Home School vs. Public/Private

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Home School vs. Public/Private

Post by jennani »

I am writing a paper on which form of education is more beneficial to children. If some of you would be so kind as to answer these ten questions as soon as possible that would be great. You don't need to have long ones, just to the point. Thanks for the help!!

Indicate one: male female

Indicate age group: 8-15 16-25 26-35 36-50 50 and over

Indicate one: student part-time worker full-time worker retired

stay at home

Please answer the following questions:

1) How familiar or involved are you with home schooling?

2) If you are a parent, do your kids attend public, private, or are they home schooled? Would you like to change their form of education? Why?

3) If you are a student, do you attend public, private, or are you home schooled? Do you like it? Why?

4) If you are no longer a student, nor do you yet have children, what form of education did you partake in? Did you find it detrimental or beneficial to your education?

5) Which form of education do you feel is more beneficial to a student? Why?

6) Should anything be done to improve either form of education? What and Why?

7) What do you see happening in the future with education? Do you think home schooling will become more popular? Why?

8) What do you believe is the thought process for parents deciding which form of education to give their children?

9) What are the benefits of home schooling?

10) What are the benefits of public or private school?
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Home School vs. Public/Private

Post by minks »

jennani wrote: I am writing a paper on which form of education is more beneficial to children. If some of you would be so kind as to answer these ten questions as soon as possible that would be great. You don't need to have long ones, just to the point. Thanks for the help!!

Indicate one: male female

Indicate age group: 8-15 16-25 26-35 36-50 50 and over

Indicate one: student part-time worker full-time worker retired

stay at home

Please answer the following questions:

1) How familiar or involved are you with home schooling? Only know friends of my children who have been HS'd

2) If you are a parent, do your kids attend public, private, or are they home schooled? Public

Would you like to change their form of education? Yes Why? more individual attention, classes are much to large here.

3) If you are a student, do you attend public, private, or are you home schooled? Do you like it? Why?

4) If you are no longer a student, nor do you yet have children, what form of education did you partake in? Did you find it detrimental or beneficial to your education?

5) Which form of education do you feel is more beneficial to a student? Private Why? Private school, seems more focused, smaller classes, yet good social skills are provided as well

6) Should anything be done to improve either form of education? Yes What and Why? More teachers, per student, more government funding for more schools.

7) What do you see happening in the future with education? more drop outs Do you think home schooling will become more popular? No Why? Because not all parents can afford to stay home and home school and the rise in single parent families makes this impossible. As well who can afford it on one salary.

8) What do you believe is the thought process for parents deciding which form of education to give their children? Quality education.

9) What are the benefits of home schooling? One on one attention, more concentrated efforts to succeed.

10) What are the benefits of public or private school? Better social skills, less stress on the student as they do not have their parent over their shoulder all the time, easier for many parents to do as many parents are not qualified teachers, and still a better education as kids are being taught by professionals and the variety of teaching skills is invaluable. .

Good luck on your study.
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Home School vs. Public/Private

Post by jennani »

Thanks for the reply
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Home School vs. Public/Private

Post by chonsigirl »

You should have set up a poll, to take one issue at a time.

I go for school-private or public, over home schooled. I am a public school teacher, and the students I know who are home skilled do not have quite thesame social skills those in regular school situations have. Home schooling should be used only for illness or other severe problems. I had 4 go through public school, not a problem with one of them.:)
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Home School vs. Public/Private

Post by BabyRider »



full-time worker

1) How familiar or involved are you with home schooling?

I was home schooled for one year.

2) If you are a parent, do your kids attend public, private, or are they home schooled?

My son attends private school.

Would you like to change their form of education? Why?

Yes, because A) he's not happy in private school anymore, and B) I believe public school prepares a child better for the real world.

3) If you are a student, do you attend public, private, or are you home schooled? Do you like it? Why? N/A

4) If you are no longer a student, nor do you yet have children, what form of education did you partake in? Did you find it detrimental or beneficial to your education?

I was home-schooled for one year, went to private school up until 10th grade and went to public school for 10th, 11th, and 12th grades.

I did not like the home-schooling and did better academically in private school.

5) Which form of education do you feel is more beneficial to a student? Why?

Each form of schooling has its benefits and it's drawbacks.

6) Should anything be done to improve either form of education? What and Why?

There can always be improvements to all forms of education.

7) What do you see happening in the future with education? Do you think home schooling will become more popular? Why?

I have no idea if home-schooling will become more or less popular.

8) What do you believe is the thought process for parents deciding which form of education to give their children?

Hopefully what is in the best interest of the child is always foremost in the decision.

9) What are the benefits of home schooling?

Personal, one-on-one attention.

10) What are the benefits of public or private school?

Public school is better at teaching the realities of life, IMO. Private school has smaller class sizes and the teacher/student ratio is geared to benefit the student more.
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Home School vs. Public/Private

Post by jennani »

Thanks for the advice about the poll. That's a good idea, perhaps I should still do that. I appreciate the help - I know it's a lot to answer.
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Home School vs. Public/Private

Post by Jives »

jennani wrote: Indicate one: male female


Indicate age group: 8-15 16-25 26-35 36-50 50 and over


Indicate one: student part-time worker full-time worker retired

stay at home

Full Time

1) How familiar or involved are you with home schooling?

2) If you are a parent, do your kids attend public, private, or are they home schooled?

Public Education

Would you like to change their form of education? Why?

Absolutely not. Public education systems of America made us the only remaining Hyperpower on the planet. We are a technological powerhouse. Why wouldn't I want my children to get the same education that produced Lincoln, JFK, Ford, and Neil Armstrong?

5) Which form of education do you feel is more beneficial to a student? Why?

Public education by far. Social skills are a very important part of the equation. Home school children miss out on this. Think about it, is there anything you learned that wasn't in the classroom? Like at the bus stop or in the cafeteria? Public education teaches coping skills for interpersonal relationships.

In addition, the wider the number of teachers, the more balanced the education. Each teacher will bring different skills, attitudes, and opinions to the classroom. Students must be exposed to a wide variety of teachers to be able to deal with the even wider variety of personalities in the world and in the corporate sector.

6) Should anything be done to improve either form of education? What and Why?

Yes. Right now, many of the parents who are trying to be teachers are not qualified. Classroom teachers must go through all kinds of training and accountibility. There is little of that in the home-schooling system.

Most parents have no idea the amount of time required to be good teachers for their children. Many of them do not have Bachelor's Degrees in all the subjects they must teach. Classroom teachers on the other hand, are required to be highly qualified in their fields now.

Just loving your child isn't enough to make you a good teacher. There's a reason for the many classes in education that teachers must take. Many people assume that since they have been students and observed teachers at work, they understand all the nuances of being a teacher. That is flat-out not true.

7) What do you see happening in the future with education? Do you think home schooling will become more popular? Why?

Distance learning and online learning will increase. Also, many parents will be forced into home schooling due to the poor behavior of their children. ( More students are expelled each year.) The same lack of parenting skills that caused the student to be unable to cope with a learning environment and to be without a knowledge of common courtesy will make the task of quality home schooling impossible. Nevertheless, the parent will be forced to try it, since their student will not be able to rejoin the public education system.

8) What do you believe is the thought process for parents deciding which form of education to give their children?

Some, a tiny minority, understand the huge investment in time and education for themselves that home schooling will represent. ( Let's make this clear, it is impossible to work a full time day job and home school at an acceptable level at the same time. ) These good parents will quit their jobs, and spend the entire day doing the same job 7 normal people do. I have seen it.

The other parent in a two parent family will be sorely pressed for the bills, but it can be done. In these rare cases, the quality of education actually exceeds the public level. If the commitment is there, the rest follows.

Unfortunately, many parents will be unable or unwilling to quit work. They will try in vain to meet the level required. The student will spend much time unattended. This will increase the level of daytime crime and raise the At-Risk probability of the student. It is also certain that many will not meet the state requirements for graduation. In this case the drop-out rate will rise drastically.

9) What are the benefits of home schooling?

1. Personal Attention.

10) What are the benefits of public or private school?

1. Highly qualified personel.

2. Variety of teaching styles.

3. State standard accountibility.

4. Social, organizational, and motivational training.

5. Real-world experience.

6. Constant Supervision
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Home School vs. Public/Private

Post by jennani »

Those were really good answers... this is really helping a lot, thanks everyone!
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Home School vs. Public/Private

Post by minks »

jennani wrote: Those were really good answers... this is really helping a lot, thanks everyone!

the great thing about forums, ... there is always an opinion somewhere. You are welcome
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Home School vs. Public/Private

Post by HelloGal »

Indicate one: female

Indicate age group: None of those 4 and 5 year olds here.

8-15 16-25 26-35 36-50 50 and over

Indicate one: stay at home

Please answer the following questions:

1) How familiar or involved are you with home schooling? I homeschool

2) If you are a parent, do your kids attend public, private, or are they home schooled? Homeschooled.

Would you like to change their form of education? No Why? Because my kids are learning more then thier peers and are doing very well.

3) If you are a student, do you attend public, private, or are you home schooled? Do you like it? Why? N/A

4) If you are no longer a student, nor do you yet have children, what form of education did you partake in? Did you find it detrimental or beneficial to your education? n/a

5) Which form of education do you feel is more beneficial to a student? Depends on the child Why? each child learns diffrently

6) Should anything be done to improve either form of education? Yes public school should be improved greatly. What and Why? My five year learned about BJ's riding the bus home from public school and I was appaulled not only that the teachers do not incourage creativty.

7) What do you see happening in the future with education?I see many children falling in the cracks. Do you think home schooling will become more popular? yes.Why? More parents realize the benifits.

8) What do you believe is the thought process for parents deciding which form of education to give their children? Each parent knows thier child and knows what would be best and knows if homeschool is more benificial.

9) What are the benefits of home schooling? Children learn at their own pace, can be in a familier setting and if they are advanced or behind in a subject they can move at the grade level they are at. They can also interact with the parents more and not feel so much pressure to conform to some standards. Like for instance they do not need to feel bad that they wear no brand name clothes ect..

10) What are the benefits of public or private school?

Friends More likely friends but you can have all that homeschooling because my children are involved in church activies have friends over all the time this is not a concern. You can also in our state enroll your children in public school for the activities as they grow like say football or cheerleding ect..

Local Time: 09:15 PM

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Home School vs. Public/Private

Post by Ge0rge »

Indicate one: male female

Indicate age group: 8-15 16-25 26-35 36-50 50 and over

Indicate one: student part-time worker full-time worker retired

stay at home

Please answer the following questions:

1) How familiar or involved are you with home schooling?


2) If you are a parent, do your kids attend public, private, or are they home schooled? Would you like to change their form of education? Why?

Public to 6

Private to 8

Homeschool to 11

Currently public

3) If you are a student, do you attend public, private, or are you home schooled? Do you like it? Why?

4) If you are no longer a student, nor do you yet have children, what form of education did you partake in? Did you find it detrimental or beneficial to your education?

5) Which form of education do you feel is more beneficial to a student? Why?

homeschool at primary 1 to 1 tuition more productive less stress

Secondary public/private more specialised teaching especially in the sciences

6) Should anything be done to improve either form of education? What and Why?

To get rid of some of the ignorance concerning homeschooling. ie. homeschooled children can and do socialise without the bullying and the artificial environment created by schools.

The insistance of the school system which said my daughter would need full assesments to find her current level of education which 'would naturally be lower then most for her age' she is currently in the top 2% of her year.

Schools to take a more proactive approach to problems like bullying and harrasment

7) What do you see happening in the future with education? Do you think home schooling will become more popular? Why?

Yes I do home schooling becoming more popular, fairly sure this is currently the case in the UK. Schools not dealing with bullying and harrasment, failure to cope with/deal with sen issues, increased awareness of the option to homeschool. Universities now seeing the value of homeschooling and the difference it brings.

8) What do you believe is the thought process for parents deciding which form of education to give their children?

For me it was which would bring the greatest benefits for my daughter. At primary it was homeschooling. Secondary public school as she needs the sciences.

9) What are the benefits of home schooling?

1 to 1 tuition

teaching to the subject, not tests or national criteria - better depth and understanding

less structure and time limmitations allowing child to study more in depth what interests them and teaching takes place in different environments and times

no disruptions by other students

no bullying

socialising in more normal envioronments with wider mix of ages and abilities

10) What are the benefits of public or private school?

At secondary school teacher and better qualified and equiped to deal subjects.

Currently due to prejudices and ignorance about home schooling better opportunities for career choice.

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