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Where did chinese come from?

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 12:09 pm
by spot
I can only hope your grandchildren choose to marry Eskimos then, Colonel. Unless, of course, you're an Eskimo.

Where did chinese come from?

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 7:28 am
by LarsMac
If you really believe that you owe a loyalty to your genetic past, I suggest you go do something nice for Africa.

After all, according to recent research, it seems we all originated there.

Where did chinese come from?

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 11:53 am
by colonel_ives
LarsMac;1368123 wrote: If you really believe that you owe a loyalty to your genetic past, I suggest you go do something nice for Africa.

After all, according to recent research, it seems we all originated there.

Yes, I forgot "we all used to be black". Of course for that to be true it means black people have never evolved. The way you say it sounds like we were all black Africans, then migrated away and became something else, this implication makes the anti-racist very happy, but they don't realize it also simultaneously implies that black Africans are still the same as they were thousands of years ago. What the "research" you smugly reference actually states is that we all share a common ancestor in Africa, and blacks, whites, Asians and everyone else later evolved from this common ancestor.

Pretty sad when self proclaimed "anti-racists" turn around and make proclamations that are more offencive than anything the biggest prison skinhead would mutter. And who knows whether it is even true anyway, for those of us with any memory left, we can still clearly recall back in school when they were telling us we all came from Asia. The oldest archeological finds were form there, so of course it means we all came from there, until of course they found some older samples in Africa, now we are all African. I'm curious to see where we all be from 20 years from now, Saudi Arabia, Jamaica, the moon?

Where did chinese come from?

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 3:32 pm
by Bryn Mawr
colonel_ives;1368160 wrote: Yes, I forgot "we all used to be black". Of course for that to be true it means black people have never evolved. The way you say it sounds like we were all black Africans, then migrated away and became something else, this implication makes the anti-racist very happy, but they don't realize it also simultaneously implies that black Africans are still the same as they were thousands of years ago. What the "research" you smugly reference actually states is that we all share a common ancestor in Africa, and blacks, whites, Asians and everyone else later evolved from this common ancestor.

Pretty sad when self proclaimed "anti-racists" turn around and make proclamations that are more offencive than anything the biggest prison skinhead would mutter. And who knows whether it is even true anyway, for those of us with any memory left, we can still clearly recall back in school when they were telling us we all came from Asia. The oldest archeological finds were form there, so of course it means we all came from there, until of course they found some older samples in Africa, now we are all African. I'm curious to see where we all be from 20 years from now, Saudi Arabia, Jamaica, the moon?

Why do you assume that the progenitors who came out of Africa were identical to those who live in Africa now and that modern day Africans have not evolved?

Why do you assume that the differences between your archetypal Scandinavians and your native Africans is anything more that environmental adaptation and that modern day Africans are not better adapted to their environment that we are?

Wishful thinking? More like sloppy thinking I'm thinking.

Where did chinese come from?

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 8:28 pm
by LarsMac
colonel_ives;1368160 wrote: Yes, I forgot "we all used to be black". Of course for that to be true it means black people have never evolved. The way you say it sounds like we were all black Africans, then migrated away and became something else, this implication makes the anti-racist very happy, but they don't realize it also simultaneously implies that black Africans are still the same as they were thousands of years ago. What the "research" you smugly reference actually states is that we all share a common ancestor in Africa, and blacks, whites, Asians and everyone else later evolved from this common ancestor.

Pretty sad when self proclaimed "anti-racists" turn around and make proclamations that are more offencive than anything the biggest prison skinhead would mutter. And who knows whether it is even true anyway, for those of us with any memory left, we can still clearly recall back in school when they were telling us we all came from Asia. The oldest archeological finds were form there, so of course it means we all came from there, until of course they found some older samples in Africa, now we are all African. I'm curious to see where we all be from 20 years from now, Saudi Arabia, Jamaica, the moon?

Sorry you misunderstood, and took offense for such a simple statement.

And why would you think that Africans had not evolved since those times?

On the other hand, if the environment suited the group, they have no need to evolve. Like the Neanderthals, who existed quite happily for around 200 thousand years, before being replaced by those damned Africans.

There is the theory, however that they were not driven to extinction by the African migrants, but moved north into the far northern regions of Europe.

From some I've met, I could believe that.

Where did chinese come from?

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 10:39 am
by gmc
colonel_ives;1368010 wrote: The family unit is one such "spurious blood concept", from there it spreads to kinfolk, then to the tribe, then to the race. No one thinks it odd if I display preferential treatment for my own son, or my own cousin, and it's even ok in some cases to show preference for ones own ethnicity "hey, you are Irish too, ok, you've got the job". But it is a BIG political no-no if I let it spread one step beyond that to showing preferential treatment to my race, oh God forbid. If you continue down this extremist path of eliminating all genetic preference from society, when you get right down to it, that means the family unit goes out the window as well. This is hunky dory for liberal lemmings like Warren Buffet (who is happily leaving all his money to charity rather than his own children), but those of us with an iota of traditionalism left are in a heap of trouble if we plan to practice traditional values like the time honored tradition of showing preference for your kinfolk.

We humans are a dirty animal, we eat, we sh*t, we p*ss, we make mistakes, in fact there is very little we have that we can feel proud of, especially when you face that fact that 9/10 of us just aren't going to accomplish that much in our lives. So it is not so "outrageous" that we like to take pride in the collective accomplishments of our racial ancestors. And I know what you're thinking, "why not just feel proud of human achievements then". I will tell you why. Because it is that sort of thinking that gives every child on both teams a trophy regardless of who wins. Or who gives each child a ribbon and congratulate him for being the last "winner". If "everyone" is special, then that defeats the whole concept. If an African wants to feel proud of being Zulu, or a Chinese proud of being Chinese, I say good on them. It gives us something ancient and greater than our everyday lives to hold onto. So you can feel free to go around saying there is no such thing as race and adopt ten kids from Rwanda, if that makes you happy then go for it. But at the same time, I will continue to read Beowulf and honor my ancestors, because that's what makes me feel good.

So I take it you see yourself as anglo saxon, that amalgam of two germanic tribes that invaded when the romans left then lost out to the vikings in the north and then totally lost out to the normans who took over the place and whose ancestors still own most of it. So as you wander the countryside sticking to the paths the landowners are gracious enough to let you use where once you wandered freely Take comfort in your epic poem and past glories for you have lost your culture taken up their foreign religion and turned your back on the old gods. Anglo saxon culture was a damn sight more egalitarian than the one that supplanted it in england but they have convinced you they have a right to keep what their ancestors took by force. Your traditionalism is a fiction invented to make you feel better about the reality by hanging on to imaginary lost glories as you walk the streets of the council house schemes you live in.

Where did chinese come from?

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 3:22 pm
by colonel_ives
Heh, keep on chasing your tails trying to prove whites don't/shouldn't exist. Any point you or I make, someone will always come up with a counter-point for it seems, and it will keep on going back and forth ad nauseum. I respect you guys' determination, but on this topic we will always diverge. I'm proud of who I am, and proud of my ancestors, and I can't ever bring myself to fault another for feeling the same way. China is a great civilization, and Chinese are a great people, if they want to be proud of their bloodline and/or lineage, then more power to them. They have a lot to be proud of. 6000 years of magnificent civilization and achievement will always trump whatever flavor of the month "out of Africa" theory you want to throw at them. Especially as the archeological/scientific finds keep on coming and you are constantly forced to retool your popcorn "race does not exist" theories. Just keep on throwing em' under the steam roller that is 1.3 billion fiercely proud Chinese.

Where did chinese come from?

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 4:12 pm
by Bryn Mawr
colonel_ives;1368466 wrote: Heh, keep on chasing your tails trying to prove whites don't/shouldn't exist. Any point you or I make, someone will always come up with a counter-point for it seems, and it will keep on going back and forth ad nauseum. I respect you guys' determination, but on this topic we will always diverge. I'm proud of who I am, and proud of my ancestors, and I can't ever bring myself to fault another for feeling the same way. China is a great civilization, and Chinese are a great people, if they want to be proud of their bloodline and/or lineage, then more power to them. They have a lot to be proud of. 6000 years of magnificent civilization and achievement will always trump whatever flavor of the month "out of Africa" theory you want to throw at them. Especially as the archeological/scientific finds keep on coming and you are constantly forced to retool your popcorn "race does not exist" theories. Just keep on throwing em' under the steam roller that is 1.3 billion fiercely proud Chinese.

Oh, race exist all right. It visibly and demonstrably exists - just not in the devisive and bigoted way you see it.

Where did chinese come from?

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 12:44 am
by gmc
colonel_ives;1368466 wrote: Heh, keep on chasing your tails trying to prove whites don't/shouldn't exist. Any point you or I make, someone will always come up with a counter-point for it seems, and it will keep on going back and forth ad nauseum. I respect you guys' determination, but on this topic we will always diverge. I'm proud of who I am, and proud of my ancestors, and I can't ever bring myself to fault another for feeling the same way. China is a great civilization, and Chinese are a great people, if they want to be proud of their bloodline and/or lineage, then more power to them. They have a lot to be proud of. 6000 years of magnificent civilization and achievement will always trump whatever flavor of the month "out of Africa" theory you want to throw at them. Especially as the archeological/scientific finds keep on coming and you are constantly forced to retool your popcorn "race does not exist" theories. Just keep on throwing em' under the steam roller that is 1.3 billion fiercely proud Chinese.

So on a thread talking about the origins of the chinese and why they are so distinct as a people you assume we are all somehow not aware of or not proud of of our own identity and tribal sub groups? If it was a Chinese forum and they were discussing why some people have blonde hair and blue eyes and how did it come about would you assume it was because they were not proud of their own identity?

It says a lot more about you, your attitudes and ignorance of your own history than it does about any of us. Where we all come from is endlessly fascinating that you don't find it so is your loss but since you don't why did you feel the need to butt in? The early Greeks were fair haired and blue eyes were not uncommon I find that fascinating as well.

The last poster and myself are both celts - although in my case there seems, unsurprisingly, to be a little Viking as well. The wrong people to suggest only you and such as you are aware of or proud of their own tribal sub group. If you want to cling to the illusion of a distinct racial identity down through the ages untouched by others good luck to you but you're kidding yourself.

Where did chinese come from?

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 7:23 am
And on the 8th day God created the Wok.

Where did chinese come from?

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 8:13 am
by gmc
YZGI;1368581 wrote: And on the 8th day God created the Wok.

Later in the evening he said Let's go down the chippie as the lord was still hungry after his chinese meal.

Where did chinese come from?

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 8:20 am
gmc;1368600 wrote: Later in the evening he said Let's go down the chippie as the lord was still hungry after his chinese meal.
