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Sodomy 101

Post by RedGlitter »

Before anyone flips out, this is what Mr. Vitagliano titled his following piece.

I am taking this from his commentary at

I like to think I'm pretty liberal but I have some issues with a few of the following. I'd like to hear your thoughts on this.


By Ed Vitagliano

"I don't think we're in Kansas anymore, Toto!" was Dorothy's famous line in The Wizard of Oz. It has become a classic, meant to convey the bewilderment of a person who suddenly realizes he's in a strange world and wonders how he got there.

For many parents in Massachusetts, California and elsewhere in the U.S., the truth is beginning to dawn on them: They aren't living in Kansas anymore. Public education is being used to brainwash thousands of children – even as young as kindergarten – into believing that homosexuality is simply a normal and healthy variation of human sexuality.

To be sure, when it comes to the issue of homosexuality, Massachusetts and California have been East Coast-West Coast thoroughbreds that seem to be racing each other for the honor of wackiest state in the country.

Massachusetts got off to an early lead, where activists have had nearly carte blanche since the early 1990s. Thus, at John Glenn Middle School in Bedford, for example, pink triangles adorn classroom doors, and a rainbow flag flies over the school during gay pride festivities. In Newton, parents discovered that first-grade teacher David Gaita had "come out" to his students and told them he was homosexual and loved men "the way your mom and dad love each other." And in Brookline, lesbian eighth-grade teacher Deb Allen told National Public Radio that she explicitly teaches her students about lesbian sex, including the use of sex toys.

Meanwhile, in California, activists have been busily trying to turn that state's public school system into a re-education camp that would make Fidel Castro proud.

According to the Campaign for Children and Families (CCF,, a California-based pro-family group, the state may soon pass and implement three separate bills – SB 1437, AB 606 and AB 1506 – which would have a staggering impact on what public schools teach children.

CCF said that the combination of the three measures would force all California public schools to promote homosexuality, bisexuality and transsexuality to schoolchildren as young as kindergarten; require textbooks to promote these lifestyles; prohibit schools from sponsoring traditional school activities, such as school proms that vote for a boy-girl couple as prom "king" and "queen," or sports teams that "discriminate" against transgendered kids; and prohibit public schools from teaching that there is a natural family – that is, a father, a mother and their children.

Court-ordered indoctrination

However, children don't have to live in California or Massachusetts to encounter the indoctrination process. In April, the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN), a homosexual pressure group, sponsored its 10th annual "Day of Silence," a nationwide school-based protest. Nearly 4,500 schools participated, according to GLSEN. In order to promote the homosexual lifestyle, more than 450,000 kids refused to speak a single word during the school day, often with the approval of school administrators and teachers.

In Wisconsin a group called Students for Unity used the Day of Silence to distribute a questionnaire at Port Washington High School. According to the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, hundreds of students answered questions like, "If you have never slept with someone of your same gender, then how do you know you wouldn't prefer it?" and "Could it be that your heterosexuality is just a phase?"

Two teachers approved of the distribution of the questionnaire in their classes and followed up with discussions, said LifeSiteNews, even though parents were not informed about it beforehand.

Meanwhile, at Boyd County High School in Kentucky, students in Ann Qualls' English class were required to watch the first 15-20 minutes of Brokeback Mountain, a recent film about two homosexual sheepherders. While none of the movie's explicit sex scene was shown, the entire class was spent on the film – again without the knowledge or approval of parents.

Boyd County is well known by pro-family groups for another reason: All students and faculty in Boyd County schools are under a court order to attend diversity sessions that normalize homosexuality.

The court order stems from an American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) lawsuit filed against the school district three years ago, after the high school refused to allow the formation of a student gay-rights group on campus. Boyd County lost the suit, and in 2004 agreed to a settlement that included mandatory diversity sessions for faculty and students.

Training for students included a video stating that if one student speaks out against homosexuality to a gay student – that is considered harassment. The offending student would be punished.

Some parents were angered by the agreement, and sued the school, demanding that their children be allowed to opt out of the training.

In February, however, U.S. District Judge David Bunning ruled that all students and faculty must undergo the mandatory sensitivity training in order to make the schools safe for homosexual kids.

"Students have no religious or free-speech rights to opt-out of school training aimed at stopping anti-gay harassment in Boyd County schools," Bunning said. The judge added that anti-harassment training that deals with "actual or perceived sexual orientation" was "rationally related to a legitimate educational goal, namely to maintain a safe environment."

Making schools safer?

Gay activists have insisted for years that things like diversity training and gay pride events are necessary to prevent the harassment of kids who identify themselves as homosexual. This "safer schools" mantra carries emotional weight because most adults would probably agree that all students should feel safe in school.

In order to promote safety, however, activists often demand that schools indoctrinate students so that they accept homosexuality as normal. Following Bunning's ruling in February, for example, Sharon McGowan of the ACLU's Lesbian and Gay Rights Project swept aside suggestions that Boyd County could make schools safe without the mandatory diversity training sessions.

"Just telling students not to pick on others because of their sexual orientation or gender identity doesn't force them to change their beliefs, and the judge agreed with us about that," McGowan said. (emphasis added)

It is this type of agenda – forcing students to change their beliefs about homosexuality – that makes parents squeamish about groups like GLSEN.

But even if students don't end up altering their views about sexuality, the potential for confusion among children is startling. In New Jersey, for example, a school board decided that Eagleswood Township Elementary in West Creek could continue to use 71-year-old Lily McBeth as a substitute teacher – even though he had undergone a sex change.

Parents who were both for and against rehiring McBeth spoke during an emotionally charged school board meeting in February, but in the end the board said his sex change did not affect his ability to teach children.

One worried parent, however, said: "Show me the research that says this will not affect my children. I will not allow my children to be placed in a petri dish and hope that it turns out fine."

Unlike Dorothy, though, parents in New Jersey and elsewhere don't have magic slippers to safely wisk their children back to Kansas. And, as it turns out, Kansas isn't so normal anymore, either.

SIDEBAR: Sexual Field Trips

What if you discovered that your child's school had taken a classroom full of kids to an off-campus, homosexual community center where they were allowed to interact with homosexual adults, date same-sex peers, or watch gay-oriented movies – all without your knowledge or permission?

Something akin to that is happening routinely in countless cities around the country, according to Linda Harvey, president of Mission America (, an Ohio-based pro-family group.

In her eye-popping article, "A Safe Place for Kids to Learn Homosexual Sex: The real story about community 'GLBT' youth centers," Harvey said kids who self-identify as homosexuals are being funneled to groups off campus.

Funneled by whom? Often by the very Gay-Straight Alliances (GSAs) that claim they only exist in schools to provide a safe learning environment.

"Frequently all area GSA members will be invited to youth center events, where explicit descriptions of homosexual sex are very definitely on the menu," Harvey said. These gay youth centers are located in almost every medium or large city in the U.S. and allow kids to participate in activities without parental permission.

These youth are exposed to explicit training about homosexual sex. A gay youth community center in the San Francisco area, for example, publicized a meeting for girls through the California GSA Network, encouraging GSA members to attend. The event? "Make Your Own Sex Toy Night."

On the Boston gay youth center Web site, one of its workshops offers "open, honest, judgment-free conversations about sex toys, oral sex, bare-backing [anal sex without using condoms], mixing sex and drugs, how to keep it safe and advocate for yourself during group sex, anonymous sex, and sex on the go! We'll have something for everyone!"

Everyone, that is, except the parents.
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Sodomy 101

Post by guppy »

when i was growing up i didn't even know what gay was untill about twelth grade...i am always amazed to hear kids in fifth or sixth grade labeling kids as gay or lesbian , and they mean it......
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Sodomy 101

Post by RedGlitter »

The issues I'm having with this piece aside from the obvious anti-gay factor, are the pink triangles in schools (we don't have the hetero signs in schools do we?) and teaching about sex toys in school. I'm no prude when it comes to sex toys but you know, I think kids can find out about those on their own time. I also don't really care for celebrating Gay Pride day because (my opinion here) heteros don't genrally advertise that they're hetero so by celebrating Gay Pride Day in school, that's a discriminatory thing.

I also really object to that questionnaire "if you've never slept with the opposite sex, how do you know you're not gay?" That doesn't belong in school.

Let them have Prom King and Queen and if a gay couple wins it then let them be Prom Kings or Prom Queens. No need to cancel the affair.

I guess the thing that bothers me most is that homesexuality/transsexuality, etc, is being pushed as normal and acceptable by all. I find this to be brainwash. Let people decide for themselves. That could go for a lot of other issues too but I would like people to be able to get the facts and be allowed to decide for themselves if they think homo/trans/sexuality is normal or acceptable without having it pummeled into them because of political correctness. If someone doesn't like alternative sexualities (or a different race, religion, etc) then I feel they should have that right as long as they do not harm anyone for being what they disapprove of.

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Sodomy 101

Post by RedGlitter »

Is that right Magenta? I sthat because they think gayness is an unnatural thing or because they don't want kids throwing sexual remarks at each other or what?
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Sodomy 101

Post by Lulu2 »

Flopstock "Well, I was going to point out that some of my favorite people are gay and have never tried to convert me... but then again that might just be because it's me..."

+++++++ Nope! It's me, too! And I know this--if "gayness" were contagious, I'd've "caught" it long ago! Not only are some of my favorite people gay, they're also some of the finest, most ethical, thoughtful and interesting.

Hysterical pieces like this one would be funny, if they weren't so basically evil-minded. Substitute the words "women" or "blacks" or "Muslims" for "homosexual" or "gay" in the piece and see how it reads.

Homosexuals and atheists are the last groups that are "OK" to hate.
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Sodomy 101

Post by alobar51 »

Diuretic;529235 wrote: Jeez where do I start? First things first, what's a "sheepherder"? What happened to "shepherd"? Or how about if we keep it western we refer to them as "sheepboys" not......

Okay - well it's a biased piece for sure but that stands out like the proverbial so no need to belabour that point.

Homosexuality, bisexuality, transexuality occur, just as heterosexuality occurs. That being so I don't see a problem with appropriate - I stress appropriate, meaning non-judgemental but also with no hint of appproval or advocacy - education of students about those aspects of humanity.

>>>it's a biased piece for sure...

That could be the understatement of the year. ;-}

>>>with no hint of approval or advocacy...

This is a good intent, but, perhaps, a bit naive.

The bias of the instructor will be a factor in any curriculum, any subject matter. The fact that a person has acquired enough mastery of subject to be qualified to teach it should imply that they have thought long and hard about it, particularly in something as emotionally charged as sexual orientation.

The teacher will, if nothing else, bring their own sexual orientation to the class. Straight or gay, they are who they are, and the students will see that. They can be as measured and tolerant of those different as possible, and should be, but they can't lie about who they are.

I think the answer lies in giving our children as broad a base of experience, with as wide a variety of teachers, as possible.
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Sodomy 101

Post by Lulu2 »

I'm often puzzled by people who claim that a homosexual teacher would "push" gayness on a class or "advocate it," in some way.

This makes no sense. Someone who teaches a curriculum teaches the curriculum. Questions as to a teacher's sexuality aren't admissible or appropriate, any more than questions about a teacher's religion, political affiliation, etc.

IMHO, it goes to the fear/prejudice that all gays are child molesters and all they want to do is "convert" everyone's child.

ABSOLUTE HOGWASH! (She said, eloquently.)
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Sodomy 101

Post by Lulu2 »

Interesting hate piece, isn't it?

I don't believe we have sex education in kindergarten in they have it anywhere else at that age? Sex toys as curriculum items in public schools?

Can we talk logically here?
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Sodomy 101

Post by RedGlitter »

How does having a differing opinion make this a "hate piece" in your logic?
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Sodomy 101

Post by Lulu2 »

Glitter, I'm sorry you didn't understand what I wrote.

The fact that this piece stretches far beyond anything which could logically occur (sex toys in public schools, kindergarten children being exposed to sex education, field trips, Gay Pride events, etc) indicates that it is a "hate piece."

It's one thing to say outright that you don't believe homosexuals should be respected or that homosexual teachers should be allowed to teach. Without distorting the facts or creating exaggerated situations, that would be an "opinion piece."

I could just as easily say that I think animal activists are salivating loonies without any kind of concern for humans and that they would let babies burn in housefires to rescue a canary.

THIS would be a hate piece. You and I would obviously see the distortion.

I hope you understand the difference as I'm trying to explain it.
My candle's burning at both ends, it will not last the night. But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends--It gives a lovely light!--Edna St. Vincent Millay
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Sodomy 101

Post by RedGlitter »

I guess I'm not as quick as some to claim something as hatred. I just don't see the hate in this foolish article. Now, if someone was saying "Kill Gays" for example, I would say that was hate. If they were refusing to rent housing to gays, I would call that discrimination. But as I see this article, it's just an overly conservative piece that I don't for the most part, agree with. In fact a lot of conservs might not agree with it either. I'm afraid I can't see where you're coming from on this part but that's okay. I didn't think it'd hurt to ask.
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Sodomy 101

Post by RhondaLu »

RedGlitter;530914 wrote: How does having a differing opinion make this a "hate piece" in your logic?


Ed Vitagliano

By admin

Published:February 19th, 2005

Who: Reporter to the Agape Press (the Christian News Media)

What: Accuses cartoon character "Sponge Bob" of being gay and incessantly harasses the National PTA for promoting homosexuality in schools.

Detail: This lunatic has been after the PTA and slamming schools for promoting gayness for many years. He must be secretly gay and is trying to oppress his feelings through his over-zealous, paranoid campaign to keep homosexuality away from school children. Newsflash: God does not have a caucasian penis. If this were true, the world would be a lot different. We probably would not even be here now because he would have already destroyed it in pursuit of a good lay. Vitagliano should spend his energy doing something more productive.

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Sodomy 101

Post by Wolverine »

bunch of homo-phobic retards!!

give me a *********g break!!

Get your mind out of the gutter - it's blocking my view

Mind like a steel trap - Rusty and Illegal in 37 states.

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Sodomy 101

Post by Ted »

I had read only part of the article but after reading the posts decided I'd better read the whole thing.

I don't know if I could call it hate mongering but it certainly comes close. It is full of fear mongering, misconception, guesses, what ifs etc. It demonstrates a fanatical response to the attempts by the schools to make not only the schools but society itself a safer place. The writer has simply not gone over what is being done in any bona fide research and basically the article is an emotional fear filled piece of writing. He certainly writes a great deal of exaggeration.

I cannot speak for other countries but I can for Canada and I really doubt that there is much difference in the US.

Sex education should begin in kindergarten and carry on through to the end of the public school system. It does not promote one orientation over another nor does the school teach about sex toys.

The children are taught only what they are ready to learn and are most of the time given to accepting simple answers.

In kindergarten they should be dealing with hatching chickens in the classroom. They find it exciting and enjoyable and thus learn that most living creatures come from eggs.

Very young children know that mommy is carrying a baby inside her tummy. They are not stupid and should not be treated as such. Generally they know more than we give them credit for.

The real question becomes "who do you want your children to learn this from?" Do you want them to learn it in a healthy and respectful environment like school or home? Parents often never talk to their children about sex. Do you want them to learn it from friends and acquaintances in garages or "secret" club huts or in the woods?

According to most research today sexual orientation is not learned but is a given. It is part of the persons very being. Do we want some children growing up thinking they are abnormal or evil or to be shunned?

The following may be helpful.

Homosexuality: Nature or Nurture in AllPsych Journal ... alter-wink

Homosexuality and the Bible by Walter Wink

Answers to Your Questions About Sexual Orientation and Homosexuality

I included the middle one not for its religious content but so that anyone interested can see where the church is heading. Many will be surprised.


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Sodomy 101

Post by twizzel »

RedGlitter;529216 wrote: Before anyone flips out, this is what Mr. Vitagliano titled his following piece.

I am taking this from his commentary at

I like to think I'm pretty liberal but I have some issues with a few of the following. I'd like to hear your thoughts on this.


By Ed Vitagliano

"I don't think we're in Kansas anymore, Toto!" was Dorothy's famous line in The Wizard of Oz. It has become a classic, meant to convey the bewilderment of a person who suddenly realizes he's in a strange world and wonders how he got there.

For many parents in Massachusetts, California and elsewhere in the U.S., the truth is beginning to dawn on them: They aren't living in Kansas anymore. Public education is being used to brainwash thousands of children – even as young as kindergarten – into believing that homosexuality is simply a normal and healthy variation of human sexuality.

To be sure, when it comes to the issue of homosexuality, Massachusetts and California have been East Coast-West Coast thoroughbreds that seem to be racing each other for the honor of wackiest state in the country.

Massachusetts got off to an early lead, where activists have had nearly carte blanche since the early 1990s. Thus, at John Glenn Middle School in Bedford, for example, pink triangles adorn classroom doors, and a rainbow flag flies over the school during gay pride festivities. In Newton, parents discovered that first-grade teacher David Gaita had "come out" to his students and told them he was homosexual and loved men "the way your mom and dad love each other." And in Brookline, lesbian eighth-grade teacher Deb Allen told National Public Radio that she explicitly teaches her students about lesbian sex, including the use of sex toys.

Meanwhile, in California, activists have been busily trying to turn that state's public school system into a re-education camp that would make Fidel Castro proud.

According to the Campaign for Children and Families (CCF,, a California-based pro-family group, the state may soon pass and implement three separate bills – SB 1437, AB 606 and AB 1506 – which would have a staggering impact on what public schools teach children.

CCF said that the combination of the three measures would force all California public schools to promote homosexuality, bisexuality and transsexuality to schoolchildren as young as kindergarten; require textbooks to promote these lifestyles; prohibit schools from sponsoring traditional school activities, such as school proms that vote for a boy-girl couple as prom "king" and "queen," or sports teams that "discriminate" against transgendered kids; and prohibit public schools from teaching that there is a natural family – that is, a father, a mother and their children.

Court-ordered indoctrination

However, children don't have to live in California or Massachusetts to encounter the indoctrination process. In April, the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN), a homosexual pressure group, sponsored its 10th annual "Day of Silence," a nationwide school-based protest. Nearly 4,500 schools participated, according to GLSEN. In order to promote the homosexual lifestyle, more than 450,000 kids refused to speak a single word during the school day, often with the approval of school administrators and teachers.

In Wisconsin a group called Students for Unity used the Day of Silence to distribute a questionnaire at Port Washington High School. According to the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, hundreds of students answered questions like, "If you have never slept with someone of your same gender, then how do you know you wouldn't prefer it?" and "Could it be that your heterosexuality is just a phase?"

Two teachers approved of the distribution of the questionnaire in their classes and followed up with discussions, said LifeSiteNews, even though parents were not informed about it beforehand.

Meanwhile, at Boyd County High School in Kentucky, students in Ann Qualls' English class were required to watch the first 15-20 minutes of Brokeback Mountain, a recent film about two homosexual sheepherders. While none of the movie's explicit sex scene was shown, the entire class was spent on the film – again without the knowledge or approval of parents.

Boyd County is well known by pro-family groups for another reason: All students and faculty in Boyd County schools are under a court order to attend diversity sessions that normalize homosexuality.

The court order stems from an American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) lawsuit filed against the school district three years ago, after the high school refused to allow the formation of a student gay-rights group on campus. Boyd County lost the suit, and in 2004 agreed to a settlement that included mandatory diversity sessions for faculty and students.

Training for students included a video stating that if one student speaks out against homosexuality to a gay student – that is considered harassment. The offending student would be punished.

Some parents were angered by the agreement, and sued the school, demanding that their children be allowed to opt out of the training.

In February, however, U.S. District Judge David Bunning ruled that all students and faculty must undergo the mandatory sensitivity training in order to make the schools safe for homosexual kids.

"Students have no religious or free-speech rights to opt-out of school training aimed at stopping anti-gay harassment in Boyd County schools," Bunning said. The judge added that anti-harassment training that deals with "actual or perceived sexual orientation" was "rationally related to a legitimate educational goal, namely to maintain a safe environment."

Making schools safer?

Gay activists have insisted for years that things like diversity training and gay pride events are necessary to prevent the harassment of kids who identify themselves as homosexual. This "safer schools" mantra carries emotional weight because most adults would probably agree that all students should feel safe in school.

In order to promote safety, however, activists often demand that schools indoctrinate students so that they accept homosexuality as normal. Following Bunning's ruling in February, for example, Sharon McGowan of the ACLU's Lesbian and Gay Rights Project swept aside suggestions that Boyd County could make schools safe without the mandatory diversity training sessions.

"Just telling students not to pick on others because of their sexual orientation or gender identity doesn't force them to change their beliefs, and the judge agreed with us about that," McGowan said. (emphasis added)

It is this type of agenda – forcing students to change their beliefs about homosexuality – that makes parents squeamish about groups like GLSEN.

But even if students don't end up altering their views about sexuality, the potential for confusion among children is startling. In New Jersey, for example, a school board decided that Eagleswood Township Elementary in West Creek could continue to use 71-year-old Lily McBeth as a substitute teacher – even though he had undergone a sex change.

Parents who were both for and against rehiring McBeth spoke during an emotionally charged school board meeting in February, but in the end the board said his sex change did not affect his ability to teach children.

One worried parent, however, said: "Show me the research that says this will not affect my children. I will not allow my children to be placed in a petri dish and hope that it turns out fine."

Unlike Dorothy, though, parents in New Jersey and elsewhere don't have magic slippers to safely wisk their children back to Kansas. And, as it turns out, Kansas isn't so normal anymore, either.

SIDEBAR: Sexual Field Trips

What if you discovered that your child's school had taken a classroom full of kids to an off-campus, homosexual community center where they were allowed to interact with homosexual adults, date same-sex peers, or watch gay-oriented movies – all without your knowledge or permission?

Something akin to that is happening routinely in countless cities around the country, according to Linda Harvey, president of Mission America (, an Ohio-based pro-family group.

In her eye-popping article, "A Safe Place for Kids to Learn Homosexual Sex: The real story about community 'GLBT' youth centers," Harvey said kids who self-identify as homosexuals are being funneled to groups off campus.

Funneled by whom? Often by the very Gay-Straight Alliances (GSAs) that claim they only exist in schools to provide a safe learning environment.

"Frequently all area GSA members will be invited to youth center events, where explicit descriptions of homosexual sex are very definitely on the menu," Harvey said. These gay youth centers are located in almost every medium or large city in the U.S. and allow kids to participate in activities without parental permission.

These youth are exposed to explicit training about homosexual sex. A gay youth community center in the San Francisco area, for example, publicized a meeting for girls through the California GSA Network, encouraging GSA members to attend. The event? "Make Your Own Sex Toy Night."

On the Boston gay youth center Web site, one of its workshops offers "open, honest, judgment-free conversations about sex toys, oral sex, bare-backing [anal sex without using condoms], mixing sex and drugs, how to keep it safe and advocate for yourself during group sex, anonymous sex, and sex on the go! We'll have something for everyone!"

Everyone, that is, except the parents. the world is getting and sicker sicker Time we shot some of these idiots and made the world a safer place.
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Sodomy 101

Post by Lulu2 »

Gee...what would Jesus do?
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Sodomy 101

Post by Ted »


Jesus never ever spoke about other sexual orientations though they did exist in his day. Obviously it didn't concern him.


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Sodomy 101

Post by Lulu2 »

Ted...I know that. I was making an ironic point, with some sarcasm thrown in.
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Sodomy 101

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Sodomy 101

Post by nvalleyvee »

At the schools I sub................there has to be a notice to parents about these subjects ........AND........the parents have to give approval for their kids to be exposed. This covers everything from sex to religion to evolution.

What the hell are you talking about that parents do not have input at the school level????

My school had to get permission from parents to show a Disney movie!!!
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Sodomy 101

Post by BTS »

RedGlitter;530926 wrote: I guess I'm not as quick as some to claim something as hatred. I just don't see the hate in this foolish article. Now, if someone was saying "Kill Gays" for example, I would say that was hate.

Or kill Snitches?

That would be HATE too, HUH?
"If America Was A Tree, The Left Would Root For The Termites...Greg Gutfeld."
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Sodomy 101

Post by RedGlitter »

BTS;537984 wrote: Or kill Snitches?

That would be HATE too, HUH?

BTS, what the hell are you talking about? :confused:
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Sodomy 101

Post by Ted »


I do hope the principal has both a lot of patience and a sense of humour.

In my view when the parents get that involved its like a patient telling a doctor what he can and can't do while expecting the best positive outcome.


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Sodomy 101

Post by BTS »

RedGlitter;537988 wrote: BTS, what the hell are you talking about? :confused:

I dunno........... U tell me.......

Just puttin 2+2 together.......

Quote RedGlitter

"I guess I'm not as quick as some to claim something as hatred. I just don't see the hate in this foolish article. Now, if someone was saying "Kill Gays" for example, I would say that was hate."

GOT it?................... OOPS or do I?

RedGlitter says..."Kill Gays" for example, I would say that was hate."

Kill A snitch then is OK........... not hate?

But kill a gay is what............hate...

Please tell us all, what is acceptable.. in your book.

To Kill a gay or a snitch.
"If America Was A Tree, The Left Would Root For The Termites...Greg Gutfeld."
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Sodomy 101

Post by RedGlitter »

BTS;538023 wrote: I dunno........... U tell me.......

Just puttin 2+2 together.......

Quote RedGlitter

"I guess I'm not as quick as some to claim something as hatred. I just don't see the hate in this foolish article. Now, if someone was saying "Kill Gays" for example, I would say that was hate."

Ohh...ok. I thought you were going somewhere else entirely. :)

I see now where you're going with this and it's going to be hard to draw definitive lines. Let me say this. In "my book" it's ok to hate. I'm not saying it's healthy or desirable, just that I recognize that as a human emotion. I don't believe in "hate crime." If I take you out because you're gay, of a different color, religion, gender, Cubs fan or whatever, that's murder. It's not worse because my hate caused me to do it. It's just plain bad period.

But I guess you really want me to answer that snitch or gay question, it's wrong to kill either but then again, our governments may not feel that way about the snitch. I kneejerked at the hate word because I saw what was coming. "It's wrong to preach hate." Maybe wrong but is it legal? KKK anyone?

Have I answered your question? :confused:
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Sodomy 101

Post by nvalleyvee »

Ted;538008 wrote: nvalleyvee:-6

I do hope the principal has both a lot of patience and a sense of humour.

In my view when the parents get that involved its like a patient telling a doctor what he can and can't do while expecting the best positive outcome.



What you say is true Ted. Let me ask you what happens when the school just forges ahead with broad band instruction? Parents are just as easily upset.

At our elementary level we do separate the children according to parental wants.
The growth of knowledge depends entirely on disagreement..........Karl R. Popper
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In the schools which I administered we had a school committee composed of parents and teachers and sometimes students. All sides were listened to and considered. Ultimately as the principal I made the final choice. If I had to cater to every parents whim I don't think the school would run efficiently at all. The principal organizes the school the best way he can and usually with the help of the staff.

One thing I have learned is that in the field of public education and other public establishments you can please some of the people some of the time. When one receives the resulting nasty phone calls, and they do come, one just listens and thanks them for calling and hangs up. I used to explain that I didn't agree with them.

Being a teacher is an interesting situation to be in. You always have parents who want to sit in and watch you teach. This can be very distracting for most teachers. I wonder how a doctor or the patient would react to the public wanting to watch him work. Somehow I have might doubts if that would work.


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I so agree with you Ted.................To teach our youth requires so many differing beliefs. I don't know how to explain that ..........we have to make ourselves ammenable to all the children and then just put forth a solid education for them. I deal with 3 different cultues here.........every day they go to learn their native language for 2 hours. I only know English.
The growth of knowledge depends entirely on disagreement..........Karl R. Popper
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Sodomy 101

Post by Ted »


I do like the idea of them learned their native language.

Multiculturalism here in western Canada, particularly BC, makes for a very interesting society. Yes, it causes some problems but nothing that can't be resolved with good will and common sense.


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