Chew the fat?

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Chew the fat?

Post by Okie »

I just heard a news item that now they say eating fat does not cause any disease including heart disease? I wish they would make up their minds. They said it about women but I dont see why it would be different for men. I have to wonder if its a play on words. It is almost a sure thing that fat has many more calories per gram than veggies. So if you eat a lot of fat you gotta gain weight. So maybe they are just saying the heart disease is caused by weight.

By the way, I saw a news item a few days ago that the FDA is approving Xenacal(sp). Maybe they will even ok it for over the counter. I saw some sort of infomercial about a product much like it sounds. They say it just keeps your body from absorbing fat. They said it really works. BUT, the fat goes thru and comes out in feces so greasy feces. So, now get this, they recommend a LOWFAT diet. If you can do that why do you need the product. It seems I read that its not really as easy as it sounds. I read you have to adjust how much you take according to how much fat you are going to eat. Yeah, right. And you have to do it in advance. so maybe its not the answer to a dream.
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Chew the fat?

Post by Okie »

mrsK wrote: Okie,

I have tried those capsules & if you eat anything fatty at all you are headed straight to the loo & expect a bit of time spent there.

The caps draw all the fat from your diet & there is only one place it can go.So I suppose when they say eat a low fat diet when you are on the caps its a warning as if you don't & you aren't near a loo,you will need extra underwear.Bit extreme for me :-6

Thank you. I will take a pass on them pills. Heeeee. I sort of guessed it might be that way.

I think they said that Coretta King had just went to the doc and got a balloon put in her stomach. They have a lot of ways not to lose weight. Seems to me maybe the best way is a hypnotist. My brother was a doctor and he had some patients that went to a hypnotist to quit smoking and it worked great and as a bonus they lost weight. My cousins widow also quit smoking using hypnotism. And her daughter. She said it didnt really cost much. Her daughter really didnt want to quit very much. And it still worked. She was smoking in her Rolls and made mom mad so she paid for her to go. She kept the wieght off too until she was in a car wreck and broke her back.
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Chew the fat?

Post by Okie »

mrsK wrote: I had the will power to quit smoking cold turkey,wish I could lose the weight as easily.I may try a hypnotist,but I hate anyone being in control of me ,but me.:-6
Once long ago my wife went to our family doctor and he was getting into hypnotism. In fact he became the leading doc in Oklahoma for that. but he just gave my wife a book on self hypnotism. I read a bit of it and it says that no one can hypnotize anyone and that all hypnotism is self hypnotism but you can have someone assist you. I think the way they do it is have patients in several different rooms at once and getting relaxed and then after you are really relaxed he comes in and finishes with you. I wouldnt worry myself. If it works it would be so great. No drugs and no operation.

They say there is a lot of stages of being hypnotized. One stage is like if you are gazing off into space sort of daydreaming. ONe stage is when you are almost to drop off to sleep. I recall lots of people used to do self improvement with a pillow speaker and listen to it as you drop off to sleep. Actually that is one sort of hypnotism. When someone says I am gonna sleep on it, its not really wrong. I have went to bed thinking of a way to solve a problem and woke up with the answer.
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Chew the fat?

Post by Okie »

mrsK wrote: That sleep on it bit is true.

So if I make a tape & say over & over again on the tape that "I will lose weight" & then listen to that as I go to sleep everynight then that will help me lose weight?

I know that is a simplified version but is that what you mean?If so I might try it:-6
Basically yes, I think that is right. I think it might go like I will not get hungy, I will not get hungry etc. or I will not take the second helping, I will not take the second helping. I will walk three miles a day. I will walk three miles a day.

You see what I mean. If you can get it into your subconcious to exercise more and eat less you will lose weight. There might even be a wieght loss tape or cassette for that if you were to google it. Just play is soft near your bed when you are going to drift off to sleep.
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Chew the fat?

Post by alobar51 »

Okie wrote: I just heard a news item that now they say eating fat does not cause any disease including heart disease? I wish they would make up their minds. They said it about women but I dont see why it would be different for men. I have to wonder if its a play on words. It is almost a sure thing that fat has many more calories per gram than veggies. So if you eat a lot of fat you gotta gain weight. So maybe they are just saying the heart disease is caused by weight.

By the way, I saw a news item a few days ago that the FDA is approving Xenacal(sp). Maybe they will even ok it for over the counter. I saw some sort of infomercial about a product much like it sounds. They say it just keeps your body from absorbing fat. They said it really works. BUT, the fat goes thru and comes out in feces so greasy feces. So, now get this, they recommend a LOWFAT diet. If you can do that why do you need the product. It seems I read that its not really as easy as it sounds. I read you have to adjust how much you take according to how much fat you are going to eat. Yeah, right. And you have to do it in advance. so maybe its not the answer to a dream.

Wow!!! You've said a mouthfull, here...

The confusion you're expressing is understandable.

I've stated on another thread here that I do nutritional counseling. I get these questions every day.

The answer has several components and can't be sound bited. That plays into the hands of those with a vested interest in misleading you.

Bottom line, fat doesn't make you fat, nor does it cause heart disease. If you want chapter and verse, I'll leave my number at the end of this post.

I want to address a couple of your statements, most notably "THEY" and "FDA".

Who are "THEY"?

The media will quote headlines of studies that they are fed by govt. agencies that regulate food and medicine, i.e. USDA and FDA.

Herein lies the problem. These agencies are hopelessly corrupt. They are manned by employees of the industries they are regulating. USDA officials are once and future employees of the factory farming industry, Monsanto, etc. FDA officials either come straight from or go straight to the drug companies, getting 6 figure jobs when they leave govt. service.

Who do you think their loyalties are with???

What to do???

If you get your health information from these sources, you're going to get sick.

You must develop a relationship with a practitioner who understands the biochemistry of food, and, more importantly, takes the time to understand you. Your individual metabolic nature.

If you have questions, you can call me at 1-800-543-5710

Good luck.
Posts: 1281
Joined: Sun Jan 22, 2006 5:28 pm

Chew the fat?

Post by Okie »

alobar51 wrote: Wow!!! You've said a mouthfull, here...

The confusion you're expressing is understandable.

I've stated on another thread here that I do nutritional counseling. I get these questions every day.

The answer has several components and can't be sound bited. That plays into the hands of those with a vested interest in misleading you.

Bottom line, fat doesn't make you fat, nor does it cause heart disease. If you want chapter and verse, I'll leave my number at the end of this post.

I want to address a couple of your statements, most notably "THEY" and "FDA".

Who are "THEY"?

The media will quote headlines of studies that they are fed by govt. agencies that regulate food and medicine, i.e. USDA and FDA.

Herein lies the problem. These agencies are hopelessly corrupt. They are manned by employees of the industries they are regulating. USDA officials are once and future employees of the factory farming industry, Monsanto, etc. FDA officials either come straight from or go straight to the drug companies, getting 6 figure jobs when they leave govt. service.

Who do you think their loyalties are with???

What to do???

If you get your health information from these sources, you're going to get sick.

You must develop a relationship with a practitioner who understands the biochemistry of food, and, more importantly, takes the time to understand you. Your individual metabolic nature.

If you have questions, you can call me at 1-800-543-5710

Good luck.

I have a problem recalling who I am hearing when I listen to a news program. MOst of it dont get my attention and after I get inerested I cannot say who it was they quoted.

Yes, the FDA is in bed with the government I think. The federal government says they will let the FDA decide what meds we can import into the US. I feel that any meds they will allow us to import or reimport will be those the drug companys dont make much money on.

I read once that either the FDA or USDA helped or led the creation of the food pyramid we used all thru school. Now we find it is not really very good so now they have changed it a bit. I know that fat dont actually make you fat but one ounce of fat has lots of calories. More than celery. But I have read about the many food pyramids and some of them were designed after study of the healthiest people and looking at what their typical diet is made of. The Japanese are a very healthy lot until they come here and eat our sort of food. The Mediterranean way of eating and of lifestyle is very good. I am not sure how many here would voluntarily live that way. LOts of water and exercise and of course not much red meat. That is part of the problem with our food pyramid is that "they" grouped red meat right in with fish and poulltry. The Beef Producers likely had a large part in creating the pyramid. I recall that manyyears ago we had films in school about the importance of eating red meat. Amino acids, the building blocks of bodys. They dont mention the uric acids that cause gout.

I saw Bill Clinton giving a speech about nutrition. He was very honest about his reasons for being interested. He almost died learning about nutrition. And the nowq governor of Arkasas introduced him and they talked about how heavy he had been and now looks fit. I am going to say I think they said he had been 376 pounds at one point. Now is 150 pounds.

But everyone knows it will be almost impossible to change the life style of kids and adults and of the fast food industry. For the most part it costs more to eat healthy. Fats and starches fill you up but not the best thing for you.
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