We can't drill our way out of this

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Snidely Whiplash
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We can't drill our way out of this

Post by Snidely Whiplash »

I'm so tired of hearing this phrase when the politicians talk about high fuel and energy costs.. Our dear madam speaker of the house of representitives won't even allow a vote on an energy policy or plan, her only reply was repeatedly stateing "We can't drill our way out of these problems"..?

I just don't get it at all...??? :-2 I don't every remember hearing anyone anywhere saying we can drill our way out of our energy problems..? Who says that..? I've never heard anyone say that? Everyone wants solar power technology, wind power tech, hydrogen fuel cells, etc, etc.. Who's against these things, I've never heard anyone against alternative fuels or technologies..?

But there seems a harsh reality that we all must face, especially our politicians, and the environmental do-gooders that are always telling us that we need to stop using oil...

The reality is that there is no electric cars right now that work..? none..! Where are they all..? GM is working on an all electric car called the "Volt", but it's going to be a while before anyone sees many of these humming around our highways...

There are no solar or electric buses, there are no airplanes that run on batteries or wind power, there are no ships that run on anything but diesel oil and can deliver our goods and cargo, there are no delivery trucks or freight trains that run on any alternative energy, there are no rockets that lift our satellites into space that run on anything but rocket fuel, there are no home heaters that will keep you warm in a cold winter that run off of solar panels or windmills, there are no farm equiptment like tractors and impliments that run off of anything but gas and oil...

There's just no alternatives today, as much as some would like to make you believe... We can't just wish ourselves into making everything in our world run on batteries and windmills, there's just nothing like that that works..

In time some of these new technologies will probably be perfected and made to work on a scale large enough to replace what we are using now, but today most of that technology can't even come close to doing that... Yes there are wind farms, yes there are solar collectors that work pretty well, but they're nowhere near able to replace the power plants that we're using now for our electricity, and to run everything in our lives from cars, planes, trains, trucks, ships farm machines, and countless other machines that make our world what it is, with food in our stores, with homes that are warm for our children in the winter, and cool for our grandparents in the summer...

When these people keep saying we have to get off of oil, thats all fine, but do what..? Companies are working as fast as they can to perfect these technologies, there's nothing anyone can say or do to speed that up, it will be ready when it's ready... But until then, most of our lives and everything in our lives either runs off of oil, or is made from oil or an oil product, and we have keep using the only thing we have until something better comes along, which it will at some point...

Whats wrong with oil, why not drill..? If there are resources in our own country we can use for our energy needs, lets get it, and lets use it until we don't need it any longer... That day will come, but until then our cars need gas, and our air conditioners need electricity from power plants, theres just no choice...

This is just my opinion on these things... But I think we have to "drill for oil here in our own country", so our lives don't come to a screeching halt along with all our economies, while at the same time working as hard as we can on all of the other alternative fuels and energy, and using them everywhere they will really work...

Just my thoughts, hope I didn't bore everyone... :)
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We can't drill our way out of this

Post by spot »

I'm all for it, the advantage of you drilling for oil in your own country is that nobody else need look at the spoilation it involves and you've no wildlife left worth making an effort to protect. Did you know there's a single colony of Prairie Dogs in Texas with four hundred million members? Striking oil didn't have much impact on them. Just don't let any slicks loose outside your own continental shelf and I'll be perfectly happy.

Stay out of Canada's northern waters too if you know what's good for you.
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Snidely Whiplash
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We can't drill our way out of this

Post by Snidely Whiplash »

spot;955062 wrote: I'm all for it, the advantage of you drilling for oil in your own country is that nobody else need look at the spoilation it involves and you've no wildlife left worth making an effort to protect. Stay out of Canada's northern waters too if you know what's good for you.

Hey dude, I'm glad you're for it, and that you support America drilling for it's own energy.... Guess we're on the same page on that...?? Lol. I just think it's smart to get our countries energy from our own country... It actually makes sense on every level, drilling keeps the money in this country, and not in Canada or Saudi Arabia, it makes lots of jobs, and benifits everyone involved, while importing our oil from places like the middle east or Canada only makes people like Spot angry...? lol

Where america gets it's oil... No# 1 importer to USA? - Canada http://www.eia.doe.gov/pub/oil_gas/petr ... mport.html

spot;955062 wrote: Did you know there's a single colony of Prairie Dogs in Texas with four hundred million members?

Did you also know that your precious prairie dog holes cripple, torture and kill thousands upon thousands of other wild animals and even people each year when they accidentally step into them and break a leg..? Prairie dogs are nothing more than burrowing rats that cripple and mame other wildlife....

spot;955062 wrote: Stay out of Canada's northern waters too if you know what's good for you.

Or what....??? Will Canada's big 1000 man military be put on alert....? Lol.....
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We can't drill our way out of this

Post by Snidely Whiplash »

Just one more note concerning offshore drilling and pollution, and it's effects on wildlife, as per the remarks of Spot's above post....

When hurricane Katrina hit the gulf last year, there was mongo damage everywhere... But all of the safety valves held on the offshore rigs, even if some rigs were damaged, and there were no spills.... There is NO wildlife dammage from using oil deposits, it's just not true... The natural damage of natural oil seepage into the environment makes any man made leakage seem like a drop in a bucket...

In California back in the 30's and 40's people used to comment on the black crude oil globs that would regularly wash up onto California beaches... There were no offshore oil rigs then... The crude was from natural seepage, and millions of tons of crude oil seep from the sea floor, it's as natural as anything else in the seas.... When California put in offshore oil drilling rigs, and began taking oil from those offshore deposits, the natural seepage (NATURAL OIL SPILLS) decreased signifigantly, because taking that oil releaved pressures in the oil deposits, and today there is much less oil on California beaches than there was 50 years ago... Statistics from marine biologists show that natural crude seepage was equal in 5 years to the tragic spill from the Exxon Valdez, but has been reduced greatly since because of offshore drilling...

Marine biologists diving on these oil rigs also have made detailed studies and report that offshore oil platforms are turning into artificial reefs, and atracting fish, coral, and invertabrate populations that before were not to be found in those areas...

You can find more oil leakage in your grocery store parking lot asphalt than you can find on any modern offshore oil platform.... Thats just the truth....

Offshore oil platforms don't harm nature, they usually benifit it...

southern yankee
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We can't drill our way out of this

Post by southern yankee »

the longer we wait the longer it will take. my hubby works in the gulf off the coast of TX. like he and many others have said. the oil here will not last forever. the platforms he is working on at the moment are dying slowly. the co. who bought them out is going to get every last drop out of them . then become a so called salvage and taring down the platforms, that will be their new income. taring down DEAD platforms. Not a good feeling for that part of the gulf.:thinking::-3
Snidely Whiplash
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We can't drill our way out of this

Post by Snidely Whiplash »

Thanks for the post fellow yankee... :)

southern yankee;955354 wrote: the longer we wait the longer it will take.

But who's waiting...???

Every car company, every energy company, every company and research and development group is working 24/7 on these alternative energy ideas..... Even college and high schools have incentives and projects for developing these alternative energy ideas and making them work, but as of yet, they just aren't to that level yet....... Nobody's waiting, nobody's dropping the ball, nobody is procrastinating........ Everyone involved is busting they're butts, but there just aren't any electric cars that work yet, no planes, ships or air conditioners that run off of hydrogen or wind generators, they just don't have them for people yet, even if there are a few prototypes out there....?? We're still stuck with our old fashioned, gas guzzling cars for now, there just aren't any alternatives that work yet..?

There are huge amounts of money to be made for these people developing these alternative energy ideas and making them work.... But they don't yet...? Our disfunctional government can't make them hurry it up, and neither can any of us, it will just take as long as it takes.........

But until then, we have lives to live, jobs to go to and get home again at night, and children to raise and feed and provide for, and taking away oil now just dooms everyone involved.... I wish more people would see through the nonsense that the "greenies" are spewing out, as well as the politicians, and would just take a moment and think whats best for they're own families and loved ones, what's practical, and what's avaliable as far as energy goes......

southern yankee;955354 wrote: my hubby works in the gulf off the coast of TX. like he and many others have said. the oil here will not last forever.

You are right.... That's exactly why we need to keep drilling new wells, and developing new energy resources.... We need to work on all of them, but until any of them actually work, isn't it wise for us to get our own oil until they do work and can replace fossil fuel...? That's my point in this topic...

southern yankee;955354 wrote: then become a so called salvage and taring down the platforms, that will be their new income. taring down DEAD platforms. Not a good feeling for that part of the gulf.:thinking::-3

They only take down the platforms at the surface and down a ways, but the base and parts that are already crusted with corals and marine life stay, and will be the birth of new coral reefs.... We all who care about the environment should get a good feeling from that..... Those aren't dead platforms, they are a kind of birth for the marine life in that area...

And also, isn't salvaging old dry rigs a good job for those who do it..? It seems to me that doing that gives people work as well as cleaning up after we are done with the rigs, that should make the enviromentalists happy as well..... I don't see any problems at all with that..?? ;)

Thanks for your thoughts, very good...! :)
southern yankee
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We can't drill our way out of this

Post by southern yankee »

Snidely Whiplash;955496 wrote: Thanks for the post fellow yankee... :)

But who's waiting...???

Every car company, every energy company, every company and research and development group is working 24/7 on these alternative energy ideas..... Even college and high schools have incentives and projects for developing these alternative energy ideas and making them work, but as of yet, they just aren't to that level yet....... Nobody's waiting, nobody's dropping the ball, nobody is procrastinating........ Everyone involved is busting they're butts, but there just aren't any electric cars that work yet, no planes, ships or air conditioners that run off of hydrogen or wind generators, they just don't have them for people yet, even if there are a few prototypes out there....?? We're still stuck with our old fashioned, gas guzzling cars for now, there just aren't any alternatives that work yet..?

There are huge amounts of money to be made for these people developing these alternative energy ideas and making them work.... But they don't yet...? Our disfunctional government can't make them hurry it up, and neither can any of us, it will just take as long as it takes.........

But until then, we have lives to live, jobs to go to and get home again at night, and children to raise and feed and provide for, and taking away oil now just dooms everyone involved.... I wish more people would see through the nonsense that the "greenies" are spewing out, as well as the politicians, and would just take a moment and think whats best for they're own families and loved ones, what's practical, and what's avaliable as far as energy goes......

You are right.... That's exactly why we need to keep drilling new wells, and developing new energy resources.... We need to work on all of them, but until any of them actually work, isn't it wise for us to get our own oil until they do work and can replace fossil fuel...? That's my point in this topic...

They only take down the platforms at the surface and down a ways, but the base and parts that are already crusted with corals and marine life stay, and will be the birth of new coral reefs.... We all who care about the environment should get a good feeling from that..... Those aren't dead platforms, they are a kind of birth for the marine life in that area...

And also, isn't salvaging old dry rigs a good job for those who do it..? It seems to me that doing that gives people work as well as cleaning up after we are done with the rigs, that should make the enviromentalists happy as well..... I don't see any problems at all with that..?? ;)

Thanks for your thoughts, very good...! :) only one thing. eccept for my hubby. these other workers are paid a much lower wage for a dying platform.
Snidely Whiplash
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We can't drill our way out of this

Post by Snidely Whiplash »


I misread your initial post.... I thought you said "what are we waiting for" as per new forms of energy, not drilling like we must do....

If I could re-do that post, I would agree 100% with you, and not ramble on about anything else...

Sorry to of mis read your post...

southern yankee
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We can't drill our way out of this

Post by southern yankee »

Snidely Whiplash;961250 wrote: Hello,

I misread your initial post.... I thought you said "what are we waiting for" as per new forms of energy, not drilling like we must do....

If I could re-do that post, I would agree 100% with you, and not ramble on about anything else...

Sorry to of mis read your post...

Thanks..:) sometimes i don't explain myself. very well:o
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We can't drill our way out of this

Post by 911 »

I will admit,. . . I don't know what to do.

I am against drilling in Alaska because of the natural beauty of the place, but, chance are, I'll never see it except in pictures. I also remember them saying that the pipeline would harm the wildlife also. But, I seen pictures of animals huddled against it for warmth, walking beside it, crawling over it and so it makes me think that just as humans, animals are adaptable as well.

I don't think electric cars are the answer. Your power bills will go up from greedy companies taking advantage just as they are now with oil. I don't think water powered anything is the answer either. Another natural resource that can be drained. What happens in a drought? Solar power is probably the best but just like water and electric powered anything, it doesn't go fast enough for anyone. We have become a world society of do it and do it now; hurry, hurry, hurry!

I don't have anything against off shore drilling. Of the many times I have spent at the beach, I have never seen anything off-setting that logic. With binoculars and a clear night, you can even see the few lights from the rigs from the beach.

My answer, the closest I can come up with is simply this; they have something we want-we have something they want, ergo, we charge them an outlandish price for it until the price of oil comes down or we take it away from them no matter what it is.

And no, I'm not just talking about the USA, the world has to be behind this until we become what we started out trying to do. . . "Share and share alike". :-6
When choosing between two evils, I always like to take the one I've never tried before.

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Snidely Whiplash
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We can't drill our way out of this

Post by Snidely Whiplash »

911;965287 wrote: I will admit,. . . I don't know what to do.

I am against drilling in Alaska because of the natural beauty of the place, but, chance are, I'll never see it except in pictures.

Well lets see some pics of ANWAR where the sane among us want to go get some oil from, and others protest because it might hurt the precious wilderness......

First, this area is in permafrost, which means that the ground is frozen.... On those rare summer days when the ice melts, ANWAR is a tundra swamp, and teaming with biting flies, and little else.... Most of the year ANWAR is in total darkness, 3-6 months of the year.... The few U.S. senators and officials that have actually gone to ANWAR have plainly stated that they saw NO WILDLIFE.....

Alaska is not all a pristine forest full of wildlife and nature.... ANWAR is a wasteland, as if God, or the big bang, or whatever you believe in made it that way so we could drill for resources and not damage it environmentally..................

Pics of ANWAR below, summer and winter......

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We can't drill our way out of this

Post by spot »

How can something so trivial and inconsequential as this become a political issue at all? If it goes ahead it'll have a minimal ecological impact, it'll make no measurable difference ever to the price of anyone's gas domestic or foreign, the revenue from the entire field for its entire lifetime will reduce the overseas trade deficit by less than the cost of that godforsaken Middle East war you've been engaged in for the last six years and you'll still be dependent on foreign energy imports. This is just plain provincial.

eta: It's a pity you bias your photos, there are far prettier ones of Area 1002 that you could have posted. Why egg your case with overstatement?
Nullius in verba ... ☎||||||||||| ... To Fate I sue, of other means bereft, the only refuge for the wretched left.
When flower power came along I stood for Human Rights, marched around for peace and freedom, had some nooky every night - we took it serious.
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Snidely Whiplash
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We can't drill our way out of this

Post by Snidely Whiplash »

spot;971544 wrote: How can something so trivial and inconsequential as this become a political issue at all? If it goes ahead it'll have a minimal ecological impact, it'll make no measurable difference ever to the price of anyone's gas domestic or foreign, the revenue from the entire field for its entire lifetime will reduce the overseas trade deficit by less than the cost of that godforsaken Middle East war you've been engaged in for the last six years and you'll still be dependent on foreign energy imports. This is just plain provincial.

eta: It's a pity you bias your photos, there are far prettier ones of Area 1002 that you could have posted. Why egg your case with overstatement?

Oh poor poor pitiful me..... Isn't there a song with those lyrics...? :wah:

Your posts are no longer worth replying to Spot, whoever you are, they just make me yawn.......

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We can't drill our way out of this

Post by spot »

Snidely Whiplash;971906 wrote: Oh poor poor pitiful me..... Isn't there a song with those lyrics...? :wah:

Your posts are no longer worth replying to Spot, whoever you are, they just make me yawn.......


Are you saying one or more of my statements was inaccurate? Which ones? Tell me which and I'll defend it or them.
  • It'll have a minimal ecological impactit'll make no measurable difference ever to the price of anyone's gas domestic or foreignthe revenue from the entire field for its entire lifetime will reduce the overseas trade deficit by less than the cost of that godforsaken Middle East war you've been engaged in for the last six yearsyou'll still be dependent on foreign energy importsthere are far prettier photos of Area 1002 that you could have posted.On a minor note, there are more hours of daylight in ANWR each year than there are of darkness.
Nullius in verba ... ☎||||||||||| ... To Fate I sue, of other means bereft, the only refuge for the wretched left.
When flower power came along I stood for Human Rights, marched around for peace and freedom, had some nooky every night - we took it serious.
Who has a spare two minutes to play in this month's FG Trivia game! ... My other OS is Slackware.
Snidely Whiplash
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We can't drill our way out of this

Post by Snidely Whiplash »

911;965287 wrote: I don't think water powered anything is the answer either. Another natural resource that can be drained. What happens in a drought?

No one can use up the earths water supply, it's impossible....? It's like saying we could use up all the sun's power... The only way a person can waste water is to seal it in a jar and put it on a shelf, then it's out of the natural cycle.... But water is one of the most abundant substances on this planet, and it will never be drained or used up, it's not possible.... Please don't worry... :)

911;965287 wrote:

My answer, the closest I can come up with is simply this; they have something we want-we have something they want, ergo, we charge them an outlandish price for it until the price of oil comes down or we take it away from them no matter what it is.

And no, I'm not just talking about the USA, the world has to be behind this until we become what we started out trying to do. . . "Share and share alike". :-6

Well every country is buying oil, it's like going to the grocery store to buy sausage, if everyone wants that sausage, the store will increase the price as long as people still pay it.... And for each country that taps it's own oil supply, or makes it's own sausage, then the price drops because people don't buy as much from the grocery store, or the middle eastern tyrants....

I don't know anyone talking about taking an oil supply, but protecting the worlds oil supply for everyone is certainly something all countries should make a priority....

The answer seems to be, work diligently to find alternative fuel sources, but until they exist and can be used instead of oil, we need to suppliment those fuels with our own oil, and the imports of friendly countries that we enjoy supporting, like Canada and Mexico, etc...
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