confessions of youth

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confessions of youth

Post by RedGlitter »

Truthfully not much. I mainly got into fixes for being vocal about things people blindly accepted.

I refused to recite the pledge of allegiance. I refused to even stand for it. That was probably the thing that angered people the most. I'll stand for it now in public meetings and such and I'll even sing the anthem but I draw the line at public prayer. That stays home.

I told off a couple of inadequate teachers in my high school days. That probably wasn't wise but it was well deserved. They plainly sucked at class control and teaching, period.

Can't really think of much else. Now if you were to ask me about stupid stuff that I'd gotten into trouble for in my thirties or so....well, how much time do you have? :)
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confessions of youth

Post by Chezzie »

Most idiotic thing at 14 was accept a drink of a concoction a lad had made from the entire contents of his mum and dads cocktail cabinet, was in a pop bottle. I took a swig, tasted lush, and downed it in one.

Next day I wake up in my bed feeling really really bad..........I reek of pee and sick, I look down and my clothes from the night before are in a heap on my bedroom floor with a note off my mother pinned to them, saying if you think your old enough for a hangover your old enough to clean your mess up.

I walked meekly downstairs to face my mum who's disappointed face looked at me and asked if i wanted a coffee. She sat me down and explained how id sat on a style down a lane and fallen backwards, hitting my head and knocking me out. I wet myself and puked over myself as my friends panicked and ran for help. Luckily I was carried to a mates house, they thought I was drugged I was so out of it, they called my parents and someone got a neighbour who was a nurse. She thought I should go into hospital and have my stomach pumped, mum made a huge glass of salt water, chucked it down my neck and hey presto, stomach pumped itself over their kitchen floor.

I never ever got into a state like that again....I dread to think what could of happened to me that night. My mums approach I feel was the best, I felt terrible that Id embarrassed her. She made me go and apologise to all concerned and I had to scrub their kitchen floor.....sobering moments....:o
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confessions of youth

Post by Nomad »

My 1st suspension came in the 5th grade.

That was the beginning of my illustrious career.
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confessions of youth

Post by sunny104 »

I did lots of naughty stuff but I only got caught once. :p

I got a day of suspension for skipping some classes and I went to the bathroom for a smoke break like I always did and of course that had to be the one time I get caught so they gave me another day of suspension. :wah:
Trunk Monkey
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confessions of youth

Post by Trunk Monkey »

My dad caught me smoking and made me sit down and smoke a cuban cigar! Oh, man was that nasty and I got so sick I thought I was going to die from it :wah:
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