floating earth religion

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floating earth religion

Post by iesous »

The priests of the Floating Earth Religion teach us that the earth is a rotating ball within the vaccum space

But they never give real proofs, but speculations. We can build a cheap and simple device to show that the earth does not rotate at all, using a protractor, tying around it a piece of transparent hose, putting within it a ball that can move freely when the unit protractor-hose is inclined. Use a ribbon or cord for holding the unit around the head

Many other models can be built

Having the sun 90º above you [with protective lenses] you rotate your head toward the horizont until you can not see the sun any longer, a second person will tell you how many degree you head moved, and that is.

The above means that if the earth is a rotating ball,l after having rotated around 20º the object above you would be out of your field sight [of the spot where you are]. The same would be having the sun going around a fixed earth.

In the real life you [and the spot where you are] see the sun beyond "90º"[15º is 1 hour, 30º is 2 hours, and so on]. At the parallel 8º, where I live, the sun is still visisble beyond 6:45 evening, which is beyond the 90º!. All of these prove that the earth is not a globe and it doesn't rotate.

There are other meassurements that prove the same, in the site elvelwater and hoaxology you find a lot of more simple proofs, the "damned mathematicians" and their virtual worlds which the impose to us as real things. In there you will find the true behind the RELATIVITY, as Einstein declared:

... Soon I came to the conclusion that our idea about the motion of the Earth... is incorrect, if we admit Michelson's null result as a fact...[48]

I invite you to read and share this and the above sites, you also can read the 100 proofs that the earth is not a globe

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floating earth religion

Post by buttercup »

Excuse my ignorance on the subject but how is this a religion? Who do you worship?
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floating earth religion

Post by Galbally »

buttercup;646381 wrote: Excuse my ignorance on the subject but how is this a religion? Who do you worship?

I think its the "Flat Earth Society" people again, I wouldn't worry too much about it. Great graphics though, whatever they are. :wah:
"We are never so happy, never so unhappy, as we imagine"

Le Rochefoucauld.

"A smack in the face settles all arguments, then you can move on kid."

My dad 1986.
Richard Bell
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floating earth religion

Post by Richard Bell »

buttercup;646381 wrote: Excuse my ignorance on the subject but how is this a religion? Who do you worship?

After reading the OP, I'd say that religion worships what all religions worship :

...ignorance and mumbo jumbo.
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floating earth religion

Post by iesous »

buttercup;646381 wrote: Excuse my ignorance on the subject but how is this a religion? Who do you worship?


All the believers in a round floating earth belive that without having any real proof, they believe that their priests can show easily the proofs, they never care in investigating them, for instance, the proofs given for the high priest Galileo


With a telescope one can not see the earth revolving around the sun, how could Galileo?

Galileo always acted as if he had all the proofs, but did not, and could not, present them, as he said, because no one else was intelligent enough to understand them. Koestler writes, “He employs his usual tactics of refuting his opponent's thesis without proving his own.”

As Galileo did not work empirically (cf. Thesis 7), but regarded the Copernican system as an axiom, he did not feel the need for proofs. Not until he was put under pressure because he presented the Copernican system as proven, did he get into difficulties.

When Cardinal Bellarmine, who was responsible for the Court of Inquisition, asked Galileo in a friendly way for his proofs, so that he could accept his theory as proven theory, and asked him otherwise to present his Copernican theory as hypothesis only, Galileo answered in a harsh letter, that he was not willing to present his evidences, because no one could really understand them. Koestler comments on this:

“How can he refuse to produce proof and at the same time demand that the matter should be treated as if proven? The solution of the dilemma was to pretend that he had the proof, but to refuse to produce it, on the grounds that his opponents were too stupid, anyway, to understand.”

Galileo reacted in a similar way after the pope himself asked for proofs. Koestler writes about an earlier letter from 1613, “But Galileo did not want to bear the burden of proof; for the crux of the matter is, as will be seen, that he had no proof.”

taken from hoaxologyl

The proofs of the high priest Einstein are only thought experiments. The high Priest Cavendish never did any experiment with balls hanging within an vaccum space, but all the system was connected to the ground where any small vibration, heat or any other small force is transmitted to any part of the system, and so has done the others high priests.

The GREAT NASA CAPITOLIO covered them with APOLLO, let's listen late William Cooper [whenever you have time, please read his majestytwelve]:

To make interstellar travel believable NASA was created. The Apollo Space Program foisted the idea that man could travel to, and walk upon, the moon. Every Apollo mission was carefully rehearsed and then filmed in large sound stages at the Atomic Energy Commissions Top Secret test site in the Nevada Desert and in a secured and guarded sound stage at the Walt Disney Studios within which was a huge scale mock-up of the moon.

All names, missions, landing sites, and events in the Apollo Space Program echo the occult metaphors, rituals, and symbology of the Illuminati's secret religion. The most transparent was the faked explosion on the spacecraft Apollo 13, named "Aquarius" (new age) at 1:13 (1313 military time) on April 13, 1970 which was the metaphor for the initiation ceremony involving the death (explosion), placement in the coffin (period of uncertainty of their survival), communion with the spiritual world and the imparting of esoteric knowledge to the candidate (orbit and observation of the moon without physical contact), rebirth of the initiate (solution of problem and repairs), and the raising up (of the Phoenix, the new age of Aquarius) by the grip of the lions paw (reentry and recovery of Apollo 13). 13 is the number of death and rebirth, death and reincarnation, sacrifice, the Phoenix, the Christ (perfected soul imprisoned in matter), and the transition from the old to the new. Another revelation to those who understand the symbolic language of the Illuminati is the hidden meaning of the names of the Space Shuttles, "A Colombian Enterprise to Endeavor for the Discovery of Atlantis... and all Challengers shall be destroyed."

Exploration of the moon stopped because it was impossible to continue the hoax without being discovered. And of course they ran out of pre-filmed episodes.

Before CIA killed him, he wrote:

The World Trade Center bombing, the bombing of the Oklahoma City Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building and mass shootings by mental and ex-mental patients of large numbers of men, women and children (Stockton California and many others) were, and will continue to be intentional acts of war designed to spread terror and a feeling of helplessness. Most of the ex or current mental patients who have perpetrated these acts are in fact innocent victims of mind control projects that are in activation to further the interests of the socialist new world order.

You and me can testify about this and about the coming evants.

Dear, if I have answered your first question then I can go to answer the second one, are you with me?
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floating earth religion

Post by buttercup »

iesous;646434 wrote:

Dear, if I have answered your first question then I can go to answer the second one, are you with me?

Oh no hun im nowhere near with you, i stopped taking acid in the eighties.
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Bill Sikes
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floating earth religion

Post by Bill Sikes »

iesous;646313 wrote: I invite you to read and share this and the above sites, you also can read the 100 proofs that the earth is not a globe

Of course it's not a globe, if by that you mean a sphere. It's an oblate spheroid. This was known in what, the 17th. century? Please try to keep up!
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floating earth religion

Post by iesous »

Bill Sikes;646496 wrote: Of course it's not a globe, if by that you mean a sphere. It's an oblate spheroid. This was known in what, the 17th. century? Please try to keep up!

Bill the oblate spheroid to which you refer

doesn't correspond with "images" of NOAA and NASA

they are shown in the hoaxology

I think you must read it in order to know the math about it, and the math hoax prepared by Mathematicians.
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Bill Sikes
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floating earth religion

Post by Bill Sikes »

iesous;646516 wrote: Bill

Pish. That's a real word, by the way, not a made-up one, or a hoax.
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floating earth religion

Post by iesous »

Galbally;646396 wrote: I think its the "Flat Earth Society" people again, I wouldn't worry too much about it. Great graphics though, whatever they are. :wah:

I don't belong to tha society, I am alone: I like to take measurements and compare them with expected value, that is simple. I don't give any credit to opinions based on thought experiments, fantasies, myths and all those things.

For instance, can you tell how Johannes Kepler meassured the distances among the planets, and betwen the planets and the sun? I have searched the web for knowing how he did it, but I have not found yet, I have wonder astronoms and none of them has answer in almost five years, until then the only thing that I have is Kepler`s Word:


[268] As regards that which I prophesied two and twenty years ago (especially that the five regular solids are found between the celestial spheres), as regards that of which I was firmly persuaded in my own mind before I has seen Ptolemy's Harmonies, as regards that which I promised my friends in the title of this fifth book before I was sure of the thing itself, that which, sixteen years ago, in a published statement, I insisted must be investigated, for the sake of which I spent the best part of my life in astronomical speculations, visited Tycho Brahe, [269] and took up residence at Prague:


I am free to give myself up to the sacred madness, I am free to taunt mortals with the frank confession that I am stealing the golden vessels of the Egyptians, in order to build a temple for my God, far from the territory of Egypt. If you pardon me, I shall rejoice; if you are enraged, I shall bear up.
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floating earth religion

Post by Ted »

I find it rather incredible that anyone would actually think the world is anything other than a sphere or close to it. Perhaps flat earth was a prehistoric invention. LOL


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floating earth religion

Post by weinbeck »

Ted;651825 wrote: I find it rather incredible that anyone would actually think the world is anything other than a sphere or close to it. Perhaps flat earth was a prehistoric invention. LOL



Ted, not that we need this piffle, but surely the easiest way to prove to anyone that the earth is round is to have a yacht sail directly towards the horizon - it doesnt just get smaller and smaller. As the main hull dips over the horizon, all you will see will be the mast which will then get shorter and shorter until it too, dissappears from sight. Clever, eh?
The Rob
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floating earth religion

Post by The Rob »

weinbeck;656856 wrote: Ted, not that we need this piffle, but surely the easiest way to prove to anyone that the earth is round is to have a yacht sail directly towards the horizon - it doesnt just get smaller and smaller. As the main hull dips over the horizon, all you will see will be the mast which will then get shorter and shorter until it too, dissappears from sight. Clever, eh?

No, see, that's when the monster gets it.
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floating earth religion

Post by weinbeck »

I, Rob;656874 wrote: No, see, that's when the monster gets it.

:wah: :D :yh_rotfl :yh_rotfl
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floating earth religion

Post by weinbeck »

I, Rob;656874 wrote: No, see, that's when the monster gets it.

No doubt his name was Puff - PUFF, I SAID, NOT POOF!
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floating earth religion

Post by iesous »

That are the proofs: just imagination, expeculation; rejection of math application

The clouds are not traveling on the water surface even though by the perspective law they descend and hide behind the horizont line

The following Oil Platform is 10 km from lense'eye

And the legs of the platform are visible above the water line, if a tangent were traced along the mid point between the legs, the water line would be arched below the tangent line, which doesn't occur

I invite you to read levelwater level water

Early wakeup. I've had problems getting a good sleep during 15 hrs flying over the ocean. Ulli is fine. We rent our survival gear, file a flight plan, preflight the aircraft, fill up the tanks and mount ourselves into the survival suits. The leg is to Rejkiavik, Iceland. Around 7.20 UTC N18AP departs Europe from Runway 13 in Wick. Climbout takes a while at gross, but after 17 mins we settle at level 110 heading to Iceland. A light tailwind gently adds to our groundspeed. The weather is clear at 110. Sometimes we pick up patches of CU and SC underneath. The Ocean is flat as a pond and the engine is running smooth...

There is no way to convince the Mariners of anything different.

On her way through the vast Pacific Ocean the flat and inviting waters were so appealing that HMS Cornwall's Commanding Officer, Capt Tim McClements, decided that the ship's company should not miss this opportunity to take a break from their busy operational program and cool off.

http://www.ndbc.noaa.gov/educate/windspeed.shtml ... Are wind speeds the same over land as they are over the ocean? ...When you think about it, the water surface and the land surface are quite different! The land surface is characterized by mountains, trees, buildings, plants, rocks, mud, sand, etc. The ocean surface is characterized by relatively flat water!! So, do you think wind speeds are the same over land and water?

Q18: What is the horizontal resolution of the TOPEX/Poseidon altimeters?

The measurement geometry and operation principles of the TOPEX Altimeter are very well described in D. B. Chelton, et als, "Pulse compression and sea level tracking in satellite altimetry", J. Atmospheric and Oceanic Tech., Vol 6, #3, June 1989.

The altimeter footprint for ocean applications (or other very flat surfaces, relief less than 100 m) is determined by the compressed pulse length (3.125 nsec), the satellite altitude, and the significant wave height. At the TOPEX altitude of 1335 km, the footprint diameter varies from 2.0 km at 0 m SWH (not very realistic) to 5.5 km at 3 m SWH (typical of open ocean) to 11.7 km at 15 m SWH (about the highest observed during the TOPEX mission).
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floating earth religion

Post by Ted »



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floating earth religion

Post by Gannet101 »

Mat 12:36 But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.

You have been warned. Why don't you keep your mockery to yourself.
The Rob
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floating earth religion

Post by The Rob »

Gannet101;671140 wrote: Mat 12:36 But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.

You have been warned. Why don't you keep your mockery to yourself.

To whom do you direct this statement? :-2
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Bryn Mawr
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floating earth religion

Post by Bryn Mawr »

I, Rob;671371 wrote: To whom do you direct this statement? :-2

To the aether - no-one else is listening to him
The Rob
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floating earth religion

Post by The Rob »

Bryn Mawr;671373 wrote: To the aether - no-one else is listening to him

Ah. Carry on, then.
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floating earth religion

Post by Gannet101 »

Bryn Mawr;671373 wrote: To the aether - no-one else is listening to him

Mar 6:11 And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear you, when ye depart thence, shake off the dust under your feet for a testimony against them. Verily I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of judgment, than for that city.

Luk 10:16 He that heareth you heareth me; and he that despiseth you despiseth me; and he that despiseth me despiseth him that sent me.
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