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Post by koan »

Far Rider;690654 wrote:

1. Salvation occurs when:____________.

2. God is (as best you can define him/her/it in human terms) ____________.

3. I must avoid_____________ in order to be in right standing with God.

4. I must do ______________ in order to be in right standing with God.

5. Is there any denomination that you whole heartedly agree with on all subject matter having to do with God?

6. How did you come to this information about God?

7. On a scale from 1-10, (10 being the absolutely sure as the sunrise, and 1 being I'm as nervous as a long tail can in a room full of rocking chairs about being wrong) tell me how sure you are of the above answers.

1. you stop trying to be and start being

2. everything and no thing

3. fear

4. my best

5. no

6. 'knowing' and 'feeling' at the same time

7. 10
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Post by Ali. »

Well sais thy neighbour, turn the other cheek,eye for an eye,let he who cast the first stone be without guilt,all sounds good but hard to do sometimes.:)
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Post by Clint »

Far Rider;690654 wrote: Without naming your denomination in particular, I'd like to see how we answer these questions and/or make a statement about these subjects.

It is not necessary to list specific bible verses, just put it in your own words.

1. Salvation occurs when:____________.

2. God is (as best you can define him/her/it in human terms) ____________.

3. I must avoid_____________ in order to be in right standing with God.

4. I must do ______________ in order to be in right standing with God.

5. Is there any denomination that you whole heartedly agree with on all subject matter having to do with God?

6. How did you come to this information about God?

7. On a scale from 1-10, (10 being the absolutely sure as the sunrise, and 1 being I'm as nervous as a long tail can in a room full of rocking chairs about being wrong) tell me how sure you are of the above answers.

1. You realize you can't save yourself no matter what you do so you accept God's grace.

2. Love, hope, provision, healing, creator, peace, justice, redemption and on and on

3. Focusing on myself

4. My best to please God because I want to

5. No

6. By responding to the spirit within me responding to the Spirit of God

7. Today?
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Post by theia »

Far Rider;690654 wrote: Without naming your denomination in particular, I'd like to see how we answer these questions and/or make a statement about these subjects.

It is not necessary to list specific bible verses, just put it in your own words.

1. Salvation occurs when:____________.

2. God is (as best you can define him/her/it in human terms) ____________.

3. I must avoid_____________ in order to be in right standing with God.

4. I must do ______________ in order to be in right standing with God.

5. Is there any denomination that you whole heartedly agree with on all subject matter having to do with God?

6. How did you come to this information about God?

7. On a scale from 1-10, (10 being the absolutely sure as the sunrise, and 1 being I'm as nervous as a long tail can in a room full of rocking chairs about being wrong) tell me how sure you are of the above answers.

love replaces fear

beyond thought, and unconditional love

relying on my own voice instead of God's

be still and listen


being still and listening

Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answers...Rainer Maria Rilke
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Post by dunkin »

Without naming your denomination in particular, I'd like to see how we answer these questions and/or make a statement about these subjects.

It is not necessary to list specific bible verses, just put it in your own words.

1. Salvation occurs when:___you are baptized_________.

2. God is (as best you can define him/her/it in human terms) _Love 1John4:8 ___________.

3. I must avoid__bad association 1 corinthians 15:33___________ in order to be in right standing with God.

4. I must do _gods will matt24:14in order to be in right standing with God.

5. Is there any denomination that you whole heartedly agree with on all subject matter having to do with God? Yes there is

6. How did you come to this information about God?I was taught by a very close friend

7. On a scale from 1-10, (10 being the absolutely sure as the sunrise, and 1 being I'm as nervous as a long tail can in a room full of rocking chairs about being wrong) tell me how sure you are of the above answers.10+
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Post by gmc »

Far Rider;690654 wrote: Without naming your denomination in particular, I'd like to see how we answer these questions and/or make a statement about these subjects.

It is not necessary to list specific bible verses, just put it in your own words.

1. Salvation occurs when:____________.

2. God is (as best you can define him/her/it in human terms) ____________.

3. I must avoid_____________ in order to be in right standing with God.

4. I must do ______________ in order to be in right standing with God.

5. Is there any denomination that you whole heartedly agree with on all subject matter having to do with God?

6. How did you come to this information about God?

7. On a scale from 1-10, (10 being the absolutely sure as the sunrise, and 1 being I'm as nervous as a long tail can in a room full of rocking chairs about being wrong) tell me how sure you are of the above answers.

1. Salvation occurs when: You come to believe you have found it.

2. God is or isn't. you have to decide yourself not have someone tell you what to believe.

3. I must avoid_____________ in order to be in right standing with God.

If you believe you have to decide that for yourself

4. I must do ______________ in order to be in right standing with God.

see above.

5. Is there any denomination that you whole heartedly agree with on all subject matter having to do with God?


6. How did you come to this information about God?

there is no information that is provable only circumstantial evidence.

7. On a scale from 1-10, (10 being the absolutely sure as the sunrise, and 1 being I'm as nervous as a long tail can in a room full of rocking chairs about being wrong) tell me how sure you are of the above answers.

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Post by spot »

koan;690656 wrote: 1. you stop trying to be and start being

2. everything and no thing

3. fear

4. my best

5. no

6. 'knowing' and 'feeling' at the same time

7. 10

Those fit wonderfully as a Christian catechism. It's not strange at all, really.

1. Salvation occurs when Jesus' voice is heard and the door opened. Loss of faith, though not necessarily further occasion of sin, revokes it.

2. God is what He shall be, revealing Himself in those who have discarded all values.

3. I must avoid pride in order to be in right standing with God.

4. I must empty my will in order to be in right standing with God.

5. I would find it impossible to disagree with any fundamental precept of Methodism as a Society within the Church of England.

6. Conforming to the image of Christ reveals God.

7. I'm sure of the above answers, as applied to myself, to a scale value of ten. As applied to anyone else, to a scale value of one.
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Post by KB. »

Far Rider;690654 wrote: Without naming your denomination in particular, I'd like to see how we answer these questions and/or make a statement about these subjects.

It is not necessary to list specific bible verses, just put it in your own words.

1. Salvation occurs when:____________.

2. God is (as best you can define him/her/it in human terms) ____________.

3. I must avoid_____________ in order to be in right standing with God.

4. I must do ______________ in order to be in right standing with God.

5. Is there any denomination that you whole heartedly agree with on all subject matter having to do with God?

6. How did you come to this information about God?

7. On a scale from 1-10, (10 being the absolutely sure as the sunrise, and 1 being I'm as nervous as a long tail can in a room full of rocking chairs about being wrong) tell me how sure you are of the above answers.

1. You put your faith in God instead of man.

2. Faith incarnate

3. Hate

4. Treat others like I would wish to be treated; regardless of creed, color, gender, or standing.

5. Nope

6. Personal experience tempered with a Christian upbringing.

7. 10 (Faith leaves no room for doubt)

I could write a thesis on each of those questions, but for the sake of others I didn't.
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Post by WonderWendy3 »

Far Rider;690654 wrote: Without naming your denomination in particular, I'd like to see how we answer these questions and/or make a statement about these subjects.

It is not necessary to list specific bible verses, just put it in your own words.

1. Salvation occurs when:____________.

2. God is (as best you can define him/her/it in human terms) ____________.

3. I must avoid_____________ in order to be in right standing with God.

4. I must do ______________ in order to be in right standing with God.

5. Is there any denomination that you whole heartedly agree with on all subject matter having to do with God?

6. How did you come to this information about God?

7. On a scale from 1-10, (10 being the absolutely sure as the sunrise, and 1 being I'm as nervous as a long tail can in a room full of rocking chairs about being wrong) tell me how sure you are of the above answers.

1. I accepted Jesus as my Savior.

2. Alpha and Omega, beginning and end, the Great I am, the loving God that gave his only begotten son so that he who believes in him shall have everlasting life.

3. temptation of sin

4. my best (good works won't get me into heaven)

5. I don't hold a denomination accountable for my belief in God. I do attend a Baptist Church and agree with the doctrine taught there. I have also attended other denominations and as long as the Gospel is Preached and the Bible is believed to be the inherient (sp?) word of God...I'm good:)

6. A sweet friend took me to a Womens' conference/dinner and there was a lady speaker there that shared her testimony and then gave the invitation, and I accepted!!

7. 10 :)
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Post by Ted »

There is only one problem with the OP list. It is all about "me" and that is the first thing we must let go of. Let go and let be.

Definitely contrary to the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth. He was concerned about all others and we are to be as well.


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Post by Ted »


I was raised in a very f/l church and did change what I believed. Without trying to keep the f/l debate moving the fact is I found it contrary to the life and teachings of Jesus and indeed quite evil.

When a fundamentalist tells a parent at the funeral of a new born that the child died because the parents had unconfessed sins and thus the baby was taken to make the point I get a little more than upset. This happened at the funeral. That is evil. That mother never got over that satanic fiasco and took it to the grave with her.

I listened every Sunday to how the RC's, or the Presbyterians or the Anglicans were doomed to hell because of this or that.

This was one church but most in the same denomination take the same attitude. May God have mercy on them.

Though I do not believe in the existence of the devil as such I call it satanic in a midrashic and metaphorical sense. I would not enter that church or the others for any reason.

There are other reasons as well but that should give folks an idea. We have one here one the island of a different denomination and they have the same attitude. Nothing other that bull sh-t fits how I feel.


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Post by Ted »


I can appreciate what you are saying.

There were many other things that went on in that and many other churches.

I was and am a firm believer in the reality of the God that we see manifested in Jesus of Nazareth. Since I had a firm belief in the divine reality I knew they were wrong and began to look elsewhere.

After years of formal and informal study which continues to this day I have come to believe as I do. With all sincerity I firmly believe that I have been led to my position by the Holy Spirit and have gained a confidence beyond anything that I could ever imagine. I live in a developing transforming relationship with the risen Lord.

Just to add that what I have said I am very passionate about and firmly believe that I am heading the the right direction. My faith has become a part of my whole life.


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Post by Ted »


And I the same for you.


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Post by Clint »

I don’t know what got into me when I answered #7 above. I do know I have been going through some real struggles with why I believe what I believe. Some of the paradigms I’ve lived in up until recently have been melting.

I’ve quit reading the Bible like a text book I will one day be tested on. In fact, I now read it for meaning and purpose without worrying about whether or not it was properly interpreted in the past or if every word is directly from God. I’m simply too small in the scheme of things to have those answers. There is so much truth in it I’ll never live long enough to grasp, I don’t have to think about the things that may be questionable. I now compare what the Bible says to what God says that isn’t in the Bible in my search for truth.

What I mean is, as I see it, God created me in His image. I also know he wants to communicate with me. Knowing that, I have to assume that since He created me to communicate most nonverbally, then by speaking and last by writing, He must communicate similarly. I see Him as communicating first through His creation, second trough His Spirit and third through His written word. When all three line up, I know I have truth I can depend on.

God’s love for me is made clear by my experience in His creation (nonverbal), through His Spirit (spoken) and in the Bible (written). His desire to save me from evil is also clear through all three forms of communication. I am convinced of and believe in these and other truths. I would say then, that making me quit believing in the Word (Jesus) and the Holy Spirit who helps me understand The Word along with the Word giver aint gonna happen.
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Post by Clint »

Far Rider;691808 wrote: Clint my experince has been similar, but from an early age I was shown to read the bible from the perspective that God was revealing his character and attributes through the written word, so that when faced with decisions the Holy Spirit used the written word of God and what I understood as Gods character to guide me to doing whats right.

I think we are saying the same things.

Its' that very thing that makes me so sure that the bible is as accurate and perfect as can be, the proof has been that God has spoken to me to help me make the right decisions, the result has been harmony and contentment when I obeyed, and to my shame disruption of communication and closeness with God when I disobeyed.

It nearly impossible for me to waver under the activity and proof that God works in my life.

When I say I know, its because of first hand mistakes and obedience.

I let a cowboy talk me into taking a youth group to an indoor arena one winter. He said he had a valuable lesson to teach the kids. I trusted him and I was glad I did.

He had a beautiful paint pony he was training. He would walk the horse at his side and when it would try to go its own way or act up he would simply separate himself from it by turning away, clearly leaving the pony without his presence. The pony would be visibly disturbed by his rejection and correct its behavior.

The cowboy explained to the kids (and me) that God is that way. When we misbehave, he withdraws letting us know what it’s like without him. We feel the separation and either respond by drawing back into his presence or prolonging the separation with its discomfort.
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Post by Clint »

Far Rider;691813 wrote: Thats an excellnt example, I think God does turn his face away form us when we have known sin in our lives, but I dont believe he steps away from us, I believe we sometimes think we know better and step away from God... meaning we choose to follow our own ideas. I have heard it said before that as a believer if you wake up one day and find yourself far from God it isnt God that moved away, it was us that moved. The lesson is that God remins faithful we seperate ourselves. I have to admit through my own times of backsliding that it fits, and is true.

I agree. We do the stepping away. He never leaves us. He may give us some room to feel distanced in though. Of course I wouldn't know since I never backslide.:D
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Post by Clint »

Far Rider;691816 wrote: ahahahah sometimes I think my back came with rollerskate wheels! :wah:
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Post by Clint »

Far Rider;691825 wrote: Hey when you were a kid did your parents make you go to church?

When I was 10 my Dad filled in for the adult Sunday School hour, and as fortune woudl have it my graded class was canseled due to teacher illness... so we all had to go in with our parents...

In that sermon my Dad told the group that a man should choose services on his own, and if he was being forced to go, he was being hypictritical... he was talking about adults who go to church out of respect for their parents even though they may be out of the home and have families on thier own...

Well when my dad said it, I looked at him wide eyed, and he knew I was gonna bring it up at supper!

I got out of church for two Sundays on that one! Then my dad changed his mind!


I was raised in a conservative, liturgical denomination. Dad was always involved. When I was in the parochial school dad was on the school board. I was required to attend but I don’t remember having a problem with it.

When I was 14 I was all signed up to go to seminary but backed out because I was going to have to leave home to do it. I later chose military over playing football at a Christian university. It was then I put the rollers on my back and left them there for several years.
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Post by Clint »

Far Rider;692199 wrote: I've come to the conclusion that its a heck of a lot easier to die for God than it is to live for Him.

How true. This business of being disciplined so I can grow gets tough. There's a flip side to that too though...if it's not easy I know I'm being disciplined and I'm still being molded by the Master's hand.

I wonder if it stops on the other side of the Jordan or if it continues and we jsut see it for what it is and no longer rebel against it.
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Post by Clint »

Far Rider;692455 wrote: I imagine your right, we will be mature after death, but not being 'Gods' ourselves we wont be perfect. There has to be more learning... I just hope it doesnt involve more math classes!
If there's a math class I'm going to apply the math to checking coordinates to be sure I'm in the right place.:wah:
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Post by caesar777 »

Far Rider;690654 wrote:

1. Salvation occurs when:____________.

2. God is (as best you can define him/her/it in human terms) ____________.

3. I must avoid_____________ in order to be in right standing with God.

4. I must do ______________ in order to be in right standing with God.

5. Is there any denomination that you whole heartedly agree with on all subject matter having to do with God?

6. How did you come to this information about God?

7. On a scale from 1-10, (10 being the absolutely sure as the sunrise, and 1 being I'm as nervous as a long tail can in a room full of rocking chairs about being wrong) tell me how sure you are of the above answers.

1: You give yourself to "the whole".

2: All.

3: Selfishness.

4: For others.

5: Definately not!

6: Intuition, conscience, feeling.

7: 9.5
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