Vitamin d reduces cancer by 60- 77%

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Vitamin d reduces cancer by 60- 77%

Post by tedhutchinson »

Vitamin D And Calcium Cuts Cancer Risk In Older Women, New Study SaysThe results showed that women in the Calcium plus Vit D group had a 60 per cent drop in their cancer risk over the four years compared to the women in the placebo group.

In order to eliminate the possibility that some women may have started the trial with undiagnosed cancers, the researchers re-analysed the results leaving out the first year's figures. This showed an even bigger 77 per cent reduction in cancer risk in the Calcium plus Vit D group compared with the placebo group.

Vitamin D and calcium supplementation reduces cancer risk: results of a randomized trial

Background: Numerous observational studies have found supplemental calcium and vitamin D to be associated with reduced risk of common cancers. However, interventional studies to test this effect are lacking.

Objective: The purpose of this analysis was to determine the efficacy of calcium alone and calcium plus vitamin D in reducing incident cancer risk of all types.

Design: This was a 4-y, population-based, double-blind, randomized placebo-controlled trial. The primary outcome was fracture incidence, and the principal secondary outcome was cancer incidence. The subjects were 1179 community-dwelling women randomly selected from the population of healthy postmenopausal women aged >55 y in a 9-county rural area of Nebraska centered at latitude 41.4°N. Subjects were randomly assigned to receive 1400–1500 mg supplemental calcium/d alone (Ca-only), supplemental calcium plus 1100 IU vitamin D3/d (Ca + D), or placebo.

Results: When analyzed by intention to treat, cancer incidence was lower in the Ca + D women than in the placebo control subjects (P The Vitamin D council have links to high strength Vitamin D3 suppliers. £13 UKinc p&p-$15USA worth should last one person 2 yrs.

The half life of Vit d3 is 10 days so you can take 2 x 5000iu capsules each week =10,000iu =1,400 iu daily. or 3 x 5000 = 15000iu/week = 2,140i/d and so on.

You may be interested to know that your body uses 4000iu/day Supplementing at that level during the Winter when none is available from sunlight (our milk is NOT fortifies and contains NO vit d) is perfectly safe. those who suffer from Winter depression may particularly benefit from reading this.

If reducing your cancer risk by between 60% and 77% doesn't convince you to start taking an EFFECTIVE amount of vitamin D3 then perhaps you may also be pleased to hear that other research has shown a reduction of 70% in the incidence of colds/flu/upper respiratory tract infections in those who use effective strength vit d3 supplements.

Any UK readers who think this doesn't apply to them should read this and understand that this research actually used a level of Vitamin D insufficiency at which measurable damage to the system occurs. 75nmol/L To have optimum physical, athletic performance from your body and a brain with optimum feelings of well being and optimal cognitive function requires an operating level of 100nmol/L. To achieve this you really will need to use 4000iu/daily during the Winter and from April to September 2000iu daily.
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Vitamin d reduces cancer by 60- 77%

Post by tedhutchinson »

The vitamin D miracle: Is it for real?

The claims have been sensational. Martin Mittelstaedt checks up on the research behind the hype

This is the best Vitamin D article I have read. A lot of people have left useful comments.

In case UK readers don't find my comment may I remind them that

Canada is a continent UK is an island They have 30% more hours sunshine annually becuase we have more clouds than they do.

Most Canadians live near the US border consequently are nearer the equatorMi than the UK (that means they have more days in the year and more hours in the day when UVB reaches the ground.

Milk and cereals are fortified with Vitamin D in Canada. UK milk does NOT have any vitamin d and most of our cereals don't either.

Because of the above advantages the amounts of vitamin D suggested over there will not be sufficient here. More will be needed in the UK to have the same beneficial impact.

UK Vitamin D3 buyers should be aware that USA has the cheapest providers but if you use places like IHERB Vitaminshoppe Vitaminlife etc you must make sure your total order does not exceed £18 or you will have to pay tax + a handling charge on top. Keep you order below £18

The cheapest source I know for 5000iu is Bio tech.

If you haven't used IHERB before the code WAB666 will give you $5 off your first order.

They are about the same speed as ordering from UK online providers but of course can offer effective strengths whereas ours are limited to 1000iu max This will probably raise your status 17.5nmol/l but as at the end of winter your current status is probably below 40nmol/l that will only get you to 57.5nmol/l

To maximise your calcium uptake 80nmol/l is needed,

Up to 100nmol/l your body does not store vitamin d3 it just uses it as you get it.

Above 100nmo/l your body will start storing it.

130nmol/l appears to be the level associated with least cancer incidence.

150nmol/l is the level your body naturally achieves given daily full body non-burning sun exposure.

I have been taking 5000iu/daily for some time now. I also get around 20minutes full body sun exposure whenever possible between April and the end of September. My status at the very end of summer was 147.5nmol/l.
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Vitamin d reduces cancer by 60- 77%

Post by CARLA »

"GOT MILK" move to San Diego your Vitimin D levels will be just about perfect each and every day.


"Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, champagne in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming.

WOO HOO!!, what a ride!!!"

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Vitamin d reduces cancer by 60- 77%

Post by tedhutchinson »

CARLA;797984 wrote: "GOT MILK" move to San Diego your Vitimin D levels will be just about perfect each and every day.You're right that a move to San Diego would mean I could get sunshine almost every day.

However just because there is FREE UVB containing sunshine available in San Diego almost every day of the year does not mean it is safe to assume every San Diego resident is vitamin D replete. Many adolescents spend too much time in front of the PC, younger kids in front of the tv, old folk may be housebound and many others cover themselves with sunscreen/sunblock that prevents Vitamin D synthesis almost entirely. Unless you are actually taking a significant amount of Vitamin d as a supplement or spending some time almost every day getting several minutes full body sun exposure you may well be short.

A 25(OH)D test would be sensible for those who are not sure if they get sufficient daily sun exposure. It takes rather more than previously thought (and many people erroneously still think) 20 minutes full body is needed in the UK between April and the end of September the rest of the year either it's too cold or the UVB doesn't reach the ground anyway. Less would be needed in San Diego, As I've never been to the USA I'm not sure how hot it gets in San Diego. Perhaps 5 mins would be fine in Summer but I expect in winter 30-60 minutes would be needed if you skin is brown or black. You must never sunburn. That destroys all the vitamin D you've just made and leaves you vulnerable to skin cancer. So HALF the time it takes for your skin to burn is more than enough.

While milk is frequently touted as a good source of vitamin D, you should be aware that even if milk contains the actual amount stated (in UK milk is NOT fortified so contains none at all) mostly when tested the amount present was less than half that stated. It is also the case that we now know around 4000iu daily is what your body uses. Firtified milk may (if you are lucky) contain 100iu but who is going to drink 40 pts of milk a day. A portion of oily fish may contain up to 400iu but no one eats 10 portions of oily fish a week, let alone daily.

So diet as a source of vitamin d is a misguided and hopeless idea.
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