war in iraq

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war in iraq

Post by lady cop »

David813 wrote: I understand and will stay on subject from now on. I'm not sure how to make a thread of my own. And this thread, on Iraq? I'm opposed to the war.David, go to FORUMS...pick what appears to be the appropriate forum. then click on it, go to bottom of page, and click on "start new thread".i hope that helps.
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Post by David813 »

THANK YOU LC! I'm almost outta here for the night. Heading to the 2nd job. I'll put up something light. Like; If you won a fully funded trip to any country in the world to spend a year in what would it be? That kinda thing. Till Later!
"Should any political party attempt to abolish social security, unemployment insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history. There is a tiny splinter group that believes you can do these things. Among them are a few Texas millionaires, or businessman from other areas. Their number is negligible and they are stupid." [font=Arial Narrow][/font]

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Post by anastrophe »

David813 wrote: THANK YOU LC! I'm almost outta here for the night. Heading to the 2nd job. I'll put up something light. Like; If you won a fully funded trip to any country in the world to spend a year in what would it be? That kinda thing. Till Later!
second job? what a capitalist running dog!

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Post by Daniyal »

LT flora;28750 wrote: how dose it affect you

It's call Democracy = Forceing your way of life on others , But want really sad when you don't have Democracy in your own country .
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Post by Daniyal »

Maliki Calls for Timetable for US Troop Withdrawal

Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has for the first time publicly called for a timetable for the withdrawal of US troops from Iraq. The Bush administration has been secretly negotiating a long-term agreement with Iraq that would allow the US to keep permanent military bases in Iraq. But al-Maliki said Iraq only wants to sign a short-term agreement that includes a withdrawal timetable. Al-Maliki said, “The goal is to end the presence of foreign troops.” In Washington, the Bush administration rebuffed Maliki’s request. Pentagon spokesperson Bryan Whitman criticized timelines as “artificial.” State Department spokesperson Sean McCormack questioned whether Maliki might have been misquoted.
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Post by Daniyal »

Click here: Democracy Now! | Headlines for July 11, 2008

Probe Raises Afghan Civilian Toll to 47 in US Attack

The toll from Sunday’s US airstrike in eastern Afghanistan has risen to forty-seven civilians, most of them women and children. An Afghan government investigation raised the toll from an initial estimate of twenty-seven deaths. Afghan officials are calling for prosecuting US military forces involved in the attack. The victims were attending a wedding party. Overall civilian casualties are on the rise in Afghanistan. The Red Cross says 250 Afghan civilians have been killed in military or insurgent attacks in the last six days. NATO figures show more than 900 civilian deaths since the start of 2008.

Afghan Governor Fired After Criticizing Lethal US Airstrike

Meanwhile, a provincial Afghan governor has been fired just after criticizing a US airstrike that killed at least fifteen civilians. Nuristan governor Tamim Nuristani was dismissed just hours after calling the US attack “inexcusable” and demanding an independent investigation. Nuristani had said the US military knew civilians were leaving the area it attacked. A woman and a child were among those killed.

Palestinians, Israelis Protest West Bank Wall on World Court Ruling Anniversary

In Israel and the Occupied Territories, Israeli and Palestinian demonstrators joined together Thursday to protest the Israeli separation wall cutting through the West Bank.

Eighteen demonstrators were left wounded after clashing with Israeli soldiers. Israeli peace activist Yonatan Polak criticized the military crackdown.

Yonatan Polak: “We were trying to get to the bulldozers. We were risking no one. And it seems that with the return to tactics and strategies of the first Intifada by this village and the movement against the wall, it seems that the army is returning to the old commands as well, of breaking arms and legs of demonstrators.”

The action came on the fourth anniversary of the World Court ruling declaring the wall illegally built on occupied land. Israel has ignored the ruling with US support.

Shortly after the clashes, Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad visited the barrier site and denounced the ongoing construction.

Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad: “I’m here visiting with the good people of Nilin on this the fourth anniversary of the landmark advisory opinion and ruling by the International Court of Justice, ruling which, as you all know, requires cessation of building of the wall, destroying or removing the part of it that had been built, and also dealing with the issue as a form of colonization and settlement activity, with all that comes with that—with all that comes with that by way of violation of rights of Palestinians, including, importantly, human rights."

Sami Al-Arian Ordered Released on Bond

Here in the United States, a federal judge has ordered the release of the jailed Palestinian professor Sami Al-Arian on bond. Al-Arian is awaiting trial for refusing to appear before a grand jury probing an Islamic charity in northern Virginia. He has already spent an additional eighteen months in prison for refusing to testify. Al-Arian was due to be released in April, after serving five years on charges he was a leader of the Palestinian group Islamic Jihad. He had accepted that sentence after reaching a plea agreement to avoid a second trial. In his original trial, a Florida jury failed to return a single guilty verdict on any of the seventeen charges brought against him. Al-Arian could still find himself behind bars if he posts bond. As part of his plea deal, Al-Arian accepted deportation upon his release, meaning he would be taken into immigration custody if he’s freed from jail. Bond was set at $340,000, the amount of Al-Arian’s retirement fund. Al-Arian’s daughter, the journalist Laila Al-Arian, said, “We’re very pleased that the judge recognized on the record that my father is neither a threat to the community nor a flight risk. We are hoping that [Immigration and Customs Enforcement] will do the right thing and release him.”

UK Settles Iraq Torture Case

The British government has agreed to pay just under $6 million to settle a case over the torture of ten Iraqi civilians. The money will go to the nine surviving prisoners and the family of the tenth, who died from beatings by British jailers. The slain victim, Iraqi hotel worker Baha Musa, suffered ninety-three injuries to his body. Musa was twenty-six and the father of two children. His wife had died just two months earlier of a brain tumor. British officials say the settlement was accompanied by an official apology.

Poll: Half of UK Military Forces Ready to Quit

In other news from Britain, a new poll shows military morale is at record lows because of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Nearly half of British soldiers and officers say they’re ready to quit the military altogether. The percentage of servicemembers reporting low or very low morale ranged from 59 percent in the British army to 72 percent in the Royal Air Force.

Rice: Admin Will Act Against Iran to Defend US “Interests”

Russia is continuing its campaign against a planned US missile system in Eastern Europe. On Thursday, Russian officials said Iran’s latest missile test proved the system isn’t needed because of the missiles’ limited range. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice dismissed Russian criticism and warned Iran the US would act to protect what she called US “interests.”

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice: “We are also sending a message to Iran that we will defend American interests and defend the interests of our allies. We’ve done that both by—I think you know that in the Gulf area the United States has enhanced its security capacity, its security presence, and we are working closely with all of our allies to make certain that they are capable of defending themselves. And we take very, very strongly our obligation to help our allies defend themselves, and no one should be confused about that.”

The US and the Czech Republic signed an agreement this week to host a US radar site. Negotiations continue with Poland to host US ballistic missiles. Majorities in both Poland and the Czech Republic have opposed the missile system, which is widely seen as a first-strike threat against Iran.

Click here: Democracy Now! | Radio and TV News

Stop-Loss: A Look at the US Military Policy that Creates a "Backdoor Draft" to Force Soldiers to Continue Service

With about 175,000 troops deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan wars, the US military has been forced to rely on a controversial policy known as “stop-loss” to force soldiers to continue serving after their voluntary stints had ended. We speak with two US soldiers: one on active duty in Iraq on his second tour of duty after being stop-lossed, the other facing redeployment after being stop-lossed. We also speak with Hollywood director Kimberly Peirce about her feature film, Stop-Loss. [includes rush transcript]
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Poor Suresh, what on earth's he done to deserve that? He's a Hindu and one of the least offensive people on the planet. What he said in this thread was entirely accurate, I thought. Do you disagree with him?

Jester, all those articles were written by Dr Malachi Z York but his acolytes have a tradition of not acknowledging their sources or pointing to where they copied his articles from. For some reason they think copy text is sufficient argument all on its own so they needn't go the whole hog and discuss subjects directly. Dr Malachi Z York and Daniyal are both Americans which accounts entirely for their inbuilt arrogance, their unfettered ignorance and their total inability to hold a discussion.
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Jester;919378 wrote: Like many conspirists though, the info is more ideology than factual... par for the course. I call conspiriators 'big guessers of history'... pretty intellignet when you consider they have the facts in front of them and dont need to guess at all. :-3We're agreed on the facts. It's a fact that your armed forces are deployed in the Middle East and that people living in the Middle East have died in consequence. What we disagree over is the motive and the justice and the morality of the deployment. If you could demonstrate that the citizens of the US Homeland sleep sounder in their beds as a result, or they're more wealthy as a result, or that the people of Iraq or Afghanistan are on balance grateful for your efforts, then I might applaud your country's deployment. I think I've given evidence of the reverse of those things and that I'm consequently fair in deploring your country's deployment. Are those the sort of facts you're talking about?
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Post by spot »

Jester;919388 wrote: Nope, I was talking of the last paragraph of the post in question, 'stop loss' (the back door draft) the idea in the media that the military resents the mulitple deployements, the truth is that its a matter of duty and they will do thier duty regardless of the sacrifice.

http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/u ... ltn=MNZE89 suggests that the troops aren't entirely happy.

What sacrifice? As far as the US is concerned the losses are at the same rate you'd lose in training, and the UK armed forces losses are lower still. The only way to lose fewer troops would be to keep them in barracks instead of having them train (or deploy) indefinitely. Am I wrong? If a bunch of troops exercise realistically for a month they have losses at the same average rate as this Middle East deployment's cost? You might think otherwise, I'd be interested if you do.
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Jester;919410 wrote: Dont puss it down Spot, being deployed regardless of whether you agree or diagree with the reasons is still not a cake walk. I'd not dream of pussing anything but in terms of responsibility they're all there because they allowed themselves to be used.
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Post by Daniyal »

Stop-Loss: A Look at the US Military Policy that Creates a “Backdoor Draft” to Force Soldiers to Continue Service

With about 175,000 troops deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan wars, the US military has been forced to rely on a controversial policy known as “stop-loss” to force soldiers to continue serving after their voluntary stints had ended. We speak with two US soldiers: one on active duty in Iraq on his second tour of duty after being stop-lossed, the other facing redeployment after being stop-lossed. We also speak with Hollywood director Kimberly Peirce about her feature film, Stop-Loss. [includes rush transcript]
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Post by spot »

Who wrote it! The man wants to know what publication it came from! He asked for a link back to the original so he could read the context!
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Post by Daniyal »

Jester;919608 wrote: I'm looking for a link to the original article, a simple connection from this site that jumps me to the web page containing this verbage that you posted... is that possible? Do you need instructions for doing so? If so the hyper link button is the Icon with a picture of a world with a figure 8 link in the southern hemisphere, you copy the link to the web page click that icon, paste the link, and click ok.

Stop loss is not a draft of any sort, when one signs up into the military you voluntarily submit yourself to the 'needs of the service', we are all made very aware of this fact throughout our service time. Its no surprise to anyone that the military requires service to duty BEFORE anything else, its the nature of the beast. But it is not a draft, we sign of our own accord knowing we may be needed after our term of service has ended. (its even written in a contract, and supported by numurous regulations)

I'm going to do this because you don't know your butt from your mouth. Democracy Now.com . It people like you who have the been brian wash by the media who love war . that have Men and Women dying for nothing and don't come with that 911 crap / Anti - Amercia because that not going to get it . Nor will it bring those who die for NOTHING back to life . The contract you talking about doesn't mean jack . If the contract you speak of mean something why are the Men and Woman Kept Over there when their tour is up I'm not sure if it 12 / 13 mounth's Could be less . And you talking a contract Right .. And you say it not a back door draft . Go tell those people who Son / Daughter who tour is up and they are still over their . Give them some of your silly instructions.
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Daniyal;919774 wrote: I'm going to do this because you don't know your butt from your mouth. Democracy Now.com . It people like you who have the been brian wash by the media who love war . that have Men and Women dying for nothing and don't come with that 911 crap / Anti - Amercia because that not going to get it . Nor will it bring those who die for NOTHING back to life . The contract you talking about doesn't mean jack . If the contract you speak of mean something why are the Men and Woman Kept Over there when their tour is up I'm not sure if it 12 / 13 mounth's Could be less . And you talking a contract Right .. And you say it not a back door draft . Go tell those people who Son / Daughter who tour is up and they are still over their . Give them some of your silly instructions.

Stop Loss is founded on Title 10, United States Code, Section 12305(a) which states in part: "... the President may suspend any provision of law relating to promotion, retirement, or separation applicable to any member of the armed forces who the President determines is essential to the national security of the United States" and Paragraph 9(c) of DD Form 4/1 (The Armed Forces Enlistment Contract) which states: "In the event of war, my enlistment in the Armed Forces continues until six (6) months after the war ends, unless the enlistment is ended sooner by the President of the United States."

Every person who enlists in a branch of the U.S. Armed Forces signs an initial contract with an eight (8) year service obligation. The enlistment contract for a person going on active duty generally stipulates an initial period of active duty from 2 to 4 years, followed by service in a reserve component of the Armed Forces of the United States for the remainder of the eight year obligation.[1] Service members whose ETS, retirement, or end of service obligation date falls during a deployment are generally involuntarily extended until the end of their unit's deployment.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stop-loss_ ... egal_basis

I realize you don't like Wikipedia but I can't see why you'd challenge a direct quote from statute law like this, which has been upheld through judicial review. It's a part of the contractual terms of service which every volunteer signs up to.

Would you prefer me to go to the statute book direct instead of this summary?
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Post by Daniyal »

spot;919790 wrote: Stop Loss is founded on Title 10, United States Code, Section 12305(a) which states in part: "... the President may suspend any provision of law relating to promotion, retirement, or separation applicable to any member of the armed forces who the President determines is essential to the national security of the United States" and Paragraph 9(c) of DD Form 4/1 (The Armed Forces Enlistment Contract) which states: "In the event of war, my enlistment in the Armed Forces continues until six (6) months after the war ends, unless the enlistment is ended sooner by the President of the United States."

Every person who enlists in a branch of the U.S. Armed Forces signs an initial contract with an eight (8) year service obligation. The enlistment contract for a person going on active duty generally stipulates an initial period of active duty from 2 to 4 years, followed by service in a reserve component of the Armed Forces of the United States for the remainder of the eight year obligation.[1] Service members whose ETS, retirement, or end of service obligation date falls during a deployment are generally involuntarily extended until the end of their unit's deployment.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stop-loss_ ... egal_basis

I realize you don't like Wikipedia but I can't see why you'd challenge a direct quote from statute law like this, which has been upheld through judicial review. It's a part of the contractual terms of service which every volunteer signs up to.

Would you prefer me to go to the statute book direct instead of this summary?

You right about that website it a joke . Again Overstand I'm not going to speak on ANYTHING I don't know about or have research ok . What you post above I have already read before . But thats not the point I was making . These clown in the white house brake / make new laws At will . And this isn't any new . I'm talking about people dying for NOTHING . But it seen people are buy passing this fact . Why is it that 93% of the people in Government Son and Daughter are not fighting in this so-call war ????? By the way its Not a war its a HOME INVASION .

Big Diffrent..
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Daniyal;919916 wrote: These clown in the white house brake / make new laws At willThat provision of an "Authority of President to suspend certain laws relating to promotion, retirement, and separation" was made law in 1983 and it's not been changed since other than to delegate who can invoke it to officials answerable to the Secretary of Defense. By all means accuse this White House administration of War Crimes but you can't blame them for the existence of the Stop Loss law.
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When flower power came along I stood for Human Rights, marched around for peace and freedom, had some nooky every night - we took it serious.
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Post by Daniyal »

spot;919978 wrote: That provision of an "Authority of President to suspend certain laws relating to promotion, retirement, and separation" was made law in 1983 and it's not been changed since other than to delegate who can invoke it to officials answerable to the Secretary of Defense. By all means accuse this White House administration of War Crimes but you can't blame them for the existence of the Stop Loss law.

Like I Have Say These clown in the white house brake / make new laws At will . Now If You Can't / Wont See This , The Discussion Over With Why Waste Time ..

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Daniyal;920027 wrote: Like I Have Say These clown in the white house brake / make new laws At will .Indeed they do, but what does that have to do with a law made in 1983 that's not been changed since? They neither made it nor broke it and it's the law governing Stop Loss.
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Jester;920044 wrote: oh *shivers* its a conspiracy dont you know spot... Bush isnt the ligitimate president, Al Bore is... shhhhhhhh.... he stole it... :-3

The correct technical term is war criminal.
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Post by Daniyal »

spot;920038 wrote: Indeed they do, but what does that have to do with a law made in 1983 that's not been changed since? They neither made it nor broke it and it's the law governing Stop Loss.

You can't be that slow or you just have the need of my attention . These people been doing what they want do when they want to do and how / what to do things since the BEGINNING of time even before 1983 A.D. Laws are not for those who make then they are for you .. They got people like you to Believeing in this so call war . Key-Word Believe :wah::wah::wah::wah: Don't They and they still have you DEFENDING there action .. They know something that you haven't be able to learn as of Yet . And Thats The Power That The Word BELIEVE Hold . You Keep Telling Me To Use My Own Words , But You Haven't Learn To Think On Your Own As Of Yet . But hey whatever get your though the day , Disagreeing with me and the truth , And it works for you then okkkkkkkkkk
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Daniyal;920108 wrote: You can't be that slow or you just have the need of my attention . These people been doing what they want do when they want to do and how / what to do things since the BEGINNING of time even before 1983 A.D. We use different languages. "These clown in the white house" means, to me, the current Administration - that bunch of deliberate war criminals implementing their internationally illegal PNAC policy - as distinct from previous administrations. If you mean US Administrations in general then you've so watered down your accusation that it has no effective target at all. US Administrations in general, since the end of the Vietnam War, have set up the law so that they can keep service people beyond their initial contract date terminating? Yes of course they have, that's what we're discussing, it's called Stop Loss.

It's wrong to say the current US Administration changed the law to make it legal.
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spot;920730 wrote: We use different languages. "These clown in the white house" means, to me, the current Administration - that bunch of deliberate war criminals implementing their internationally illegal PNAC policy - as distinct from previous administrations. If you mean US Administrations in general then you've so watered down your accusation that it has no effective target at all. US Administrations in general, since the end of the Vietnam War, have set up the law so that they can keep service people beyond their initial contract date terminating? Yes of course they have, that's what we're discussing, it's called Stop Loss.

It's wrong to say the current US Administration changed the law to make it legal.

Let me say this ok the current administration and as far back as the BEGINNING of time made law / change laws to do WHATEVER they wish now if you cann't SEE this it cool . You know I laugh everytime I here people say what the currents administration can and can not do . because of this or that . You speak of Vietnam what happen , how many Men and Woman die for nothing . Plus they ran them out of their country . Let me say this before one of these war lover say I'm Anti -America . I Have No Problem Kicking Some One ButT If They Step To Me Wrong. But To Go Around Bullying People Because You Have To Power To Do So . And Have Men And Woman Dying For NOTHING . That Not Accept-able .. I Was Told By One Of My Elders One Time . If I Can Get You To Believe , I Can Get You To Do Just About Anything I Want You To Do . < And If You Say It Wrong To Say The Current Administration Doesn't Change The Laws Legal Or Not ... I See What The Elder Was Talking About . But As Alway's Your In This Zone And Only See Things One Way .
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Daniyal;920773 wrote: I See What The Elder Was Talking About . But As Alway's Your In This Zone And Only See Things One Way .
That's because I'm being accurate and using words in their dictionary sense rather than being emotional and throwing myself around my playroom banging my head on the walls.
Nullius in verba ... ☎||||||||||| ... To Fate I sue, of other means bereft, the only refuge for the wretched left.
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spot;920776 wrote: That's because I'm being accurate and using words in their dictionary sense rather than being emotional and throwing myself around my playroom banging my head on the walls.

:wah::wah::wah: Your funnyyyyyyy One day when you wakeup You'll be able to Overstand , But right now their little hope ..
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Daniyal;920779 wrote: :wah::wah::wah: Your funnyyyyyyy One day when you wakeup You'll be able to Overstand , But right now their little hope ..

Hey, you're the American here, not me. What are you doing to fix the problem?
Nullius in verba ... ☎||||||||||| ... To Fate I sue, of other means bereft, the only refuge for the wretched left.
When flower power came along I stood for Human Rights, marched around for peace and freedom, had some nooky every night - we took it serious.
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spot;920782 wrote: Hey, you're the American here, not me. What are you doing to fix the problem?

Hummmmmmmmmm setup question . Your not an american and your speaking of this subject why can't I . Anyway are you the C.I.A. F.B.I . Etc ..:wah::wah::wah:

I Don't Give Testimony You Know That .
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Daniyal;920785 wrote: Anyway are you the C.I.A. F.B.I . Etc ..:wah::wah::wah:I'm a loyal Subject of Her Britannic Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second which, I'm quite certain, makes me ineligible for employment by either of those two malign engines-houses of death.
Nullius in verba ... ☎||||||||||| ... To Fate I sue, of other means bereft, the only refuge for the wretched left.
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spot;920791 wrote: I'm a loyal Subject of Her Britannic Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second which, I'm quite certain, makes me ineligible for employment by either of those two malign engines-houses of death.

:wah:: I Knew That From The Door Because The Statement You Have Been Makeing :wah::wah::wah: , You Can't Think I Don't Know Your -- Her-Story To Yall Over There Beating Up Iraq Too Yes ... :wah:

Hummmm I'm Talking To A Spy . Omygoodness
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Democracy Now...

Israeli Troops Shoot Dead Palestinian Boy

Israeli troops shot dead a ten-year-old Palestinian boy on Tuesday during a protest against Israel’s construction of a wall through the West Bank. Witnesses said the boy, Ahmad Moussa, died instantly after being shot in the forehead. The shooting took place in the village of Nilin, the site of another controversial shooting earlier this month. On July 7th, an Israeli soldier was captured on film shooting a rubber bullet at a handcuffed Palestinian man.

Army Recruiter Suspended for Threatening Recruit

An Army recruiter in Texas has been suspended after he threatened a potential Army recruit who was having second thoughts about joining the military. The recruiter, Sgt. Glenn Marquette, warned the young man, Irving Gonzalez, that he would be sent to jail if he decided to go to college instead of joining the military, even though the teenager had signed a non-binding contract that left him free to change his mind before basic training. This is part of what Marquette told Gonzalez.
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Jester;936097 wrote: got any links to those stories?

http://www.bilin-village.org/english/ar ... t-arrested

The bottom video has the footage. Bound, handcuffed, blindfolded, held upright and shot on command from five feet. The story switched from "not true" to we don't often do that after the video hit the Internet.
Nullius in verba ... ☎||||||||||| ... To Fate I sue, of other means bereft, the only refuge for the wretched left.
When flower power came along I stood for Human Rights, marched around for peace and freedom, had some nooky every night - we took it serious.
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spot;936106 wrote: http://www.bilin-village.org/english/ar ... t-arrested

The bottom video has the footage. Bound, handcuffed, blindfolded, held upright and shot on command from five feet. The story switched from "not true" to we don't often do that after the video hit the Internet.

Truth Is Truth ,
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Truth Is Truth.
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When flower power came along I stood for Human Rights, marched around for peace and freedom, had some nooky every night - we took it serious.
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spot;936698 wrote: Truth Is Truth.

Yes Truth Is Truth
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Report: US Rejects Israeli Aid Request for Iran Attack

The Bush administration has reportedly turned down an Israeli request for military assistance with a strike on nuclear sites in Iran. According to the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, Israeli officials asked President Bush for specific military equipment and other backup during Bush’s visit to Israel in May. White House officials are said to have refused the request and insisted Israel give prior notice before planning any attack on Iran. Israel reportedly rejected the request and said it reserves the right to attack Iran if nuclear talks fail.
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jimbo;936520 wrote: i thought this was quite funny but the more i thought about it the more horrible it seemed what your thoughts :-3:thinking:

http://media.tumblr.com/LOcDSE7TM8rajqe ... mz_500.gif

spot;936698 wrote: Truth Is Truth.
You're fickle.

spot;864964 wrote: Ironic implies truth, surely. That's a horribly untrue image. In what sense are we supposed to approach a lie like that?Don't be stupid. You know perfectly well it's posed fiction intended as comedy. Have you no interest at all in discovering its origin?

spot;864966 wrote: A society that plain refuses to distinguish between fact and fiction is a very sick society.

Evolved??? Wow that's one unfortunate word in that context.

spot;866879 wrote: It's one of the central aspects of cultural dumbing-down of the age, Acc. It's a photo of a representation of an event which if it had happened would have warranted discussion of its ironic implications. It's an event which didn't happen. The asinine pretence that it did, or that it might have done, or what-if, or most importantly "it makes no difference whether", is the assault on the cultural kitten.

I like culture, I hate to see it mocked this way. The idea that the mocking is being done by people who are so deadened to what they're doing that they honestly don''t realize they're doing it makes me heave.

Can we all get it into our heads that I'm not joking, I'm not having a go for fun, I detest the ignorance that this thread implies not in terms of oh I thought it was a real photo but oh what difference does it make whether it's a photo from a genuine event or an advert. The barbarians are at the gates, civilization lost the battle, bring on Armageddon and let's all rebuild from scratch because there's nothing left worth saving.
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EXCLUSIVE…AWOL US Soldier Seeks Asylum in Germany Over Returning to “Illegal” War in Iraq

US soldier who went absent without leave a year and a half ago to avoid returning to Iraq has applied for asylum in Germany. Specialist Andre Shepherd served in Iraq between September 2004 and February 2005 as an Apache helicopter mechanic. When his unit was called up to return to Iraq in early 2007, he went AWOL to avoid redeployment, calling the war “illegal.” He lived underground in Germany for a year and a half before applying for asylum two weeks ago. We speak with Shepherd in his first international broadcast interview

AMY GOODMAN: We’re on the road in Berlin, East Berlin, to be exact, East Berlin, Germany. Soldier underground. Today, a Democracy Now! international broadcast exclusive. A US soldier who went absent without leave a year and a half ago to avoid returning to Iraq has applied for asylum in Germany.

Specialist Andre Shepherd served in Iraq between September 2004 and February 2005 as an Apache helicopter mechanic. After his tour of duty, he returned to Germany, where he’s based. When his unit was called up to return to Iraq in early 2007, he went AWOL to avoid redeployment, calling the war “illegal.” He lived underground in Germany for a year and a half before applying for asylum two weeks ago. Andre Shepherd may become the first American soldier to test German laws that could grant asylum to war resisters.

Andre Shepherd joins us now on the phone now from southern Germany in his first national broadcast interview.

Andre Shepherd, we welcome you to Democracy Now! Can you tell us why you’re applying for asylum in Germany?

ANDRE SHEPHERD: Hi, Amy. It’s great to be here.

It’s for several reasons, actually, as to why. First of all, since I went AWOL, you know, in early 2007, there was no other recourse, you know, in order to return back to the United States or travel to another country. So, I was here in Germany and everything, so this would be the most logical place to be.

The second reason is because of the stand of, you know, the German government and the German people against the war. There is overwhelming support for the antiwar movement that has been going on since the beginning of the Iraq war. So it would also be, you know, a logical reason for that.

And third of all, because of the—you know, the Nuremberg trials were based here in Germany in 1948, about sixty years ago, where they say that everybody, including soldiers, would—you know, must take responsibility for all of their actions. So, that would mean that if you’re in an illegal war, that means the soldier also is doing something illegal. So I think that it would be best for me to apply for asylum in Germany, as well, because of the actual stance and the historical precedents that have been set, you know, in this land.

AMY GOODMAN: Andre, talk about why you joined the military, where you were born, where you grew up.

ANDRE SHEPHERD: OK. I was born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio. I lived in that [inaudible] my entire life. I went to—graduated from Lakewood High School in 1995, and then I attended Kent State University, about twenty, twenty-five miles south of Cleveland, until about spring of 2000.

After I left college, I ended up working several jobs to try to make ends meet, because I couldn’t get, you know, a job in the field of study that I was in, which was computer science, because at that time the dotcom bubble had burst. So I was—end up working the line of low-paying jobs, you know, like being a courier, vacuum cleaner salesman, even working for, you know, work-today-pay-today kind of jobs. And it was not really an easy existence. I ended up being homeless twice, and things like that.

And what happened was, was that in the summer of 2003, you know, right after the invasion and everything, I was walking past the recruiter’s office, and he spoke to me about, you know, wanting to help people and everything, so I went in. You know, we had a cup of coffee and everything, and he was explaining to me about, you know, what the military—what the military’s role in the world, you know, as of this time was, you know, speaking about basically all the dictators in the world, like Saddam Hussein, Kim Jong-il, you know, the usual suspects from the Axis of Evil. And he was mentioning about September 11th and about the war on terror and everything and talking about how America stands for freedom and democracy and how we should—you know, they needed people like me to be part of the frontline in this war against, you know, tyranny and oppression and everything. So that sounded pretty good to me. I was a little taken aback by it, because it’s not every day someone, you know, asks you to help save the world or anything like that. But at the same time, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to join the military right away because of, you know, being in a military structure and giving your life over for a number of years and everything, because I’m a very independent-minded person.

But then he started talking about the benefits, you know, about the steady pay, the free housing, the free medical care, the paid tuition for school, you know, everything like that. And for me, being down on my luck and everything and being homeless twice and everything, that actually sounded like a really good idea, because I, you know, wanted to put my life on the right path, where I could actually get my life straight, you know, finish my degree and, you know, going about my life, reaching the goals in my life.

But I still wasn’t really convinced, because I didn’t want to sign my life away for eight years, you know, like as I have said before. But that’s when they told me about, you didn’t have to sign up for eight years, because they had a new program at that time about signing up for the Army for a few months—in my case, it was fifteen months—where you could try out the Army and then you could leave. At that time, I didn’t know about, you know, the stop-loss or about the Individual Ready Reserve, where even after you leave the military service for up to eight years, you are subject to be called back from the military for additional deployments or whatever they need you for.

So—and then he also mentioned about the $5,000 bonus. And that really caught my eye, because I thought, you know, having at least a little nest egg to begin with, I can actually build my life up, you know, from there. So after a few months of thinking about it and everything, I decided to join the military in January of 2004.
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