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Post by LilacDragon »

tmbsgrl wrote: Come on Post what it says about you!!!:rolleyes:

Hmmmm, that would mean you would know how ooooolllllllllddddd I am!

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Age Gauge

Post by snuggs »

You said your birthday is 5 / 15 / 1973

which means you are 32 years old and about:

56 years 6 months younger than Walter Cronkite, age 89

51 years 10 months younger than Nancy Reagan, age 84

48 years 11 months younger than George Herbert Bush, age 81

41 years 8 months younger than Barbara Walters, age 74

39 years 6 months younger than Larry King, age 72

33 years 3 months younger than Ted Koppel, age 66

29 years 10 months younger than Geraldo Rivera, age 62

26 years 10 months younger than George W. Bush, age 59

21 years 10 months younger than Jesse Ventura, age 54

17 years 7 months younger than Bill Gates, age 50

12 years 9 months younger than Cal Ripken Jr., age 45

6 years 11 months younger than Mike Tyson, age 39

2 years 10 months younger than Jennifer Lopez, age 35

2 years 7 months older than Tiger Woods, age 30

9 years 1 month older than Prince William, age 23

and that you were:

28 years old at the time of the 9-11 attack on America

26 years old on the first day of Y2K

24 years old when Princess Diana was killed in a car crash

21 years old at the time of Oklahoma City bombing

21 years old when O. J. Simpson was charged with murder

19 years old at the time of the 93 bombing of the World Trade Center

17 years old when Operation Desert Storm began

16 years old during the fall of the Berlin Wall

12 years old when the space shuttle Challenger exploded

10 years old when Apple introduced the Macintosh

10 years old during Sally Ride's travel in space

7 years old when Pres. Reagan was shot by John Hinckley, Jr.

6 years old at the time the Iran hostage crisis began

3 years old on the U.S.'s bicentennial Fourth of July

a 1 year old when President Nixon left office

cool am goin to pass this one else where

cheers :wah:
Posts: 61
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Age Gauge

Post by snuggs »

skittles2004 wrote: You said your birthday is 3 / 5 / 1990

which means you are 15 years old and about:

73 years 4 months younger than Walter Cronkite, age 89

68 years 8 months younger than Nancy Reagan, age 84

65 years 9 months younger than George Herbert Bush, age 81

58 years 5 months younger than Barbara Walters, age 74

56 years 4 months younger than Larry King, age 72

50 years 1 month younger than Ted Koppel, age 66

46 years 8 months younger than Geraldo Rivera, age 62

43 years 8 months younger than George W. Bush, age 59

38 years 8 months younger than Jesse Ventura, age 54

34 years 4 months younger than Bill Gates, age 50

29 years 6 months younger than Cal Ripken Jr., age 45

23 years 8 months younger than Mike Tyson, age 39

19 years 7 months younger than Jennifer Lopez, age 35

14 years 2 months younger than Tiger Woods, age 30

7 years 8 months younger than Prince William, age 23

and that you were:

11 years old at the time of the 9-11 attack on America

9 years old on the first day of Y2K

7 years old when Princess Diana was killed in a car crash

5 years old at the time of Oklahoma City bombing

4 years old when O. J. Simpson was charged with murder

2 years old at the time of the 93 bombing of the World Trade Center

not yet 1 year old when Operation Desert Storm began

aww cool urs is the same as my sons :wah: :wah:
Posts: 133
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Age Gauge

Post by Astra »

LilacDragon wrote: Hmmmm, that would mean you would know how ooooolllllllllddddd I am!

LOL!! I agree!! But I will if you I bet I'm a lot older than you!!!
Posts: 133
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Age Gauge

Post by Astra »

tmbsgrl wrote: It already say how old everyone is in their profiles! & on the calender so whats the harm!

Oh that made me larf!!! Was I really stupid enough to put my DOB in when I joined?? As you say...where's the harm now the gaffe is blown!!!
Posts: 133
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Age Gauge

Post by Astra »

You said your birthday is 18 / 6 / 1945

which means you are 59 years old and about:

29 years 7 months younger than Walter Cronkite, age 89

24 years 11 months younger than Nancy Reagan, age 84

22 years 0 months younger than George Herbert Bush, age 81

14 years 8 months younger than Barbara Walters, age 74

12 years 7 months younger than Larry King, age 72

6 years 4 months younger than Ted Koppel, age 66

2 years 11 months younger than Geraldo Rivera, age 62

0 years 1 month older than George W. Bush, age 59

5 years 1 month older than Jesse Ventura, age 54

9 years 5 months older than Bill Gates, age 50

14 years 3 months older than Cal Ripken Jr., age 45

20 years 1 month older than Mike Tyson, age 39

24 years 2 months older than Jennifer Lopez, age 35

29 years 7 months older than Tiger Woods, age 30

36 years 0 months older than Prince William, age 23

and that you were:

55 years old at the time of the 9-11 attack on America

53 years old on the first day of Y2K

51 years old when Princess Diana was killed in a car crash

48 years old at the time of Oklahoma City bombing

48 years old when O. J. Simpson was charged with murder

46 years old at the time of the 93 bombing of the World Trade Center

44 years old when Operation Desert Storm began

43 years old during the fall of the Berlin Wall

39 years old when the space shuttle Challenger exploded

37 years old when Apple introduced the Macintosh

37 years old during Sally Ride's travel in space

34 years old when Pres. Reagan was shot by John Hinckley, Jr.

33 years old at the time the Iran hostage crisis began

30 years old on the U.S.'s bicentennial Fourth of July

28 years old when President Nixon left office

25 years old when Alabama Gov. George C. Wallace was shot

23 years old at the time the first man stepped on the moon

21 years old when Martin Luther King Jr was assassinated

19 years old during the Watts riot

17 years old at the time President Kennedy was assassinated

13 years old when Hawaii was admitted as 50th of the United States

11 years old when the Soviet satellite Sputnik 1 was launched

7 years old at the end of the Korean War

Yikes!! Is that scarey or what???
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Post by chonsigirl »

That is cool, and I remember most of the things that popped up!
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Age Gauge

Post by nvalleyvee »

Dang - my kitty kitty is 12 years old. We got her from the pound around the time OJ was aquitted - we named her OJ because she is an orange tabby and got out of the pound without facing the death penalty.

Like Chonsi - I remember 98% of it too.
The growth of knowledge depends entirely on disagreement..........Karl R. Popper
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Age Gauge

Post by chrisb84uk »

You said your birthday is 1 / 26 / 1984

which means you are 22 years old and about:

67 years 3 months younger than Walter Cronkite, age 89

62 years 7 months younger than Nancy Reagan, age 84

59 years 7 months younger than George Herbert Bush, age 81

52 years 4 months younger than Barbara Walters, age 74

50 years 2 months younger than Larry King, age 72

44 years 0 months younger than Ted Koppel, age 66

40 years 7 months younger than Geraldo Rivera, age 62

37 years 7 months younger than George W. Bush, age 59

32 years 6 months younger than Jesse Ventura, age 54

28 years 3 months younger than Bill Gates, age 50

23 years 5 months younger than Cal Ripken Jr., age 45

17 years 7 months younger than Mike Tyson, age 39

13 years 6 months younger than Jennifer Lopez, age 35

8 years 1 month younger than Tiger Woods, age 30

1 year 7 months younger than Prince William, age 23

and that you were:

17 years old at the time of the 9-11 attack on America

15 years old on the first day of Y2K

13 years old when Princess Diana was killed in a car crash

11 years old at the time of Oklahoma City bombing

10 years old when O. J. Simpson was charged with murder

9 years old at the time of the 93 bombing of the World Trade Center

6 years old when Operation Desert Storm began

5 years old during the fall of the Berlin Wall

2 years old when the space shuttle Challenger exploded
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