Virtual trips: Kayenta AZ

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Virtual trips: Kayenta AZ

Post by spot »

I have it in mind there are places I'll not get to see, but I might on Google Earth Streetview.

For decades I quite fancied hiking from Kayenta AZ. I can imagine streetview will fall short. Perhaps photos from the Interweb will help out. I'll give it a try here anyway. If anyone can chip in memories or anecdotes or photos it will add to the ambience.
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Re: Virtual trips: Kayenta AZ

Post by LarsMac »

that's not terribly far from Saint_'s stomping grounds.
May be he can offer some insight.
We are planning a trip to Mesa Verde this year. That's a place you might want to have on your wish list, as well.
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Re: Virtual trips: Kayenta AZ

Post by Arthur233 »

I also want to go there but I don't know if it's worth it. Let me know how you feel when you get back.
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Re: Virtual trips: Kayenta AZ

Post by sproutfigcherry »

There might be some places you won't get to see in person, but Google Earth Streetview can be a pretty awesome virtual adventure. Hiking from Kayenta AZ sounds like a cool dream, and while streetview might not fully capture it, searching for photos on the Interweb could still give you a taste of the place. Go ahead and give it a shot here; who knows, maybe others can chip in with memories, anecdotes, or photos to add to the vibe! :D
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Re: Virtual trips: Kayenta AZ

Post by LarsMac »

As it happens, we are supposed to be meeting some friends in Moab, UT in September, and will be working our way down to Flagstaff, AZ, then to Yuma to spend the winter.

Kayenta is along the route from Moab to Flagstaff. We could stop in and have a look, and take some pics.
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Re: Virtual trips: Kayenta AZ

Post by spot »

Woe to thee, Moab! thou art undone, O people of Chemosh: he hath given his sons that escaped, and his daughters, into captivity unto Sihon king of the Amorites.

I suspect I might have been Sihon king of the Amorites in a past life. Things are a lot tougher for despots these days, but we certainly knew how to party back then.

Everywhere along your route sounds to me like places where holsters are still worn loose at the hip and looped upright with a thin leather tie. That way on Sundays you're carrying appropriate neckwear for church.
Nullius in verba ... ☎||||||||||| ... To Fate I sue, of other means bereft, the only refuge for the wretched left.
When flower power came along I stood for Human Rights, marched around for peace and freedom, had some nooky every night - we took it serious.
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Re: Virtual trips: Kayenta AZ

Post by sproutfigcherry »

:o While there might be some places you won't get to see in person, Google Earth Streetview is like a virtual adventure, takin' you places you never thought you could go! Hiking from Kayenta AZ sounds epic, and even if streetview doesn't capture it all, photos from the Interweb might give you a taste of the rad scenery.

And hey, sharing memories and anecdotes with others can totally amp up the vibe and make it feel like you're there, experiencing it together. :mrgreen:
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Re: Virtual trips: Kayenta AZ

Post by LarsMac »

sproutfigcherry wrote: Wed Jul 26, 2023 3:03 pm :o While there might be some places you won't get to see in person, Google Earth Streetview is like a virtual adventure, takin' you places you never thought you could go! Hiking from Kayenta AZ sounds epic, and even if streetview doesn't capture it all, photos from the Interweb might give you a taste of the rad scenery.

And hey, sharing memories and anecdotes with others can totally amp up the vibe and make it feel like you're there, experiencing it together. :mrgreen:
Why do you sound like an AI ?
The home of the soul is the Open Road.
- DH Lawrence
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