Hillary Cries on TV. Could she really handle the job/

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Hillary Cries on TV. Could she really handle the job/

Post by grh »

rjwould;755332 wrote: Sounds to me like you're afraid to put yourself out there. Patriotic people know who they want to lead their country...
Patriotic people know who they DO NOT want to lead their country~:thinking:
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Hillary Cries on TV. Could she really handle the job/

Post by YZGI »

I'm still undecided on whom I will back for president. What amazes me though is that a BJ seems to be more important (to a lot of people) than how well a person can run this country. If it were a gay running for president everyone would be saying it is none of our buisiness what happens in their bedroom..

I haven't heard a single bad word about JFK or Jacquillen for staying with him and he screwed half of hollywood.
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Hillary Cries on TV. Could she really handle the job/

Post by RedGlitter »

Currently 8 people watching this thread. :wah: We're in the Hot Zone!
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Hillary Cries on TV. Could she really handle the job/

Post by YZGI »

changinglanes;755334 wrote: It's a form of abuse and she was disgraced by his actions and humiliated. Abuse comes in many forms. I don't care if my husband was Prez or not his ass would be out the door. That balls. I would not want public pity. Strong women do strong things like "NOT BEING A DOORMAT."
Maybe she doesn't enjoy sex and told him to get it where he could. He just got caught. The point is we have no idea how their relationship works.
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Hillary Cries on TV. Could she really handle the job/

Post by RedGlitter »

YZGI;755339 wrote: I'm still undecided on whom I will back for president. What amazes me though is that a BJ seems to be more important (to a lot of people) than how well a person can run this country. If it were a gay running for president everyone would be saying it is none of our buisiness what happens in their bedroom..

I haven't heard a single bad word about JFK or Jacquillen for staying with him and he screwed half of hollywood.

That's because you haven't asked me. :D If a man can't be faithful to his wife and uphold his oath to her, why the hell should I think he'll be any more honorable in running my country? And why is this so hard for people to get a grasp onto?!
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Hillary Cries on TV. Could she really handle the job/

Post by changinglanes »

I think did a good job at being Prez. He rarely took a vacation while in office and worked non stop. His uh oh.....the big bad ultimate sin.....a BJ.

Look what Bush has done to us and he didn't have the courtesy of even providing each American a jar a vaseline........before he screwed us all up the arse.

Other countries will not respect Hilary and I am tired of America being laughed by other nations.
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Hillary Cries on TV. Could she really handle the job/

Post by RedGlitter »


NO RJ- YOU think about it! think about it long and hard until it sinks in. She chose to be a victim by keeping his sorry ass. I will never see this woman as anything but a loser so we should probaby agree to differ. We're not going to change each others mind.
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Hillary Cries on TV. Could she really handle the job/

Post by changinglanes »

Anyone for a xanax, cocktail.....BJ? This could go on until next Nov.2.
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Hillary Cries on TV. Could she really handle the job/

Post by LilacDragon »

I don't want to get into the whole debate, just thought I would state my opinion. I guess you all can just consider the source and either think about it or pass it by as you wish.

As for Hillary staying with Bill after his "affair" with Monica. I highly doubt that Bill is the first President to have sex with someone not his wife in the Oval office. I hear JFK was quite the ladies man. Yet, we have no Presidents in the history of the U.S. that was ever left by his wife while he was in office.

Nobody knows what went on in private moments between Bill and Hillary after his affair came to light. We don't know why she made the decision that she made. Just because she stayed doesn't mean that she is weak and it doesn't mean that she has some personal agenda.

As for her emotional moment yesterday - I must be watching a totally different clip then Red. It wasn't in response to a personal criticism, it was in response to a woman asking her how she was doing. I imagine that she is tired, frustrated, hungry and emotional.

Personally - maybe if the current administration was just a little more emotional (or at the very least, capable of thinking of any human being outside of themselves) we wouldn't be involved in a war that we had no business getting into at the cost of thousands of Iraqi civilians and the death of going on 2,000 American Soldiers (sorry, I don't know the number of allied soldiers that have been killed) and the maiming of hundreds of soldiers. Maybe our elderly would be able to afford the medication that they need to live. Maybe poor children would have health care.

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Hillary Cries on TV. Could she really handle the job/

Post by suzycreamcheese »

LilacDragon;755371 wrote: I don't want to get into the whole debate, just thought I would state my opinion. I guess you all can just consider the source and either think about it or pass it by as you wish.

As for Hillary staying with Bill after his "affair" with Monica. I highly doubt that Bill is the first President to have sex with someone not his wife in the Oval office. I hear JFK was quite the ladies man. Yet, we have no Presidents in the history of the U.S. that was ever left by his wife while he was in office.

Nobody knows what went on in private moments between Bill and Hillary after his affair came to light. We don't know why she made the decision that she made. Just because she stayed doesn't mean that she is weak and it doesn't mean that she has some personal agenda.

As for her emotional moment yesterday - I must be watching a totally different clip then Red. It wasn't in response to a personal criticism, it was in response to a woman asking her how she was doing. I imagine that she is tired, frustrated, hungry and emotional.

Personally - maybe if the current administration was just a little more emotional (or at the very least, capable of thinking of any human being outside of themselves) we wouldn't be involved in a war that we had no business getting into at the cost of thousands of Iraqi civilians and the death of going on 2,000 American Soldiers (sorry, I don't know the number of allied soldiers that have been killed) and the maiming of hundreds of soldiers. Maybe our elderly would be able to afford the medication that they need to live. Maybe poor children would have health care.

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Hillary Cries on TV. Could she really handle the job/

Post by abbey »

rjwould;755199 wrote: Where did I use the word "disgrace"? I said "disappointment" and "embarrassment".

You have yet to describe anything that your interested in. The only thing you ladies have done is insult another woman for staying with her husband.And her hair, dont forget the hair. :D
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Hillary Cries on TV. Could she really handle the job/

Post by grh »

Jester;755434 wrote: Disclaimer: I in no way support Hillary.

That being said. If one seriously looks past her ugly hairdo, and reads the transcript and watches the video where she starts to get emotional is when she begins the lines regarding 'her america' (my paraphrase for her vision of america). I can deeply sympathize with this outlook. I look at my america and weep too. Does that make me weak? I don't think it does, it expresses my compassion for my america.

Thats what I see in this video.

I wouldnt call this outbreak of emotion a weakness, personally speaking. And I'm not going to use it to go agaisnt my judgement of her, in fact I'd say that it is the first stepping stone of common ground I share with her.

and yet... still a crybaby:D
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Hillary Cries on TV. Could she really handle the job/

Post by Nomad »


George Bush used to cry all the time.

If a bunny hopped across the white house lawn he would start bawling.

Its the media, theyre instigators.
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Hillary Cries on TV. Could she really handle the job/

Post by chonsigirl »

Nomad;755599 wrote: CRAP !

George Bush used to cry all the time.

If a bunny hopped across the white house lawn he would start bawling.

Its the media, theyre instigators.

Ssh, that was just me, Nomad.........:)
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Hillary Cries on TV. Could she really handle the job/

Post by spot »

YZGI;755339 wrote: If it were a gay running for president everyone would be saying it is none of our buisiness what happens in their bedroom.Jester, someone at the door wants a word with you if you've got a moment.
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Hillary Cries on TV. Could she really handle the job/

Post by weeder »

It will be a momentous moment in history when a woman becomes president.

Its not just the presidency in Hillarys case, her election carries a great weight of responsibility in terms of representing women in this nation. Strong women expect certain behavior from women who want our respect. That is why we women are more opinionated, and concerned with Hillarys behavior regarding Bills indescressions. We really dont care what Bill did with who. I would venture to say that many of us feel that she did not stay with him to salvage her marriage. Her staying with him was a calculated maneuver to appear to be steadfast and loyal. Im sure she was devastated, and humiliated, and unsure of what exactly to do for a while. I think she would have gained the admiration and support and respect of many more females if she had walked away from him, taken her long track record of commitment and experience and faced the voters on her own. A female president would be phenomenal. The combination of a brilliant mind and the female point of view could be a wonderful change for our country. Im certain that many women will agree that the candidate needs to be the right woman. Our criteria for judging this candidate includes areas we have not considered in the males, as the future acknowledgement of the great potential of all women, rests with the performance of our first female president.
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Hillary Cries on TV. Could she really handle the job/

Post by RedGlitter »

Got any snowshoes in here?? :thinking:
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Hillary Cries on TV. Could she really handle the job/

Post by grh »

rjwould;755710 wrote: And we would have been much better off with Nixon's character in the oval office then?

didn't we have that nixon character in the oval office?:wah:
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Hillary Cries on TV. Could she really handle the job/

Post by Accountable »

There must be a conspiracy to hide the video because I can't find it online, but I saw it on tv. She didn't "cry"; a tear welled up and her throat constricted a little. The Daily Show did a good job of contrasting it to past male politicians breaking down and sobbing.
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Hillary Cries on TV. Could she really handle the job/

Post by grh »

Accountable;755780 wrote: There must be a conspiracy to hide the video because I can't find it online, but I saw it on tv. She didn't "cry"; a tear welled up and her throat constricted a little. The Daily Show did a good job of contrasting it to past male politicians breaking down and sobbing.

Don't start splitting tears on me here AC... she broke! Well - all except her chipmunk cheeks that were still leading the way for her last night..:p

I don't know what I find the more offensive....

that she can't be bothered to try and not look like she's sitting up in a coffin...


that people tell me I could be her sister!:lips::yh_rotfl:yh_rotfl
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Hillary Cries on TV. Could she really handle the job/

Post by Nomad »

Jester;755649 wrote: I did miss this post...

Marriage is a funny thing, if your not married then you represent yourself and possibly your family (parental name and reputation). If you are married then a mark of your character is how you treat your spouse. Cheating is cheating and its hard for folks to respect that, expecially with children involved.

I think JFK was an ass, for his adulturess actions, and every person after him in public office or otherwise that did it too.

Character is parmount to me in a candidate.

And on the 'gay' issue, thats one character issue I would not look past, even if he/she appeared to be the best candidate in the world.

Jimmy Carter was an adulterer ?

Or are you just throwing words around ?
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Hillary Cries on TV. Could she really handle the job/

Post by grh »

Nomad;755971 wrote: Jimmy Carter was an adulterer ?

Or are you just throwing words around ?

Only in his heart... and I'm pretty sure it was just in regards to that one rabbit on a lake...:thinking:
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Hillary Cries on TV. Could she really handle the job/

Post by grh »

Jester;755993 wrote: oh yuk! thats beastiality! with a not so beasty beast! :-3

Wasn't that him that got attacked in a bost -on the lake- by a rabbit - while he was fishing?:wah:
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Hillary Cries on TV. Could she really handle the job/

Post by Wolverine »

weeder;755151 wrote: ... it might have been staged. ....


did you see it? it was totaly fake. She pulled a Betty Davis; plucked a nose hair to get a tear.

Get your mind out of the gutter - it's blocking my view

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Hillary Cries on TV. Could she really handle the job/

Post by grh »

Wolverine;756023 wrote: might????

did you see it? it was totaly fake. She pulled a Betty Davis; plucked a nose hair to get a tear.
NO WAY paleface!:mad:

She did that 'hiccup gasp' us women do when we are reaching for control... no way the little lady faked those tears!:D
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Hillary Cries on TV. Could she really handle the job/

Post by Wolverine »

changinglanes;755203 wrote: could be menopause?

you are my new favorite Gardner.

Get your mind out of the gutter - it's blocking my view

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Hillary Cries on TV. Could she really handle the job/

Post by Wolverine »

grh;756026 wrote: NO WAY paleface!:mad:

She did that 'hiccup gasp' us women do when we are reaching for control... no way the little lady faked those tears!:D


Get your mind out of the gutter - it's blocking my view

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Hillary Cries on TV. Could she really handle the job/

Post by LilacDragon »

Wolverine;756034 wrote: what....ever

OMG! Did you just give her the hand!?!

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Hillary Cries on TV. Could she really handle the job/

Post by abbey »

Whatever, it seems it got exactly what she wanted. :rolleyes:
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Hillary Cries on TV. Could she really handle the job/

Post by abbey »

grh;756026 wrote: NO WAY paleface!:mad:

She did that 'hiccup gasp' us women do when we are reaching for control... no way the little lady faked those tears!:DI can fake it, I often do :D
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Hillary Cries on TV. Could she really handle the job/

Post by Accountable »

abbey;756049 wrote: I can fake it, I often do :D
Often, eh? :sneaky:
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Hillary Cries on TV. Could she really handle the job/

Post by spot »

fuzzy butt;756063 wrote: could someone here fill us in on her policies and her promises? and what are the others offering?There are other threads doing that, this one's about crying at the cameras.

I'm not sure whether daddy Bush ever did - he chucked up over the head honcho of Japan once, I remember that, it struck me at the time as a lack of control. As for his lad, I distinctly recall him blubbing at the cameras too but being a guy and all it wasn't held against him. Has anyone mentioned that for comparison? Should I look it up?
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Hillary Cries on TV. Could she really handle the job/

Post by drumbunny1 »

Was Bush crying after 9/11? Or something else.....and What exactly was Ol' Hillary crying over the first place?
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Hillary Cries on TV. Could she really handle the job/

Post by spot »

drumbunny1;756136 wrote: Was Bush crying after 9/11? Or something else.....and What exactly was Ol' Hillary crying over the first place?

I don't recall the President being visibly moved in the days after his administration dropped that particular catch. Perhaps he ought to have been.

There's scattered news reports over the years for them both doing it, father and son, but nobody thought it was big news unlike this week's Hillary's-not-up-to-it reaction.

"First President Bush sobs while talking of Jeb"

"The tears that slid down his face in public yesterday gave testament to the depth of his feelings. No doubt thousands of others shed them, moved to the quick by the glory of one man's courage."

"Wiping away tears, President Bush told families of slain U.S. servicemen ''we ache for you'' and predicted more American troops would die in the war against terrorism."
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Hillary Cries on TV. Could she really handle the job/

Post by grh »

fuzzy butt;756063 wrote: Hhmm ridiculas!

We are getting a lot of the speeches on our news (sky news ) as each wins that cuacus thingy whatsit.............and so far I'm afraid to say that she's shown more dignity than the others , but I suppose 'dignity' doesnt' run a world power, I'm not up to scratch with her politics or policies.

could someone here fill us in on her policies and her promises? and what are the others offering?


This is kinda interesting. Just don't say where you got the link... I have a reputation as a complete dimwit to maintain...:sneaky::wah:
Who are they to protest me? Who are they? Unless they've been me and been there and know what the hell they're yelling about!


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