The World's 10 Worst Dictators - #s 8 thru 10

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Philadelphia Eagle
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The World's 10 Worst Dictators - #s 8 thru 10

Post by Philadelphia Eagle »

#8 - Sapamurat Niyazov - Turkmenistan - Age 65 - In power since 1990 - Last year's rank # 8

Niyazov has created the world's most pervasive personality cult, and critism of any of his policies is considered treason. The latest examples of his government-by-whim include bans on car radios, lip-synching and playing recorded music on TV

or at weddings. Niyazov also has closed all national parks and shut down rural libraries. He launched an attack on his nation's health-care system, firing 15,000 health-care workers and replacing most of them with untrained military conscripts. He announced the closing of all hospitals outside the capital and ordered Turkmenistan's physicians to give up the Hippocratic Oath and swear allegiance to him instead.

#9 - Seyed Ali Khamene'i - Iran - Age 66 - In power since 1989 - Last year's rank - # 18.

Over the past four years the rulers of Iran have undone the reforms that were emerging in the nation. The hardliners completed this reversal by winning the parlimentary elections in 2004 - after disqualifying 44% of the candidates - and with the presidential election of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in June 2005. Ultimately, however, the country is run by the 12-man Guardian Council, overseen by the Ayatollah Khamene'i, which has the right to veto any law that the government passes. Khamene'i has shut down the free press, tortured journalists and ordered the execution of homosexual males.

#10 - Teodoro Obiang Nguema - Equatorial Guinea - Age 63. In power since 1979 - Last year's rank - # 10.

Obiang took power in this tiny West African nation by overthrowing his uncle more than 25 years ago. According to a United Nations inspector, torture " is the normal means of investigation" in Equatorial Guinea. There is no freedom of speech, and there are no bookstores or newsstands. The one private radio station is owned by Obiang's son. Since major oil reserves were discovered in 1995, Obiang has deposited more than $700 million into special accounts in U.S.banks. Meanwhile, most of his people live on less than $1 a day.
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The World's 10 Worst Dictators - #s 8 thru 10

Post by Accountable »

Thanks Eagle. This will help us keep things in perspective.
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