What happened to the Pentagon on 9/11?

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What happened to the Pentagon on 9/11?

Post by Accountable »

spot, DrJ, and any others? What did PNAC do to the Pentagon? Was it an airplane? a rocket? a complete hoax with no damage at all? what?
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What happened to the Pentagon on 9/11?

Post by spot »

I haven't a clue, Acc. I've made my points regarding cell phone calls from altitude and the unique nature of 9/11 as far as air intercepts and WTC7's collapse are concerned. It's all I brought to the table and it's enough, in my mind, to warrant investigating PNAC's "new Pearl Harbor". Widening to include all the rest is irrelevant speculation. The cell phone part of the deliberate hoaxing of the US public is an impossibility. The rest falls over in consequence, it has to because something must explain the cell phone trick.

All the smoke you're blowing makes not the least difference to the core problems. The core problems are the three I've outlined. They show that collusion and involvement by a US covert agency happened.
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What happened to the Pentagon on 9/11?

Post by Accountable »

spot;931768 wrote: I haven't a clue, Acc. I've made my points regarding cell phone calls from altitude and the unique nature of 9/11 as far as air intercepts and WTC7's collapse are concerned. It's all I brought to the table and it's enough, in my mind, to warrant investigating PNAC's "new Pearl Harbor". Widening to include all the rest is irrelevant speculation. The cell phone part of the deliberate hoaxing of the US public is an impossibility. The rest falls over in consequence, it has to because something must explain the cell phone trick.

All the smoke you're blowing makes not the least difference to the core problem. The core problems are the three I've outlined. They show that collusion and involvement by a US covert agency happened.
Got it. Cell phone calls are more important thant attacks on the Pentagon. Anything further is irrelevant.
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What happened to the Pentagon on 9/11?

Post by spot »

Accountable;931770 wrote: Got it. Cell phone calls are more important thant attacks on the Pentagon. Anything further is irrelevant.

In terms of cracks that can't be papered over?

By Jove, he's got it!

You're a trained teacher. Use your brain.
Nullius in verba ... ☎||||||||||| ... To Fate I sue, of other means bereft, the only refuge for the wretched left.
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What happened to the Pentagon on 9/11?

Post by Accountable »

spot;932030 wrote: In terms of cracks that can't be papered over?

By Jove, he's got it!

You're a trained teacher. Use your brain.
Sorry. Tried that & only got logical conclusions. I'm trying to follow your train of thought instead. :)
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What happened to the Pentagon on 9/11?

Post by spot »

Accountable;932106 wrote: Sorry. Tried that & only got logical conclusions. I'm trying to follow your train of thought instead. :)

And what conclusion did you reach concerning Tom Burnett's series of cell phone calls?
Nullius in verba ... ☎||||||||||| ... To Fate I sue, of other means bereft, the only refuge for the wretched left.
When flower power came along I stood for Human Rights, marched around for peace and freedom, had some nooky every night - we took it serious.
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What happened to the Pentagon on 9/11?

Post by DrJ »

Here's what I've found so far,,

The following Analysis is primarily focused on the outside of the Pentagon. When one takes this evidence alone it is very conclusive that a AA 757 did not hit the Pentagon. However there are some unconfirmed photographic evidence of wreckage of a 757 within the Pentagon itself, which does support the Official Story in so far that a AA 757 did hit the Pentagon.

A CNN Reporter at the scene states that there is no evidence that a 757 hit the Pentagon. Watch this video clip:

CNN: 'No evidence of a plane crashing anywhere near the Pentagon'

I have found a good picture of the landing Gear on the Global Hawk and it's wheel rims do not match the wheel rims of a 757. So much for the Global Hawk Theories. The wheel rim found in the wreckage more closely resembles one found on a 757, however there are some differences there too. The rim looks smaller, the color is different and there seems to be a missing indent that circles the rim near the edge of the rim. It may appear that it was torn off the rim though, thus further analysis on this must be done.

The simple fact that there are no wing marks on the Pentagon wall, the hole is too small for a 757 to fit through. Further the street light that was apparently knocked down by the Boeing 757 shows glass from the street lamp near by, thus a plane hitting it at 400 MPH whould have thrown the glass a very long distance as it would have shattered on impact. It is likely that the street light was blown just prior to the jet that shot a missile at the Pentagon flew in to make room for it in it's flight path. See the picture of the taxi on the road with the street lamp beside it bellow. However as always it is only speculation as again they will not release the videos of what happened and you should ask what is it that they are trying to hide? They certainly had no problems releasing footage of the WTC and Flight 93, although Flight 93 was shot down once the passengers got control of the plane, they found the engine 5 miles away from the crash site.

For those who are skeptical of the vast amount of evidence which shows that a 757 could not have hit the Pentagon, here is an interesting bit of info for you to look at before diving into this extensive Analysis. Here is a copy of the Public Works Digest for October/November of 2001, which has statements in it as follows:

page 6 where is the plane did anyone see it after it hit

page 7 doubtful of plane

page 8 all kinds of rumors truck bomb, helo bomb

page 9 bomb


FBI Claims 84 Videos Show NO Flight 77 Impact

High-Ranking Army Officer - Missile Hit Pentagon


Petition - Tell The President To Release The 9/11 Pentagon Footage Of The Plane


Let me know if there are any problems loading pictures

or inactive links. I know the server can be slow at times.


In honour of those who died at the Pentagon on September 11th.

What hit the Pentagon? A Boeing 757 loaded with passengers and fuel right? Well perhaps that has now become a serious question of debate. Over the past year I have been collect information on the crash and making an attempt to piece together what actually happened. Believe me it hasn't been easy and I still don't have all the answers. However as time goes on I learn more and get more view points to work with. Much of this speculation can be put to rest perhaps by having the FBI release a video the took from a Gas Station surveillance cameras shortly after the Pentagon was hit.

Here is a link to another article about the Gas Station being there.

Who was on Flight 77? According to the Flight Information there were No Arabs on it. That makes me wonder if Flight 77 actually existed at all? Please don't get me wrong here I mean absolutely no disrespect in bringing forward the names of the people on Flight 77. Here is the list of names that are unverified by myself. It is horrible to have to analyze the Pentagon crash when real people were killed and families must still miss them terribly but, there are a number of problems with the Official Story that do need to be brought to light. What pisses me off is there are no Government agencies anywhere in the world analyzing this information and bringing it forward to the public, nothing other than a few Members of Parliament or Government Whistle Blowers. It is disgusting!

Item one up for discussion are the obvious two pictures I have collect on the CAD models placed in front of the Pentagon as the models crash into the Pentagon.

We are talking about a 269,434 lb plane, hitting the pentagon wall at around 400 MPH.

Now that we have seen the plane lets look at the Pentagon 4 days before September 11th.

In this Image we can see an Ariel path marker in the grass. It is not easily seen on the ground but I am still looking for some ground pictures to back up this satellite picture. However it is a very compelling picture as the Masonic all seeing eye is visible here. The actual bottom part of the eye points at the impact point on the pentagon wall and in the approximate flight path that the object that hit the Pentagon took.

fact wrote:

What does this mean, well in Illuminati Symbology terms it is like a calling card I would say. Further if what we are seeing here is real then it gives credibility to the fact that the so called Terrorists were Patsies and this Ariel marking pattern may have been used to mark the impact point from the air where the pilot or object was suppose to hit the Pentagon.

Those who do not know who and what the Illuminati are, I suggest that you download and watch David Icke's Lecture on the Illuminati.


Go to this site for more very interesting facts,,pro and con..

Funny how this building didn't fall in its own footprint..
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What happened to the Pentagon on 9/11?

Post by DrJ »

This is about all thats needed for this one,,:guitarist

I wonder if the cell phones worked on this plane,,,

We'll never know what actually hit the building,, but the fact it was no passenger plane is enough for me.. This country needs good eyes,, and good minds to find any truth about 9/11...

So far,, I haven't seen anyone with any interest in the task,, must be something very dark and heavy in the path to the truth,, if we truly knew,, I believe we'd all understand why volunteers are no where to be found,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,God help us...
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