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lady cop
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Post by lady cop »

there is a lot of controversy in florida about tasers, here's the latest. .....Cops Turn Tasers on Teen Party....i firmly believe in their efficacy, and they save lives...better tased than shot. there have been some deaths, but autopsy always shows underlying cardiac problem or heavy cocaine use in the deceased. what is your opinion?
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Post by buttercup »

that link dident work for me & i have no idea what a tazer is :confused:
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Post by Peg »

Deputies broke up a teenage girl's coming-of-age party with Taser stun guns, pepper spray and their elbows and fists after they were summoned to break up a fight over a spilled drink.

More than the tasers and pepper spray, the elbows and fists part bothers me. Let me punch a cop, I'm going to jail. Yet the cops were using elbows and fists on juveniles? I realize it was out of hand, their were way more kids than cops, but that's just something I feel is plain wrong.

As far as tasers, I feel they are a good thing. I agree it's much better than getting shot. Problem is, like guns, tasers just don't belong in some people's hands. An 80+ year old man locally got tasered for urinating in public. A bit extreme IMO.
lady cop
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Post by lady cop »

buttercup wrote: that link dident work for me & i have no idea what a tazer is :confused:the link should work :confused: ....a taser is a gun of sorts that fires an electrical charge that will take a person down.
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Post by buttercup »

omg that sounds a bit extreme, however how police operate over here & over there is completely opposite, cops show up to a teenage party here & the kids run, our cops dont have guns or stun weapons but people are still scared of them
pink princess
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Post by pink princess »

if someones done something wrong they have to expect the cconsequences..... zap away.....

its when you get the wrong guy theres a problem!

as for dying from it..... not exactly wonderful but then your chances of suriving it are better than from a bullet so tazers sound good to me....
life is what you make it

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Post by Clint »

Tasers beat the options. It seems to me it is safer to use a taser than to use a 9mm projectile, a baton, a choke hold, or a riot gun. If the cops used their training in offensive and defensive tactics not involving weapons other than their bodies, the results would still end up lethal from time to time. There would be more broken bones and bruises than when a taser is used. Tasers have probably prevented a lot more discomfort than they have caused.

As with any profession, there are those wearing police uniforms that are more suited for flipping hamburgers under close supervision. Excessive force by a police officer should be a clear sign the officer is not fit for the profession.
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Wish they would let us use them where I work, LOL.
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Post by BTS »

When I was a kid "COP" was a dirty word. They were Police officers, Deputies, Constables etc........ but NEVER Cops.

Coming from a father who was serving for the local sherriffs dept. when I was born it was a word that was not allowed in my home.........

Call me a foggy but it is still hard for me to use that word.
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lady cop
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Post by lady cop »

COP actually stood for chief of police...not a bad word. it's a good thing!
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Post by Clint »

lady cop wrote: COP actually stood for chief of police...not a bad word. it's a good thing!
LC, I had always thought COP originated from "Constable Of Peace". That is also a good thing. I don't even remember where I heard it now.
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