An idea for making either money....or enemies.

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An idea for making either money....or enemies.

Post by BabyRider »

Ya' know how everyone wishes they had "the idea." That one idea that will make them millions? I can't believe I'm gonna post this idea, but I'm not sure where else to get input. If this is just nuts, stupid, ridiculous, and the dumbest thing you've ever read, TELL ME. OK...

You're a bar owner. If there was a service available to you that would give you advice for better managing your staff, and at the same time, find thieves, would you use it?

Most of you know that I have been a bartender for a long time. If there's one thing I know, it's running a bar. I know who is stealing, I know who is dealing dope, and I know good service. What if there was a service for bar owners to have someone come in, tell them where their service could improve, and tell them who is stealing from them? It's rampant in every bar I've ever worked in, and every bar owner is convinced that EVERYONE steals from them.

I can't help but think that this could be a marketable service. Have I completely gone off the deep end? Do I spend too much time in front of the computer, frying too many brain cells? Total honesty here, I can take it...Very thick skinned...Sock it to me!
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An idea for making either money....or enemies.

Post by lime-sterman »

If someone does go in and improve the service, and minimized or stopped the theft, how is that going to maintained when that guy leave's?...........unless you leave someone behind who is as zealous about maintaining that level of service and security, or has time to maintain that level of service and security as the guy who introduced it!.........people being people tend to slip back into old habit's,........a system is only as good as the people using it!

Those you get rid of who are suspected of theft and are slack in there dutie's, the new guy's you employ still have to be trained up for the job, it's obviously going to boil down to how much he think's or know's he's losing, and how much he can gain from the service, and how the guy who is offering the service sell's it to them!

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An idea for making either money....or enemies.

Post by BabyRider »

OK, so the problem you see is longevity. Good point, and something I hadn't considered. This "idea" is in the mulling over stage right now. I'm hoping for more feedback, but I'm worried that those who know me here think I'm a moron and are afraid of hurting my feelings!! :yh_rotfl

Thanks for the input Lime!
[FONT=Arial Black]I hope you cherish this sweet way of life, and I hope you know that it comes with a price.
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Bullet's trial was a farce. Can I get an AMEN?????

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An idea for making either money....or enemies.

Post by abbey »

BabyRider wrote: OK, so the problem you see is longevity. Good point, and something I hadn't considered. This "idea" is in the mulling over stage right now. I'm hoping for more feedback, but I'm worried that those who know me here think I'm a moron and are afraid of hurting my feelings!! :yh_rotfl

Thanks for the input Lime!
Never a moron hon..... actually i saw a programme on tv a few years ago about a nightclub that was having a problem with staff ripping him off, so the tv company sent someone in undercover to show him how his staff was robbing him and the guy was amazed, he just did'nt have a clue.
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An idea for making either money....or enemies.

Post by Peg »

I worked at a bar where boss was a total moron. His bar manager was ripping him off big time and he knew it. He let her because she slept with him. She'd try to justify taking money for this or that and I'd just tell her if he don't care, why should I. Just don't involve me.

I now work at a private veterans organization. There are ways to rip them off, but I don't believe any of us are. I handle all the bookwork and computer work for their gambling so I would catch it because every ticket etc. must be accounted for.

Myself, if I owned a bar and felt the need for a service like this, I would have to let go the person/people I did not trust. I would not want people handling my money that I did not have total faith in.

I imagine though there is a need for this service for people who don't want to take the time to carefully watch what is really going on.
A Karenina
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An idea for making either money....or enemies.

Post by A Karenina »

A multi-million dollar idea is never perfect on the first try. So, keep thinking it through, and believe in yourself. :)

Ok, three things off the top of my head.

1) As lime-sterman already mentioned, longevity is important.

2) Cost-effectiveness. If the cost of your service is equal to or more than the cost of the theft, they'll keep the theft.

3) Protecting your idea. How will you handle or control competition which will crop up as soon as your idea proves successful? It'll suck if they have more money to expand than you do. Happens all the time...that cool little correction tape that replaced liquid white-out? Small company started it, made a little bit of money, and then got outfoxed by the bigger players. I don't like big rude foxes. LOL

Who would benefit from your idea besides bar owners? Police? LC? what do you think? Insurance companies so long as their is a policy covering theft. The IRS. They love to meddle in the affairs of companies with cash tips.

Making solid contacts with bigger fish who would get something out of helping you is a good step towards success as well.

Fish and foxes...perhaps it's an Animal Planet night. :D

Now, boldly go forth, keep wrestling with these ideas and even more as they come to you.

You know...I once thought of an invention, and I talked about it in public. Two years later some woman was making money by selling a product identical to the one I made up. You just never know. :)
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An idea for making either money....or enemies.

Post by valerie »

Sorry, BR, when I read your post I kept thinking of the movie Road House!!!

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An idea for making either money....or enemies.

Post by spot »

It's a good idea, BR, think about extend it to hotels. They have even bigger security issues and far more money. If you introduce yourself to the general managers and tell them you'll work for a tenth of what you save them, that ought to catch their attention, hotels or bar owners.
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An idea for making either money....or enemies.

Post by turbonium »

Looks like there are some similar consulting services out there - I found a couple on the web - see links

bar security

nightclub biz

Employee theft

But - Maybe your idea is different? Or you can market it with more focus on the overall cost benefits....

As a business owner, I can tell you the number one thing to do is...

Draw up a business plan - include market appeal & potential market size (survey bar managers), cost-benefit analysis for customers, your profit potential (margins), startup costs, competition analysis, etc.

Good luck....
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An idea for making either money....or enemies.

Post by weeder »

BabyRider wrote: OK, so the problem you see is longevity. Good point, and something I hadn't considered. This "idea" is in the mulling over stage right now. I'm hoping for more feedback, but I'm worried that those who know me here think I'm a moron and are afraid of hurting my feelings!! :yh_rotfl

Thanks for the input Lime!
The service you are describing exists. There are companys that do those very things. In restaurants, bars and stores.
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An idea for making either money....or enemies.

Post by spot »

The fact that the service exists doesn't stop you from offering it, of course. It gives you the chance to compare your pitch with others, too. It shows you there's a market for what you're proposing. It'll persuade the bank manager that you're not offering just hot air. You aren't trying to build a franchise or a monopoly, you're trying to cut in on a profitable sector.

Besides, having thought a lot of it through in isolation, you may well have good ideas there that nobody else has offered.
Nullius in verba ... ☎||||||||||| ... To Fate I sue, of other means bereft, the only refuge for the wretched left.
When flower power came along I stood for Human Rights, marched around for peace and freedom, had some nooky every night - we took it serious.
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