Barack Obama: What's up with the ears?

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Barack Obama: What's up with the ears?

Post by Bryn Mawr »

Snidely Whiplash;842504 wrote: Well, if the truth be known, I secretly looove Hilary, if you must know..... Her pant suits and turquoise puca shell necklaces rock, and that brown pant suit she wore at a previous debate, whoa, it reminded me of a female UPS driver who delivers in my nieborhood... LOL.. ...!!!:-4 :wah: And beyond that, Hilary is like my most beloved old Aunt who I used to visit after school when I had a bad day.... ;) My favorite Aunt, who would fix my skinned knee, or the ridicule my classmates had aimed at me, by patting me on the head, giving me a hug, shoving a dollar bill into my empty pocket, and telling me just exactly what I needed to hear that day to feel better, even though I knew in my heart every word was a total lie, just to make me feel better..... But it did.... That day.... The next day I had to go back into the real world, and face life where my kind old Aunt was never around...???? LOL.. :wah:

I do nothing every 8 years above poster.......... :-2 I fight for whats right every single day.......

The above post is sarcasm.... I Don't have a Hilary sign stuck in my front lawn..... Muuuaaaaaaaahhhhh..... Lol

I thought we were talking about putting trust in someone new to the Presidency - something you definitely don't do every day.

And talking about expecting to be treated with respect - I do have a name and it's not "above poster". Do as you will be done by :)
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Barack Obama: What's up with the ears?

Post by WonderWendy3 »

Snidely Whiplash;842112 wrote: Trusting the Obama;s with the White house, reminds me of the first time you parents trust your home to your teenage children when you go on a summer vacation without them.. You know they aren't bad kids really, maybe a little misguided at times, or influenced by some poor choices for friends and role models over the years, but they might do okay if you give them a chance...?? But this little voice in your head just keeps telling you when you hand them the keys to the house and drive away in that taxicab for the summer, all hell is going to break loose at some point, and you're going to have one heck of a mess to clean up when you get home.... :wah:

Ha, good one....I agree with you too!:)
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Barack Obama: What's up with the ears?

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Barack Obama: What's up with the ears?

Post by G#Gill »

Well I thought his ears were OK. He does have one on each side of his head after all ! :)
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Barack Obama: What's up with the ears?

Post by Snidely Whiplash »

Bryn Mawr;842525 wrote: I thought we were talking about putting trust in someone new to the Presidency - something you definitely don't do every day.

And talking about expecting to be treated with respect - I do have a name and it's not "above poster". Do as you will be done by :)

WTF are you talking about...? :-2 I don't know you're name, "Usernames are not real names" to most us us whoever you are..? I'm new here, what are you talking about..? Are you a stalker, or do you wanna get cozzy with me...??? :-4 I'm married... And hetro..... So sorry to disapoint you...... :-2

As for the Presidency...

I will vote who I think best will bring power back to the people, and not take away our rights and give it all to the government.... I will vote for freedom, for people to be responsible for they're own actions, and the rights of people to speak they're mind, own a gun, go to the church they like, and to be happy, and work hard and live they're lives to the fullest, without the government reaching into they're pockets and taking what ever it wants........

Obama is a looser.... I wouldn't have him at my dinner table from the things I've heard him say....

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Barack Obama: What's up with the ears?

Post by flopstock »

G#Gill;842645 wrote: Well I thought his ears were OK. He does have one on each side of his head after all ! :)

So did dumbo the elephant.. or was that jumbo:wah:
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Barack Obama: What's up with the ears?

Post by flopstock »

Snidely Whiplash;842840 wrote: WTF are you talking about...? I don't know you're name, "Usernames are not real names" to most us us whoever you are..? I'm new here, what are you talking about..? Are you a stalker, or do you wanna get cozzy with me...??? I'm married... And hetro..... So sorry to disapoint you......

As for the Presidency...

I will vote who I think best will bring power back to the people, and not take away our rights and give it all to the government.... I will vote for freedom, for people to be responsible for they're own actions, and the rights of people to speak they're mind, own a gun, go to the church they like, and to be happy, and work hard and live they're lives to the fullest, without the government reaching into they're pockets and taking what ever it wants........

Obama is a looser.... I wouldn't have him at my dinner table from the things I've heard him say....


ah go eat some sauerkraut... quite obviously you need the pipes cleaned...:thinking::p

What exactly is Obama looser then? McCain? probably... Clinton? nah, about the same when you get right down to it....

Personally, I don't think we have the right to be happy, just the right to pursue it.:guitarist
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Barack Obama: What's up with the ears?

Post by Bryn Mawr »

Snidely Whiplash;842112 wrote: Trusting the Obama;s with the White house, reminds me of the first time you parents trust your home to your teenage children when you go on a summer vacation without them.. You know they aren't bad kids really, maybe a little misguided at times, or influenced by some poor choices for friends and role models over the years, but they might do okay if you give them a chance...?? But this little voice in your head just keeps telling you when you hand them the keys to the house and drive away in that taxicab for the summer, all hell is going to break loose at some point, and you're going to have one heck of a mess to clean up when you get home.... :wah:

Snidely Whiplash;842840 wrote: WTF are you talking about...? :-2 I don't know you're name, "Usernames are not real names" to most us us whoever you are..? I'm new here, what are you talking about..? Are you a stalker, or do you wanna get cozzy with me...??? :-4 I'm married... And hetro..... So sorry to disapoint you...... :-2

As for the Presidency...

I will vote who I think best will bring power back to the people, and not take away our rights and give it all to the government.... I will vote for freedom, for people to be responsible for they're own actions, and the rights of people to speak they're mind, own a gun, go to the church they like, and to be happy, and work hard and live they're lives to the fullest, without the government reaching into they're pockets and taking what ever it wants........

Obama is a looser.... I wouldn't have him at my dinner table from the things I've heard him say....


I'm talking about the post quoted above where you liken electing a new President to trusting children for the first time.

Unless, of course, you're referring to my last paragraph, in which case I'm referring to :-

Snidely Whiplash;837435 wrote: I expected to be treated with some respect, and not ridiculed for my username, or my viewpoint like i have in previous posts.. Is that too *@#^ing much to ask as a newbie posting to a new group of strangers?

You're like a bunch of hungry vultures circling your prey......

The sad thing is, I'm not your prey..... I just wanted to post my view and make friends...


You want to be treated with respect then try dealing out some respect to others, plonker.
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Barack Obama: What's up with the ears?

Post by Accountable »

Obama backers on the left are doing the wincing now

John Kass

July 13, 2008

When Jesse Jackson's Castrato-gate or the Barack Obama Nuts Controversy or whatever you want to call it erupted last week—as captured by the hot microphones of Fox News—terrible cries of pain went unnoticed.

Not from Obama, who, as presidential historians will tell us after his inauguration in January, was the great beneficiary of the rhetorical (and never actually attempted) Jacksonian castration, and no cries from Jackson, either.

Jackson's too busy to shriek. He's suffering the ambition of African-American politicos eager to replace him as America's race broker. And he's been hooted down in the style of pre-Revolutionary France, by white liberals who once feared him, though they no longer feel compelled to feign interest in Jackson's ridiculous rhymes.

The cries of pain came not from Obama or Jackson but from the American political left, from scribes and liberal editorial writers and broadcast analysts and eager bloggers. The true believers who evangelized that Obama would transcend politics as we knew it are suffering a Barackian hangover.

Greedily, they drained the kegs once full of sweet Obama Kool-Aid, drained them to the dregs and mopped up the remains with stale crusts. The inevitable happened—the pain that comes as everything finally becomes clear, in the rosy-fingered light of a terrible dawn.

Obama used them to crush the Clintons, but now the left is finally realizing it's been betrayed, on issue after issue, with Obama changing his positions in order to defeat a tired and disillusioned Republican Party in November.

They're at the dance now and he's the one with the keys and he's the only ride they've got. And they don't like it.

He has flip-flopped again and again, on campaign finance, on government eavesdropping of overseas phone calls, on gun control and even Iraq. Future President Obama now says he'll listen to his generals about when to withdraw. He didn't say he'd listen to the commissars of the blogosphere.

And his cheerleaders are beginning to realize that Obama may not be the Arthurian knight in shining armor, that he may not be Mr. Tumnus, the gentle forest faun of our presidential politics. Months after his inauguration, after he makes Billy Daley the secretary of the treasury and Michael Daley the secretary of zoning and promotes Patrick Fitzgerald to become the attorney general of Mars, the political left may figure out that Obama is a Chicago politician.

"Only an idiot would think or hope that a politician going through the crucible of a presidential campaign could hold fast to every position, steer clear of the stumbling blocks of nuance and never make a mistake," wrote Bob Herbert in The New York Times. "But Barack Obama went out of his way to create the impression that he was a new kind of political leader—more honest, less cynical and less relentlessly calculating than most. . . . Obama is not just tacking gently toward the center. He's lurching right when it suits him, and he's zigging with the kind of reckless abandon that's guaranteed to cause disillusion, if not whiplash."

This panic of the left—particularly among many political media types—is profoundly instructive to foreigners seeking to understand American character. The American media elite chose to portray Obama as some kind of knight in armor. They're analysts. Yet they were desperate to believe in a political fairy tale from Chicago. Somewhere in this desperate yearning is an answer.

Obama is not their fool. And he's not weak. He got down on one knee to the Chicago Democratic Machine and didn't make any waves and asked that it make him a U.S. senator. He lectured the Africans about political corruption and kept his mouth shut about corruption in Chicago, and the national press ignored the inconsistency and pampered and protected him. He waited and he's ready and now they're worried? Too late, boys and girls.

I don't mean to pick on Mr. Herbert, an elegant writer. His is but one of many voices, stunned on the side of the road, wondering what happened. I felt the same Kool-Aid hangover, and the same whiplash, but from the opposite direction years ago, when I was run down in the middle of a paragraph by a clown car driven by Karl Rove.

The Bush White House became the champion of big government, of big spending, of Jack Abramoff and of perjury under oath. The clowns boiled out of the car and I watched them go, taking the Republican Party with them, dragging it out into the desert, where they'd dug a big hole and stuffed it with Kool-Aid-addled conservatives.

So I have some sympathy for those on the left when it comes to Obama. They feel jilted, and the story was of a growing sense of betrayal, until Rev. Jackson whispered his desire to remove Obama's valuables.

Then the left joined in with the right, and with the viewers of Fox News in the front row—representing those Reagan Democrat votes Obama will need in November—we all pounded Jackson, righteously, in Obama's name.
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Barack Obama: What's up with the ears?

Post by Accountable »

This latest on Obama not going to visit the injured troops while in Germany. I think that the Pentagon really told him it would be bad for him to go and he believed them. Naive. I think it was the Naval Academy good ol' boy network helping out one of their own.
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Barack Obama: What's up with the ears?

Post by Accountable »


Obama's tactics are undermining the unifying theory of his campaign. During the primaries, Obama presented himself as someone different, better and special. He would not only improve the economy and the health-care system, he would transcend old divisions and heal a broken land. Supporters embraced him as inspirational; detractors criticized him as messianic. Few doubt that he set the highest rhetorical goals since the New Frontier.

Since the primaries, Obama has made a tactical decision: He refuses to be painted as a liberal. America may be a discontented country, but it remains a center-right country. Democrats who understand this fact -- such as Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton -- become president. Democrats who don't lose elections.

But since Obama's short public career has been conventionally -- in some cases, extremely -- liberal, his tactical shift to the center has been startlingly obvious, on issues from guns to terror surveillance to Iraq, and now (reluctantly) to oil drilling. Says Peter Wehner of the Ethics and Public Policy Center: "Obama's political calculation may be correct, but it still involves a price. It has shattered his claim to be different. It calls into question his political character and leaves the impression he is consumed and defined by ambition."

At least temporarily, Obama's tactics have raised a damning political question: Who is this man?
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Barack Obama: What's up with the ears?

Post by yaaarrrgg »

I haven't seen so much a shift. He's consistently appeared to me as having bipartisan government reform at the top of his plate. It wouldn't surprise me if he selected a Republican for VP either. Government reform is his main issue.
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Barack Obama: What's up with the ears?

Post by Accountable »

yaaarrrgg;945524 wrote: I haven't seen so much a shift. He's consistently appeared to me as having bipartisan government reform at the top of his plate. It wouldn't surprise me if he selected a Republican for VP either. Government reform is his main issue.
Getting elected is his main issue. Provoking class envy, empty platitudes, and running down our great nation are his tools in trade.
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Barack Obama: What's up with the ears?

Post by yaaarrrgg »

Accountable;945626 wrote: Getting elected is his main issue. Provoking class envy, empty platitudes, and running down our great nation are his tools in trade.

That's your cynical interpretation.

Funny that you aren't so cynical about Bob Barr ... neoconservative-turned-wonder-boy, who uses tools like blow jobs and Christianity as wedge issues. Barr is part of the problem that Obama is trying to clean up.
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Barack Obama: What's up with the ears?

Post by Accountable »

yaaarrrgg;946705 wrote: That's your cynical interpretation.

Funny that you aren't so cynical about Bob Barr ... neoconservative-turned-wonder-boy, who uses tools like blow jobs and Christianity as wedge issues. Barr is part of the problem that Obama is trying to clean up.
I'm a cynic when it comes to politics & politicians. Bob Barr will not be president. He's a convenient tool for me to use to show people there is more out there than a slow march toward full gov't control.

If Barr is who you say, I invite you to state your case in one of the issue threads. That's why I started them.
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Barack Obama: What's up with the ears?

Post by flopstock »

Accountable;944883 wrote: ARTCLE

Obama's tactics are undermining the unifying theory of his campaign. During the primaries, Obama presented himself as someone different, better and special. He would not only improve the economy and the health-care system, he would transcend old divisions and heal a broken land. Supporters embraced him as inspirational; detractors criticized him as messianic. Few doubt that he set the highest rhetorical goals since the New Frontier.

Since the primaries, Obama has made a tactical decision: He refuses to be painted as a liberal. America may be a discontented country, but it remains a center-right country. Democrats who understand this fact -- such as Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton -- become president. Democrats who don't lose elections.

But since Obama's short public career has been conventionally -- in some cases, extremely -- liberal, his tactical shift to the center has been startlingly obvious, on issues from guns to terror surveillance to Iraq, and now (reluctantly) to oil drilling. Says Peter Wehner of the Ethics and Public Policy Center: "Obama's political calculation may be correct, but it still involves a price. It has shattered his claim to be different. It calls into question his political character and leaves the impression he is consumed and defined by ambition."

At least temporarily, Obama's tactics have raised a damning political question: Who is this man?

Who the hell knows.:wah: During the primary, if you dared to ask - you were racist. I imagine it's only a question of time before McCains camp has to start defending themselves from the same kind of charges..

That anyone in the press is even starting to ask the question suggests to me that we can expect deflection tactics at any moment..:thinking:

I'd just like him so much more if he actually said something of substance... :rolleyes:
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Barack Obama: What's up with the ears?

Post by Daniyal »

Sharpton speaks the truth most people rather live a LIE !
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Barack Obama: What's up with the ears?

Post by yaaarrrgg »

flopstock;946776 wrote: I'd just like him so much more if he actually said something of substance... :rolleyes:

The idea that he's got no substance is the same attack Hillary tried to use. Unfortunately, it's not true. He's spelled out his policies on his site in as much detail as any other candidate has detailed.

One example is his Iraq plan -- a phased withdrawal -- that Iraq's prime minister recently endorsed.

You'd think that kind of endorsement would be major news. Unfortunately that sort of thing doesn't make news, like John Edward's penis does. People don't like the boring details, then blame the candidates. After McCain, Bush and Company has been mocking any idea of "time tables" as "cut and run" and retreat strategies, now they have changed their tune and started regurgitating the awkward phrase "time horizon."
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Barack Obama: What's up with the ears?

Post by flopstock »

Daniyal;946833 wrote: Sharpton speaks the truth most people rather live a LIE !
Sharpton is a publicity slut, pure and simple. And what in the world does he have to do with this?:-2
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Barack Obama: What's up with the ears?

Post by flopstock »

yaaarrrgg;946842 wrote: The idea that he's got no substance is the same attack Hillary tried to use. Unfortunately, it's not true. He's spelled out his policies on his site in as much detail as any other candidate has detailed.

One example is his Iraq plan -- a phased withdrawal -- that Iraq's prime minister recently endorsed.

You'd think that kind of endorsement would be major news. Unfortunately that sort of thing doesn't make news, like John Edward's penis does. People don't like the boring details, then blame the candidates. After McCain, Bush and Company has been mocking any idea of "time tables" as "cut and run" and retreat strategies, now they have changed their tune and started regurgitating the awkward phrase "time horizon."

Where's your buddy?:-6
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Barack Obama: What's up with the ears?

Post by Accountable »

yaaarrrgg;946842 wrote: The idea that he's got no substance is the same attack Hillary tried to use. Unfortunately, it's not true. He's spelled out his policies on his site in as much detail as any other candidate has detailed.

One example is his Iraq plan -- a phased withdrawal -- that Iraq's prime minister recently endorsed.

You'd think that kind of endorsement would be major news. Unfortunately that sort of thing doesn't make news, like John Edward's penis does. People don't like the boring details, then blame the candidates. After McCain, Bush and Company has been mocking any idea of "time tables" as "cut and run" and retreat strategies, now they have changed their tune and started regurgitating the awkward phrase "time horizon."
I won't bother to debate with you the fact that Obama brought that up when it was unfeasible and now it is thanks to measures he opposed.

I've got a series of threads I haven't seen you on titled "The Candidates On ..." then an issue. I'd like to see your opinions there. As for Obama's substance, most of the ideas he brings to the table are more for state gov't than federal.
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Barack Obama: What's up with the ears?

Post by Daniyal »

flopstock;946847 wrote: Sharpton is a publicity slut, pure and simple. And what in the world does he have to do with this?:-2

Go Back And Read Over The Post'ssss Maybe You'll See Who Brought Is Name First Ok . Relax I Know The Truth Hurts But Hey Deal With It .
Never Argue With An Idiot. They Drag You Down To Their Level Then Beat You With Experience.

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Barack Obama: What's up with the ears?

Post by Accountable »

LilacDragon;755386 wrote: He lost me when he got an endorsement from the "Rev." Sharpton.

Daniyal;947287 wrote: Go Back And Read Over The Post'ssss Maybe You'll See Who Brought Is Name First Ok . Relax I Know The Truth Hurts But Hey Deal With It .
There's the first post about Sharpton. I don't see how that post from January drags us off-topic to sharpton now, but I'm sure you'll explain, right?
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Barack Obama: What's up with the ears?

Post by Daniyal »

Accountable;947296 wrote: There's the first post about Sharpton. I don't see how that post from January drags us off-topic to sharpton now, but I'm sure you'll explain, right?

next time I'll tell you how hight to jump ok .
Never Argue With An Idiot. They Drag You Down To Their Level Then Beat You With Experience.

When An Elder Passes On To Higher Life , Its Like One Of The Library Have Shut Down

To Desire Security Is A Sign Of Insecurity .

It's Not The Things One Knows That Get Him Or Her In Trouble , Its The Things One Knows That Just Isn't So That Get Them In Trouble

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Barack Obama: What's up with the ears?

Post by Accountable »

Daniyal;947339 wrote: next time I'll tell you how hight to jump ok .
As expected. another pot shot.
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