Pinhole Photography ?

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Pinhole Photography ?

Post by RedGlitter »

Has anyone here ever tried taking pictures with a pinhole camera? This is a camera made out of a box or similar thing with no lens, just a tiny hole that allows sunlight to come in. I have been wanting to try it because the photos come out very moody and interesting. I would like to know if I have to use special film or will regular 35mm work? Also can it be developed like regular film or does it require me to do it myself? (no darkroom or knowledge of that stuff here)

I haven't found any real helpful sites on pinhole so if anyone here has one, or some advice, I'd be appreciative! Thank you.

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Pinhole Photography ?

Post by spot »

My town has Pinhole Camera Workshops every year, quite often at the floating harbour or in parks during the summer. The local style is usually based on an empty beer can.

The thing you can't do is put an entire spool of film in the camera you make, because you're not going to be a good enough engineer to fit a film advance mechanism. That means the negative you take - if you take a negative - will already be a cut negative, and you can't send that off for processing the way you can send a spool.

What mostly happens in practice is you put photographic paper into the pinhole camera, not film. The paper needs processing by hand but you don't fiddle with an enlarger. If you get away from beer cans you can go quite large - I have it in mind that the largest photo in the world was taken as a pinhole picture.

If yu want to try black and white the processing is dead simple, fairly cheap and tremendously satisfying. You'd need a room you can make dark, three trays - clean baking trays are fine - and a liquid kitchen measure, nothing else. You want me to talk you through it in more detail, to help make your mind up?
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Pinhole Photography ?

Post by Indian Princess »

No idea, but when you get the pics developed post them so we can see please.
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Pinhole Photography ?

Post by spot »

This has to be the most beautiful handmade pinhole camera I've ever come across. Not really relevant to the thread but just wow.
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Pinhole Photography ?

Post by Sheryl »

You'll need access to running water when developing, so make your dark room in the bathroom or kitchen if possible. You'll also need to put in a red bulb, unless you wanna work totally in the dark. Oh and most important..good ventilation. The chemicals stink badly, but watching your pictures develop helps you brave the smell. :wah:

Here's a link I found
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Pinhole Photography ?

Post by RedGlitter »

Spot and Sheryl, thank you for all that information! I'm not well versed in photography as of yet but there will be classes in my future so I will keep all that you said in mind. I've never done anything in a darkroom or any of that serious stuff, I just take pictures and get them developed at the store. In other words, I know little but appreciate much.

Spot, that skull camera is really something! I have read that pinholes can be made from all sorts of things (even seashells) and now I believe it!

Thank you both! Another question, have either of you taken pinhole photos and if so, is there any chance of seeing some? :)
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Pinhole Photography ?

Post by Sheryl »

No I haven't. All my experience is mainly dark room, and that's been years ago. I want to look into the pinhole camera though. That sounds like a really cool thing to check out.
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Pinhole Photography ?

Post by RedGlitter »

Hey Sheryl,

Here are a couple links for you.

Examples of photos:

How to make an oatmeal box camera, taking and developing, etc:

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