Do you think there is a hell?

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Do you think there is a hell?

Post by reddragonlord »

Do you think that there is a hell? After all, a loving caring God who is all-compassionate would never condemn a human soul to eternal separation. If He cares about even the most sinful soul infinitely more than we can imagine, wouldn't eternal separation be as painful to Him as it is to the sinner? Perhaps hell is just a biblical ruse to root out the faithful and reward them for accepting Christ. Perhaps everyone in the end goes to heaven, but those who chose Christ are glorified more for their decision. What do you think?
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Do you think there is a hell?

Post by capt_buzzard »

Scrat wrote: What is heaven? Club Med with clouds? Beautiful gorgeous sexually depraved women serving drinks to me as I float on a cloud? That's pretty close to heaven for me.

What is hell? I think I know.

A few years ago I died for about 20 seconds. I was on an elevator going down at a very high rate of speed for a very long time and when the lift finally stopped the door opened and a hideous demon hastily leaned in and poked the ''up'' botton viciously and said.

"Get to hell out of here you jerk!! We can't let you in because you would take over!!!

And here I am. In limbo. :sneaky:All in the mind. Coco land
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Do you think there is a hell?

Post by Agnes »

How do i incoporate those thoughts within my busy day? HELL is having employees. i haven't met GOD yet and i certainly don't believe there is a damn thing he do for me, unless he is a BANK. hey thats a good one, Christ Bank & Trust.
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Do you think there is a hell?

Post by devist8me »

I think everyone is experiencing hell right now.
I probably posted that in an ambien trance-soryy
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Do you think there is a hell?

Post by Agnes »

devist8me wrote: I think everyone is experiencing hell right now.

how do you figure that? i haven't thought of hell until i read this thread, its just an easy way out. hell is where you want to be if you choose. today is my 1/2 day off work and then i have the rest of today and ALL of tomorrow off. YIPPIE, i'll be sleeping.
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Do you think there is a hell?

Post by devist8me »

Agnes wrote: how do you figure that? i haven't thought of hell until i read this thread, its just an easy way out. hell is where you want to be if you choose. today is my 1/2 day off work and then i have the rest of today and ALL of tomorrow off. YIPPIE, i'll be sleeping.Let me rephrase that, as I should probably wake up before I start randomly posting :)

I think everyone, on some level, has or will experience hell at some time. I read about this in A Course of Miracles book some years back. I doubt I'll be able to explain it like they did, but will try.

Basically, throughout life, people go through periods of guilt (which is the big one), depression, fear, anxiety, boredom, jealousy, regret (another big one) etc. etc, the list is endless---or the lifestyle they choose is damaging to themselves. Examples would be abusive relationships, unhealthy relationships, drugs, alcohol, etc, etc. And then there is the crime that affects a ton of people everyday to include murder, rape, child crimes, etc etc. Ask a mother after she's lost a child to a violent crime if she feels she is in hell, and she will probably say yes.

If these things aren't dealt with then the person has created their own personal hell.

Thats the just of it anyway. I don't think we're all living a hell on earth, but experiencing a personal hell, at different periods, in our life.
I probably posted that in an ambien trance-soryy
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Do you think there is a hell?

Post by capt_buzzard »

devist8me wrote: I think everyone is experiencing hell right now.Yes we live in it. What a mixed up crazy,crime ridden,war torn world we live in.
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Do you think there is a hell?

Post by devist8me »

flopstock wrote:

If this were hell, we would all have killed ourselves- because it would be completely unbearable.

just to name a few, shows me that this can't be hell...even though it feels like it some days.
Some days.....exactly.

Maybe some suicides are tired of living their personal hell.
I probably posted that in an ambien trance-soryy
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Do you think there is a hell?

Post by spot »

I think it would be easier if we said what meaning we're giving to words here.

This is hell: The abode of the dead; the place of departed spirits; the infernal regions or ‘lower world’ regarded as a place of existence after death; the grave.

For many people, over many years, it wasn't seen as a place of torment, merely where the departed went after death. Imagine there's no heaven.

This is hell too: The infernal regions regarded as a place of torment; the abode of devils and condemned spirits; the place or state of punishment of the wicked after death.

For many people, over many years, that was an equally true vision of the afterlife. Imagine there is a heaven.

I think that, if you want to have heaven in your religious philosophy, you have to have hell as well. If you have to have judgement, you have no meaning to the concept unless some are judged guilty.

Christians, as I understand it, face no judgement. Everyone is guilty, from the inheritance of original sin and from the accumulation of occasional lapses during life, even one of which is enough to exclude a person from sinlessness. Christ redeems those sinners who believe on him and repent. The redeemed are part of the Church Triumphant, and in heaven. I do hope I have all the language right, there. Those whom Christ does not claim as his own are all, without exception, destined after death to the torments of hell.

It makes it easy to be a fundamentalist, of course. Quite what a Christian Liberal is, I'm not sure.

Do we agree on the terminology here, anyway? If anyone has a problem with the words, we ought to nail them down before we come out with our yes or no.
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Do you think there is a hell?

Post by mominiowa »

Look around..Look at the pain our young children are going through - the baby in the mommys tummy that already has a brain tumor - and they know she will die..God needs more angels?? No - this is our HELL and you can take it or leave it - but if you survive this then you will be granted eternal happiness in the end.. I am a Catholic and this goes totally against what I have been taught..but walk into the burn unit or the childrens cancer unit...this is HELL no matter what you want to beleive.. Ask any Law Enforcement Officer that has picked up a dead body or had to dig one up - that was BURIED ALIVE..this IS HELL!

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Do you think there is a hell?

Post by john8pies »

Some excellent and very interesting posts here. In reply to the actual question, `Do you think there is hell?` the most accurate answer I could give would be , `Well, I REALLY don`t know`. It just depends on who or what you believe in. Not trying to be facetious, but I sure as hell hope there ain`t!
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Do you think there is a hell?

Post by lime-sterman »

capt_buzzard wrote: All in the mind. Coco land

Where else can you experience hell? coco land hell! :wah:
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Do you think there is a hell?

Post by Lon »

Heaven & Hell can be right here on earth while we are alive, to enjoy heaven and agonise over hell.
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Do you think there is a hell?

Post by Ted »

mom :-6

An excellent description of hell.

Hell is what we each create at times for ourselves. When we fail to follow the authentic teachings of Jesus we in fact create our own hell and hell for others as well. When we fail to do justice and love kindness and to be humble that is when we fail to follow in the master's footsteps.

Sometimes as mom has noted hell seems to happen not because we have failed but it just happens. That too is life.


Ted :-6
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Do you think there is a hell?

Post by telaquapacky »

My favorite heaven and hell story:

An angel gave a tour of the world after life. He opened a door for us, and when we looked in, we saw a vast banquet table stretching into the distance endlessly. The table was loaded with all the most delectable and desirable food, the freshest, ripest fruit, fresh baked bread, healthful and tasty beverages. The people were all dressed in expensive gowns and tuxedos, and seated in chairs of pure gold. But their faces were twisted in pain and anguish. Their arms were locked straight at the elbows, and they were completely unable to feed themselves. One lady tried to grasp and peel an orange. Then she held it above her and tried to roll it down her arms to her mouth, but it careened off and fell on the floor, and she let out a wail of grief. The angel told us "This is hell."

We left that door and went on to another. When the angel opened the door, the scene was almost identical. The same banquet table loaded with delicacies, and waiters bringing in more. The same well-dressed people in golden chairs. And the people also had the same disability- their arms were locked straight at the elbow! But they were enjoying the feast and talking happily and kindly to one another. Though their arms were locked- they were feeding one another. "This is heaven," said the angel.

If you are asking if I believe God runs a 24 hour eternal torture chamber where the lost burn alive in agony, I think this is one of the worst lies ever perpetrated on humanity, and has made more good people become God-haters than any other heresy.

Anyone who is motivated to a do-good life out of fear of going to hell forever has the wrong motivation.
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Do you think there is a hell?

Post by RedSoxFan »

I believe that whatever you want to be doing in your "afterlife", thats what you are going to do. If I want to play baseball everyday with the Babe, i'll have to wait in line but I will be watching him play against others till its my turn. Then I will go play golf with Byron Nelson. I'll do whatever I want, the things I couldnt do here on Earth. But who says there even is an "afterlife?" Have you been there? I guess you'll never know until you go.
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Do you think there is a hell?

Post by koan »

The only hell I can imagine being true is finding out that this whole thing (life) was for no purpose. In which case, I don't believe in hell. If there is an afterlife then life was for a reason, if there isn't I will never know. For the same reason I believe hell can be this life on Earth. For people that don't believe in an afterlife or purpose. OTOH some people seem quite happy believing that...perhaps because it allows them to think of an ending.
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Do you think there is a hell?

Post by JohnFitch »

reddragonlord wrote: Do you think that there is a hell?

Hell no

get it hell no
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