One in three American's Say U.S. Aided in 9/11

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One in three American's Say U.S. Aided in 9/11

Post by allisonthegreat »


AIDED 9/11



The plots thicken

August 3, 2006 -- More than one-third of Americans suspect federal officials assisted in the 9/11 terrorist attacks or took no action to stop them so the United States could go to war in the Middle East, according to a new poll.

The survey also found that 16 percent of Americans speculate that secretly planted explosives, not burning passenger jets, were the real reason the massive Twin Towers of the World Trade Center collapsed.

The national Scripps Howard/Ohio University poll of 1,010 adults also found that anger against the federal government is at record levels, with 54 percent saying they "personally are more angry" at the government than they used to be.
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One in three American's Say U.S. Aided in 9/11

Post by Galbally »

allisonthegreat wrote: ONE IN 3 AMERICANS SAY U.S.

AIDED 9/11



The plots thicken

August 3, 2006 -- More than one-third of Americans suspect federal officials assisted in the 9/11 terrorist attacks or took no action to stop them so the United States could go to war in the Middle East, according to a new poll.

The survey also found that 16 percent of Americans speculate that secretly planted explosives, not burning passenger jets, were the real reason the massive Twin Towers of the World Trade Center collapsed.

The national Scripps Howard/Ohio University poll of 1,010 adults also found that anger against the federal government is at record levels, with 54 percent saying they "personally are more angry" at the government than they used to be.

Hmmmn, I wonder whether one third of americans would also be suspicious of straw polls taken on paranoid conspiracy theories as well, I would suspect it would be higher than that. In terms of the alleged conspiracy, lets look at that for a moment.

It suggests that a nebulous "secret government organization" in the U.S. was capable of pulling off the craziest foreign policy escapade of all time, destroying a large section of lower Manhatten and much of the Pentagon (which is supposedly the bastion of all secrets such as aliens and the like), leaving no hard evidence of any kind and no reliable witnesses. Why then do the same security services find it so difficult to simply assassinate the leaders of hostile regiemes, which would be much cheaper and carry far less risk, as well as not involving killing fellow citizens and their own agents, damaging the economy of U.S., and destroying their own headquarters and a prime symbol of capitalist success and achievement? Methinks that perhaps in such instances the more simple (if mundane) answer that none of what happened on 911 or following has been of any benefit to the U.S. and that the U.S. government although very powerful is not all powerful , just another run-of-the mill goverment trying to deal with events (good or bad) as they arise (just like every other government on planet earth, non earth goverments may be different should they exist). This to me would be a more believeable scenario.

Though perhaps many people find the idea that somehow there is some kind of evil force in the world controlling everything more appealling. It used to be the Catholic Church or the Jews, but now its the U.S. goverment. In fact the truth is that no-one or nation is in control of events to any great extent as there are too many people, countries, companies, organizations, religions, philosophies, and ideas for anyone to have the kind of omnipitent control that you describe. I'm not saying that there are not people who would like that to be the case, and sometimes such people have even gained power in various countries, but as yet no-one has managed to achieve anything like that, and more than likely never will as that is the way of the world, thank god.

Also, more generally, if the U.S. needed a pretext to go to war with another country, it could come up with a far less intricate series of events such as the sinking of ship, or the bombing of an embassy, or some alleged imminent danger that that country posed to the U.S. After all the U.S. didn't need to devastate Pearl Harbour in order to declare war on Japan as the Japanese obiliginly did that themselves, they didn't need to Bomb London to declare war on Nazi Germany, as again the Germans did that all by themselves, in fact they didn't even need to assasinate Jane Fonda to create a pretext for Vietnam they just used national interest to get involved there. So perhaps it was indeed Al Queda who bombed the WTC etc on sept 11th and it is they who wish to see a general conflict in the middle east and upon the west in general, after all they keep saying they did it and they do.

In short, its purile nonsense.
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One in three American's Say U.S. Aided in 9/11

Post by anastrophe »

well said, galbally. it puts me in mind of a quote -

Rabid suspicion has nothing in it of skepticism. The suspicious mind believes more than it doubts. It believes in a formidable and ineradicable evil lurking in every person.

-Eric Hoffer

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One in three American's Say U.S. Aided in 9/11

Post by Galbally »

anastrophe wrote: well said, galbally. it puts me in mind of a quote -

Rabid suspicion has nothing in it of skepticism. The suspicious mind believes more than it doubts. It believes in a formidable and ineradicable evil lurking in every person.

-Eric Hoffer

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One in three American's Say U.S. Aided in 9/11

Post by allisonthegreat »

Galbally wrote: Exactly.
Just some food for thought. There are a few different conspiracy theories out there. Up to including the one where the twin towers were wired.

Still I can't imagine why? Why so much distruction and loss of life? Most of this is coming up probably because of the anniversary but most of it has been on the net for awhile.

I know in Ireland you have your own troubles or had. I even saw an article (I apologize I don't know where), that Irish Catholic citizens in Great Britain are victims of prejudice. The article may have stated just Irish citizens.

Thank you for responding to my post.

It is always nice to meet someone from Ireland as my Aunt and Uncle used to spend summers in the South during the seventies. regards, allison
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One in three American's Say U.S. Aided in 9/11

Post by ch4rlie »

i think this theory is complete bollocks. gallbally you have got very good points. things i was thinking but couldn't put to type.
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One in three American's Say U.S. Aided in 9/11

Post by Angelica »

Galbally wrote: Hmmmn, I wonder whether one third of americans would also be suspicious of straw polls taken on paranoid conspiracy theories as well, I would suspect it would be higher than that.

Or if they should be suspicious of the NYPost being the one doing the poll. That rag is as worthless as the tattletale Inquirer or Star, or for that matter any other tabloid out there that is not a true news source.

Conspiracy will always abound, but coming from that rag..I think not.
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One in three American's Say U.S. Aided in 9/11

Post by Galbally »

allisonthegreat wrote: Just some food for thought. There are a few different conspiracy theories out there. Up to including the one where the twin towers were wired.

Still I can't imagine why? Why so much distruction and loss of life? Most of this is coming up probably because of the anniversary but most of it has been on the net for awhile.

I know in Ireland you have your own troubles or had. I even saw an article (I apologize I don't know where), that Irish Catholic citizens in Great Britain are victims of prejudice. The article may have stated just Irish citizens.

Thank you for responding to my post.

It is always nice to meet someone from Ireland as my Aunt and Uncle used to spend summers in the South during the seventies. regards, allison

Thank you for being tactful as I do tend to get worked up about conspiracy theories as they are a pet hate of mine. Not that I don't think that there are real conspiracies in the world, just that are mostly mundane (though scary) terrorist plots, political intrigues, shady transactions, and the like thats a fact of human life and people will always have plots or conflicts going on.

Of course there are always exceptions that make the rule also, but by their nature exceptions tend to be, well exceptional.

The difference is in the "big" conspiracies in modern popular culture, which have more to do with film plots and the like than anything remotely real such as alien abductions, crop circles, jews, elvis, I dunno, the second coming, the knights templar, etc etc, you know what I mean. They seem to almost to have become a pseudo religion for some people who have become completely subverted to looking at everything in a mostly irrational and generally credulous matter.

I kinda thought it was just a case of intellectual laziness and pre-millenial tension, but its getting worse as I can see. Also the downside of vague suspicions and conspiracy ideas such as these is that it can create general paranoia and panic in people everywhere, and under such conditions people are liable to do terrible things for percieved threats that are out of all proportion to reality, and then intelligent people with really threatening ideas such as islamic fundamentalists or other religious extremists, neo nazis, extreme nationalists, unreconstructed stalinsts etc. etc. can use such climates very effectively. Given the current geopolitical climate, that is a serious problem and the real threat.

In terms of the Irish thing, political violence is pretty mundane and normal and yes its been a feature of Irish life for a long long time, though it has been confined to the north for most of the 20th century and perhaps is changing finally for the better in the 21st, perhaps. Also I'm sure quite a few Irish people have encountered prejudice in Britain, but then some British people have encountered preudice here, given the history of the two Islands its hardly surprising, though regrettable, and I do actually think that mutually held stereotypes are changing rapidly here and in Britain and have been for a long time. I don't think that was ever percieved in quite the same conspiracy theory way, though of course there have been lots of shady goings on, assasinations, plots, bombs, secret organizations, couter-terroirsm the whole shebang as we might say, but it was something that has always been nothing if not very real and very gritty and not a plot device for some crazy story.
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One in three American's Say U.S. Aided in 9/11

Post by allisonthegreat »

No i was not insinuating that the Irish-Britain conflict was a conspiracy. I happen to know it was and is very real.

Perhaps you do not find conspiracies entertaining. Do you believe in remote viewing?

What if one day it turns up that there is actual proof (more than there is now) that the twin towers had a little more help than just the two large jets?

What would you say then?

I do not necessarily believe in UFO's but I believe alot more in some of these conspiracies thank that.

Take it you are not a fan of Art Bell, George Noury or Alex Jones?

Hey I am not trying to sway you over to my side. But is a lot information out there that supports that theory of 911.
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One in three American's Say U.S. Aided in 9/11

Post by anastrophe »

there is is a great deal of "information" out there supporting the conspiracy theories regarding 9/11. however, information is not evidence. there is precious little genuine evidence to support the theories.

any idiot with an internet connection can speculate on the matter, and as a matter of fact, they do - at length. I visited a very somber and serious website that implied that the passengers on flight 93 - the one that crashed in pennsylvania - were all gassed to death, and that the jet was being flown by remote control by the military.

quite a few folks will cite that as "information" pertaining to the conspiracy.

my information tells me that at 7am on the morning of the attacks, president bush was put in the cockpit of a commercial flight simulator, and he himself flew the final moments of all four of the jets, the output from those simulators was fed into the remote control devices, and that was used a few hours later to guide the jets into the twin towers, the pentagon, and the pennsylvania field. bush wanted to "be the one" who actually guided the planes to their destinations - that whole cowboy mentality he has. so in fact the events of that day lead *directly* to george bush. the recorded simulator output is still in existence - it's stored on a harddisk, believe it or not, in a vault in the grand caymans, so that it is outside US jurisdiction should this ever be formally investigated. and of course all the data is 3DES encrypted.
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One in three American's Say U.S. Aided in 9/11

Post by LilacDragon »

While I certainly don't think that the American government had any hand in the actual destruction of that day, I would not be surprised if there were warning signs that were ignored.

I have my own conspiracy theory of the war in Iraq and it has nothing to do with what happened on 9/11. :D

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One in three American's Say U.S. Aided in 9/11

Post by allisonthegreat »

anastrophe wrote: there is is a great deal of "information" out there supporting the conspiracy theories regarding 9/11. however, information is not evidence. there is precious little genuine evidence to support the theories.

any idiot with an internet connection can speculate on the matter, and as a matter of fact, they do - at length. I visited a very somber and serious website that implied that the passengers on flight 93 - the one that crashed in pennsylvania - were all gassed to death, and that the jet was being flown by remote control by the military.

quite a few folks will cite that as "information" pertaining to the conspiracy.

my information tells me that at 7am on the morning of the attacks, president bush was put in the cockpit of a commercial flight simulator, and he himself flew the final moments of all four of the jets, the output from those simulators was fed into the remote control devices, and that was used a few hours later to guide the jets into the twin towers, the pentagon, and the pennsylvania field. bush wanted to "be the one" who actually guided the planes to their destinations - that whole cowboy mentality he has. so in fact the events of that day lead *directly* to george bush. the recorded simulator output is still in existence - it's stored on a harddisk, believe it or not, in a vault in the grand caymans, so that it is outside US jurisdiction should this ever be formally investigated. and of course all the data is 3DES encrypted.
I never heard that one before. however. they did know..the memo was on condi's desk. correct?

i prefer the one about the buildings being wired myself.
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One in three American's Say U.S. Aided in 9/11

Post by allisonthegreat »

LilacDragon wrote: While I certainly don't think that the American government had any hand in the actual destruction of that day, I would not be surprised if there were warning signs that were ignored.

I have my own conspiracy theory of the war in Iraq and it has nothing to do with what happened on 9/11. :D

Yes. The war in Iraq had nothing to do with 911, but tell some of these right winged nut jobs that! They will never thank anything but. That war was and is a tragic waste of human life, and we will never recover from it. Nothing warranted the invasion but Suddam. He could have been taken out with special op's but they wouldn't hear of it.
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One in three American's Say U.S. Aided in 9/11

Post by LilacDragon »

allisonthegreat wrote: Yes. The war in Iraq had nothing to do with 911, but tell some of these right winged nut jobs that! They will never thank anything but. That war was and is a tragic waste of human life, and we will never recover from it. Nothing warranted the invasion but Suddam. He could have been taken out with special op's but they wouldn't hear of it.

He SHOULD have been dealt with the FIRST time we went over.

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One in three American's Say U.S. Aided in 9/11

Post by anastrophe »

LilacDragon wrote: While I certainly don't think that the American government had any hand in the actual destruction of that day, I would not be surprised if there were warning signs that were ignored.

I have my own conspiracy theory of the war in Iraq and it has nothing to do with what happened on 9/11. :D

while you may not think that the US government had a hand in it, a great many people do. in terms of warning signs ignored, the question revolves around the distinction between warnings that were ignored intentionally, or warnings that were ignored due to incompetence.

some of the conspiricists play *both* of those angles, simultaneously, which is frankly laughable to me.
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One in three American's Say U.S. Aided in 9/11

Post by anastrophe »

allisonthegreat wrote: I never heard that one before. however. they did know..the memo was on condi's desk. correct?

i prefer the one about the buildings being wired myself.

they knew that there was a general threat, among tens of thousands that arise in backchatter, suggesting that they were planning on using planes as missiles. that would argue to the incompetence angle, rather than the conspiracy/intentional angle.

the 'evidence' that the buildings were wired is laughable. it's based on jets of smoke seen coming from floors below where the building was collapsing. it completely ignores the fundamental effects of rapid compression of gases.
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One in three American's Say U.S. Aided in 9/11

Post by anastrophe »

allisonthegreat wrote: I never heard that one before.

by the way, if you haven't heard that one before, please be sure to mention it on other boards. i'd like to see just how far and fast a fictional account can spread and be taken as fact.
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One in three American's Say U.S. Aided in 9/11

Post by LilacDragon »

anastrophe wrote: while you may not think tha the US government had a hand in it, a great many people do. in terms of warning signs ignored, the question revolves around the distinction between warnings that were ignored intentionally, or warnings that were ignored due to incompetence.

some of the conspiricists play *both* of those angles, simultaneously, which is frankly laughable to me.

Judging from some other things that have happened here since the current leader came into office - I think incompetence is more likely. But that is nothing more then my own personal opinion.

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One in three American's Say U.S. Aided in 9/11

Post by allisonthegreat »

LilacDragon wrote: He SHOULD have been dealt with the FIRST time we went over.
I wonder why???probably because that would give us an excuse to go back again...who knows what lurks in the mind of "president evil"
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One in three American's Say U.S. Aided in 9/11

Post by LilacDragon »

allisonthegreat wrote: I wonder why???probably because that would give us an excuse to go back again...who knows what lurks in the mind of "president evil"

Kind of makes you wonder about the conversations at the Bush dinner table, doesn't it?

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One in three American's Say U.S. Aided in 9/11

Post by allisonthegreat »

:wah: LilacDragon wrote: Kind of makes you wonder about the conversations at the Bush dinner table, doesn't it?

Bush is crazy..and everyone should realize it...but they don't! Just a bunch of misguided fools...led by a POS president!
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One in three American's Say U.S. Aided in 9/11

Post by allisonthegreat »

anastrophe wrote: by the way, if you haven't heard that one before, please be sure to mention it on other boards. i'd like to see just how far and fast a fictional account can spread and be taken as fact.

Nope not me...even though it is laughable, and I can see him doing just that. Who knows if I get bored enough...
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One in three American's Say U.S. Aided in 9/11

Post by Galbally »

allisonthegreat wrote: No i was not insinuating that the Irish-Britain conflict was a conspiracy. I happen to know it was and is very real.

Perhaps you do not find conspiracies entertaining. Do you believe in remote viewing?

What if one day it turns up that there is actual proof (more than there is now) that the twin towers had a little more help than just the two large jets?

What would you say then?

I do not necessarily believe in UFO's but I believe alot more in some of these conspiracies thank that.

Take it you are not a fan of Art Bell, George Noury or Alex Jones?

Hey I am not trying to sway you over to my side. But is a lot information out there that supports that theory of 911.

I find real mysteries interesting, and of course everyone has a pet ghost story, or maybe even a UFO one, and we all enjoy such ideas as they appeal to us. But I don't really take such things very seriously, not like say, gravity, or the cost of living. There certainly are strange events and occurences and some genuinely bafflinling things in the world, but its been my experience in life that although the world is complex and a little weird on occasion, it runs on predictable laws and that things that seem either impossible, too good to be true, or too strange to be believed usually are percieved like that for a good reason.

In terms of the WTC towers, I have no doubt that the impact of the passanger jets and the resultsing fuel-fires were the cause of the catastrophic failure of both buildings, and that the U.S. government for all its faults is not actively engaged in trying to cause mass destruction in its own urban centers for some vague political objective, no government has ever been so crazy, not even the ones run by crazy people. Think about it, its nuts, it really has to be the most absurd conspiracy theory I've ever heard, and the logic of conspiracy theory is of course that being so absurd then it must be true, but that is of course tautology, which is what conspiracy theories such as this particlular one thrive on. I never said that there were no conspiracies, of course there are, but they are generally pretty prosaic and people aren't interested in them because they are boring and don't fire some people's imagination in the same way that the kind of semi-gothic X-Files type world seems to enchant some people.
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One in three American's Say U.S. Aided in 9/11

Post by Katy1 »

I haven't read this thread in it's entirety but I was just speaking with my husband yesterday about this so I thought I'd comment.

I don't think that it's out of the realms of reality to think that the US 'ignored' the intelligence that may have been put their way about the September the 11th attacks. Pearl Harbour anyone? It's an accepted reality that in times of conflict that leader will 'allow' certain atrocities to happen to strengthen their support, and what could have been better than for Bush to rally the western world around him and gather more political weight than with something so awesome as the destruction of the World Trade Centre? He's even used this attack on the American homeland to somehow justify the invasion and occupation of Iraq through the media!:yh_think

It doesnt take the brains of Einstein to see that if a government concocts and carries out plans so preposterous as to not be comprehensible by the masses, then if confronted by the theory that it was indeed them, it can say 'oh don't be so ridiculous, you must be one of those weird conspiracists, get back in your box'. It's often the most outrageous of actions under the veil of truth and honesty that get looked over, like the much loved vicar who fundraises for the poor with his wife and children that is found out to be the paedophile (who would have thought that!?). It's only a government supported 'theory' that September 11th happened in the way it did, a theory amongst others. It's 'Perceived wisdom' that can whitewash the truth IMO.

I don't necessarily believe this particular conspiracy theory but I think it's a good think to keep the mind open. George Bush doesn't exactly have much of a conscience when it comes from profiteering from widescale tragedy even if he puts a good solemn face on and tries to say the right things. To simply think that this theory is nonsense because it is outrageous, is playing directly into the hands of all major governments who want you to read the world their way.

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One in three American's Say U.S. Aided in 9/11

Post by Adam Zapple »

Katy, I couldn't agree more. In fact, it's part of the whole New World Order, Freemasonry, Skull and Bones cabal of wealthy political operatives who want to take over the world. Remember it all started with George Bush the elder. He was placed in powerful positions for years leading up to his presidency when finally the push for the New World Order truly began. Then Clinton, against all odds, becomes President and again pushes the NWO agenda. He ignored warning signs and allowed the first attack on the WTC. When that failed he allowed the CIA to feed info to Al Queda so that they could continue to destabilize world governments and the status quo. Remember when he refused to bring Osama bin Laden into custody? Wonder why that was? Then there were attacks on the Cole and the Khobar Towers - all preventable yet Clinton refused to act to prevent them. Somalia, Kosovo, Kuwait, it's all part of the plan. Now we have Hilary Clinton who will be installed in the White House to continue the charade and help bring about the NWO. God save us all.
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One in three American's Say U.S. Aided in 9/11

Post by zinkyusa »

There will always be conspiracy theories for major events like 911, Kennedy's assasination etc.. Thye just come out of the woodwork. People can make a lot of money making them up and writing books and articles about them. I don't think there is any real evidence that US government had anything to do with 911 other being a victim like everyone else in the US. You may want to read the official 911 Report is answered a lot of the questions.
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One in three American's Say U.S. Aided in 9/11

Post by LilacDragon »

Here is an interesting little sidenote.

Last night on Leno, he interviewed James Woods. It seems Mr. Woods took a flight from Boston to LA six weeks before 9/11. On his flight were two men of Arab descent who were acting suspiciously. He talked to a flight attendant and they both filed a report with the FAA. The FBI was notified.

In subsequent conversations with FBI officials, Mr. Woods has learned that the men that he identified were on seperate planes that were involved in the WTC attacks AND - several planes that were grounded at the airport in Boston had box cutters taped under some seats. He said that he has learned that the reason nothing was done about his original report of men acting strangly on a flight was, according to the FAA, because they do not use racial profiling.

Now. Mr. Woods is not a politician, does not work for a government agency of any kind, and is already famous. So, I can't see any reason for him to lie.

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One in three American's Say U.S. Aided in 9/11

Post by anastrophe »

old saying: never ascribe to malice that which can be explained by incompetence.
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One in three American's Say U.S. Aided in 9/11

Post by Katy1 »

anastrophe wrote: old saying: never ascribe to malice that which can be explained by incompetence.

You see I think that the whole Bush being a dimwit think is a fallacy. I think it's very convenient to have a front man who comes accross as a bit incompetent, bumbling, not very good with words....ahhh shucks almost makes you warm to this 'everyman' kinda guy don't it? You couldn't possibly have an unassuming bloke that goes to church and stumbles his lines sometimes, allowing thousands of men women and children die in the name of his crusade.

As I have said, it is widely understood that FDR was fully aware of the impending attacks on Pearl Harbour by the Japanese but he needed the outrage and grief of the American people to rally support for troops to fight in Europe. At the time, the mere suggestion that a President of the USA would even contemplate sacrificing citizens of his country for his plans for war would have roused anger, disbelief and cries on unpatriotism of the highest order. What has changed since then? I think that the world has become an even less transparent and more subversive

place, with things like the interests of big business taking a role in what latterly would be political decisions.

And as for 'The war on Terror', what a nonsense, going to war against a noun for god's sake.

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One in three American's Say U.S. Aided in 9/11

Post by zinkyusa »

Katy1 wrote: You see I think that the whole Bush being a dimwit think is a fallacy. I think it's very convenient to have a front man who comes accross as a bit incompetent, bumbling, not very good with words....ahhh shucks almost makes you warm to this 'everyman' kinda guy don't it? You couldn't possibly have an unassuming bloke that goes to church and stumbles his lines sometimes, allowing thousands of men women and children die in the name of his crusade.

As I have said, it is widely understood that FDR was fully aware of the impending attacks on Pearl Harbour by the Japanese but he needed the outrage and grief of the American people to rally support for troops to fight in Europe. At the time, the mere suggestion that a President of the USA would even contemplate sacrificing citizens of his country for his plans for war would have roused anger, disbelief and cries on unpatriotism of the highest order. What has changed since then? I think that the world has become an even less transparent and more subversive

place, with things like the interests of big business taking a role in what latterly would be political decisions.

And as for 'The war on Terror', what a nonsense, going to war against a noun for god's sake.


I don't want to get off thread and will keep this brief. It is not true that FDR was fully aware of an impending Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. We can take it to another thread and discuss if you wish..
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One in three American's Say U.S. Aided in 9/11

Post by LilacDragon »

Oh, no. I really don't think that GW is very bright. I think if he had to match wits with my 8 year old, he would lose.

It is one thing to bumble a word or two in a speech now and then but, for goodness sake - can the man please get through just ONE speech without sounding like he hasn't a clue!?!

But - he (or his family and speech writers anyway) know all the right things to get the "moral majority"vote and I guess that is what really matters.

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One in three American's Say U.S. Aided in 9/11

Post by Katy1 »

zinkyusa wrote: I don't want to get off thread and will keep this brief. It is not true that FDR was fully aware of an impending Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. We can take it to another thread and discuss if you wish..

Hi Zinkyusa,

I said that it is widely understood. Just a bit of between the lines reading and the Freedom of Information Act. For you to state that it is 'not true' is a belief as is mine, as neither you nor I were there. But for the purposes of my argument I believe it was a more likely series of events (and so do many academics and political analysts) given the weight of documentary evidence released that pointed in that direction, and the real need for something to happen to get the US troops on European soils. Or was is just another 'series of mistakes and incompetencies'?. I myself can't 100% say either way, only that it was feasible and there was a clear motive; hence I said 'widely understood' and didn't speak in certainties.

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One in three American's Say U.S. Aided in 9/11

Post by Katy1 »

LilacDragon wrote: Oh, no. I really don't think that GW is very bright. I think if he had to match wits with my 8 year old, he would lose.

It is one thing to bumble a word or two in a speech now and then but, for goodness sake - can the man please get through just ONE speech without sounding like he hasn't a clue!?!

But - he (or his family and speech writers anyway) know all the right things to get the "moral majority"vote and I guess that is what really matters.

Perhaps he is just a puppet then?
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One in three American's Say U.S. Aided in 9/11

Post by zinkyusa »

Katy1 wrote: Hi Zinkyusa,

I said that it is widely understood. Just a bit of between the lines reading and the Freedom of Information Act. For you to state that it is 'not true' is a belief as is mine, as neither you nor I were there. But for the purposes of my argument I believe it was a more likely series of events (and so do many academics and political analysts) given the weight of documentary evidence released that pointed in that direction, and the real need for something to happen to get the US troops on European soils. Or was is just another 'series of mistakes and incompetencies'?. I myself can't 100% say either way, only that it was feasible and there was a clear motive; hence I said 'widely understood' and didn't speak in certainties.


No problem Katy, but I think the evidence (which includes the transcripts of the broken Japanese codes) indicates that FDR knew the Japanese were planning an attack somewhere in the Pacific theater or Asia but did not know where spceifically. This is similar to the sitituation prior to 911 where there were bits and pices which taken in total indicated the possibility of an attack on US using airplanes. No one unfortunatley had access to the total information at that time. This illustrates that is easy, fun and often lucrative to go back in time and imagine conspiracies where there were none.
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One in three American's Say U.S. Aided in 9/11

Post by Katy1 »

zinkyusa wrote: This illustrates that is easy, fun and often lucrative to go back in time and imagine conspiracies where there were none.

And it is also very useful for governments to have people ready and willing to dismiss all but the percieved and ultimately spoon fed 'truths'.

Ooooh, this could go on....and on...... lol.:wah:

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One in three American's Say U.S. Aided in 9/11

Post by zinkyusa »

Katy1 wrote: And it is also very useful for governments to have people ready and willing to dismiss all but the percieved and ultimately spoon fed 'truths'.

Ooooh, this could go on....and on...... lol.:wah:


Hey don't get me wrong, I love a good conspiracy, but there are some people out there who think Elvis isn't dead, the lunar landings never occured and George Bush is an alien (well maybe that one's true)..:wah:
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One in three American's Say U.S. Aided in 9/11

Post by guppy »

zinkyusa wrote: Hey don't get me wrong, I love a good conspiracy, but there are some people out there who think Elvis isn't dead, the lunar landings never occured and George Bush is an alien (well maybe that one's true)..:wah:

zinky, you mean we REALLY have landed on the moon? :p
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One in three American's Say U.S. Aided in 9/11

Post by Adam Zapple »

Bush has a masters degree from Harvard. Stupid people don't get Master's degrees from Harvard. His grades were better than John Kerry's at Harvard and Al Gore's at Yale, whom every lib believes are geniuses. Stupid people also don't get where Bush has gotten in politics or business. Don't be fooled, inarticulate does not mean dumb.
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One in three American's Say U.S. Aided in 9/11

Post by zinkyusa »

guppy wrote: zinky, you mean we REALLY have landed on the moon? :p

Yes guppy, and it really was made of cheez;)
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One in three American's Say U.S. Aided in 9/11

Post by Katy1 »

Adam Zapple wrote: Bush has a masters degree from Harvard. Stupid people don't get Master's degrees from Harvard. His grades were better than John Kerry's at Harvard and Al Gore's at Yale, whom every lib believes are geniuses. Stupid people also don't get where Bush has gotten in politics or business. Don't be fooled, inarticulate does not mean dumb.

Adam Zapple, I like the cut of your jib!

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One in three American's Say U.S. Aided in 9/11

Post by DesignerGal »

Adam Zapple wrote: Bush has a masters degree from Harvard. Stupid people don't get Master's degrees from Harvard. His grades were better than John Kerry's at Harvard and Al Gore's at Yale, whom every lib believes are geniuses. Stupid people also don't get where Bush has gotten in politics or business. Don't be fooled, inarticulate does not mean dumb.

Bush went to YALE and got a Bachelors degree in history in 1968. How hard is history???? Then he got a Masters in Business Administration (again, how hard is this course?) from Harvard Business school in 1975.

edited to add my source:

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One in three American's Say U.S. Aided in 9/11

Post by LilacDragon »

I know plenty of college graduates that may be well beyond me in booksmarts but couldn't fight their way out of a paper bag.

Anybody who knows anything about U.S. history and elected officials knows that it isn't always the best man who wins elections but the most charismatic and having money doesn't hurt either.

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One in three American's Say U.S. Aided in 9/11

Post by Adam Zapple »

DesignerGal wrote: Bush went to YALE and got a Bachelors degree in history in 1968. How hard is history???? Then he got a Masters in Business Administration (again, how hard is this course?) from Harvard Business school in 1975.

edited to add my source:

Yeah, that's what I said, Bush has a Master's from Harvard. I may have got Kerry and Gore backwards but it doesn't really matter. I'm guessing any degree from Yale or Harvard is not easy to obtain. How many people at FG would be accepted at either Harvard or Yale?
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One in three American's Say U.S. Aided in 9/11

Post by Lulu2 »

"How many people at FG would be accepted at either Harvard or Yale?"

+++++++++ It helps a LOT if daddy went there!
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One in three American's Say U.S. Aided in 9/11

Post by Bryn Mawr »

Lulu2 wrote: "How many people at FG would be accepted at either Harvard or Yale?"

+++++++++ It helps a LOT if daddy went there!

Especially if he's worth a bob or two!
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One in three American's Say U.S. Aided in 9/11

Post by Lulu2 »

And has lots of business connections.
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One in three American's Say U.S. Aided in 9/11

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That must explain how Gore got in.
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One in three American's Say U.S. Aided in 9/11

Post by Lulu2 »


Adam has heard this story before but I'll tell it here for the first time.

My friend, Gerri, worked as a broker for a large company in Texas. The owner of the company is an old friend of Bush, Sr. and DUBYA was given a job in the mail room of Gerri's company during the summers when he was in college.

Everyone realized he was stupid. One day Gerri came into her office to find DUBYA sitting in her chair, pretending to be her! He said he wanted to know how it felt to be a broker! (No....he wasn't a five-year old...he was a college student!)

One of the men in the office took pity on DUBYA because he dressed poorly. So the man brought in about a dozen ties and gave them to DUBS, thinking he'd take the hint and dress professionally. HE SOLD ALL BUT ONE and wore the remaining one every day! (When I consider his dismal record concerning protecting the environment, I think he's STILL selling things which aren't really his.)
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One in three American's Say U.S. Aided in 9/11

Post by Katy1 »

Could well just be an imbecile but wouldn't the rest of his associates in the government be aware of that? If so then, he must just be the mouthpiece for others and who knows what their motives are. I'm not a fan of Tony Blair, but at least I know that all his bullshit 'initiatives' for this country come from his desire for control, and obsession with 'pushing forward' with all of his own ideals. You wouldn't find 'Teflon Tony' with an earpiece in, repeating the answers to hot questions. I mean, TB is ultimately accountable for his policies, the party whips will make sure that any rebellions, back bench or otherwise, are quelled by order of the big PM, if you get my drift.

If he is a dullard then and others are running the show then how can they truly be scrutinised for their motives, or be placed accountable to the public? Pretty sinister don't you think, a bunch of political 'advisers' with their own agendas pulling the strings of the most powerful statesman in the world? Perhaps GWB is just a 'fall guy' then...?

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One in three American's Say U.S. Aided in 9/11

Post by zinkyusa »

Did you guys ever see any of the Saturday Night Live skits with Will Farrell playing Bush? They usually have some guy playing Cheney dressed in a white tee shirt hitting the childlike Bush with a newspaper for some slip of tongue to the press..or have him playing in the corner while Al Gore and Katherine Harris argue about the election. Hilarious.
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