How To Be Nice To People

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jones jones
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How To Be Nice To People

Post by jones jones »

1. Many books say that a smile to everybody you meet will urge the other person to smile back. A smile a day is the essential movement to niceness, and even if the person is your worst enemy ever, muster a little smile and mutter a 'hi'. But don't do this in the morning if someone looks like they're half asleep, just nod to them unless they offer a response of their own.

2. Greet everybody you know, not only with that smile, but also a 'hello'. If you have the time, try to introduce yourself to everybody you meet and don't know yet. Chances are that one of the hundreds you get to know will become your best friend into your old age!

3.Get a conversation started. Talk about small stuff that you know the person would be interested in. If you don't know the other person well enought to know about their preferences, try to talk about things happening around you. (The meeting you've both been to an hour ago, the new guy in Math class, the fantastic new shoes your colleague has been wearing, etc.)

4.Try to compliment your new pal. But be careful, though, not to flatter them too much. Too much flattery can give the impression that you are sucking up to them, and especially if this new friend is a superior, they will think of you as a lapdog or butt-kisser.

5.Make arrangements to meet or talk almost every week. Remember to exchange contact methods. Get her email, grab his address, ask for their phone number. Don't leave without getting their personal info if you really like him/her! (However, if they balk at supplying contact information, do not harass them trying to get it. Be nice, smile, and offer to run into them again some day.)

6.Get them something nice once in a while. And for holidays or birthdays, buy something really special that you know s/he will really appreciate. It doesn't need to be something super expensive. A box of chocolates, a new notebook, if you really mean it, your friend will get the message and be nicer to you too.

7.Be polite to others. Help when needed, even to people you have never met before. That person might be lonely, and you may be the only one they have talked to that day. Imagine how happy they will be...and you will be happy also, knowing you have been nice to someone.

8.Don't curse. It projects an ugly image of you.

9. Be nice to "everyone", even those who have been nasty to you. Who knows? They might start being nice to you, too! And if they don't, at least you are being decent.

10. Do not hesitate to offer help. Especially to those who have a their arms full, children they are attending to, difficulty walking, or carrying heavy articles, etc. One day, you might be like them, and need help also.

11.Offer to help clean up after a party or a get-together. The host might be tired, and welcome your help.
"…I hate how I don’t feel real enough unless people are watching." — Chuck Palahniuk, Invisible Monsters
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How To Be Nice To People

Post by hoppy »

Yeah, sounds good on paper but, come back down to earth where the real world is.
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How To Be Nice To People

Post by sunny104 »

I'm too anti-social to do all that stuff! :D
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How To Be Nice To People

Post by Sheryl »

Nice list! The last two I do automatically because I was raised it was polite manners.
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How To Be Nice To People

Post by Victoria »

Yeah right.

On Sunday morning I was walking my dogs and I passed a woman with a German shepherd, I nodded and said 'good morning' at the same time I corrected my dog for pulling toward her dog.

As she passed her snappish reply was 'shut your mouth'

I'm not sure if she meant me or my dog either way I wont bother trying again!
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How To Be Nice To People

Post by ilona17 »

I try to do some of those.

Like smiling at people, and helping being polite when i can.

But like Victoria said, some people are so anti-social and just plane rude when you're trying to be nice, and it just really puts me off trying to be to the next person I meet.
[QUOTE]:DLive Everyday Like It's Your Last :-6[/QUOTE]
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