder »

He will be 9 in October.

I know that I do not have buy him things or do anything special but I want to...He just wants to do nothing because he is so tired... The child is warped from his step Dad and I feel Like there is nothing I can do... All I can do is be supportive and give him lots of love, Hugs and attention when he is with me and reassure him it will all be okay. BUT that is not enough is it.. I have to do more I just have to but what? What can I do to make the Law move faster or the court not read into a man who has millions of dollars to throw around..

Bill Sikes wrote: You don't have to do *special* things to be special to your son. You don't need

to run down the opposition, spend lots of money on events, or . Be

a bulwark. Be there. From what I can work out, your boy is four or five years old.

There ought to be something more than "movies" and being a "Veg", however,

if this is what's done now, just try to improve things (to your mind, and for him)

as you can. Children have sharp, inquisitive, and easily influenced minds. Your

"action in inaction" is likely to be telling. Just be there, and be subtle! Perhaps

you will say how old this boy is.
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Bill Sikes
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Reaching out for new friends and support

Post by Bill Sikes »

Texas Thunder wrote: He will be 9 in October.

Ah! I see. I thought he was somewhat younger... however, no matter, I think.

Texas Thunder wrote: know that I do not have buy him things or do anything special but I want to...He just wants to do nothing because he is so tired... The child is warped from his step Dad and I feel Like there is nothing I can do... All I can do is be supportive and give him lots of love, Hugs and attention when he is with me and reassure him it will all be okay. BUT that is not enough is it.. I have to do more I just have to but what? What can I do to make the Law move faster or the court not read into a man who has millions of dollars to throw around..

If he likes being with you, you need do no more. You can over do it! That would

be counter-productive. You have to ask yourself about "not wanting to do

anything special because he is so tired"... Is he tired? Is he disinterested?

Children (as ell as adults) will try to "press buttons", for various reasons, with

various hoped-for results in mind. You have to tread fairly carefully. You say he

spends more time with X than you. Does he object to that? Would he, if he could

make up his own mind, and be listened to by those who matter, choose to live

with you? Think.
Texas Thunder
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Reaching out for new friends and support

Post by Texas Thunder »

No he is really tired... My new Boyfriends kids want to play with him outside but he doesn't want to go... He doesn't want to make new friends in the neigborhood. His step dad told him I did not want him that I left him... He tells him that I don't want him. My God....Every Weekend I have him his step Dad will plan something really big with his new wife and four kids and will ask my son if he wants to do it with them.. I have given in alot but no more because I need that time with him. He will get upset with me and tell me I don't let him do anything... I only have 8 days a month with him....His step Dad should never even put him in the middle... He should Call me Directly and Ask me... How cruel can one person be before someone will stand up for me and my child.

Bill Sikes wrote: Ah! I see. I thought he was somewhat younger... however, no matter, I think.

If he likes being with you, you need do no more. You can over do it! That would

be counter-productive. You have to ask yourself about "not wanting to do

anything special because he is so tired"... Is he tired? Is he disinterested?

Children (as ell as adults) will try to "press buttons", for various reasons, with

various hoped-for results in mind. You have to tread fairly carefully. You say he

spends more time with X than you. Does he object to that? Would he, if he could

make up his own mind, and be listened to by those who matter, choose to live

with you? Think.
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Bill Sikes
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Reaching out for new friends and support

Post by Bill Sikes »

Texas Thunder wrote: No he is really tired... My new Boyfriends kids want to play with him outside but he doesn't want to go....

Well, if he's tired, let him rest. "Your place" will be a haven.

texas thunder wrote: He doesn't want to make new friends in the neigborhood. His step dad told him I did not want him that I left him... He tells him that I don't want him..

Does he believe that, hmm? Why does he still see you, should that be true?

texas thunder wrote: My God....Every Weekend I have him his step Dad will plan something really big with his new wife and four kids and will ask my son if he wants to do it with them.. I have given in alot but no more because I need that time with him. He will get upset with me and tell me I don't let him do anything....

Hanh on - you said he is tired! Are you pushing a little hard?
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Reaching out for new friends and support

Post by abbey »

Hiya TT, Welcome to FG,

I am so sad to hear of your predicament, can't you grab your son when he's on a visit and bugger off?
Texas Thunder
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Reaching out for new friends and support

Post by Texas Thunder »

He does not Want to be in Trouble with his dad.... Bill I don't understand some of your questions... Please help me understand what you are asking... When I get upset I jump around when Writing so if I am not being clear please tell me okay... I am so sorry if I have done anything.

quote=Bill Sikes]Well, if he's tired, let him rest. "Your place" will be a haven.

Does he believe that, hmm? Why does he still see you, should that be true?

Hanh on - you said he is tired! Are you pushing a little hard?
Texas Thunder
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Reaching out for new friends and support

Post by Texas Thunder »

I wish with my whole heart that I could do that but since I am part of a Federal investigation and that I want to do everything by the law. I can't but I dream it and think of it often....The what if's are killing my insides out.

abbey wrote: Hiya TT, Welcome to FG,

I am so sad to hear of your predicament, can't you grab your son when he's on a visit and bugger off?
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Post by Rapunzel »

Texas Thunder wrote: The only thing is I was never married to the guy. I am having no luck getting anywhere. I live in Texas and it seems that the Guy almost has to kill me or my son for someone to help us. He is very Rich and never does anything that could get him caught he waits till we are alone and then Threatens to kill me. He forced me sign paperwork giving him Primary. Now he wont even let me see my son. He is under federal investigation for crimes that he has committed and it seems that I have to just wait till they take him down but My son is in Danger and I am scared I will loose my son. The guy is not even the Biological father, My sons father died when he was two... I guess he thinks if he keeps the rope around my neck that I will not testify against him.. It is getting harder everyday to even get out of bed. I want my son home with me where he belongs. I miss him... I am sorry for venting. I just really could use some Girlsfriends to help support me and I could be a good Friend to you.

Thank you


This seems very weird to me. If the guy is not your son's biological father then he should have no jurisdiction over him. In the UK he would not legally be able to take him from you! Social services could take your son and put him in care if they felt he was at risk, but for a stranger who was once your bf it would be impossible. I know our laws are different but this makes absolutely no sense, no matter how much money this guy has.

You're saying you're a good person and he's a bad person, he's under a multitude of investigations and he made you sign a form in his favour? I cannot believe that US law would permit this. He would have absolutely no legal right to your son.

I'm sorry if I seem disbelieving but this does seem incredibly farfetched. Is there anything relevant that you haven't told us? :sneaky:
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Reaching out for new friends and support

Post by abbey »

Texas Thunder wrote: I wish with my whole heart that I could do that but since I am part of a Federal investigation and that I want to do everything by the law. I can't but I dream it and think of it often....The what if's are killing my insides out.You are in my thoughts TT, I shall light a candle for you x
Texas Thunder
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Reaching out for new friends and support

Post by Texas Thunder »

I do Understand why you would say that...Trust me when I say that is not the first time I have heard that.. But I came on here because I needed friends and support not to lie.. I have no reason to lie...

Let me be frank..

When we were together he made me work and he stayed home I payed all the bills. When he decided that he would commit crimes and become wealthy he hired an attorney and I threatened to tell the law what he had done. because of that He treathrened to kill me.. He had his attorney draw up papers giving him primary because he got to stay home with my son and I had to work and made it seem as though I could not take care of my child. I would not sign the paper work and he started to choke me and then held a gun to my head. i was afraid for my child and myself and my family so I kept quite. Now he has all the power and I have none.. I told the judge that he made me do it but he wont listen... I just want my son..
Texas Thunder
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Reaching out for new friends and support

Post by Texas Thunder »

Thank you ;)

abbey wrote: You are in my thoughts TT, I shall light a candle for you x
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Reaching out for new friends and support

Post by Babies_Mama00 »

I could not imagine going threw what you are going threw and I apologize HUGELY that this all is happening to you. I just dont understand why this man wants custody of a child that is not his??

dont have much advise but I to can always lend a shoulder!! I wish you the best of luck and hope that your son comes home to you one day SOON!!


Texas Thunder
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Reaching out for new friends and support

Post by Texas Thunder »

I think because he is on a major power trip...He has all this money... He can have Children of his own he is messed up... I just don't understand why me...He has a new wife and she has four kids and knows what kinda bad guy he is and does not care because she does and buys anything she wants....
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Post by chrisb84uk »

Welcome to FG TT!! :-6
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Reaching out for new friends and support

Post by chocoholic »

Hi TT and welcome to FG, sorry I missed you yesterday.

Really sorry to hear of all your troubles but you will find loads of support and good advice on here.:D
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