Should suicide be legal?

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Should suicide be legal?

Post by Nomad »

Sanctioning it would make it less of of a last act of desperation. It should always be a last act of desperation.
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Should suicide be legal?

Post by laneybug »

magenta flame;598017 wrote: Red hot emotion? Takes a bit more than that to get me emotional I'm afraid . I do not look at a human being as equivlant to an animal. never have, never will.

Okay what kind of suffering do we allow ? emotional? physical? mental? these are all forms of suffering that need our constant attention. Now who is to say that emotional suffering or mental suffering is less painful than physical? Do we begin ending peoples lives because of emotional suffering? If someone says to you that they can't handle their schizophrenia and the drugs they have to take that make them feel constantly sick and miserable, do we help them to die? If they so wish it?

A terminal illness? Well lets see here, when do we pull the plug on them? when the physical suffering is unbearable? or sooner to escape the physical suffering that is to come? As for the physical suffering becoming unbearable doctors and medical staff world wide help people to die. You take away their meds and up their pain relief medication so they die naturally. It's done all the time and doesn't need to be taken out of the hands of doctors to be done as a home job.

what is being spoken of here is the 'date' to administer a death. That is not natural . You can't just pull the pin on someone just because they hurt or are ill.

albeit if their illness has got to the point where their body is literally shutting down and they are literally dying then that is another matter. And as i mentioned before doctors take care of that.

So tell me which suffering do we take notice of and which do we say may linger.

We'll have to agree to disagree........My philosophy on life doesn't come down to ."Just die"

You don't have to agree. But you're missing some of the point. I'm not talking about taking another person's life based on my understanding of pain and suffering. I will not assist someone dying simply because they ask me to. I'm talking about that person making their own personal choice about their life. If a schizophrenia wants to die, so be it. If a cancer patient wants to die, so be it. That may sound callous, but I have not walked a day in their shoes and am not about to say they're wrong or immoral for that choice.

My philosophy of life doesn't boil down to "just die" either. That story was simply an example of the different ways of thinking between the Western and Eastern worlds. Taking it out of context like that is dirty debating.
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