Giving up diapers

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Bryn Mawr
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Giving up diapers

Post by Bryn Mawr »

flopstock wrote: I have a friend who adopted a little girl from china a couple of years ago. Sharpest little girl, loves learning new things and has a fear of nothing..except..

mom has tried everything she can imagine to get the girl into big girl pants... nothing seems to work..

she's done:

musical potties, pottie seats, bribery, videos about the subject, you name it, moms tried it.

I told her I knew some folks to ask for here i am..:wah:

Drop the subject completely for a couple of months?

May be too much pressure and a digging in of heals.

Suggesting that her friends will laugh at her if they find out?

Starching the nappies?
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Giving up diapers

Post by chonsigirl »

Well, maybe little girl is getting unsure about this whole potty thing. Take the stress off of her about it.

Give her a week or two off, then start a new technique if the others do not work. Usually, it is timing that works for this. You just put her on at specific times, every day, the same time, etc. Every 2 hours, or what you think it appropriate.

Verbal praise should be enough, no negative comments for lapses. If it is a girl, it was easy for my two. What is her age? If she is 24 months+ then this should work, if under that, she is probably too young to be potty trained, although many can be under 2 years old.
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Giving up diapers

Post by cherandbuster »

tmbsgrl wrote: I like what Chonsi said. How old is the baby? When I potty train kids here at my house I give them tons of praises and rewards!! They love that..

TGirl, do you do day care?

And you have one daughter of your own?
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Giving up diapers

Post by chonsigirl »

Oh, that is tricky then.

I would do the timing schedule, and tell mom to get a good book to read while she waits for results. (don't stay in there for hours, but give her a long time)

She is definitely old enough to be potty trained. But, children do have their own mind about things.

I am being specific now-put her on after breakfast. 20-30 minutes after she eats.

Once mid-morning-about 9-10. Again after lunch, etc.

I would just keep doing it until she knows she is going to be there, whether she has already wet ot not.

I can see all the men avoiding this thread now...............:wah:
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Giving up diapers

Post by Mystery »

Boy is this a subject I can relate to right now. My son is in the process of potty training as we speak, and while he started out flawlessly, and did wonderfully, he's started having minor setbacks and more frequent accidents lately. He even has those times when he erm, "poo poo's" in his undies on purpose (twice he's smeared it...UGH). THe key for me is total patience. He gets clapping and singing and the potty dance, and "Oh my look at momma's big boy" and on and on and on when he's successful, which is most of the time, and then when he fails, it's oh well, better luck next time, and basically assuring him that it's not the end of the world and that mistakes and accidents happen, but whew, it's a roller coaster ride!

Now, more on the actual topic, as I"ve basically vented my own LOL, I remember when my son first started a few months ago, reading as much on potty training as I could find, and one thing that stuck with me is that the average age goes all the way up to 4. It depends on the individual child, and when they're ready for it. Another suggestion was that the child needs to have periods of at least 2 hours between potty times (i.e. can keep a dry diaper for that long consistentlY).
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Giving up diapers

Post by Betty Boop »

I personally would say back off and leave it for a couple of months.

My ex was a great one for putting pressure on me that a child should be dry at such and such an age. I disagree, a child will be dry when they are ready to be.

I tried four times with my little girl, each time after a week of repeated wetting I gave up for a couple of months before trying again, at the fourth attempt she actually instigated it, wanted to wear big girls pants like her friends, no accidents at all.
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Giving up diapers

Post by cherandbuster »

tmbsgrl wrote: Yeah i have daycare in my house.. I have done it for about 8 years now.. on and off of course. I do have a daughter she is 5 gonna be 6 in December.

Oh that's really nice TGirl

You must have infinite patience

That's a great quality in a person:-6
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Giving up diapers

Post by sunny104 »

all great points! I'm between potty training right now with a 2 and 5 year old. :D

being able to stay dry is a definitely a sign that they're little bodies are ready, like my 2 year old now always wakes up in the morning with a dry diaper so I know he'll be ready soon.

the other great tip I heard before we potty trained our oldest was to do away with diapers/pull ups completely when you go for it. Then they know their only choice is to go in the potty or make a mess. That worked with our daughter.
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Giving up diapers

Post by abbey »

I remember when my little sister was being potty trained, she went behind the settee and poo'd in an egg cup. :-2
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Giving up diapers

Post by valerie »

flopstock wrote: I have a friend who adopted a little girl from china a couple of years ago. Sharpest little girl, loves learning new things and has a fear of nothing..except..

mom has tried everything she can imagine to get the girl into big girl pants... nothing seems to work..

she's done:

musical potties, pottie seats, bribery, videos about the subject, you name it, moms tried it.

I told her I knew some folks to ask for here i am..:wah:

What kind of bribery? I'd try stickers and vigilance if it was me...

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Giving up diapers

Post by Lizard Lips »

My 10 year old son was 3yrs & 9 months old before he could be declared officially "potty trained." It was the most stressful time I've had to date with him. We finally did away with the Pull-ups & made him wear big boy underwear. He finally conceded in about 1 week after that! There were the occasional accidents & he wouldn't wipe his own butt until he was 6. He also didn't like to flush the toilet. I think he was scared of it!
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Giving up diapers

Post by HelloGal »

For now she could try pull-ups and then take her potty if its the diaper she is comfortable with at least pull-ups have a option of going potty still. I would not force the issue things will get worse so just put on pull-ups and leave it at that. Then after a month or so then introduce the idea again showing her how she can go potty and actually taking her in their sitting down and singing songs, playing with toys or reading books do that every two hours and she should be good. I think it would not hurt to rule out medical reasons before you do anything I would take her to the doctor and make sure she is not constipated or something like that kids with constipation are later to train couse they get the idea that when thy go it hurts. Also potty training itself can lead to that couse its a control issue. Your doctor can explain that more but its so true.;) I would recomend doing pull-ups at least and then go to the doctor for peace of mind first.
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Bill Sikes
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Giving up diapers

Post by Bill Sikes »

flopstock wrote:

I told her I knew some folks to ask for here i am..

Don't keep on and on about using the pot, a month without trying to get her

to use it may help.

Let the child watch parents on the loo (talk about something else, though, while

"going through the motions".

Get a couple of pots, in different colours.

Ensure the pots are comfortable and very stable, the tiny bowl type are IMO/E

useless, the "chair-type" ones with removable pot:

are much better (but beware of pinching). Any bad experience is very counter-


Leave the pots around the house somewhere "convenient", for play or anything


Buy this book, you can probably get it in the 'states:

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