Is the only time you use the name JESUS is when it is followed by Forgive Me?

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Is the only time you use the name JESUS is when it is followed by Forgive Me?

Post by stjames »

Jesus is a Savior, not an excuse for you to use every time you sin. No one should ever believe that it is right for any of us to ever commit sin. The bible tells us what Jesus said when approached by the rich man who asked about getting into Heaven.

We all can remember the part about the camel going through a needle, but he first told him that you must obey the Ten commandments and give to the needy.

Jesus did not say that you should disobey the Ten Commandments and ask for forgiveness and give to the church. No one can pay their way into Heaven. What would god need with worthless paper that only man put a value on. We all remember when a famous preacher once published in the media that God was going to kill him if someone did not give him a million dollars. A million dollars of worthless papers that is only a promisory note that is backed by man. The way that our economy is going, it may not be worth the paper it is printed on. How can you as a parent try to teach your children that Jesus said that in order to get into Heaven you must obey the Ten Commandments, when every day they see preachers being arrested for breaking the Ten Commandments and the first thing out of their mouth is Jesus, forgive me? How many are there on death roll who feel that there is nothing wrong with killing,raping little children,shooting, and breaking other commandments of God's, as long as they say Jesus, forgive me?

JESUS IS NOT AN EXCUSE FOR YOU SINS. Read your bible, Jesus said to obey the Ten Commandments, not that it is all right to disobey them. The only answer in the bible that answered the question of how one can get into Heaven is when Jesus said to Obey The Ten Commandments and Give To The Needy. Now, let me assure you that I am not against the Church. But in the bible when it speaks of tithes it speak not of the Church but of the Market Place. Where the have and the have-nots gathers, where the have give unto the needy have-nots. Too many of our churches (not all of them) view themselves as the needy, especially those that are worth millions of dollars. To those who feel that it is better to give thousands of dollars to some rich church, but not drop a single dime down to the needy homeless on the street. I said to you read the bible, read in the bible where it says "Blessed are the Poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom Of Heaven".

Who would Jesus give his money to. Would he give it to the starving poor on the streets or to the rich clergy to buy bigger buildings, more private jet planes, or tax-free amusement parks. There is a new book out that is called "Jesus Is No Excuse" that explains what God truly ask of us. It is a great supplement to the bible and if you have read it I would like to hear from you.
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Is the only time you use the name JESUS is when it is followed by Forgive Me?

Post by justnonsense »

I've heard some people say, "Jesus fu**i*g Christ!", or simply, "Jesus Christ!", but I don't think they were asking for forgiveness.
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Is the only time you use the name JESUS is when it is followed by Forgive Me?

Post by yaaarrrgg »

stjames;769309 wrote: There is a new book out that is called "Jesus Is No Excuse" that explains what God truly ask of us. It is a great supplement to the bible and if you have read it I would like to hear from you.

You mean:

By Gregory St.James .... errr... St James???? You're not the author are you?
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Is the only time you use the name JESUS is when it is followed by Forgive Me?

Post by spot »

stjames;769309 wrote: How many are there on death roll who feel that there is nothing wrong with killing,raping little children,shooting, and breaking other commandments of God's, as long as they say Jesus, forgive me?Umm. Zero? None? Seriously, mate, if you're going for rhetoric you need to have an example or two to fall back on if challenged. Absolutely none anywhere on the planet in the entire history of Christianity, that's my opinion, with the possible exception of Rasputin's immediate circle if the stories told against him were actually true. They may - possibly - have felt that sin was a means of ushering in the end days, but I'm not convinced.
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jones jones
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Is the only time you use the name JESUS is when it is followed by Forgive Me?

Post by jones jones »

wot a crock ... get a life dude!
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Is the only time you use the name JESUS is when it is followed by Forgive Me?

Post by grh »

jones jones;769710 wrote: wot a crock ... get a life dude!

dude? DUDE? Does anyone still say that except me when I'm trying to embarrass my daughter in public?:wah::wah:
Who are they to protest me? Who are they? Unless they've been me and been there and know what the hell they're yelling about!


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Is the only time you use the name JESUS is when it is followed by Forgive Me?

Post by jones jones »

grh;769720 wrote: dude? DUDE? Does anyone still say that except me when I'm trying to embarrass my daughter in public?:wah::wah:

oops:lips: so you're saying this is "so last year?"

jeez i knew i shoulda kept a low profile!
"…I hate how I don’t feel real enough unless people are watching." — Chuck Palahniuk, Invisible Monsters
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Is the only time you use the name JESUS is when it is followed by Forgive Me?

Post by Chezzie »

some real funky guys I know still throw a dude in once in a while.........I personally dont follow a trend, if it feels right, go with I say......Dude!:wah::wah::wah:
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Is the only time you use the name JESUS is when it is followed by Forgive Me?

Post by Ted »


I see several problems with Gregory's book.

Other than a few I would like to see a rich church or for that matter rich clergy. If they exist I've never seen one.

As far as commenting that Jesus told us to follow the ten commandments he clarified that in Matt. 22:36 and following he clearly pointed out that love of God, one's fellow humans and love of self were the greatest of all the commandments and the rest were based on that one.

The next problem I see is there is no definition of "sin". Does he know what he is talking about?

I'm also not too sure as to how many folks actually use Jesus as an escape exit. There probably a few but that is between themselves and God.

What God does require of us is clearly spelled out in Micah 6:8 where we are told to "do justice, love kindness and walk humbly with our God." It is also clearly spelled out in Matt. 25:31ff.


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